#Satan the accuser
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The Vision of Joshua the High Priest
Then the angel showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, with Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him. — Zechariah 3:1 | The Reader’s Bible (BRB) The Reader’s Bible © 2020 by Bible Hub and Berean.Bible. All rights Reserved. Cross References: 1 Chronicles 21:1; Ezra 5:2; Ezra 10:18; Job 1:6; Psalm 109:6;Ezekiel 44:15; Revelation 12:10
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chloeworships · 4 months
The LORD showed me (once again) the Pokémon logo. Recall he showed me the Pokémon card that had the number 50 on it and the warning ⚠️
This time he showed me the ball. Doesn’t it kinda remind you of the eight ball 🎱 👀❓
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Please be careful babes.
Also someone could be playing childish games with you.
Ignore them and don’t fall for it. They want to pull you back into some drama. AVOID THEM AT ALL COST because it could cost you your life.
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This also reminds me of another prophetic word I have not released yet.
Also the LORD did say he was scattering the plans of some enemies but that doesn’t mean you should be protected
Pray about this message. It’s not for everyone.
PS. It was also revealed to me that Toronto would be heating up as well 🔥😖🔥
I did receive a confirmation song for the Bentley for those who are Jamaican or from the Caribbean about someone following you to keep tabs on you. Recall I had mention that there was a scratch from the paw of an animal. If you watch the video closely you’ll see that there. Not just that, the song is called GULLY CREPPA and in the video there is also a blue car. I can’t make this stuff up babes. My brother randomly shared this with me and I was shocked 😳
Someone’s car may be vandalized.
Jamaicans and island people are we ok? 😖
Just letting yall know. God is hoping he can save more lives 🛟
PS. Forgot to mention I heard
“He’s collecting”
God will say to me about the devil “he’s coming to collect” which means, in context, the devil wants what is owed to him 👀 So those who are playing with witchcraft powers (male or female) have now been put on notice 📆 The demons want what they were promised and for some of you, someone offered up your life 🩸 as a demonic sacrifice and the debt went UNPAID because guess what? You’re still alive thanks be to Jesus.
The devil loves the blood of God’s chosen but God loves you MORE. He will fight for your life.
PPS: this could also be someone who has killed before 🔪 and has collected some bodies ⚰️ Just sayin. Gotta keep it 💯 with my babes. It sounds morbid but it’s the truth and sometimes the truth is ugly.
I had a vision of Lucy too. Yup and one crazy fact about coming under the attack from Satan is he will accuse you using the sins of your past and or he will use the lies told about you AND/OR he will use scripture against you. That last point is the hallmark of his arsenal. Oh yes babes and I have been there. Just like he said to Jesus:
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As I have experienced. He will even make you attempt suicide manipulating you into thinking it is the right thing to do because you are in so much pain 💔 especially after or during a fast when you are weakest just as he tempted Jesus….however spiritually, that’s when you are at your strongest.
This is also why he is called
“The Accuser”
He sets out to make us feel UNWORTHY.
Revelations 12… “coincidentally” today is May 12th.
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It’s crazy because at the grocery store I saw a price tag offering 50 points on the SCENE 🎬 points program if I bought an item. Now I’m seeing this article 👀⤵️
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radarchives · 2 months
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tired of fics where dustin finds out something about steve and eddie (dating, being friends pre canon, anything really) via an insane invasion of privacy and then getting mad bc no one told him and then steve and eddie have to explain themselves like hey maybe mind your own fucking business and also the boundaries what the fuck
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anne-bsd-bibliophile · 10 months
"Nobody's perfect" is such a common phrase, but depending on how it is used it can be very toxic.
I grew up in a very religious Mormon community with strict standards. For as long as I remember, I was told that people sin every day and so we have to repent of our sins every day as well. That's what "nobody's perfect" meant to them. Instead of the phrase being used to console or encourage, I mostly heard it as a way of passing judgement. "So-and-so is great, but nobody's perfect. They have plenty of shortcomings they should be working on as well." Many of my family, friends, and neighbors did everything they could to hide their own "sins" while looking down on others for whatever "sins" they must be committing, because everyone apparently sins every day.
And that's what I grew up believing. I thought I had to be perfect, because the goal was to get through the day sin free, or at least that's how I saw it. If I did everything I was told to do by my parents, teachers, and church leaders then I would be considered a good person, right? Actually, when I was a little older I learned that my unconscious thoughts were apparently full of sin as well! And my human desires were also sinful. And anything I did purely for myself was considered selfish. I remember being taught multiple times that there were good, better, and best uses of my time. Reading a book for fun was good, reading a book to learn and improve myself was better, and reading scriptures was best. So now I had to feel guilty for my unconscious thoughts I couldn't control, my body doing what it was built to do, and I had to feel guilty for having any fun or putting myself first.
As an adult I realized all of what I'd believed to be true my entire upbringing was bullshit. There is absolutely no way any person could avoid "sinning" if everything about me was considered wrong the way they made it sound. And because I wasn't perfect, because "nobody's perfect", I was made to feel like I had to make myself into as near a perfect being as I could manage in order to deserve even a morsel of acceptance or praise. But even that little bit of value I'd earned for myself wasn't worth anything because I would be reminded again and again that "nobody's perfect", meaning I'm not perfect, meaning I hadn't really earned anything in the end. All this made me feel like I was worthless and I couldn't do anything to change that.
Everything changed for me when I started learning about emotional abuse. My father was a diagnosed narcissist and he was very good at being emotionally abusive, so I had to learn how to deal with that. While I was reading about narcissistic abuse, I also realized that the religion I grew up in used the same tactics. I learned at church that everything about me was sinful. Literally. The list of sins in endless. I eventually realized that if you twist anything a certain way you can make it look like a sin, which then gives you a reason to look down on anyone who is committing that "sin." So no matter how "good" I was, I would never be good enough to anyone who was looking at me through the lens of "nobody is perfect because we are all sinners."
I remember sitting in church next to my mom one day when a woman who lived down the street was speaking. She was describing how she always felt like she wasn't good enough, she belittled herself and her accomplishments, put herself down, and made a public display of how guilty she felt and how that was why she was so humble and could feel closer to Christ. I looked at my mom and whispered, "It sounds like she's been emotionally abused." From the typical Mormon perspective, what this woman was expressing showed how humble she was. But now I could recognize that from another perspective what she said showed signs that she was a victim of emotional abuse.
Alan Watts said it better than I ever could: "Christianity institutionalized guilt as a virtue." I was taught to feel guilty even for just existing in order to make me feel indebted to God at church and my narcissistic father at home. Once I recognized how toxic that way of thinking was I couldn't bring myself to even pretend I was religious anymore. Now my way of thinking is more along the lines of, "Nobody is meant to be perfect, which is what makes everyone perfect in their own way." Instead of needing to be good enough, I'm learning to recognize the inherent value in everyone, including myself.
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gorez · 1 year
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leavingautumn13 · 6 months
like, there is a distinct difference between being asked if i'm a witch in the city vs in the sticks.
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anarchonist · 9 months
Christians today are acting so smug for standing against Satan. Meanwhile they're happy to be allied with the Demiurge and refuse to see the irony in that.
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calder · 1 year
of all the passages of enoch i am obsessed with, this is one of them
1 Enoch 40
1. And after that I saw thousands of thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand, I saw a multitude beyond number and reckoning, who stood before the Lord of Spirits. 2. And on the four sides of the Lord of Spirits I saw four presences, different from those that sleep not, and I learnt their names: for the angel that went with me made known to me their names, and showed me all the hidden things.
3. And I heard the voices of those four presences as they uttered praises before the Lord of glory. 4. The first voice blesses the Lord of Spirits for ever and ever. 5. And the second voice I heard blessing the Elect One and the elect ones who hang upon the Lord of Spirits. 6. And the third voice I heard pray and intercede for those who dwell on the earth and supplicate in the name of the Lord of Spirits. 7. And I heard the fourth voice fending off the Satans and forbidding them to come before the Lord of Spirits to accuse them who dwell on the earth. 8. After that I asked the angel of peace who went with me, who showed me everything that is hidden: 'Who are these four presences which I have seen and whose words I have heard and written down?' 9. And he said to me: 'This first is Michael, the merciful and long-suffering: and the second, who is set over all the diseases and all the wounds of the children of men, is Raphael: and the third, who is set over all the powers, is Gabriel: and the fourth, who is set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life, is named Phanuel.' And these are the four angels of the Lord of Spirits and the four voices I heard in those days.
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tinyshe · 3 months
just trying to sort my thoughts -- please feel free to add your thoughts in the comments : do you, could you, recognize the images, personas, symbolism, etc. of Satan that are ever present in this world? what actions do you take if any? do you say anything to others, especially when they are so obvious?
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jonghyunluvr · 11 months
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should i be scared and threatened or.....?
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qtubbo · 1 year
Random thing but the qsmp fandom needs to delete metagaming from their vocabulary when talking about streamers
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235uranium · 11 months
I hate shipping discourse so much "exploring dark topics" 90% of you are writing porn and using the other 10% to shield yourself from criticism
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
straight up i feel like people should be required to type out trans exclusionary radical feminist each time so that they can really think about it
yeah but even then I don't think it's enough because like there are a significant amount of transmasc terfs and like individual terfs' stances vary but radical feminism as a whole is by no means inherently incompatible with a tme trans identity. so my issue is that there are a lot of people who are (either ignorantly or maliciously) throwing around very similar rhetoric to terfs (trans men and butch lesbians are basically the same thing, trans women pose a threat to Females, there are special Female Experiences all Females share that trans women have no access to, etc) but couched in progressive language & get away with it because people have no idea what terf rhetoric actually looks like and fall back on it as a reassuring bogeyman to label anything they dont like. to the extent that those same people will call YOU a terf for taking issue with like saying trans men can be lesbians, even though that is literally exactly what terfs believe, that trans men are lesbians. they'll be like well you're excluding a group of trans people from a label, that's trans exclusive!!! to be clear, terfs frequently do and say things that are harmful to trans men. but the issue is that on the flipside of that, people assume that supporting trans men is mutually incompatible with being a terf when it really isn't. so radical feminists are able to easily pass off transmisogyny as long as it's supportive of trans men, and people openly accept it. the vast majority of 'terf rhetoric' which is being widely spread rn is that which INCLUDES trans men, at the expense of trans women. people need to learn to spot when something is specifically transmisogynistic, rather than just seeing approval of trans men and switching off.
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virtual-minotaur · 1 year
hmmm as much as i havethe ability to like and enjoy genesis retellings or taking biblical elements to have their own story, so many stories just dont get or are aware that ........... the bible is very much metaphorical and its first purpose is to dictate morality.......
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absolutedingus · 1 year
i want a totk au where everything is exactly the same EXCEPT ganondorf doesn't do anything wrong and he's genuinely just some innocent guy. BUT everyone else is still suspicious as hell of him so he has to go to extreme lengths to prove he isn't as evil as every other ganondorf in history.
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