#idk what the fuck else to tag i haven't posted any writing in forever
koushuwu · 1 year
» puppy dog — miyuki kazuya x reader  *:・゚✧
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18+ content | 2k words | kazuya has always been exeptionally full of himself. at least to the outside word, and maybe you can't help but want to but him in his place. something that turns out to be a thrill like no other.
cw: afab!reader, pet names (big boy, darling etc.), slight dry humping, premature ejacutation, dubcon (if you squint), virgin!kazuya, experienced!reader, very slight corruption kink (also if you squint), multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, spit.
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with his back pressed firmly into the plush of the couch, kazuya swallowed thickly. you watched on with a wry smile as he did, eyes tracking the bob of his adams apple. you stood before him, looming, presence hovering before him. you hadn’t even touched him yet, but his mouth felt dry and his breath stuttered as you placed your knee on the couch beside him. you were close. so, so close. His gaze flickered, currently lacking the bold gleam and brazen confidence he usually liked to sport, he couldn’t meet yours head on.
you’d always known that he was full of himself. or maybe full of himself wasn’t exactly the right words but he was cocky. and flirty. incredibly so. on that specific day, you’d heard one too many of his obnoxious flirty remarks, and that’s when a strong desire arose in you. a desire to make him falter. to somehow wipe that insufferable smirk off of his face. something you would soon learn, wasn’t as hard as one would think. so that’s when you turned to him and uttered.
“you really think you’re all that, huh?” you cocked your head to the side and studied him as a wicked little grin tugged at the corner of your mouth. “well have at it, big boy. show me what you’re made of.”
“don’t start something you can’t finish, darling,” he said, the final word spoken in a mocking drawl. you knew that his words were meant as a warning, but you were not about to back down. not now. not when you’d so clearly upped and challenged him. and so you stepped closer to the couch. to him.
“oh i intend to follow through. darling.” as you spoke, you added even more pressure to the pet name, turning his own mockery right back on him. not only had his eyes widened at your words, it had also effectively shut him up, his mouth snapping shut and trapping the words inside that had readily sat at the tip of his tongue. the tiny kindle inside of you flared at the sight, and you couldn’t help but want to see him crack even further, and all but a beat, you’d moved up to him entirely. “do you?”
now you were straddling his frame on the couch, lowering your weight down to his clothed lap. a sharp inhale whistled between his teeth the moment you rested against him, and you couldn’t help the wicked ruse of sinful glee that was bubbling inside of you. “oh, fuck,” he hissed when you did a teasing little roll of your hips. his collected exterior was cracking and the confidence slipped at a rapid pace that you hadn’t expected, but yet made you feel powerful. strong. sexy. on each side of you, kazuyai’s hands were digging into the fabric of the couch. hard. his lower lip tucked in between his teeth as he repeatedly tried to maintain eye contact. something he’s yet to succeed. the strain underneath you and his already shallow breathing made the final jigsaw piece slide in place when it clicked.
“miyuki,” you cocked an eyebrow at him and his eyes darted back to yours. “have you never done this before?”
“are you a virgin?” you asked him. you half expected him to deny it, but he didn’t. his fingers twitched against the couch and his jaw clenched. but then he nodded, gaze averting yours again as his teeth dug into his lip harder.
“well then,” you said with a teasing lilt in your voice. confident, you guided his hands up to rest on your thighs, while moving in to catch his gaze once more. “why don’t you let me show you a good time, big boy.”
when kazuya had nodded, perhaps a little too enthusiastically despite the eversion of your gaze, it hadn’t taken you long before your panties lay discarded on the floor along with his shirt. the straps of your dress hanging loosely off your shoulders, revealing a tad more of your chest than could be deemed properly decent. between your smaller hands were his bigger one. you’d picked it up and held it in front of you, his fingers splayed against nothing but air. his breathing hitches when your saliva trickles from your tongue to his fingers. he should probably be weirded out by it, something told him at the back of his mind. grossed out. but he wasn’t. instead he found himself transfixed by the sight of your tongue sticking out. your spit rolling off of it, stretching to meet his skin. transfixed, also, by the wet feeling against his fingers. so much so, that his cock jumped underneath you, and you couldn’t help but roll your hips against him, relishing in the delicious friction against your sex.
when you put his fingers in your mouth, kazuya was so sure he was going to die. he was going to combust and die a virgin, and he wouldn’t even mind. your tongue against his fingers and your pussy grinding against him. what could possibly be better than this? a question, he would very soon find, and feel, the answer to. a question, to which, the answer came, the moment you pulled his fingers from your mouth, and guided them south. with one hand, you held his chin and kept him still as you captured his lips with yours. with the other, you led his slick hand underneath your short dress, and once you pressed one of his fingers and your own past the entrance of your wet hole, that is when he knew the answer to his question. this. this was even better. so much so, that he groaned softly, breaking the kiss as his jaw grew slack, his eyes glazed and his eyebrows knitted together. just then, you took a moment to just admire the view, bearing clear evidence as to just what you did to him. truly a sight to behold. but you weren’t done yet. of course you weren’t, you’d promised him a good time after all.
“h-hold on–” kazuya’s voice was small. frail even. and every little bit filled with the anticipation you inspired in him. your movements stilled as you cocked your head to the side. his free hand had laid itself against your hip bone, fingers dipping into your skin. “i’m– i’m gonna– please– slow down–”
“oh no, poor guy,” you cooed, cupping his cheek in one hand, an action in such stark contrast to the filthy thoughts in your head and the way your other hand worked him deeper inside. “you close already?” you asked and rocked your hips against his hand and lap. kazuya’s breathing hitched and his lower lip sucked in between his teeth.
kazuya nodded frantically, and a twisted sense of joyful satisfaction settled inside, when you leaned down until your nose lightly bumped against his. the way he looked up at you, almost felt dizzying, eyes all glazed and dilated pupils.
“what if i don’t want to take it slow?” your words came as a whisper, yet they rung through the air between you. around you. everywhere. at first, kazuya didn’t react. then his eyes widened. slowly as the implication dawned on him.
“no. no, no, no—“ he started, but neither of you heard the rest, when you caught his lips with yours, relishing in how sharply he inhaled when you connected. when you rocked down against him and increased the rhythm of which you worked his fingers into you. his free hand desperately clawed at your thigh, but you didn’t slow. fingers dipped harder into your skin as his fingers angled in just the right direction. you moaned against his lip and his fingers twitched, his hips bucked and a loud whine of his own followed yours.
kazuya had said he was close, but you hadn’t expected it to be that easy to push him over the edge. but now that you had, his breath was heaving and you felt utterly accomplished. accomplished, but not yet satisfied, your hunger only momentarily quenched.
once kazuya came down from his high, cheeks flushed and cheeks heated, it took him a moment before to decipher the scene in front of him. both your hands worked to undo his pants, and he only just registered what was happening, when his cock sprung free, and the charged air between you, ghosted over his sensitive skin. his eyes flicked to yours, only to find your gaze already fixed on his with a bemused glimmer in your eye.
“i promised you a good time, didn’t i?” you asked him, but cut him off before he could reply, lips parted slightly as if ready to speak. “don’t think that means you’re the only one who gets to have fun, though.”
surprise clearly evident in every feature of his face, mingled with the just as clear hypnotic daze of his arousal. it makes you want to laugh. not because it’s funny that he desires you. but because it’s so incredibly endearing, something so starkly contrasting kazuya’s usually confident and collected attitude. it’s endearing, and it makes you feel powerful. it makes you feel in control and it makes your pussy clamp in anticipation. so you smile at him, eyes glimmering in mischief as your hand wrapped around his cock. the sounds he makes when you give him a couple of strokes are something so pathetic and you can’t help but relish in his noises. the pitch change, reaching even higher when you finally take him inside.
he knew deep down, that he should have said something. should have asked you to wait. should have– should have– but he didn’t. he was too far gone for that, and when you settled against his lap, his head fell to your shoulder as a shudder ripped through his body, and he just couldn’t care less. or maybe he would have cared if he had half a mind to string any coherent thoughts together at all. but as it was, he didn’t.
“hey now,” firm fingers curled around his chin and tilted his head up, until his eyes met yours. ”look at me, big boy.” he’s looking at you. he is, but through the haze of the pleasurable rolls of your hips against his lap, he doesn’t actually see much. he’s trying though. but when your movements pick up pace, pathetic moans spill over his lips, and his eyes roll back. if you hadn’t held his chin, you knew his head would be lolling to the side. he was utterly drunk on the feeling of being inside of you, and judging by the shameless whining and moaning, he didn’t mind being at your mercy this way. his hands moved as if on instinct and settled harshly on your hips once again, and that’s when he surprised you. his hips bucked, thrusting up to meet the roll of your hips, punching a moan from your own lungs. at first you thought it’d been intentional, but when you looked at him it was clear that it hadn’t been. his body worked entirely on it’s own accord, bucked and writhed, stroked and grabbed, all in time with your movements, subconsciously creating a synchronized chase on your shared highs. at this point, the air surrounding you filled with both of your moans. it filled with the wet sounds of his cock grinding into your pussy. it filled with the heat radiating from your bodies. and it filled with the charged electricity and anticipation, until it broke. pleasure washed over you, covering everything and engulfing you completely in the sweetness flitting into every corner of the room.
your highs subsided, way too early for kazuya’s liking. actually, this whole moment in time with you, ended far too early. you weren’t actually sure what you’d expected. probably that you’d had sex and that would be it. it wouldn’t change anything. but as it was, you’d soon learn that things would absolutely change. not for you, but for kazuya. it took a few days before you really realized but when you did, that incredible feeling of being powerful swelled up in your chest once more. not only had kazuya’s demeanor slightly shifted towards you. oh no, the guy’s gaze followed your every move with something soft and dazed in his eyes, and often times you found that he followed close behind when you went anywhere he couldn’t see you. kazuya had definitely changed. from brazen and confident to no more than something akin to a lost puppy dog, that’s finally found it’s owner.
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For the new ask game for writers : 6, 8, 9, 20, 31, 42 and 46? I am sorry for this many but I am truly curious, Morri, especially for 46!
Hi Leia, and thanks for the ask!! :)
6. Favorite character you ever created.
It's very hard to choose, but if I absolutely had to pick one, probably Fallon, because she was the one who got me back into writing. I love her forever and ever, and she means the world to me.
8. Favorite trope to write.
Answered here.
9. Least favorite trope to write.
Any kind of toxic romance, or any kind of romance that falls into the category of "insta-love". (aka, the "we just met, he's my soulmate" B.S. that happens far too often in teen / YA fiction.)
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
Oh dear. What haven't I shared already? Snippet tag is here, btw.
"I’ve never been in love, but I know that I love you, because what else can love possibly feel like?” Fallon stared at [Kristopher], speechless. Her cheeks were damp with tears, and she could hardly swallow. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. What could she possibly say to that?
31. Hardest character to write.
Fucking Lavinia. I've talked about this like 80 times, so I won't go into it again, but she's so hard for me. (just go through her tag, and I'm sure you'll easily find my rants about her, lmao)
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
Honestly, I don't have a good answer for this. It just kinda... shows up in my brain?? Like, with Ashlin, I was lying in bed, thinking, and my brain was like "hey, what if you had a thief character with anger issues?" and it spiraled from there. And it's the same with appearances. They just kinda exist in my brain. Like, how did I decide Calista was a tall-ish Black woman with locs that she wears in a ponytail? I didn't. I just knew that was what she looked like. Obviously, for things like scars, a little more thought goes into it, but I genuinely don't know where this stuff comes from. I swear.
46. What would your story _ look like as a tv show or movie?
ATQH: The whole thing would be set in a very old, but very beautiful castle with a dark wood interior. Soft, warm light. Elegant gowns, nice suits, all in a very specific yet indescribable style. (seriously, idk how to describe the clothing, even though I can picture it vividly.) There is a large garden surrounding the castle, and in one area of the garden is a very old well, the kind you might call a wishing well. The whole thing would have a rich, slightly warm tint to it.
CoS: Most of it takes place on the road, so lots and lots of fields and forests. Beautiful country roads with hardly a soul in sight. A dark bay mare in worn leather tack, saddlebags draped over her. Leather boots well-worn, but well cared for on Ashlin's feet. Simple clothing for both her and Dorian. Forests of tall pines, light filtering through from above, but not enough. The early beginnings of summer, but a northern summer. You can still see snow on the mountains in the distance. Campfires crackling, and quiet conversation.
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