#idk why there is misconception that just bc we live in CANADA that our blocks to run red too 🆎���
chloeworships · 4 months
The LORD showed me (once again) the Pokémon logo. Recall he showed me the Pokémon card that had the number 50 on it and the warning ⚠️
This time he showed me the ball. Doesn’t it kinda remind you of the eight ball 🎱 👀❓
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Please be careful babes.
Also someone could be playing childish games with you.
Ignore them and don’t fall for it. They want to pull you back into some drama. AVOID THEM AT ALL COST because it could cost you your life.
Previous image:
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This also reminds me of another prophetic word I have not released yet.
Also the LORD did say he was scattering the plans of some enemies but that doesn’t mean you should be protected
Pray about this message. It’s not for everyone.
PS. It was also revealed to me that Toronto would be heating up as well 🔥😖🔥
I did receive a confirmation song for the Bentley for those who are Jamaican or from the Caribbean about someone following you to keep tabs on you. Recall I had mention that there was a scratch from the paw of an animal. If you watch the video closely you’ll see that there. Not just that, the song is called GULLY CREPPA and in the video there is also a blue car. I can’t make this stuff up babes. My brother randomly shared this with me and I was shocked 😳
Someone’s car may be vandalized.
Jamaicans and island people are we ok? 😖
Just letting yall know. God is hoping he can save more lives 🛟
PS. Forgot to mention I heard
“He’s collecting”
God will say to me about the devil “he’s coming to collect” which means, in context, the devil wants what is owed to him 👀 So those who are playing with witchcraft powers (male or female) have now been put on notice 📆 The demons want what they were promised and for some of you, someone offered up your life 🩸 as a demonic sacrifice and the debt went UNPAID because guess what? You’re still alive thanks be to Jesus.
The devil loves the blood of God’s chosen but God loves you MORE. He will fight for your life.
PPS: this could also be someone who has killed before 🔪 and has collected some bodies ⚰️ Just sayin. Gotta keep it 💯 with my babes. It sounds morbid but it’s the truth and sometimes the truth is ugly.
I had a vision of Lucy too. Yup and one crazy fact about coming under the attack from Satan is he will accuse you using the sins of your past and or he will use the lies told about you AND/OR he will use scripture against you. That last point is the hallmark of his arsenal. Oh yes babes and I have been there. Just like he said to Jesus:
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As I have experienced. He will even make you attempt suicide manipulating you into thinking it is the right thing to do because you are in so much pain 💔 especially after or during a fast when you are weakest just as he tempted Jesus….however spiritually, that’s when you are at your strongest.
This is also why he is called
“The Accuser”
He sets out to make us feel UNWORTHY.
Revelations 12… “coincidentally” today is May 12th.
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It’s crazy because at the grocery store I saw a price tag offering 50 points on the SCENE 🎬 points program if I bought an item. Now I’m seeing this article 👀⤵️
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