#idk topper was fun when he was helping the pogues out with the cross
bumblesimagines · 4 years
The Oldest Pogue
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Heads up for most of these Outer Banks fic I'll probably do the mini intro lol they're fun. Btw timelines a lil weird. Takes place in ep 1 but have the party the day after they find the boat and all that. Idk Shoupe's first name so imma just call him Shoupe or dad. Idk what grade everyone is in but imma assume that the Pogues and Sarah (+ Topper) are sophomores/juniors since they're 16
"Then there's (Y/N) Shoupe, better known as Mama Pogue or (N/N). We got lucky with (Y/N) since he's the deputy's son. He's the definition of a mom friend, always taking care of us. We'd probably starve to death without his meals. Though we would never admit it, we all had crushes on him when we first met him."
(Y/N) entered the house, glancing at a passed out JJ. He chuckled, shaking his head as John B stepped out of his room.
"Morning, sweetie." (Y/N) greeted playfully, setting down groceries.
"Sorry I couldn't join you guys yesterday." (Y/N) started putting the things away and began making some lunch for the boys. John B shrugged.
"It's fine, you'll make it up to us with food." John B replied with a grin. (Y/N) chuckled, nodding.
"Where'd you go?" (Y/N) asked. John B sat at the table, glancing at JJ.
"Motel.. Found a sunken boat and a key in it so we went to the motel. Had to dodge your dad. He took money from a potential crime scene." John B told him. (Y/N) sighed.
"What do you want me to do? He already says half of our conversations are 'political'. He doesn't like that I'm hanging out with a bunch of idiots." (Y/N) said as Kiara and Pope entered.
"Ouch." Kiara grinned, glancing at JJ as he stirred. "Did you tell him about the gun and money?"
"I was getting to that, Kie." John B sighed. "JJ took the gun."
"Jesus.. A gun? Underaged with an unregistered gun and no license?" (Y/N) stared at them. "Do you know how much trouble you'll get into?!"
"I tried to tell them, (N/N)." Pope said. (Y/N) pinched the bridge of his nose, putting the two plates of burgers before approaching the half asleep male.
"JJ, a gun? Really? Of all things?" (Y/N) stared at him. "Huh?" JJ looked at him, drool coming out the side of his mouth. A swift smack to the back of his head woke him up.
"Jesus, what the fuck?" JJ huffed, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head. "Come eat breakfast, JJ." John B called.
"What the hell am I gonna do with you four?" (Y/N) asked, sighing softly. JJ stood, chuckling.
"Love us." He replied, going to the table and sitting down.
"Please don't play with a gun." (Y/N) looked at him. JJ nodded, raising his hands. "Promise, Mama Pogue."
"Swear on Cheesecake?" (Y/N) cocked a brow.
"Cheesecake?" Kiara furrowed her brows.
"I swear.. I swear on Cheesecake that I won't play with the gun." JJ gave a nod. (Y/N) nodded, crossing his arms.
"Who's Cheescake?" Pope asked. "A fish we caught." JJ replied, mouth full.
"Gross." Kiara cringed, giggling.
"Eat with your mouth closed." (Y/N) called. JJ swallowed and nodded.
"Yes, mom." JJ replied, grinning. (Y/N) shook his head, running his hand through his hair.
"How's everyone after Agatha?" Pope asked.
"I mean.. People have been calling the department left and right. The power will probably be out for a while." (Y/N) shrugged.
"Bet those kooks will have power in no time." JJ mumbled, shaking his head.
"Can't believe the one day I don't hang out with you guys, JJ gets a fucking gun." (Y/N) sighed, shaking his head.
"Also! John B and Pope surfed the surge." Kiara said.
"You did what?!"
"Way to snitch on us, Kie." Pope mumbled. Kiara shrugged.
"It's called payback." Kiara replied with a chuckle.
"If it took down a boat, it probably could've taken you along with it." (Y/N) placed his hands on his hips. JJ mimicked him, earning another smack on the head.
"Come on, we're having a party at the boneyard." John B said.
(Y/N) laughed as he won the drinking competition. JJ laughed, high fiving him. Kiara noticed the JJ held onto (Y/N)'s hand for a little longer than needed.
"What would daddy say if he saw you drinking?" JJ asked, getting another cup. The two headed over to John B. (Y/N) laughed.
"What's he gonna do? Ground me? Lock me up for drinking?" (Y/N) questioned. JJ shrugged, grinning as he offered John B a cup but noticed Sarah Cameron and offered it to her instead.
"Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milawaukee beverage?" JJ asked. (Y/N) shot him a look, glancing at Topper.
"No, thanks." Sarah smiled, shaking her head.
"Come on. Is it not fancy enough for you?" JJ asked.
"No, we were just leaving-"
"You know what? I'll take it." Topper cut in. (Y/N) and John B shared a look.
"Let it go, JJ-"
"No, no, I'll have it." Topper cut (Y/N) off.
"That's nice, Topper but I didn't ask you. Now, if you said pretty please, maybe, but you didn't. So, Sarah-" Topper knocked the drink out of JJ's hands which in turn made JJ grab him by the shirt.
"JJ!" (Y/N) grabbed him as John B and Pope came in, pushing him away as well.
"Dirty Pogues!" Topper shouted. (Y/N) looked at John B.
"John B, don't you dare-" John B turned around, shoving Topper back. Sarah tried to cut in but Topper punched John B. The fight caught the attention of everyone else. Topper kicked John B while he was on the ground.
"Hey, John B, don't make me down you like your old man, alright?" Topper said.
"This dumb fucking blonde." (Y/N) whispered, pinching the bridge of his nose. A fight quickly broke out, the two fighting in the waves and sand as the crowd chanted. (Y/N) watched them, trying to get them to stop.
"Topper, stop!" Sarah shouted, trying to stop her boyfriend from drowning John B. (Y/N) quickly stepped in, grabbing him by the back of his shirt and pulling him back, punching him. John B coughed behind him, head spinning.
"You wanna go, Shoupe?" Topper asked. (Y/N) went to respond but a gun was pressed to the side of Topper's head, the safety clicking.
"Your move, broski." JJ stared at Topper. Most of the teens on the beach ran while Sarah and the other Pogues tried to get JJ to put the gun away.
"We're good! We're good!" Topper repeated.
"(N/N), Kie, check your psycho friend!" Sarah watched, panicked and worried for her boyfriends life.
"Okay, everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ shouted, shooting two rounds into the air. Pope and Kiara shouted at JJ while (Y/N) quickly rushed to John B's side as he collapsed.
"My dad's gonna kill me." (Y/N) whispered, dragging John B out of the water.
"Help me!" (Y/N) called, getting the others attention. JJ and Pope rushed over, helping (Y/N) carry John B to the van.
"Is he okay?" Kiara asked as she drove.
"Yeah, he's breathing." (Y/N) replied, staring down at the male. John B coughed but didn't open his eyes.
"He might have a killer headache tomorrow but other than that, he should be fine." (Y/N) said.
"I can't believe you were so stupid! Taking the gun out on a kook?!" Pope stared at JJ. The two got into an argument, Kiara jumping in as well.
"Enough! JJ did it to help stop Topper from hurting me and John B. Yes, he could've done it another way and handled it better but at the end of the day, he was trying to help." (Y/N) looked at them.
"You always take his side." Pope mumbled.
"It's cause he loves me." JJ grinned.
"You're my least favourite child." (Y/N) mumbled. JJ chuckled. "Admit it. I'm your favourite." JJ cooed. (Y/N) flipped him off. They got to John B's place, getting him in bed. (Y/N) got on his dirt bike and rode off, heading home.
"Can't wait to hear this lecture." (Y/N) mumbled, parking his bike and heading inside. He entered the kitchen, starting up dinner. (Y/N) made his dad's favourite, hoping it would please him. (Y/N) heard the door open and clothes, his dad entering in uniform.
"Hey, dad." (Y/N) greeted, placing the plates of food down. He sat, shooting his dad a smile.
"Got a call not long ago. Some kid had a gun." Shoupe said, sitting down. (Y/N) hummed.
"Did you find out who it was?" (Y/N) asked. Shoupe shook his head.
"No.. But from eyewitnesses, there was a fight and I heard you were involved." Shoupe said.
"Dad, you know I'm not the violent type." (Y/N) continued to eat. "But I did punch Topper for trying to drown John B." (Y/N) said quickly.
"Thank you for being honest." Shoupe said, sighing deeply. He put his fork down and looked at his son.
"(Y/N).. I don't want these kids to ruin the possibility of you going to culinary school." Shoupe said. (Y/N) sighed, looking away. "And they will if you keep running with them."
"Dad, I'm gonna be a senior next year. I have my whole life ahead. I could enter culinary school whenever I want or feel like it." (Y/N) said. Shoupe sighed and nodded.
"I know.. I just don't want you getting stuck here. I want you to have an early start." Shoupe said. "I'll be accepting of you.. No matter what." Shoupe assured.
"Thanks, dad. Anything new today?" (Y/N) asked. He thought back onto what John B told him.
"Nope." Shoupe shook his head. (Y/N) hummed, nodding. He stood, washing the plates and heading off to bed. He hoped the following days would be better.
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