#idk why you're under anon my friend I know who you are you've sent me many asks at this point
squish--squash · 8 months
What do you think are William and Sherlock’s (from Yuumori) greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic?
Why is this structured like one of those prompts you'd find in a middle school english class I can't stop laughing-
Okay okay silliness aside these are great questions and I'd love to answer them
I've mentioned it in a previous ask when asked my favorite thing about him, but I personally think William's greatest strength is his determination; the moment he decides on something wholeheartedly, he puts his entire being into it, whether it be the Moriarty Plan or his new purpose during the NYC arc, and he becomes an almost unstoppable force. For Sherlock, I think his greatest strength is how steadfast he is with his desires and wants; he wants to be someone who solves things, he wants to crack the Lord of Crime mystery himself, he wants to be more than a puppet on a string, and he wants the people he cares about safe, and by god is he going to keep those things no matter what
On the other hand: I think William's greatest weakest is also his determination, though, because he grows so tunnel-visioned on what he wants to achieve that he forgets or purposefully neglects things that are important to him (take the Moriarty Plan for example: he was so determined to have it end with his own death that he neglected the feelings of his brothers and companions towards that matter, and was neglecting the feelings developing between himself and Sherlock because he was so determined to die he didn't think a companionship would have ever been achievable) Furthermore, I think Sherlock's greatest weakness is his arrogance. There are times where he grows a little too egotistical about himself, and it negatively affects him or the people around him (like him slapping some sort of blame onto John for not letting him kill Hope despite it being his own choice leading to a fight, or the way he grows boastful and arrogant around Lestrade leading to the inspector having a "I'm only putting up with you because you're good at what you do" sort of attitude towards Sherlock most of the time)
I love way too much about their dynamic though. I was hinting at it earlier with their strengths, but they're such an "unstoppable force meets unmovable object" pair! And I'm obsessed with how their dynamic progresses throughout the narrative: it starts as this kinda of chess game, this kind of cat-and-mouse or puppet and puppeteer; but it slowly unravels into this sort of dynamic where they can see right through each other, but they still don't know the other's next move for certainty, and then it starts shifting and setting into an equal companionship/partnership all with that unstoppable force/unmovable object undertone. They make me wanna bite through steel!
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painted-crow · 3 years
hi there :) I've been struggling between bird and snake primary, and occasionally, also lion and badger (but I've been constantly trying to remind myself why I'm NOT a badger primary, at least it isn't my.. main primary. I'm way too selfish and unconcerned about the opinions of larger groups to be one, unless it's my family and it hurts them too much or something in a way that I can agree and accept). and as a person who.. might only have ever identified, confidently, as a hat stall before(pt 1)
Hello anon! You've sent in a very detailed ask so I'll offer up reactions as I'm reading this one, and then summarize/think it over more at the end. ^^
I'm way too selfish and unconcerned about the opinions of larger groups to be [a Badger primary], unless it's my family
This is your second sentence and you've already called yourself selfish :c immediate impression is that you might have picked up a toxic Badger model--maybe from your family, since you do care what they think? But that's a shot in the dark. Let's keep going.
and as a person who.. might only have ever identified, confidently, as a hat stall before discovering SHC, I have a feeling that it isn't gonna be easy for me to figure it out alone.
Fortunately, SHC is pretty tangential to the canon houses.
now, all this might sound very bird, but that's because I've recently been heavily considering bird primary instead of snake primary.
No, what sounds Bird is that you consider your identity this malleable. If reframing your beliefs about yourself affects your behavior so much that you're worried it'll bias my perceptions of you toward Bird... that, itself, is an incredibly Birdy thing to worry about.
Bird primaries identify hard with our systems, and not-insubstantial parts of our systems can just... change, including our self-perception. Having your identity be this flexible isn't very common. The other primaries tend to be more rooted in themselves or their people.
Of course, it's possible you just have a very strong model or something. But you're already arguing with yourself (or rather, arguing with an imaginary version of me), which is very Socratic and very much a Bird writing/thinking style. It's loud.
I started off getting snake or lion primary in the SHC quiz at first, and I was like, yeah. I'm pretty stubborn, and I like things going my way. I can be selfish and self-interested, and put myself first.
Do you see selfishness as a negative attribute? Because if so, this is a lot of negative self-talk, and there's more in the next few sentences. You call yourself hedonistic for your priorities, which you list out--
thing is, I put myself, my wants and needs AND my goals AND my people first.
--and that's a pretty broad range of priorities, without even getting into the specifics of what your goals actually are. What priorities would you consider not hedonistic?? Are you under the impression that you have to dedicate your life to world peace in order to feel justified in pursuing your goals?
2 points to toxic Badger model, is all I'm saying.
I don't mind sacrificing myself for my best friends, sometimes friends if they have best friend potential or [insert other reason], S/O, for the reason that I like them a lot, and family because I love them and/or because I believe I owe them things (idk if it's just.. a belief to put my family first that I adopted from my mom or something, though, but I believe in working hard and providing for them anyway long before that since.. they did that for me man).
And yet you call yourself selfish. Whoof.
"Sacrificing" is an interesting word to use here. Can't tell if this is Snake yet, or if it's the toxic Badger model, and yeah... I think my hunch about you picking that up from your folks might've been on point.
You know how burned Badgers can end up looking like Snakes?
...You know one of your Houses can be both burned and exploded at the same time?
.....You know this applies to models too?
........You know how I said Birds identify a lot with their systems???
Look, I'm not judging--I am, unfortunately, the right person to ask about this, because I've done something pretty darn similar ^^;
Like I said, too early to tell if you have a genuine Snake model or if this is the burned/exploded Badger you've either modeled or woven into your system. If it's Snake, it's not very healthy Snake.
One thing though; the speed at which you're willing to accept new people as someone you might "owe" (including people with "best friend potential") seems more like a Badger impulse than Snake. Snakes usually take a while choosing their people.
I've.. been through putting an S/O before me for a long period of time, and tbh I didn't think they were a burden though they kept thinking they were, helping your closest ones is.. a given. relationships.. are the reward, to me.
You have some Loyalist to you, either baked into a Bird system or as a primary/model, but it seems very tired and sad.
it was only then I think I realised how much they affected me, how horrible and negative it was, and how I needed to take care of myself.. however, only until RECENTLY have I started to change in my perspective that I probably need to put myself first, instead of finding someone Right to put before me.
Anyone can change their mind, of course, but this sounds specifically like a Birdpri system change. You're talking about a specific piece of your worldview that you decided to change after processing new data.
and that's.. hard to swallow, and Idek if I will even care about this thought for long, if I'll integrate it into my life or find it too hard to do or if it resonates with me enough for it to stay. blergh sorry about that.
You don't sound happy. You don't sound like a happy Bird; you don't trust yourself to stick to your new system. You don't sound like a happy Snake either. You definitely aren't a happy Badger.
It's worth pointing out, your melancholy ambivalence here is about "will I stick to my new ideal? I don't like giving up the old one :(" and not "shit, is a healthy connection with other individuals not possible???" which is what a stressed out Snake would focus on.
You've been talking about Lion, but this doesn't quite read as Lion. This reads as tired Bird. I can't entirely verbalize why yet.
I also get lion primary as my SHC test result, and I think it's because I choose things that resonate with my gut/heart a lot of the time, whether or not it was practical (I wanted to be a vet because the thought made me feel Good, and I didn't even consider how I'm fearful of seeing blood until my mom pointed it out,, I REALLY wanted to be a counselour/therapist because studying mental illnesses interested me a lot and I guess it looks good (it might make me look smart and all that) until my family members were against it and thought I wouldn't be able to deal with it) because I FELT like it in the moment. I can change later if it doesn't fit, but at the time, I'm just like, it fits. shh. and because I haven't found a career option that I LOVE (with my heart not my head) that my family is agreeable to, it makes me kinda.. sad as heck, lol.
I think you're a Lion secondary, actually, not primary.
Which makes it... doubly not great that your folks don't seem to support or accept you all that much, even though you really care about pleasing them. I wouldn't be surprised if your Lion sec is damaged, which would make it harder to tell that it's a secondary and not your primary.
(I hope it's not rude to say... sometimes when people fall into toxic relationships, it's partly because their family wasn't exactly a great model for what healthy relationships look like.)
No wonder you're having trouble figuring out your Sorting. You haven't been allowed to exist as yourself for... who knows how long.
but I feel like, one day, I'll just make my own decisions anyway (even if it's.. years down the road) and no one can stop me.
I sure hope so! Good luck 🍀
however, I feel like my morals and values are usually or sometimes built.. over time
but I also speculate about things before believing in them strongly anyways
if you tell me something that might affect my worldview, as long as it doesn't touch my "treestalk" of like "does this hurt someone", I might consider it.
With a hell of a toxic burned/exploded Badger model, and probably a (partly burned?) Lion secondary too.
From your ask it sounds like you're around/approaching college age and are going/planning to go. Colleges in the US (probably elsewhere too?) basically always have free therapy through the student health center. This is a good resource for when you need to pick apart stuff your family taught you, because your family's ideals are always going to seem like they're the normal default thing to you even if they're kinda fucked up (sorry).
You don't have to let go of your Loyalist streak entirely, but if you can swap it for a healthier version and maybe surround yourself with nicer people (want a link to the SHC Discord?), you'll be a lot happier. Your family aren't the only people whose opinions will ever matter to you, and you deserve supportive friends who will care for you as much as you care for them, without asking you to burn yourself out in the name of selflessness or self-sacrifice.
Quit being so mean to yourself. You seem like a genuinely kind person but it sounds like you have a super negative self image. Living your life isn't selfish, caring about things you care about isn't hedonistic, and your interests are worth pursuing even if you end up changing your mind later. (Just get the psych degree. Or General Studies, if your school has it. The right degree is the one you can finish--a lot of jobs will be more open to you just for having a degree, any degree. Yes, it's a classist system, but that's a separate rant.)
no judgement, only internet hugs! You're not the first one to deal with any of this, and it's possible to get through ^^
good luck, we're rooting for you!
-- Paint
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oonessawness · 3 years
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Hi. Gonna post this so I can block ?? the person who sent it but.
Rant under the cut ig 🙄🤙❗
I have made it abundantly clear that I do not WANT rpf people on my blog. I don't want them to interact,I don't want them to think my content or my blogs contents is for them. I have said how I am anti rpf. It makes me genuinely uncomfortable,it's not something I want to see. The fact that you guys have been shown to break these boundaries just goes to show you really do not care about the people who you're treating like dolls. Mark and other content creators are Real Human Beings. They aren't your characters who you can headcanon things about and draw romantic or sexual situations about. Even if it's Not romantic or sexual it's still WEIRD to pretend like these people with lives are yours to control?? This is the kind of thing that pushes people away from their fan bases. [Ex: Dan and Phil. Everyone was treating them like their uwu soft gay beans and if you watched Dan's video on coming out he expresses how that shit just made him uncomfortable.Or the whole septiplier thing. Yall create rifts between creators !] It's obsessive,rude and weird to pretend like these are just people who you can put into scenarios? It's not alright. It's not okay. I get it,I've said this before,people are young sometimes and make mistakes. But if you KNOW what you're doing is wrong,and you continue to do it. It's still wrong? Even if you have your "own space" it's still WRONG. I am not at all saying you or anyone deserves death threats or hate or whatever for it. That's wrong too. But you need to realize you are explicitly crossing boundaries. Would you walk up to literally anyone on the street and go "Hey I ship you and your best friend. Sometimes I write fanfiction about you in scenarios and sometimes I headcanon that you do [x] thing." Thats fucking. Weird? Don't do that ? Oh my gods??
Whatever. My main point is that I shouldn't be surprised you overstepped my boundaries and preferences and interacted with me!!! I get I can't control what kind of people interact with me all the time but you're supposed to have some common fucking courtesy. Like sorry you've been harassed man,no one deserves that. But it's a two way street. You respect my boundaries and the other boundaries of REAL LIFE HUMANS. And maybe you won't have to fret over being on anon????? Again,in no way am I saying you deserve that shit,because trust me I have received shit for being against it, but you still have to realize why what you're doing is wrong !
Idk .! Just don't interact with me. Don't! I could've worded this better but I really don't have much else to say besides I'm just trying to vibe out in this community and have fun. Not worry about fucking. Rpf people lol!
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ornithia · 3 years
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again? ohboy let's take a look:
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still a racist, i see
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so ... you admit to trolling? in other words, you knowingly and willfully instigated drama in the fandom tags, fully aware that your "cohorts" in this entire mess were likely fabricating the true extent of their "reactions"? wow - and the craziest thing is i can't tell if this is actual honesty coming from you for once or if you're just attempting to downplay the role of your own antics by throwing your own 'friends' under the bus now, i mean - really? color me surprised_pikachu.jpg
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i mean, you keep using our names and talking about us, so yeah, anons are gonna let us know bc you're basically shit-talking behind our backs instead of actually confronting us directly by unblocking and having an actual conversation. and SPEAKING of assumptions and viv, i can't believe you're actually making an ass out of yourself over this:
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look at all these ASSUMPTIONS you've made! what a shame i'll have to tear them down one by one:
i have 0 interest in FNAF. like, i legitimately think it's a bad game specifically for the reasons you described about it just now (i don't scare easily at ALL, jump scares are stupid and cheap, and the character designs are hideous and aesthetically displeasing to ME (though i wont shit on people who did like the game bc separation of art and artist is a thing that exists). idk who your anons are/were, that's how internet anonymity works but fuck them if they sent death threats, they should take their own advice if they're going to sink to that level
whatever gave you the notion that i might support the republican agenda in ANY capacity? it's laughable, seriously - i won't condone doxxing but also fuck the FNAF dude for actively funding the oppression of marginalised groups. i literally don't care enough about him to even recall his name from all of the whole doxxing drama or to even google his name right now, but viv was right
and viv was so right, in fact, that i spent days literally reporting doxxing posts and blogs targeting her - here's proof:
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(there's more btw but i'm not going to screenshot every single instance bc this post has a 10 image limit, lol. but there you go, i actually did something about the situation and helped remedy it to some extent (and i'm still going, btw - i've also done this for the times the tags were spammed with kpop stans' fancam gore and drug peddling posts, too, but no you just think i'm just a "bully" for calling out your bullshit boohoo ;;uwu;; )
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actually, i don't regret stepping in to call out an older fan for using their age/disability as "leverage to blow up at a younger fan unnecessarily for the crime of not knowing the full situation, that's completely on you - what goes around comes around (ALSO i'd like to add that throughout this whole situation, i merely pointed out all of the inconsistencies in everyone's arguments, and there were many. if you personally felt i was defending her, then maybe it wasn't me defending her so much as your own guilty conscious realising you weren't 100% in the right of the situation and that's not my problem, that's yours to recognise and reflect on)
oh "honey, sweetie" - i know how the @ function works. but the reason i or others use it is for our own legibility, regardless of whether it actually notifies you or not due to your little blockade (and this isn't the first time i've explained it to you either - who knows if it'll stick this time). like so, @heartshapedcreaturefromcriptoon - did that work? not a fucking chance, but it looks nicer imo so i think i'll go ahead and keep using that format to my heart's content my own blog, tyvm
again, the only person vague-blogging throughout this entire ordeal has been you. i've directly addressed all matters pertaining to me directly, or referenced people who have gone more in-depth on the topic bc why regurgitate what's already been accurately said? also, this may come as a shock to you, but 6c6 actually reached out to me directly and thanked me for one of my call out posts. this was after my bigger post regarding his and trickster's whole drama with petit, which they undoubtedly saw (trickster, for sure, considering he reblogged me, and you KNOW he did bc you commented on it). and STILL they reached out to me, civilly, without having to resort to blocking me bc nothing i did was actually a threat to them or to anyone else involved (unflattering, for sure, but without ill-intent). proof below (post-deactivation obviously, bc i don't take screenshots unless i have a reason to):
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anyway, so where were we? oh yes - that whole thing you went off on about guillermo del toro? added absolutely nothing to this convo. using your disability (or any other irrelevant token about yourself) as a shield against valid criticisms is not just inherently abelist ("i'm disabled so i can't be held accountable for my hot takes!" - do you not see the problem here?) it's also dismissive as fuck about the greater discussion at hand that affects everyone in the conversation, not just you. pulling oppression olympics will get you absolutely nowhere, not even in your own community. now let's see if you'll actually read this post or just pretend you did so that you can type out another long-ass rant highlighting your reading incomprehension.
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