#idk man maybe kindness and love are the essence of humans and not cruelty
missabnormal · 5 months
Not to hammer on this too much, but no movie/book/TV series/etc. has impacted as La sociedad de la nieve has. It might be because of my own struggles with mental illness, especially the feelings related to abandonment, loneliness, hopelessness, etc., and because every movie about a horrifying disaster devolves into people killing each other for whatever reason, and also maybe that stories about people coming together and loving each other so much are mostly fictional, but it's like my brain and heart have partly broken down a wall that was blocking their view of the real world. One single movie and the two books that I have read wont single-handedly make my life better, but damn did they give me a necessary kick in the ass.
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katherineshep · 6 years
I was tagged by @voidslantern , thank you, dear! 😘
Three Fandoms:
1. Mass Effect
2. Doctor Who
3. Assassin’s Creed
The First Character You Loved:
1. Garrus Vakarian. Love from a first talk.
2. Ninth Doctor in the episode "Dalek"
3. Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
1. Miranda Lawson. Her story and the choices she makes, and also her strength amaze me.
2. Rose Tyler. I can't say I disliked her, no, but at first I had nothing to grip at in her. Then, in time, her kind heart and adventurous soul have shown themselves, and I fell in love with her. She is my favourite Doctor Who companion of all the newschool DW.
3. Ezio Auditore. His path was laid in darkness and had so many mistakes, but up to his last journey he found the essence of the Creed and walked a way of assassin leader. I respect him greatly for this.
The Character You Relate To The Most:
1. I wish it was Shepard, but no, there's so much to learn for me to be at least partly like Shepard... The most of me is in Garrus Vakarian: "So many things in my life went wrong", we have similar life principles, we both were betrayed in our lives, we both hope to do some good in this life despite how hard it is, we both have rebellion souls, we both wish there was more justice in this life.
2. The Doctor. Ninth particularly. I've had my hard times, I've got a hole in my chest just like he has. I wish it took some Rose Tyler to heal that hole, but I don't know. Maybe in real life those holes aren't healed with people.
3. Guess there isn't a character in AC that I can relate.
The Character You’d Slap:
1. Kaidan. Horizon mission. Please, man, just listen to Shepard, trust her as you did before!
2. Of RTD era? Martha Jones. Okay, I can understand that love not always comes in convenient time and not always with the right people, but goddamit, Doctor has just lost the one he loved and who he died for once, could you pleeease be more careful about Doctor's feelings?
And of Moffat era - Clara. There are lots of things I'd slap her for, but the moment when she has thrown the keys into lava, she died for me. I don't care that Doctor cares about her so much to forgive her for that. I love him. And I don't let anyone hurt the ones I love. Clara almost left Doctor without his life and his home. She demanded him to rewrite the timelines which is the worst thing to do as there's a danger of paradoxes (the fact that after that time Doctor messed with time freely is BAD WRITING). There's no excuse for treating Doctor with such a cruelty. He deserved for a better companion and friend.
3. Connor Kenway. For Haytham. For hot-headedly made decisions.
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
1. Shepard, Garrus, Liara
2. Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor
3. Ezio Auditore, Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad, Haytham Kenway
A Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Anymore:
1. Tali. Idk why, maybe there's something to do with Freedom's Progress meeting. Shepard not only needed help of an experienced soldier - she needed a friend (though she'd never admit that), a person she could trust. Tali wasn't there for her. I understand why, but I do not accept it - because my heart hurt for Shepard then.
2. There isn't such a character in all RTD era. I never liked any of Moffat's companions. Something about writing.
3. Connor.
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
1. Miranda Lawson. She pissed me off so much at my first ME walkthrough! But then, in time, when we spoke enough and it became clear why she seems so uppity at the meeting, I understood why she has such an attitude. And due to her decisions in ME2 I knew what person she really is, so she earned my respect and love.
And Jack. She's amazing. Of course she behaves in ME2 like a cutthroat bitch, but well, there were reasons for that and she worked much on becoming more like normal human.
2. Martha Jones. She's good. I don't like her much, but she made great things and sacrificed much for tge Doctor.
3. Ezio Auditore. His path of bloodshed and anarchy in AC2 was pointless. But in ACB he becomes a clever leader and in ACR he finally learns what the Creed is really about. That's where, in the last game, he earns my love.
Three OTPs:
1. FemShep/Garrus Vakarian (I don't know how I lived without this beautiful pairing!!!), Liara/Javik (from her side at first, then mutual, lol), Joker/EDI
2. Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Thirteenth Doctor/Rose Tyler (I don't give a damn that it's almost impossible, it just has happened inside my head and I can't stop this train anymore, lol)
3. Altaïr/Maria, Ezio/Sofia, Desmond/Lucy
I'm tagging: @shepurdvakarian, @tarysande, @illusivesoul
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