#idk what caused it so im just gonna try to go no caffiene and see if that fixed it
bamsara · 1 year
Now I understand all those boomer 'don't talk go me before I've had my coffee' memes because I'm 30 hours without coffee/caffeine right now in an attempt to quit again and the withdrawl systems are pounding headache and making my vision go blurry in one eye. Shit sucks but we shall prevail
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bunnygirlskull · 2 years
i was tagged by @bunnygirlbutta What was your last…
Beverage: some apple juice
Phone call: my mom
Text message: chatting with friends about vr games and stuff
Song you listened to: the silent comedy - moonshine
Time you cried: your guess is as good as mine lol
Have you ever…
Dated someone twice? No and not gonna happen
Kissed someone and regretted it? No
Lost someone special? Yeah but good riddance
Been depressed? Im depressed right now but that doesn't mean i cant be happy :3
Been drunk and threw up? only once
In the last year, have you…
…made a new friend? a fair bunch and its super surprising seeing that so many people wanna just chat
…fallen out of love? nah, i haven't been looking or trying
…laughed until you cried? fairly regularly because i tell horrible jokes that make people laugh and i laugh because i managed to make them laugh with bad jokes
…found out who your true friends are? i've always know pretty well
…found out someone was talking about you? no idea but i wouldn't be too surprised. the bigger you get on the internet the more immediately subject you are to criticizes and hypothesizes
How many people on your fb list do you know in real life? i opened one up in middleschool, used it for three days, and then never used it again. I have no patience for that brain rot.
List 3 of your favourite colours: Red, mint, and the specific kind of dark green that the underside of treelines get when its raining heavy
What was your first…
…surgery? never had one
…piercing? never had one, but i want to get industrials in both my ears
…best friend? i have a friend that im still friends with that i was litterally was friends with him when he was an infant and i was 3 years old
…sport you joined? karate but by force
…vacation? probably visiting family in brasil
…pair of trainers? idk probably super early on like 3 or 4 just cause a kids gotta have shoes to run around in
Right now, what are you…
…eating? nothing, but i wanna snack on some protein bars
…drinking? nothing but im gonna get some apple juice and add caffiene to it
…about to do? add caffiene powder to juice uwu
Your future
Do you want kids? absolutely, i wanna be a mom and take care of kids. like full stop, no cutting corners, no having my wife do most of the work, just me being a full on mom.
Do you want to get married? also absolutely, but idk what i want in a partner atm so im not looking around either. like i know the over arching things, but im not sure what would draw me into a person
Ideal career? psychiatric doctor or endocrinologist
Which do you think is better…
…lips or eyes? i really cant pick, cause on one hand i love shapely and soft lips, but on the other hand girls with big doe eyes are very nice
…hugs or kisses? kisses <3
…shorter or taller? i like short girls, but i wont say no to a tall girl
…older or younger? im fine with either, but i do have a lower limit of 3 years my current age
…romantic or spontaneous? im not sure, but i know i am a very tender and romantic person
…nice stomach or nice arms? i am an enjoyer of girls with soft stomachs yes
…sensitive or loud? sensitive
…hook up or relationship? relationship, i like tender and soft love
…trouble maker or hesitant? which ever is more fun in the moment i guess
Have you ever…
…kissed a stranger? if i don't know you and you try to kiss me i will stab you
…drank hard liquor? girl i nurse pints of jaeger from time to time
…lost glasses/contacts? nope
…had sex on the first date? no
…broken someone’s heart? yes
…been arrested? no
…turned someone down? yes
…cried when someone died? not yet but i did cry when my dog died
Do you believe in…
…yourself? yes
…miracles? yes
…love at first sight? no
…heaven? not sure
…Santa Claus? nope
…kiss on the first date? its innocent enough, but i gotta vibe right
…angels? not in any traditional sense, but people who are capable of higher acts of kindness sure
idk who to tag so anyone who wants to go ahead 🐰💖🐰
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