#idk why everyone assumes its his shirt ive read so many fanfics where its just some saucy shirtless tim
bananonbinary · 2 years
you know that one bit in ep39 where tim breaks out of the tunnels into document storage high out of his mind on CO2? its such a tiny tiny thing but people always misquote that section as
ARCHIVIST You’re not bitten, are you?
TIM No, I don’t think so! Have a look!
ARCHIVIST Yes, alright Tim, you look fine. Put it back on, please.
and its SUCH a small but vital word choice, in the actual show jon says "put THEM back on." not "it." its so important to me that tim did not in fact take off his shirt here, he fully ripped his pants (trousers) off in front of his boss
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