#idk man. it feels to me like a generic disney movie with a romance subplot (if you can call it that) tacked on so ppl would talk about it
deanpinterester · 2 years
feeling very mixed about this whole str/ange wo/rld debacle because i just saw the movie and it's not very good and the character in question is otherwise very shallow and bland and is supposed to be the main character but is definitely not treated like one by the narrative itself so it's hard to feel the need to go to bat for this movie the way everyone else here seems to be BUT it's also shitty that there are Certain People whose names may rhyme with jen rapiro trying to blame the failure of this movie sheerly on its inclusion of a gay character because it's too ~woke~ or whatever those geezers are saying BUT i sincerely doubt these people are the reason nobody wants to see this movie because 1) these people will cause outrage over ANYTHING and it mostly has no bearing on the general moviegoing populus 2) it's not a good movie BUT disney's lack of marketing for it is still quite suspect since we Know they're not above hardcore marketing for mediocre movies (see: lightyear being Way Worse than strange world but having Way more marketing) BUT that might be chalked up to the fact lightyear is a known IP and strange world isn't BUT it's still shitty they would play favourites like that and continue their time old tradition of favouring preexisting IP over new ideas because #MONEY but in the end i just HATE THAT we have to make such a big deal out of this because this movie isn't good and i hate that it's come to this point where we're pre-judging movies based on metrics such as IS THERE A GAY CHARACTER while completely ignoring other very important facts such as THE MOVIE ISN'T GOOD and it's VERY CONFUSED ABOUT WHAT IT'S TRYING TO SAY and it CAN'T EVEN DECIDE WHO ITS MAIN CHARACTER(S) IS/ARE leading to a VERY GENERIC MOVIE where there's a twist villain at the end because 99% of disney movies Have to be on the same formula now
there's GOTTA be a way we can talk about the fucked up film industry and its insidious homophobia without us acting like the movie they're suppressing is some secret masterpiece that everyone needs to go watch stat. it's JUST. SO FRUSTRATING
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