#idk why i gave zigfried talks to animals but it just works
unfriendlyamazon · 3 years
had a rough night so i thought on ygos at whispering rock psychic summer camp
🧿 yugi - surrounded by the dark aura of an all powerful 5000 year old demon, sits in the sunshine and makes daisy chains for his friends. he kind of replaces lili, in that he goes to this camp every year and finds it pretty boring. his grandpa is the retired head of the psychonauts, so yugi's grown up around all of this stuff and it's lost a lot of the glamor for him.
🧿 joey - last minute addition to camp (aka he snuck in). he's mostly good at pyrokinesis, in that he can set things on fire (less good at putting them out). reads every issue of psychic tales, knows all the lore, very scared of the woods.
🧿 téa - perky go getter determined to be the best psychic she can be. has spent just about every summer here with yugi and gone the opposite direction, dreaming of making it into the psychonauts.
🧿 tristan - psi-blast sharp shooter and local cutie. yes, he's replacing the cowboy kid. his family is really rooting for him to be a psychonaut, especially his dad. tristan is less sure that's what he wants to do, but hey, camp is fun.
🧿 duke - literal clown run away from the circus. they use their telekinesis to do tricky slight of hand. their dad was using their burgeoning psychic power to zazz up the circus. very loud and obnoxious, constantly showing off, very happy to make friends.
🧿 seto - absolutely determined to be the best psychonaut there ever was. a little bit of a baby sasha nein, very interested in the testing and experimentation part. spends a lot of time in the psychoisolation chamber. pretends not to care about camp activities but gets extremely competitive over them.
🧿 ryou - like dogan, ryou wears a tin hat and worries occasionally about accidentally blowing up someone’s head. tends to go off by himself in the woods. animal lover, has been seen talking to the psi-cougars. kind of a weird kid... but he's really sweet.
🧿 serenity - her hydrokinesis powers means she spends most of her time down by lake. highly competitive camp kid. do not play red rover with her, and god help you in a relay race.
🧿 marik - supposedly camp is helping him with his murderous alter ego ("melvin") that's manifested recently. hard to trust anything he says, because he's a liar. both his siblings are at camp this year which is extremely embarrassing.
🧿 rex - obsessed with cryptids and ancient animals. spends his time exploring the caves around the camp and getting chased by psi-bears. actually pretty harmless, except for that time he tried to summon the ghost of a dinosaur.
🧿 weevil - uses his psychic powers to control and talk to bugs. laughs maniacally while creating shapes out of swarms of bees. local bully gets pushed into lake.
🧿 zigfried - because why not! very german, very annoying. talks to animals and gets them to do what he says, which is put on cute outfits and act out his operas. a control freak of a director when skit night comes around.
🧿 mai valentine - she shares milla's vibe and i love to see her in 70s clothes, so she has the party room and teaches levitation. she plans most of the camp activities, as she believes in healthy competition. surprisingly level headed, despite outward appearances.
🧿 keith howard - in charge of basic braining, definitely enjoys torturing children. tells crazy messed up stories around the campfire and no one knows if they're true or not. if anything bad happens at camp, it’s really easy to blame him.
🧿 rishid ishtar - takes his job as caretaker very seriously. is maybe the only one who realizes putting a lot of unstable psychic children in the wilderness is asking for trouble. he's focused on teaching precision and control.
🧿 solomon muto - former head of the psychonauts. basically cruller but i'll do away with the fragmented personalities. used to be a big deal, now he's retired and runs the camp store, and pretty much no one recognizes him, which he's happy with. he'd much rather spend all day relaxing and talking to his grandson.
🧿 isis ishtar - inspector from the motherlobe whos heard some concerning things about what's going on at the camp. came to investigate, always pops up exactly where you don't want her, loves to annoy her little brother.
i'd probably excise the main plot of the game and focus on psychic summer camp adventures. there might be something sinister happening around camp, and it's possible a few campers could get brainnapped (and play with a dwindling party). the jumping into people's heads thing is kind of the whole game, so maybe the camp counselors are getting brainwashed and the kids have to jump in to help them regain control. but mostly it's kids running around trying to set each other on fire and taking camp games way too seriously.
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