#idk remember him in the bathtub?? imagine riding him while he's like that??
oh-katsuki · 1 year
hiraguma has pillow princess tendencies i think. he's so monotone, so tired, doesn't have the energy to expend but still wants you so bad. i feel like he's really good at taking it. likes you on top.. maybe in the bath. he likes the way the water gets cold the longer you fuck for.
think he likes when you ride with a shirt on, panties pulled to the side. he holds em there, pinning them to the inside of your thigh, but just let's you fuck him. i feel like he likes the way his hands look when they slip under the fabric of your shirt. the way it pools at his wrists when he reaches up to grab your tits.
i feel like he likes getting head a little too much, especially when he's fully dressed in his work suit. likes it on the couch in front of the window where there's a slim chance of being seen. think that whenever you start, he rolls his head back and looks at the ceiling for a while, kinda like he's teasing himself to not look at you. puts his hand on the back of your head but doesn't push or do much work, just kinda moves with you. n when he comes, his thighs tense up and you can see the way the muscles in his neck protrude a little n he makes quiet little grunts before falling limp against the cushions and brushing your hair from your forehead or the spit from your lips with a tired hand.
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ayoitsnic · 3 years
Crowley x Reader x Lucifer
Part 1
*Based loosely around 12x15 but Ramsey kills Gwen and gets away
Word Count: 2.6k
Trigger Warnings: Injured animal? Idk? If you think something should be added to the TW list drop a comment or DM me
Summary: Humans aren’t supposed to see hellhounds, so what happens when y/n finds an injured hellhound and brings it home to care for? 
*Disclaimer* Lucifer will be introduced in the 2nd part which should be up by Saturday 4/3/2021
It was almost midnight when y/n got off of work. She was exhausted after her shift at Regional West Medical Center in Nebraska. As she trudged through the parking lot to her old, beat up 2002 Suzuki she couldn’t help but feel eyes on her, like something was watching her from out in the darkness. Fumbling with her keys she turned to unlock the driver’s side car door (The remote to unlock the door was broken. The car could only be opened with the actual key.), only to freeze in place when she felt the hot breath and heard the heavy breathing of some sort of animal behind her. “Dear god, please let it be my overactive imagination.” she prayed silently, knowing it was no use. Whatever stood behind her was very much real.
Very slowly she turned to face whatever it was that was sniffing her, her keys moving between her middle and ring finger in case she needed to defend herself. Instead of being met with what she thought for sure would be a small bear or a rabid coyote, she was met with a very large dog. A very large dog that looked like it had been through absolute hell. Its fur was matted and caked with dried mud and dirt, and it was covered with cuts and what she naturally assumed was its own blood. It was hard to tell through the thick, matted fur but it also looked very underweight. “Oh you poor baby….” Y/n’s heart melted upon seeing the creature.
Obviously the dog had been out on its own for a very long time. Y/N took pity on it. It seemed so sad, and it didn’t appear rabid or vicious. It looked like it just wanted help. Reluctantly she reached down to check for a collar. There was a collar but it was in a foreign language. One she’d never seen before. Unlocking the back of the car she coaxed the dog in with some leftover food she had from her lunch break. She knew the poor thing must be starving. Being hurt it took a little help getting in. Little did she know how dangerous that dog really was or that there was a man out right now searching for it.
The K-9, which y/n decided to call (Dog’s name) had fallen asleep on the car ride home, snoring softly over the radio that was playing some Green Day song. Pulling into the driveway, (Y/N) stopped the car and turned off the radio. Almost on queue (dog’s name) looked up to see where they were. A light was on outside, illuminating a large porch (Which could probably use a new paint job, if we’re being honest) with 2 rocking chairs, a small table and a plethora of healthy, brightly colored plants. She picked up the injured dog and carried it inside, planning on taking it to the vet in the morning to see if it was microchipped.
She was going to let the dog sleep in the basement for the night, unsure if it would destroy the house or not. She remembered her aunt’s German Shepherd who took pleasure in tearing up sofas, and eating her plants. The dog also really needed a bath and she didn’t want it on the furniture until it got one. Unfortunately around 3:30 am, y/n felt a dip in the bed and then something making itself comfy by her feet. Looking over, she found the dog curled up in bed with her. Way too tired to deal with it now, and knowing she had to wash the sheets anyway she just fell back asleep let the dog stay with her so long as it stayed at the foot of the bed.
The next morning, Y/N got up early to go to the pet store and get stuff for the dog. She called up the local vet, making an appointment, she washed the sheets, and most importantly she began trying to wash (Dog’s name). At first the dog resisted, wanting absolutely nothing to do with the water. Y/N knew exactly how to deal with this though. Placing a glob of peanut butter on the side of the tub to keep the dog preoccupied, (Dog’s name) happily entered the bathtub. A trick y/n had learned from that aunt with the poorly behaved German Shepherd. By the time y/n was done with the dog she’d had to drain and refill the tub 3 times before she gave up and kept it drained, just using the shower head. She couldn’t believe how much blood and dirt had come off this dog.
Around 2pm the doorbell rang and this dog who was once so sweet, albeit a bit skittish turned into an absolute beast. Running to the door, loud deep barks and growls left it. The dog seemed ready to tear the stranger on the other side of the door to shreds. It was almost like it had turned into a completely different dog. “(Dog’s name)!!!” Y/n shouted as she raced down the stairs after it, hoping to get to the door before the dog did. “NO!!!” She yelled. Even hurt and underweight, (Dog’s name) was really big. If it wanted to break that door, it probably could. Without thinking, Y/n quickly grabbed the dog by the collar to stop it. “I said no!” She told her firmly with a pointed finger. The dog whined, tail between its legs as it hurried back up the stairs to the bedroom to do that thing dogs do when they roll around on the rug to dry themselves.
The front door had a glass window looking out so y/n could see the stranger. He was short, and wore a nice suit. He seemed only slightly concerned about the interaction. The man didn’t even flinch as the massive hound lunged itself at him. It seemed like this was a normal day for him. Actually, he seemed more unnerved after she called the dog off. Opening the door, y/n apologized profusely for the dog “I am so sorry about the dog! I-” Before she could continue, the man squinted at her, clearly confused about something. “What are you?” He questioned in an English accent.
“Hellhounds? Really?” She questioned with a quirked eyebrow and a small grin, crossing her arms and constantly turning to keep facing the man. It was obvious she didn’t believe him.
Obviously his question confused y/n as she gave him a look of confusion back “What do you mean ’what are you?’” She stepped out onto the porch, closing the door behind her “I'm human”
“Yes, really.” The man continued, as serious as a heart attack “You especially shouldn’t be able to control that bitch. I’ve only ever known one person to be able to control Ramsey and you and not that person.”
“Oh really? And who might that person be then?” Y/n asked, beginning to think this was some elaborate prank being played on her by a friend or coworker.
Remembering what the demon said about her being able to control the hound, y/n gave it a shot. Raising a hand she firmly commanded “Ramsey stay.” Not only did the dog stop dead in her tracks, she laid down and waited for further orders. Now most people would be a little freaked out by this; finding a hellhound that they didn't know was a hellhound, and now being visited by a demon sent to collect said hound. Y/n however wasn’t afraid. Actually she kind of got a Déjà vu feeling at this.
“No you can’t be. Humans can’t see hellhounds, much less control them.” Normally Crowley would just collect the demonic hound and leave, with humans being none the wiser that the rogue canine was even there, but not only did this woman know the hellhound was there, she was taking pretty good care of it. Even stranger, the dog was letting her care for it. There was something different about this woman, something special. He just wasn’t sure what it was yet. Crowley circled y/n, inspecting her. He was trying to find any indication of her not being human.
“Lucifer.” Crowley responded
At that, y/n was done. “Look pal, I don’t know what kind of kool-aid you’re drinking but I’m not buying it. Now’s the part where I tell you to get off my property.” she turned to go back inside, closing and locking the door behind her. As she turned to head upstairs though, Crowley was standing right behind her, his eyes red. She let out a screech, jumping as far back as she could (Which wasn’t far as the door was right behind her). Again, the dog that the demon in front of her called ‘Ramsey’ came running to her defense.
“The name’s Crowley. King of hell.” He introduced himself “May I ask who you are?”
“Y/n y/l/n.” she responded before telling him “Queen of this house.” This was crazy. Y/n was standing in her entryway conversing with a demon king. “Could I offer you tea ‘your highness’? Maybe Coffee?" she asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she addressed Crowley as 'your highness' She wasn’t gonna hand over the dog so easily, and something told her the demon wouldn’t be leaving without Ramsey.
“.....Who are you?” Y/n asked the man
Y/n and Crowley sat in her kitchen, sipping tea and chatting. “Why aren’t you afraid of me?” The demon who sat across from y/n questioned “Most people would run, or beg for mercy if a demon showed up at their doorstep. Not invite them in for a drink.”
If it weren’t for the fact that y/n could sick Cujo on him at any moment, Crowley wouldn’t be being so patient with her. He wouldn’t be trying to convince her to send the dog to her death. “I’m sorry but I can’t let you take that dog back.” Y/n told Crowley. For some reason she felt bonded to that dog, with the overwhelming need to protect her.
“I’m afraid I must insist. She’s dangerous and unpredictable. It’s for the best that she be put down. She’s killed a lot of people who weren’t on hell’s hit list while she was topside.” Crowley explained “A pup like that out and about isn't good for business. It makes it look like I’m not in control.”
“Do you want me to beg for mercy?” Y/n asked with a smirk and a small, dry chuckle. “Sorry but you’re not very scary so forgive me if I’m quaking in my shoes.” She would never be seen begging for mercy. Not in a million years.
“I thought you were the king down there.” Y/n questioned “A king answers to no one. You could turn, walk right out that front door, and pretend she vanished. That you weren't able to find her. Or you could go back and tell your people she attacked you and you killed her. Besides, you’re a demon. You don’t really care about the people she’s killed, do you?” Y/n definitely cared and felt bad, she just didn’t believe Crowley did.
“The Winchester’s. They hunt monsters. Vampire’s, werewolves, demonkind, et cetera.” Crowley explained “They’re ruthless, and if they find out that dog is here they will show up and kill her. Painfully. If you hand her over I promise her death will be a painless and merciful one.” Of course he would make the boys sound worse than they were. In reality they’d kill it as quick as possible if they could. He’d say anything to get her to give up Ramsey. 
“Of course I don’t, but some hunters I know care a lot about the people that were killed. If I don’t collect this dog, they’ll come and collect her for me and they’ll be far less inclined to sit and chat over hot beverages.” Crowley explained
“Tell me about these hunters.” Y/n asked, genuinely interested. "I assume you're not referring to people who shoot buck in their free time."
“Let them come.” Y/n spoke after quietly mulling over what was just told to her. Whether she was underestimating these hunters or just didn’t believe what Crowley was telling her he was unsure. “She may be in a weakened state now but she’ll get better. She’ll get stronger and when she does I’ll be the only one who can stop her. If they show up, I’ll be ready and they’ll have to go through me. When they get through me, she’ll be ready for them too.”
“Y/n I know you think-” Y/n cut off the demon king, her patience wearing thin. She had all the leverage she needed in this situation and she knew it “You said I was the only one who could control her. Now I don’t know how or why that is, but that means there’s nothing stopping me from sicking the dog on you. If she really is as vicious and dangerous as you claim she is, I would be afraid of the one person who can send her after you. I’m telling you to walk away. I’m giving you an out. I strongly suggest you take it.”
Thinking about it later though, she was actually kind of sexy. She knew she held the power and the leverage in that situation and she knew how to use it. Not only that but she was bold enough to try and intimidate not just any king, but the King of Hell. And she didn’t need to raise her voice once while doing it. She was clearly a strong, intelligent, woman. He liked that.
After he was gone, y/n was in fact a little freaked out. If there was a hell that meant there was a heaven. Would she be going to hell just for harboring this animal? And better question; how do you even properly care for a hellhound? She imagined it would be a lot different from taking care of your average, run of the mill Pitbull.
Crowley stood his ground, calling her bluff. He didn’t believe she would actually do it. “Ramsey!” Y/n called “Ramsey c’mere girl!” she whistled as the Hellhound came barreling from upstairs “Ramsey, hurry up! Go get him! Get the demon!” Y/n told Ramsey in the same sickeningly sweet baby voice most humans use to talk to animals they find cute. Before she could get to him though, Crowley had disappeared into thin air.
After hours spent searching on the internet y/n got her first lead. Okay so it wasn’t really a lead. It was more of an idea. It’s not like she could just log onto wikipedia and pull up a page on 'How to take care of a Hellhound'. She did however find instructions for summoning and trapping a crossroads demon. She didn’t realize there were different types of demons but to her, a crossroads demon was still a demon so good enough right?
Late that night y/n put Ramsey in the car with her and drove to the nearest crossroads. Spray painting a ‘devils trap’ in the road she buried a box in the center. It contained a photo of her, some graveyard dirt, and the bone of a black cat. No, she didn’t go out and kill a cat. She was able to get that from a wiccan shop on the outskirts of town.
After burying the box, she stood and read the incantation she had written on a scrap of paper “Daemon, esto subjecto voluntati meae!” She waited a moment and when nothing happened she thought she might've gotten a word wrong. That was until she heard a woman speak behind her “What can I do for you tonight?”
Jumping a bit she turned to face the demon. “I just need some information.”
.....To be continued....
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
Henry has a lot of inner thoughts that I’d italicized, but Tumblr always undoes that. So, the link is here because Idk that I’ll feel like going through to italicize it all again.
Mob Boss Joss Moss
Joss wasn't ready to jump to any immediate action on this matter. Firstly, although she was convinced, she would definitely have to have proof before just disappearing some kid in Swellview. She didn't have that kind of steelo just yet. A town like this, a kid goes missing and that's grounds to shut the whole town down. Bet it Kid Danger goes missing… well that meant that Captain Man had to show up. "Henry. Why don't we go back inside? I've got a little business with Natalie. You can wash up and get dressed and get ready to indulge." She gave him a point on the nose and turned to head to the beach house.
"I like indulging," Henry said, bashfully. His phone was inside. He didn't really need it. If the Man Cave needed him while he was in the water, they could reach him on the Whiz Watch. But, he checked it when he got inside, anyway. No signal. 
He set it down and Joss commented, "I'm having a bath drawn for us. There's dental supplies and refreshments waiting in there for you to get started while I quickly get up to speed on some business."
He blushed and nodded. Bath. For. Us? She and he? Like.. in the same…? Was it GO TIME?? More like HOE time, amarite? Nervous laughter. Why was he nervously laughing in his voiceover? Henry rushed into the bathroom and tried to contact Charlotte on his Whiz Watch. 
"Henry! Thank GOD! I've been trying to call you for… what are you wearing?"
"It's surf wear! But, I gotta tell you something. I think I'm in over my head. Joss had a bath drawn for us and I don't know what to do!"
"Get out of there! That lady Butler she has was in the store not too long ago and whatever she was up to, I know it was no good."
"Okay, so skip the bath, or…"
"SKIP THE BATH!" Charlotte screeched.
"Okay. I'll…" Joss came in and he shut off the connection. 
She raised her eyebrow and asked, "What the heck was that?"
"Nothing. Charlotte. I mean.. I've got one of those Pear watches that you can… SOooo… I don't know about this bath, Joss…"
"If you're shy, I'll turn around, so you can get in." She turned around and he nervously looked around the room. He couldn't see a way out. Maybe he'd get in the bath, and just have to try to escape later? What would Charlotte do? She'd consider the fact that I'm outnumbered and if I run, that many people will be after me on an island I'm not familiar with, with no Man Copter here to retrieve me yet. BUT, I can hide it out while they come to rescue me… They don't know where I am! Oh, but the location on my…
"Are you not interested in this, Henry?" Joss asked, with her back still turned.
"Of course I am…" he giggled and stepped into the tub in his surf short set. "I'm just gonna undress in here, beneath the bubbles and flower petals…" but within a few moments, he was passed out from the tonic that had been put into the bath. Joss grabbed a pair of rubber gloves from beneath the cabinet to let the water out without it touching her.
She whistled once and a few of her men came to collect him and bound him. "Search him for any devices that can be traced back to him, leave it all here and throw him in the boat." After that she took a shower. She smelled like beach.
Whenever the Man Copter hovered above the beach house, Charlotte read the scans. "Henry isn't here, but his stuff is." Captain Man went to go get it, in case there were henchmen waiting. There were. He fought them off, collected his things and got back into his ride. "We'll have to check all of the known Moss hideaways. Henry could be anywhere!” She was frustrated, but now wasn’t the time to vent her furious “I told all of you idiots” wrath… But, they’d better believe it was coming, eventually.
Captain Man, Schwoz and Jasper had separated to go check out hideouts as Charlotte found them and would alert the Man Cave whenever they located Henry, so that Captain Man would rush to the rescue. Charlotte wanted to go too, but she felt very passionately about making sure that Henry was found, before he was seriously hurt or something.
Henry blinked his eyes and his vision came in, a little blurry, but he realized soon that he was either drugged or bound or both. “Shwhat?” He said.
“Hello, Henry,” Joss said, now wearing an all black suit, with a team of decoys behind her and Natalie with her arms folded, glaring.
“This bath is trippy,” Henry said and laughed. 
“It’s the tonic that we slipped in it that has you trippy, Cute Stuff.” She said, leaning closer to him. “Don’t worry, it’ll wear off by the time Captain Man gets here.”
“Captain Man is coming here? You know him?” Henry asked.
“I know that you do, and that’s enough for me,” she said, turned on the balls of her feet and said, “Lock it up.” 
Henry eventually really came to inside of this cell, tied up with his arms out and legs down, like he was being crucified, and honestly, he was more worried about ow Charlotte was gonna nail him to the cross whenever he made it back to the Man Cave. What was she gonna say to him. “You were thinking with Jasper’s brain again, Henry. You do stupid stuff, Henry. She’s not even that cute and you got yourself drugged and tied up! Should’ve just let her kill you for being stupid! Naw… Charlotte would never go that far.” He tried to focus his eyes and study the room. His head was still spinning a little. “But, she warned me to be careful and I absolutely did not…” He noticed an opening in the ceiling where a vent was and began to look to see if he could possibly maneuver his way up there from where he was. “The gag is I literally tried to think with Charlotte’s brain, at every turn. Well, I didn’t TRY, but I kept finding myself doing that. Whenever you know somebody that smart, you try to see the world through their eyes, to make yourself better. You’re not supposed to view the world through… your one eyed monster…” He threw his head back and now said, “Charlotte, if you save me, I promise to not think with the wrong head again!”
Charlotte heard him speaking in the background somewhere. “Hen!” She whispered to herself. Wherever Joss had the camera that Charlotte planted on her, that’s where she was keeping Henry, or at least where he was being monitored from. She tracked it and tried to get in touch with the others, to let them know where Henry actually was… “Schwoz! I’ve found Henry. I’m sending the address out right now.”
Schwoz said, “I seem to have fallen into a boobsie trap. I am going to need to figure out a way to get out of here. Go on without me.”
“Wait. Those places have boobie traps! That means Jasper has probably gotten trapped too!” She tried to get in touch with Jasper, who was in fact, caught in a trap, but able to reach his phone. He pressed the button, then dropped it though and groaned trying to reach it. “Jasper? Jasper? Are you stuck in a boobie trap?”
“More like a butt trap!” He yelled to the phone and looked behind him at the gobs of bubblegum he was stuck in. “I sure hope this is just pressed and not chewed gum…” 
She rolled her eyes and hung up. “Captain Man… If you tell me that you’re stuck in a boobie trap, I will lose it!”
“Okay. Then, I will not tell you that. But, if you can get Schwoz to come to where I am for something completely unrelated, that will be appreciated.” She hung up on him too. 
“I am the only professional in this outfit!” She screamed, grabbing rescue gear. Those idiots in the traps would have to fend for themselves for a moment. She’d send the police to try to help, but Henry was actually in the clutches of a villain, so that’s where she was headed first. She probably should go to Ray first… but… No… These are the same people who (not knowing that he was Captain Man) were going to barbeque someone! She had to get to Henry in a hurry. She hated driving, but Henry was in trouble and her heart was beating in her throat now that she remembered that he could be being roasted on an open fire. “Henry, if you die before I can rescue you, I am gonna kill you dead!” 
Henry took a deep breath and struggled again to at least budge his restraints, but it was no good. He only tired himself out for the fifth time and now, he had to catch his breath again. Besides, they were probably watching him, anyways. He started (now) looking to see if he could detect any hidden cameras and wondering about if help was on the way. Probably not. Charlotte told him to get out of there and what did he do? Get in the bathtub and got himself skin drugged. He didn’t even know that was possible. But, what could he have done? Maybe mushed Joss in the face and took off running? But, if she wasn’t a mobster chick and he’d just mushed her face and ran, imagine the backlash for that!
Henry Hart, the Playground Pooper has entered news today again, after pushing Joss Moss’s face with his wide open hand and leaving abruptly following a fun date! Like… I need another L this year. My biggest L is not listening to Charlotte. I shouldn’t even have been on the date! I guess… I was really just trying to keep my mind off of all the weirdness with her lately. I don’t even know if she knows, but I KNOW, so… I don’t know, you know? WHO am I speaking with, here? This is an inner-monologue. Why ask ‘you know?’ to yourself, Dude? And now, you’re just off topic…
He thought that he saw a small flicker of a light in the corner. But, probably not. Charlotte was most likely doing everything in her power to get him home safely. The others probably were doing… well… what they could. Now, all he could think about was how he might die here. He might not get out. He might not get rescued. He might die and Charlotte might not ever know that he thought about her. 
If I make it out of here, I should at least tell her about that weird inception dream that I had where she was dreaming about me kissing her. She’ll think that means that I wanna kiss her though, and I DON’T… But… I will if she figures out a way to save me. Ugh. She’d probably hate that. She’ll probably hate to hear that I had this dream. She’ll probably ask, “Why couldn’t you just dream about kissing me? Why dream about me dreaming about kissing you?” And give me the most wrinkled ‘You’re an idiot’ grimace that her face can contort into. 
Man… My arms and legs are gonna be so sore. I could really use a sit in Piper’s massage chair when I get out of here. The things that I wouldn’t do to be in that chair again… I hope that Charlotte remembers me a hero, and not an idiot. Why am I back on this Charlotte line of thinking? I need to be thinking LIKE Charlotte to get out of here, not ABOUT Charlotte…
He sighed and threw his head back again, wishing that he was drugged again. All of his muscles were hurting, at this point and he could simply die, to be honest. He was ready. “I’m ready to die, now!” He called out, to whoever was probably watching him. 
“You’d better not be!” He heard Charlotte snap in s low hiss.
His head perked up and... yes! She came through the door and there were two guards unconscious in front of it. She had the look on her face, but he knew that she didn’t have time to really give it to him, so she was in there, getting him down, with the door jammed opened, so that nobody could shut her inside while she cut him loose.
“I expected to find Captain Man to the rescue, but somehow… This will bring me more pleasure,” Joss said,  when she saw her on the camera. “I’m going to go handle this,” she told Natalie. “Have the clean up crew on standby.”
Charlotte had almost gotten Henry loose when she heard the clacking of shoes coming down the hallway and she said, “It’s Joss!” Henry was released enough to free himself and she really didn’t want to be trapped in there, too, with all the guys incapacitated, so she said, “Be right back!” And got out of the room. 
She saw Joss, standing on the far end. She stopped walking and shook her head. “This was a very stupid thing for a girl as smart as you to do, Charlotte.”
“Bold of you to think that I’ve been working with him for all these years and a little bit of stupid didn’t rub off,” Charlotte said, smoothly and pointed a thumb at Henry, who was trying to free himself. 
“It’s not ‘a little stupid’ it’s VERY stupid,” Joss reiterated. 
“Look, I don’t really like to do a lot of overexertion, so can the fight sequence start? Because the sooner it starts, the sooner it ends, and an episode of Titans drops tonight…” Charlotte said, unphased. “Oh, but… you don’t blink for bugs,” Charlotte said. 
“Thank you for reminding me,” Joss said and then clacked her fan, which sent a small army of Joss decoys charging at Charlotte.
She reached for her zapper and shook her head, “You hate to see it,” she said and began to zap each of them down until they stopped coming for her. By that time, Henry had gotten himself free. “She knows who you are, so you might as well get ready for the fight.”
“The fight. It’s just her. We can just take her in,” Henry said, pointing a hand at Joss. Joss smirked and took off running, Charlotte gave chase, almost immediately. There was no way she was letting her get away! Henry blew a bubble and headed in that direction, too… but henchmen came. “OF COURSE!” He grumbled and began to fight them off as Charlotte vanished behind Joss through a door that shut after she went through. CHAR! He fought the henchmen down and went to try to find Charlotte, just in case she was rushing into another trap. Joss really didn’t seem to like her. But, he couldn’t budge the door… “Char!” He screamed.
“Henry?” She called back. “Ummm… This is a trap…” She said. “I think I can make it out. Go around and try to get her!” 
He nodded, but when he turned, Joss was right there and she spun around and kicked him in the face. “Oh my God! That hurt!” Joss let out a loud shriek and kicked him again as he leaned over and knocked him out that time. She shook her head at her henchmen and decoys, then opened the door for Charlotte who rushed out and immediately checked on Henry.
“There is more danger where this came from,” she said, smugly.
Charlotte nodded her head, gently set Henry’s on the ground and stood up. “Yeah, there is. For you!”
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tintinwrites · 6 years
soft | Modern Poe Dameron x Reader
A/N: So this isn’t a request and idk if anything like this has been written before, but it came to me while I was hanging up a suit jacket at work and they are just SO SOFT INSIDE
Rating: T.
Warning: Naughty words and sexual references.
Word count: 1,449 words, I think. this was supposed to be short
Summary: You, a bridesmaid, and Poe, a groomsman, bond over how terrible the bride and groom are, and Poe has nothing but big dick energy okay
"Who puts their bridesmaids in short, strapless dresses in the middle of winter? A bitch, that's who. Only a horrible human being would do this."
Your words would have sounded angrier if your voice wasn't shaking from the chill biting right through you. Even with your arms wrapped around yourself, you might as well have been naked with the way you were freezing in your definitely out of season dress.
Your words also would have had more impact if you were ranting to someone.
But no. You were standing outside all by yourself, pacing and bouncing from one foot to the other to keep the thick layer of snow on the ground from soaking into the open-toed shoes you were forced to wear. They were heels, too, and you were surprised you hadn't tripped and fallen over as you paced and bounced.
"Oh, and she is. I always knew that. Why did I agree to be in her wedding?"
"You're a pushover?"
The sudden voice made you misstep and now you did trip, crying out as you fell right over into a small snowbank. "Fuck, that's cold!"
"Sorry." The voice was sincere even if the owner was laughing. Two hands came to your arms and hauled you to your feet, bringing you face to face with Poe Dameron.
You...kind of knew him. He was one of the groomsmen, but you were walking with Finn rather than him, so you hadn't exactly spent time with him. You probably didn't go further than an introduction, and you only remembered hearing him talk to other people at the rehearsal dinner.
The bride told you that he was a 'perverted asshole with total small dick energy' while the groom told you that he was only in the wedding out of pressure from loved ones. He was a pilot. Or was in the Air Force. Or traveled on planes a lot. Or...was part of the mile high club?
Okay, you honestly couldn't remember what you were told he did.
All you knew was that he was — apparently — a jerk. He couldn't have been too bad, though, since the incredibly drunk bride admitted to you at her bachelorette party that she would 'jump at the chance to ride him like a horse'.
"It's co-cool." You brushed some snow off of your dress. You noticed him smirking at you and furrowed your brow before realizing why he was. "Th-that wasn't a pun."
"Sure." He slipped his hands into the pockets of his suit pants, taking in a deep breath and letting it out with a white puff because of the cold air. "So, let me know if I'm overstepping my bounds here, but I saw you storm out crying. Figured I'd make sure you were okay."
"I wasn't crying." It was one tear. One tear! And you wiped it away pretty quickly, so you thought no one saw.
He shook his head. "Okay, okay. You still stormed out, though. You know, I hear ranting feels better when someone's listening."
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"Alright." He turned around to walk back into the venue, where the reception was being held.
"—she is just such a bitch."
He immediately spun on his heel, grinning knowingly. You wouldn't be surprised if he was counting to three in his head, but you were just so angry and his offer to listen was incredibly tempting.
"I know I shouldn't use that name, but she is! Look at what she's having us wear! Who in their right mind picks out shoes and dresses like this when they know they're getting married in the winter?"
"So you were crying— sorry, not crying because of your dress?"
"Yes." You paused, reaching up to rub your forehead. "No." He was giving you this expectant look that made you feel that you could absolutely tell him everything. "I told her I needed to leave a little early. She was expecting everyone to stay well into the night and party, but I'm just a little tired from all the wedding planning and stuff."
"I'm guessing she didn't take it well based on the reaction I saw when her grandmother left."
"She called me...a word I won't be repeating outside of the bedroom, told me I was going to die alone and childless, said she never wanted to see me again, and honestly said she was going to slap me before her dear husband stopped her." Now that you had started, you were on a roll, walking back and forth again. "And, like, so what if she's horrible and got a husband before me? He's kind of horrible, too. And in the next couple of years, she's probably gonna pop out a baby that she's not even going to love properly, but, you know, whatever." You were crying again, more than one tear.
"Hey, don't cry. Your tears will freeze to your face."
You gave a pitiful laugh, wiping the tears away. "It's stupid."
"It's not stupid if it got to you." He pursed his lips for a moment, then walked over to be closer to you. "Look, I'm gonna tell you something, okay?" He waited for you to nod. "Okay. You are one fine piece of ass. Some guy's gonna come along and marry you, and give you as many babies as you want."
"Yeah. I guess." You might have been blushing thanks to his flattering words.
"She's just a horrible person."
"True." There was a long stretch of silence, both of you looking at each other. "At the bachelor party, you-know-who got pissed that we didn't get a stripper. He tried to get one himself, but Finn and I stopped him. 'Course, he went into the bathroom and ordered five strippers on his phone, and we spent the whole night keeping his drunk ass from touching them, but we tried."
How low were you standards for men that you found it sweet for him to disapprove of a soon-to-be-married man getting a stripper?
"If it helps, I'm proud of you." You smiled at him, then frowned when you felt something light and cold hit your nose. You looked up at the dark sky to see snowflakes starting to fall. "It wasn't freezing enough already? Great." You wrapped your arms tightly around yourself.
Poe shrugged off his suit jacket, stepping even closer so he could pull it around your shoulders. He was practically pressed against you and you were aware of just how good he smelled.
You were also aware that he wasn't a 'perverted asshole with total small dick energy', and you should have known that anyway since you were told that by a horrible person.
"You don't have to..." You were definitely blushing now.
"I've still got sleeves and pants. You're about to freeze your ass off."
You bit your lip, brushing your fingers against the soft, silky lining of the jacket.
"How can I repay you?"
"Well, there is one thing you can do."
"Tell me you love me."
You gave a laugh that was far less pitiful now. "You move really fast, you know that?"
"Some people find it charming." His grin was so goofy, and sweet, and genuine, and beautiful.
"I'm sure they do." Your grin was flattered, and delighted, and intrigued, and fighting to keep from getting too wide because you basically just actually met this man and it was crazy for you to already like him so much. "I should really be getting home."
"Let me walk you to your car?"
"Yeah, I slept over her house with the other girls and we all came together, so my car is at home."
"Man." He chuckled. "Okay, let me drive you."
"You really don't have to do that."
"I insist."
You should have protested, right? Not only did you hardly know him, but it wasn't fair to put him out. You imagined he wouldn't give up, though, and your other options were to get an Uber or cab that might not even come, or walk through the snow. "Okay."
"Great. Right this way, ma'am." He gestured to a spot in the parking lot, waiting for you before you started walking together.
"Wait, you're not a serial killer, right?"
"Shit! I knew I forgot to mention something. What about you?"
You shrugged. "I'll just say that if you come into my apartment and wake up restrained in the bathtub, it's your own fault."
You slipped on a bit of ice as you were getting in the passenger seat, and he was quick to take your hand from under his jacket.
His hand was practically frozen, but he gave no indication. He just smiled at you and helped you into the car.
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dreamtothefullest · 4 years
entry one (1 of ♾)
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imagine a room. put a door in the first wall and a large ass window on the opposite wall. now smack a queen-size bed in the corner and you’ve essentially got my room.
so, i’m chillaxing, watching Riverdale on my 24-ish inch TV. while i’m watching, i notice that the main character (Archie played by KJ Apa) is at a carnival of some sorts.
in my head i’m thinking, “i’ve seen this carnival before, but where?”
and it clicks.
the carnival is outside my house.
i look out the window to check and see the exact amusement park ride i just saw on TV.
so, i rush downstairs (it’s a two-story townhouse), run past my mom and yell, “I’M GOING OUT FOR A BIT I’LL BE RIGHT BACK!”
and she says, “ok.” passively as she is already immersed in another show downstairs. (at this point i definitely know it’s a dream because my mom would ask multiple questions)
anyways, i sprint out the door to try and catch up with Archie and see that the cameramen are filming him rn.
so, like the handful of other bystanders, i watch.
while i’m watching, i realize i don’t have anything for him to sign! so i rush back home, up the stairs and grab a t-shirt relating to the show that just so happened to have his band name on the front.
i’m outside now searching for him, hoping he’s still there.
the cameramen are packing up and i walk up to him all shy because that’s just how i am.
i ask him if he can sign my shirt and he begins to sign it then, “Wait!”
he stops.
“Should you sign it as Archie Andrews or as KJ Apa?” I ask.
he chuckles and answers back in his New Zealand accent, “I don’t know; I can do both if you’d like.”
“Yes, please.”
so he’s there, signing my shirt and all of a sudden, “I can get the others to sign it to if you want.”
i break out in a HUGE smile because OF COURSE i want everyone else’s signature!
“That would be great! Thank you!”
~ next scene ~
i’m back at my house. i’m watching the show again and see Archie wearing my shirt (probably integrated it into the show somehow) and all the cast members are signing it.
i’m excited while i’m thinking, “Wow, KJ’s wearing my shirt and everyone’s signing it!”
~ next scene ~
I’ve got my shirt (in my head, i thought ‘he already knows where i live so he can just return it when they all sign it’ and ig that’s what ended up happening.)
so, now i’m holding my shirt close to my chest while watching the next episode of riverdale.
everyone is planning to frame a murder on someone everyone hates.
somehow, the frame changes from the TV to my room as they are planning on framing the murder in my house now.
so it’s like seeing the show and actually being there.
so Toni (Vanessa Morgan) and Jughead (Cole Sprouse) walk into the bathroom/room.
it’s a room with two “floors”. on the first floor is the bathtub with the blood of someone (i don’t remember) and on the second floor is a bedroom.
on the second floor, Toni and Jug find a creepy little boy hiding behind some black curtains. Toni and the little boy are standing next to each other when Toni pushes Jug from the second floor.
he almost falls in but manages to evade falling in.
but, the metal fork he was chewing on fell in the tub. idk if his saliva will bring him back to the scene or not but then he runs away and tells Betty (Lili Reinhart).
the end :)
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