#idk. there's also this potential for a massive age difference there in terms of i do not think lyra and maarva really get along
what differences do you notice between your generation and today's generation?
oooh an interesting question. hmm...
well, im a millennial so there’s several generations younger than me. Gen Z, or “zoomers” as i’ve heard, are are like 25 years old to 10 or something like that so i could be as much as 15 years older than then youngest gen Z. that’s a big age gap and a massive difference in life experience, interests, hobbies, etc.
my generation is just. tired lol we’re all tired and depressed and overworked and incredibly pessimistic that much good will come of anything and shit is just fucked, at least the Gen Y folks in my own circles. we’re trying to make things better through social justice and grassroots organizing (unionizing, protesting, picket lines, sharing gofundmes and such). but it’s incredibly hard to categorize us so broadly because we’re all different? as much as we might want to believe each generation is a little more to the left, a little more liberal than the last... idk if this is honestly true. because we still have fucking nazis running around and white supremacy culture alongside the patriarchy still dominates, arguably more now than it ever has in terms of business practices, us capitalism, and imperialism studies.
Gen Z, in the same vein, are also more socially aware than any other generation and less prone to propaganda imo because of how connected they are to the internet and social media. they grew up in the “everything already sucks and is shit so i’m gonna have a good time while i’m here lololll” mentality which is tbh admirable. give me a few years and maybe i’ll get there
Gen Z is the generation that grew up on technology and the expectations follow. i didn’t have a cellphone until i was in middle school, and it was a shit cheap flip phone only for emergencies. i could make calls and play Snake on it and buy Hoobastank ringtones and that was about it.
Gen Z is more connected to the internet than any other generation. they’re, from what i’ve seen, more readily on every single social media platform and constantly connecting to people and things online. which can be as good as it is dangerous if they aren’t taught how to be vigilant of creeps online, are taught online etiquette (this is kinda a big one because idk most of the rude folks i’ve encountered online are younger and they dont realize how what they say could be construed as curt or rude, or potentially don’t care bc it’s just “online, no one knows you, doesn’t matter”. every generation has this so its not a callout but its just a personal observation from my own experience).  
also, Gen Z uhhh text lingo absolutely escapes me. they shorten pretty much everything and it makes stuff difficult to read. “ilu sm wt r u doin” stuff like this. and i get it, it’s fine, but it does absolutely make things harder for me to understand what’s being said at times
so i think the biggest gap between our generations is our relationship with technology. Gen Z grew up with smartphones and immediate internet access and bright screens while Gen Y didn’t until we were like, 10-20 years old already
uhhhhh hope this answers your question! i’m sure i could add way more but these are the immediate things that come to mind also my hands are cold and typing is hard
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Mattie & Lulu & Dolly (mostly)
PlanityPlan: Okay, so we wanna get down what Mattie, Lulu and Dolly are like, that’s the main point
PlanityPlan: but then we wanna pinpoint the time of this reunion for their storyline together, so we can then say what Jay is up to, Beckett not really ‘cos he’s a child but we could also say what we wanna do with you eventually here because we are planning to use him but yes, kind of unrelated but not
PlanityPlan: So it’s like, individual story, what they’re like, the lives they’re living, and then the storyline we’ll do with them together
PlanityPlan: OKAY so Mattie doing an accelerated 2-year Maths and Computer Science degree at Greenwich (57, 58) and then her PGCE which takes a year and in this year you do 2 school placements, 2nd placement at the girl's new school after gay teacher drama in Surval, so this 2nd meeting after first failed attempt at contact, in 59
PlanityPlan: Basically, energy being, making contact before starting Uni and the twins are like nah and then we show up at their new school (accidentally) and the twins relationship has suffered so now we have an in
PlanityPlan: OKAY OKAY so Mattie reaches out Summer 57, she's about to start Uni, the twins are 14 and just finished year 10, 58 teacher stuff to happen and come out year 11, 59 we move to new school year 12, Mattie starts placement too
Junie B Jones: The school I found for the twins is called Surval Montreux in Montreux Switzerland and they’d have been going there from age 12 (and leaving at 19) it’s obviously an international school but there’s a heavy focus on French in lessons as obviously because English is usually a 2nd language, but don’t even worry ladies cos there is only a maximum of 10 girls (cos it’s only gals) in your classes and 60 in the entire school
Junie B Jones: worth noting the finishing school bit from 17-19 cos your mother would love that for you and you can share a room no problem as it’s usually 2 or 3 anyways
PlanityPlan: So, do we be evil and say they have to share with another poor gal?
PlanityPlan: ‘cos we could run with that
Junie B Jones: that poor girl requesting a transfer cos they are so odd hahaha but yeah I say there’s potential there even if it was only for a while like maybe it’s lowkey a version of how they put me and Trace in separate classes cos the teachers are like UM
PlanityPlan: I see that, forcing you to stay involved, ‘cos with 60 people you’d have to be all up in each other’s business, like you’re for sure meant to see the teachers as friends/fam too
Junie B Jones: the website was very culty and that energy
PlanityPlan: which brings me to my first idea ‘cos I think it works on many levels beyond being a cliche
PlanityPlan: Okay so, I thought it’d be interesting to have a secret between them ‘cos how hard it’d be to keep
PlanityPlan: and then I thought that it’d be hilarious karma if Dolly had an affair with a female teacher but we actually let it go there
PlanityPlan: ‘cos it’d be a massive scandal even your parents can’t ignore and the girl gives off some gay vibes and it’d be like, a thing they can’t share in if Lulu isn’t gay like we share a boyfriend but we’re not sharing this teacher moment
PlanityPlan: and it’d probably get you both kicked out so we can time it when we want it and Chloe would be fuming about this lesbianism lmao
PlanityPlan: so with the whole culty school like this would be NEWS ‘cos they’re tight with the teachers clearly so it’s like ARE THEY ALL BEING GROOMED lmao
Junie B Jones: Lulu gives off the straightest vibes EVER so I am down & also the vibe that she would love that culty school
PlanityPlan: right so not only have you kept a love affair and gay from me, you’ve also ruined our school moment, it’d really shake them and their weird twin energy to it’s core, which is the fun of it all obvs
Junie B Jones: I see now why you agreed to share a boyfriend hun, also the potential for her to have a gay awakening with the roommate so hitting all those cliches
PlanityPlan: right, I’m not being gross but it’s true that all-girls school girls experiment together, facts, like Lulu probably joined it with it too but it’s like oh you actually like girls for real
PlanityPlan: but if Dolly isn’t just then living her best gay life and is trying to get shit back to how it was, I think it makes it different
Junie B Jones: the tea and also it seems like the kind of school where a teacher would go there, especially if it’s a younger/artsy one like that film Cracks that Imogen Poots was in, soz Nancy but most teachers won’t
PlanityPlan: it’s a cliche with posh schools for a reason, the bond is closer by the fact there’s not 30 kids in a classroom, there’s more opportunity for it to happen because you have actual relationships with all your teachers, whereas in normal schools they barely know your name lol
Junie B Jones: gross but necessary question being how long do you see the relationship spanning in secret before the big reveal
PlanityPlan: it should probably be somewhere between enough that it’s an actual thing that happened and not like, it happened once, like the teacher probably thinks they’re gonna be together if she doesn’t go to jail lol, but not so long that it is like, how’d you not know
PlanityPlan: it’ll be fun to like, play out, see how long we feasibly could
PlanityPlan: and if Lulu finds out before EVERYONE finds out, then she has to decide what to do with this info for a bit too, which would also be good
Junie B Jones: I love that because the twin vibe is very much like oh we can read each other’s minds haha bitch you thought
Junie B Jones: totally can picture Lulu snitching on you ngl gal
PlanityPlan: accidentally fucking yourself over when they kick the lot of yas out, a mood
PlanityPlan: maybe Lulu does care more about school in general, but also specifically that school and being one of the girls forever
PlanityPlan: ‘cos then it’s gonna be hard to win her back when you end up in another school, with boys dundundun
Junie B Jones: she very much comes across like that to me, not only because she’s clearly the clingy controlling twin here but I think she clearly likes how small and family like this school is trying to be cos of how chaotic and lacking their home life is, she’s definitely scared of boys & navigating socialising with them without making a tit of herself because of how little dealings she’s had so it’s gonna be a SHOCK
Junie B Jones: dobbing her sister in because 1. You think the teacher will get sacked and it’ll be over 2. You think you can score some points back and stay in the school’s good books
PlanityPlan: It’s honestly sad how much sense it makes, like you really buy all in with the family vibes and then ya twin fucks it all up, rude
Junie B Jones: okay idk how plausible this is but remember in Wild Child aka the greatest film of all time that boy is like the headteacher’s son, what if the boyfriend (Danny Griffin is his IRL name but I’ll give you a french af one in character boy) they share is like the son of someone who works at the school (obvs he doesn’t go there but like he’d have to live nearby and generally loiter) which is part of the reason Lulu picks him cos all the girls would want to but also she could tell him something about this and he’s like UM you have to dob her in
PlanityPlan: I see that, they can’t all be spinsters like this is an enid, they’d have families and stuff, I can vibe it because again, a thing if there’s any male in the vicinity we all lose our minds lol
Junie B Jones: and like obvs that’s why she got with him but there’s potential for an actual relationship to form with this boy on some level if we want
PlanityPlan: Yes, maybe you actually like him, because clearly Dolly doesn’t, have him to yourself hun, but also then you’ll have to move so rude
PlanityPlan: Another reason to be fuming when you were the clingy twin before, role reversal
Junie B Jones: and another reason to not want to leave because I can’t imagine that your parents will move you to another school in Switzerland because it’s tiny and the scandal so literally in a different country
PlanityPlan: yeah, we’d probably move you to the uk like we’re going to be more involved like doubt that lads but you know
Junie B Jones: my thoughts exactly
PlanityPlan: so the question is do we want to do this before Mattie gets in contact or after
PlanityPlan: I’m leaning towards before so then 1. You’ve got a chance of getting in but 2. You can also help or not help them get on better terms, whatever we vibe
Junie B Jones: maybe when she first gets in contact it’s a secret still so we get the best of the both worlds, cos like you’re gonna get stonewalled then hun but when it all pops off you can be there
Junie B Jones: just cos I’m thinking if it’s all happened by the time they’re 16 that’s slightly drama but then again we’ve done worse lol
PlanityPlan: That’s a good idea, it makes the most of it for sure
PlanityPlan: I’m not sure what the age of consent is but that might affect how in deep shit this teacher gets
Junie B Jones: it’d be a way to show how their dynamic and relationship changes from a POV that isn’t just their own
PlanityPlan: for sure and then we can have the outcome be not just down to their new school and their parentals
Junie B Jones: poor Mattie getting way more drama than she expected
Junie B Jones: are you having her go to a UK uni because obviously relevant because this isn’t getting resolved in a summer hol
PlanityPlan: I’m kind of vibing no uni, honestly
PlanityPlan: because a lot of gen 4 do go and it isn’t the only option
Junie B Jones: love that for her tbh
PlanityPlan: So yeah, you’ll be around for sure
Junie B Jones: do you have a job/career in mind yet?
PlanityPlan: not really, like I see you being a bit lost in that sense, which is fine because you’ve got a lot in other respects and you’re looked after, but it’s definitely a vibe of not knowing what you want to do, but not just doing uni ‘cos as most people in that situ do, so you probably have lots of random jobs
Junie B Jones: that’s legit cos loads of people don’t know what they wanna do but don’t have the luxury of taking time to figure it out but she does & lowkey it doesn’t matter if she never does cos like you said she’s fine in a lot of other ways
PlanityPlan: like I won’t let you be insufferable with it and not work and just bum about but you’re just striking me as work-driven, which a lot of characters are again, so I’m not mad
Junie B Jones: I like it
PlanityPlan: So it’s just working out what your actual main motivation is, which I think could be tied into getting in contact with this fam
PlanityPlan: as we’re saying Jay doesn’t really want to, so it’s a difference there
PlanityPlan: and it’ll be good to have it not a total failure if you do make something with the twins but we know you won’t with Chloe so there’s the struggle with that
Junie B Jones: it pleases me because the obvious and cliche thing to do would be to have Jay be the one trying to do this as she actually has memories of and issues with Chlo whereas Mattie is basically Ava’s child
PlanityPlan: and I don’t think it resembles like, Edie’s feelings about Drew and Caleb etc either, it’s not like I NEED you to be my mum because you biologically are
PlanityPlan: it’s just lowkey a curiosity like, people can’t just vanish from our lives like that, like what are they doing, ‘cos you know their main house is still in London too, like it’s just like, why shouldn’t I look into this
Junie B Jones: agreed, it’s not coming from a place of having a deficit, she’s happy and has everything she needs in that sense, so it makes sense for her to only gain from it
PlanityPlan: and it is naive but that is how I vibe her being in a not really annoying way lol, not a jaded character though
PlanityPlan: and it will be shit when Chloe is Chloe but it won’t destroy her or anything it’s just like oh god, what is wrong with her though
Junie B Jones: and that’ll strengthen her relationship with Jay because she doesn’t wanna talk about all of that and you’ll get why in a way that you can’t unless you experience the crazy that is Chloe for yourself
PlanityPlan: exactly, like that can be a source of strain between you when you’re first deciding to do this
PlanityPlan: and you’d give Chloe a few chances ‘cos like I said you aren’t looking for a mum so you’d be trying to lowkey work it out and being empathetic so she’d probably actually love that ‘cos she’s a narcissist so it’d be a bit dicey
PlanityPlan: suddenly wants to tell you every drama in her life like poor me
Junie B Jones: how real
PlanityPlan: ‘cos you can think you’re like objective and just putting the mystery together but you’re gonna get dragged in, clearly
PlanityPlan: especially combine this with the twin drama which you do genuinely care about
Junie B Jones: mhmm, Lulu is gonna drag you in gal, not like she can bring these emotions and drama to her new school when it’s a scandal and this is supposed to be a fresh start
PlanityPlan: which is what you were warned about/one of the reasons we left it ‘til you were grown but you’ll have to work this all out, which will be good
PlanityPlan: ‘cos you can’t be dealing with your younger sister’s drama instead of living your own life but clearly at a point here we are ‘cos bit lost
Junie B Jones: you’re so clever boo, this is such a good idea that flows
PlanityPlan: heheh, I think it makes sense if you’ve had such a chill upbringing and the twins have not that this chaos can take over your life and drag you in
PlanityPlan: I’d like to think we all get to a healthy place gals but we’ll see tbh
PlanityPlan: as for who Dolly is… I think she never bought into the school as hard, like it’s probably better than home, not that we’d know, but we’re not like omg this is IT
PlanityPlan: same with the boyfriend clearly, none of it is as real but the twin bond is so like may as well until the gay drama comes along
PlanityPlan: but then that’s lowkey over before it’s begun so then we go into overdrive of trying to win her back
Junie B Jones: which Lulu is not having sis
PlanityPlan: like in reality we should accept our truth and start working on separate personalities but we’re like no no
Junie B Jones: potential for how far aka too far she can try and take winning her back, like that creepy book energy
PlanityPlan: deffo, like we’ll have to think of ways but if we’re going all-in on this, there isn’t reason not to
PlanityPlan: ‘cos we don’t care about school or whatever mum and dad are saying or doing
Junie B Jones: not gonna kill you off gal but oh the possibilities for danger cos lbr your grandparents can’t stop you either clearly
PlanityPlan: bless them they’re alright people but obvs a bit useless for all this to happen lmao
Junie B Jones: hence I vibe that Lulu totally walks all over/ has them wrapped around her little finger like Chloe did but more subtly because she has no nuance
PlanityPlan: deffo, oh lads
Junie B Jones: which is a shame when they could literally give you the family energy you want without need for a creepy cult school but hey, you’ve been taught to treat them like that
PlanityPlan: exactly
PlanityPlan: they should’ve lowkey took you in but we’re too posh for that and you’ll probably be fine right lmao
Junie B Jones: at least Dolly can stay with them when her parents are literally hate criming her
PlanityPlan: sad that you won’t ‘cos getting back in that closet so hard like will you forgive me if I’m straight and we’re still the same
Junie B Jones: it’s really sad like this isn’t sustainable huns and shouldn’t have been allowed to be a thing for this long
PlanityPlan: at least Mattie does have fresh enough eyes to be like, respectfully, maybe let’s not do this
Junie B Jones: just like Lulu don’t haze your sister thank you
PlanityPlan: right, I think this gives us energy to go on for all y’all
PlanityPlan: *** so the energy now is she can get more drawn in because she's literally there living at the school too, and after the placement, she's getting a permanent position at the school, so we can actually work through this together and have relationships etc etc
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
so i read robin year one after seeing your posts about it and i really liked it! you got any other dick grayson recs? also i thought this was the comic where the juvie origin comes from but it wasn't there. from what comic was it then?
Gah, see the problem I have with reccing comic book stories, especially that far back is like…..almost all the way across the board, the stories I’m most…partial to or whatever, I’m still not 100% on board with, you know? Like, for as many elements about them that work, there’s things that bug the crap out of me, so my enjoyment of or positive associations with most comic book arc…..its usually not about the arcs over all, so much as….there were specific things within those arcs that I really liked and I pretty much just channel my focus onto those parts and idk…..willfully try not to focus on the parts that bugged the crap out of me. LOL. If that makes any sense at all?
I mean, just in terms of general eras, one good thing about the 90s Batbooks is they were really good about having each of the Bat characters regularly and consistently be DETECTIVES as much as they were superheroes and crime fighters. There’s tons of good stuff from the 90s specifically, in the vein of showcasing just how freaking smart Dick is and following him through his process in solving his various cases or tracking down different villains.
BUUUUUT….that’s also where most of the “Dick is a cop” crap is located during his daytime hours, and. I just. Can not express the depths of loathing I have for the decision to make Dick Grayson of all people a cop. It just. No. It doesn’t work for me, at all, on any level. The kid most specifically fucked over and mishandled by an uncaring system, growing up to be a servant of that very system? Nope, nope, nope times a million. Dick Grayson is a vigilante, has been a vigilante since he was a child, specifically because he’s someone who puts his faith, his trust, in individuals rather than institutions.
Its not just a matter of like….
Eh, okay, disengaging, lol. I need to nope right off that particular subject because when I start down THAT particular rabbit hole, I don’t come out the other side for a very long time and I just do not have time for that currently. LMAO. But anyway. 
Like…yeah, so that’s the problem I have with recommending specific Nightwing solo arcs specifically…..because on the one hand, I want to point to a lot of stuff from that time period because of everything Dick was doing in costume…..while like….rapidly flipping through every page where he’s not in costume. LOLOL.
So this is a tough one. I tend to say you can’t really go wrong with any of the older Titans stuff… even when its not that great, with a couple of glaring exceptions its not BAD, at least as opposed to when things are bad in the Batbooks and Dick’s solo title. At which point they’re more accurately termed ‘abyssmal.’
I mean….I definitely think the original Titans Hunt storyline is worth a read, and contains so much of what’s quintessential to his character and his dynamics with practically every single individual member of the New Teen Titans lineup. (And to be clear, this is the Titans Hunt storyline from the late 80s, not the crap Rebirth story with the same name. I don’t know her.)
In terms of the Batbooks themselves….y’know, it might sound weird given that I really hate the event-driven structure of comics in this day and age and think it actively works against the creative potential of the various books…..BUT….the way they used to do more localized ‘events/crossovers’ between every book in individual franchises…..in hindsight, a lot of those worked pretty well, especially when you’re reading them all after the fact and all the related issues are conveniently collected, as opposed to how at the time it was a massive pain in the ass to try and keep track of what titles the storyline was going to be continuing in next week, etc.
But so, like…a lot of the big Batbooks events from back then are worth a read and hold up well, I think, because in events like No Man’s Land, War Games, etc…there was a lot more effort put into coordinating the various writers and getting them ALL on the same page and making those crossovers a lot more actual collaboration than what we tend to see in the big line-wide events nowadays. So a lot of those are pretty great because they’d bring all the assorted Bat franchise characters together for the duration of a specific story, even ones who tended to usually just be at the fringes of the family or only interact with certain others once in a blue moon. The all hands on deck kinda thing.
If you haven’t already read the full scope of Knightfall, specifically when Dick first took up the Batman mantle while Bruce was recovering from Bane breaking his back, and with Tim as his Robin then, I would definitely check that out. Its angsty as hell but still really good.
Hmm, what else. Ugh, see, like…..if there were a way to JUST isolate Dick and Cassandra’s parts of the ‘Bruce Wayne: Murderer?’ and the ‘Bruce Wayne: Fugitive’ story arcs, I would say read those, lol, because like…..the two of them were sooooo good there, those arcs had some of the best Dick and Cass and they really got closer during that time, mostly due to the fact that everyone else, even Tim and Babs, were trying to stay impartial and follow the evidence wherever it led, even though it was implicating Bruce at the time…..but Dick and Cass were just like “Nope, doesn’t matter. I don’t care. The evidence is lying. Bruce is innocent la la la I can’t hear you.”
I’m just….the two of them in particular fought SO DAMN HARD for their dad in that story (even if Bruce hadn’t started talking about adopting Cass yet by that point. WHATEVER. I’M STILL COUNTING IT). Its honestly pretty fucking beautiful in how their character beats played out specifically, and there was just so much poignancy to their increasingly desperate attempts to think outside the box for ways to prove it couldn’t have been Bruce, even while acknowledging that doing so went against every single thing he’d ever taught them himself…..
Buuuuuuut, the downside of those two story arcs is that BECAUSE of how freaking devoted Dick and Cass are to proving Bruce’s innocence and bringing him home…..if you’re anything like me, Bruce’s train of thought and actions throughout almost those entire two story arcs all the way up until just before the end….like….will have you wanting to reach into the actual pages of the comic book so you can wrap your hands around B’s scrawny two-dimensional neck and just. Be like. WHAT ARE YOU DOOOOOOING?
And I mean, to be fair, its not that he’s particularly out of character or that its hard to see how and why they decided on that approach to him in that story. Tbh, I get their reasoning for the character choices they made with Bruce there, it makes sense, its not terrible character logic, its just…..painful to read.  Especially given that the BW:M and BW:F arcs are loooooooooooooong. And spread across like. So many issues, in all the various Bat titles of the time. And you’re just like omg can you please hurry it up to the part where Bruce figures out he can’t do this alone and shouldn’t do this alone and his family is literally yelling LET US HELP YOU and…he goes and lets them help him?
So. Yeah. Lots of double-edged swords in all of that. Hopefully somewhere in all that stream of consciousness you can pick out a few starting points to start like….scoping out to see if they might be what you’re looking for. LOL.
Oh! And per your other question, the one-shot that details the juvie origin is Robin Annual #3 I believe. And if its not that, then its Robin Annual: Year Three. Its one of those two. I just don’t even pretend to remember how they went about numbering those flashback mini’s and one-shots, if I ever actually understood their logic there at all. 
*Shrugs* Why is the story about Dick’s first major crisis in costume called Robin: Year One while the story about what happened to Dick before he even ended up at Wayne Manor is in a book called Robin Annual: Year Three? I haven’t the foggiest clue, lol.
Sometimes the only reasonable explanation is that DC’s just fucking weird, I guess. lmao
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atmilliways · 6 years
You like AUs, right? Mash up Metalocalypse and That 70s Show, go! Mash up Metalocalypse and Friends, go! Mash up Metalocalypse and Frasier, go!
Oh jeebus, why?
… But yeah you’re right I do.
That Dethklok’s Show
You know what makes me mad is that I want to say Nathan and Charles are Eric and Donna, but Seth is unarguably Lori and that messes everything up.
Okay so Pickles = Eric, Seth = Lori, Calvert = Red but with hair, and Molly = Kitty except Seth is her favorite child too.
Skwisgaar = Kelso because he’s tall, pretty, and horny. Also, in this AU, he is drowning in brothers because Servetta can’t keep it in her panties.
Toki = Fez because he’s foreign, happy most of the time, sings and dances for the simple joy of it, and his room is decked out with toys and fun stuff.
Murderface = Hyde because of the righteous fa-RO baby, and also because he DOESN’T HAVE ANY PARENTS. He moves in with Pickles’ family and lives in the basement. (Pickles was hoping this would give Molly and Calvert another Target to rag on and give him a break. It didn’t work.)
Unlike Hyde, Murderface is not cool and doesn’t get any eventual Hyde/Jackie storyline. Instead, his relationship history goes more like Fez’s. Without the weird forced Fez/Jackie stuff at the end of the series, which really went downhill has soon as Donna dyed her hair blonde.
Charles = Buddy, the random rich kid who is canonically gay, only he’s a regular part of the group instead of a one-episode throwaway character.
I’m cool with Pickles/Charles, and that fits with Buddy coming on to Eric in the show. But I would eventually break them up and put Charles with…
Nathan = no one on the show, but he’s got a lot of Hyde’s qualities in terms of stoic, bad boy vibes. However, like Kelso, he is an Adorable Dumb (see “that’s doable” hat).
Rebecca Nightrod = Jackie, but she’s not a necessarily a regular character. Murderface fawns/lusts over her like Fez, even though she’s a bitch. Nathan hates her, even though he does date her briefly in a relationship that she holds onto tenaciously until, in an act of desperation that absolutely horrifies Pickles, he cheats on her with Seth.
Abigail = Donna, because she’s smart and has good hair. (Zero bleach kits in sight.)
Rockso = Bob, because he’s a cue ball on top and makes liberal use of crazy wigs. Bargain Rockso’s is that store that’s always open on holidays — just in case you’re driving home Christmas night, realize you forgot to get a gift, and rush in to buy a fridge to solve the gift problem and/or some cocaine to forget there was ever a problem in the first place.
Magnus = Leo. He gives Murderface a job at his hilariously unprofitable Photo Hut business, declines to sell his real cool car to Skwisgaar on principal, and generally supplies the gang with all their weed and assorted drugs.
Dory McLean = Midge. She’s young, dumb, has big boobs, and Abigail is exasperated as hell that she doesn’t understand feminism in the slightest.
Knubbler = Mitch, the weird kid who hangs around and is sometimes kinda entertaining but keeps hitting on Abigail, which annoys her. However, he’s also stupid and accidentally self-sabotages (see setting his sleeve on fire while trying to flirt), so she doesn’t really waste energy on slapping him back down.
Pickles “burning down the shed” = Eric telling Red “I do it too” when Hyde gets busted for possession. Either way Abigail (Donna) is standing in the background going, “For the love of god, DON’T.”
Trindle = Cousin Penny, only instead of prankish Pickles (Eric) she targets Nathan, who during her last visit when they were much younger helped Pickles trap her in a revolving door. Abigail is completely secure in her looks compared to Trindle and actually talks Rebecca out of a potentially disastrous sunlamp tan.
Nathan and Abigail go out for like, a second, while Nathan and Charles are I one of their off-again fazes.
Endgame parings are Nathan/Charles, Abigail/Rebecca, and Skwisgaar/Toki.
Nathan = Ross. Can you picture Nathan doing the *long sigh, ex wife is a lesbian blues* “Hi” thing? Because I can.
Abigail = Carol. They got together but it just didn’t work out in the long run. 
Rebecca Nightrod = Susan. Tbh, I think the reason she keeps popping up is because of how @little-murmaider portrayed her in Stay Alive. She and Nathan get along like a house on fire, in that it’s a disaster and Abigail keeps having to turn the hose on them to stop the bickering.
Toki = Monica, although his chef skills are mostly confined to providing fruit and burning plastic. He’s still got the overshadowed younger sibling thing going on though.
Molly = Judy Geller. Dotes on Nathan.
Oscar = Jack Geller. Is amiably odd.
Charles = Rachel. Except not as ditzy. But he does break an engagement off at the altar and moves in with Toki, an old acquaintance he hasn’t seen since high school and one of the few people he, ah, did not invite to the wedding. For the record, he was hoping that wouldn’t come up.
Skwisgaar = Joey. Except when they all go to London, Toki (Monica) does hook up with him, gradually teaches him how to relationship, and eventually they get married.
Murderface = Chandler. He hates his data processing job and keeps threatening to leave it to work on his side project, Planet Piss, but never actually does because the money is really good. When he goes back to the pet store to return the baby chick Skwisgaar impulse bought, he instead adopts an ugly-ass duck that no one wants because it’s original owners thought it was just an ugly duckling that would grow up into a swan. He feels that he can empathize with it, and names it Dick van Duck.
Knubbler = Dick van Duck. Listens patiently to all of Murderface’s Planet Piss ideas.
Pickles = Phoebe. He doesn’t even know who his dad is, and is proud that he doesn’t. (I’m not going to lie, Phoebe’s family situation definitely fits more with Murderface, but Phoebe’s dating track record is too good.) Remember the one where Pickles broke up with someone he’d just moved in with because the person shot a bottle of liquor?
Seth = Ursula. 100% Ursula. Seth is a “career driven” waiter and also a part time porn star on the side, using Pickles’ name.
I don’t watch this one as much, so this one won’t be as detailed probably.
Skwisgaar = Frasier. Idk, because he goes on dates with a different woman at least every episode. Also, he’s a jackass, but good at what he does and there are some redeeming glimmers of not being a complete asshole that make his presence worthwhile.
Nathan = Niles. Minus most of the neuroses. Instead of successful musicians, he and Skwisgaar are both successful psychiatrists, although Skwisgaar usually gets the bulk of the public’s, ahem, attention.
Daphne = Charles. He’s oblivious to Nathan’s crush on him for ages, but when he realizes it’s there and thinks about how sweet Nathan’s always been to him, he falls hard.
Rebecca Nightrod = Maris. She and Nathan have a rocky marriage, and eventually a rockier divorce in which she accuses Nathan of being emotionally unfaithful because of Charles.
Abigail = The brilliant divorce lawyer that handles Nathan’s case, and briefly dates Charles. They seem like such a good fit on paper that they’re actually engaged for a bit, but they break it off amiably right before getting to the altar, and Nathan and Charles ride off into the sunset in an RV with “road warrior” vanity plates.
Toki = Roz. (I know, technically Roz’s promiscuousness would be more Skwisgaar, but Skwisgaar’s superiority complex fits better with Frasier.) Although competent and successful in his own right, he is not the on air talent. Unlike in Frasier, when Toki and Skwisgaar sleep together they actually become a couple instead of backing off and remaining good friends.
Rockso = That garbage man that Roz was head over heals with for a while… Rodger?He belongs in a garbage can. Anyway, after breaking up with Toki over the latter’s inability to get over his massive cocaine use, Toki goes to Skwisgaar for comfort, which leads to drinking which leads to sex. Toki flees the next morning and flies to Norway for the annual family reunion, only he hadn’t told anyone he’s broken up with Rockso. Skwisgaar, desperate to Talk Things Out and hopefully even Do That Again, follows and (cringingly, but of his own volition) answers to/pretends to be Rockso to help Toki save face in front of his critical family.
Murderface = Bulldog. He and Toki briefly have a thing, and he’s actually kind of sweet when you get right down to it, but things don’t work out. Masturbation photos are involved — don’t ask. Also, at one point Skwisgaar accidentally repeats a rumor that Murderface is going to get fired where Murderface can hear it, so
Murderface goes and yells at the station manager (then Knubbler) and quits. Then he’s unemployed for a while, and scrapes by delivering pizzas. I forget how that situation resolved itself in the show but it does.
Knubbler = Kenny the station manager. Weak willed. Weak chinned. Ineffectual. Good track record in his career, but mostly he’s just there.
Abigail = That domineering and extremely competent lady station manager that’s there for a while… Kate? Has a cat. But she does NOT get it on with Skwisgaar (Frasier) on his desk and accidentally bump the On Air button partway through. She has a very strict policy of not getting involved with anyone she works with, although naturally everyone tries.
That’s all I got.
Magnus = Martin. Because he’s a cranky old man. He and Nathan don’t get along and he resents having to live with Skwisgaar, but they all gamely trade barbed insults and leave it at that. Magnus is a retired cop who still works on old cold cases as a hobby, having vowed revenge on uncaptured murderers everywhere. He and Charles (Daphne) get along pretty well, and there is no stabbing of any kind.
Metal Masked Assassin = Cam Winston. At one point he blocks Skwisgaar and Toki in Skwisgaar’s SUV into a parking space with his own SUV, and only relents and backs out when Charles comes and calmly threatens him, because “that’s my bread and butter you’re blocking in.”
There, are you happy now?? I spent a ridiculous amount of time on this, asdf;lkj lol.
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shadowsong26x · 6 years
On the subject of Korkie Kryze...
Inspired by a post I saw elsewhere when I checked tumblr on my phone earlier this afternoon.
Anyway, I don’t want to wait to get my thoughts out til I backtrack there now that I’m on my laptop where I can actively tumblr, (also don’t want to take the thread off on a wild tangent), but I do have some (many) Thoughts on the subject so I figured I’d make my own post!
Behind a cut because we all know I like to ramble sometimes...
So, I do actually subscribe to the headcanon/fanon that he is Obi-Wan and Satine’s biological son. I think it makes sense; I think the political fiction of her being his nephew makes a lot of sense; I think he resembles Obi-Wan a fair amount, both physically and in terms of personality, so I like the idea. But I’m...not actually all that interested in the Obi-Wan Has A Kid part of it?
(...I mean, apart from as a means to get to Rey Kenobi, which remains my favorite theory but that is an entirely separate conversation.)
Like...all right, especially at the point where we meet Korkie, I don’t think either of them is really interested in a relationship with the other of the father-son variety (which I think came up in the post I’m thinking of). They have their own lives, which are separate, and neither of them really needs/wants this.
(...that being said, I’m pretty sure Korkie did have a few Moments in the way that all teenagers who are fighting with their parents do, especially when they know there is at least one potential parent who is Not In The Picture whether through adoption or divorce or w/e, where he Thought About It, whether or not he knows who his actual biodad is (though I think he does). But not in any, like, serious way.)
Now, if Obi-Wan and Satine actually got back together, it would of course be a Thing, but I honestly don’t see that happening without further action from some external forces/further encouragement of some kind. That ship, so to speak, has sailed. While they still love each other and always will, that time in their lives has passed. A part of them will probably always wonder what might have been, but they have their separate lives, and can’t go back to where they were fifteen-plus years ago.
But as for Obi-Wan and Korkie--I think there would be that moment of awkward “here is this person I have a biological connection to, but not an emotional one. What does he want/expect from me?” And then they will both be very relieved when they find out neither of them really feels or wants the parent-child bond. (And then they’d probably be friends because they would be, and given the generation divide/age gap there might be something of that dynamic? But it wouldn’t be super pronounced/on the level of found-family/etc. If that makes sense?)
Okay, to be fair, I am kind of interested in it in that sense--Star Wars deals a lot with adopted and biological family, and what each of them means. But there hasn’t, to my knowledge, really been a dynamic like this--where the bioparents and biokids are alive and connect/known to one another somehow, but don’t...really have that kind of bond? They’re certainly not indifferent to each other, in part because they both love the person who connects them very much (though obviously in different ways), but it’s not...you know what I mean? Where the bioparents don’t matter as parents, even if they matter as individuals.
But beyond the sort of concepty part of it, I’m not actually super interested in that story. I’ll admit, I have toyed with the idea of using the contrast with the biological-but-not-emotional connection as fuel for a Eureka Moment about a found family/actual emotional bond, but that’s about it.
And now, having spent quite a bit of time on the part that I’m less invested in, lol...
What I’m really interested in? Is the other end of this thread. I.e., not Obi-Wan as Korkie’s father, but Satine as Korkie’s mother.
And, even more, how Bo-Katan and their relationship plays into all this.
Because, look. Barring the existence of a third unknown Kryze sibling (which is certainly an interesting story in and of itself and God knows I love me my OCs...)
...anyway, barring that, Bo-Katan is Korkie’s legal/actual--if not necessarily biological--mother.
Don’t get me wrong, Bo-Katan as biomom is also a really interesting idea! In terms of...as Korkie starts drifting closer to Satine’s politics, how Bo handles that, why she chooses to leave him behind when she and her sister have their final falling out and she leaves for Death Watch...plus, the question of who Korkie’s father would be. Someone we know (Pre Visla? Please no. Fenn Rau? ...interesting...)? Someone we don’t?
But let’s talk about Satine as biomom, and Bo-Katan having adopted/claimed him. And what that means for their relationship--both at the time when they make this choice, and when they have their aforementioned falling out.
Look, we don’t know a whole heck of a lot about where Bo was during this whole year, other than not with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon and Satine (because Obi-Wan clearly doesn’t recognize her except through context/that is pretty obviously a first meeting). We can also assume that, much like Satine’s experience on the run during this civil war situation, Bo’s experiences,whatever they were, profoundly shaped her and her politics as an adult woman.
But all that comes later. In the short term, after it’s over, they reunite. Satine is pregnant, and for a variety of personal and political reasons, she cannot openly have/claim this child. Her throne, while more or less secure now, is not necessarily stable. Plus, she has massive reforms planned. She can’t afford a Scandal right out of the gate.
And the personal reasons are just as strong--if Obi-Wan came back to her, she would be thrilled. (She can’t ask him to give everything up for her, but if he chose it himself she would accept in a heartbeat.) But if he came back out of a sense of obligation to her and to their child...no. No, she can’t let that happen. That would be very very bad for all three of them.
On the other hand--again, political and personal motivations for wanting this child to exist.
So, Satine asks, and Bo-Katan takes the child. Claims him as her own. She agrees to this, and why? What goes into this decision? Is she protecting her sister? Protecting the child? The future of Mandalore? Does she simply want a child herself?
And then, after the decision is made--what is her relationship with her son like? What is Satine’s, especially after Bo leaves? At what point, if ever, do they tell Korkie about any/all of this? Plus, all the above about Bo’s decision to leave him behind when she breaks away still applies because she’s the mom who raised him.
Give me all of the Kryze girls and their complicated relationship. The politics and war and trauma that first bind them and then drive them apart. This boy who, whichever of them is the biomom, in a sense has both of them for mothers.
What kind of man does he grow into, assuming he survives Maul/Death Watch’s takeover?
(note: whatever confirmation we do or don’t get about Korkie’s parentage, I would like confirmation one way or the other on that...)
And that’s not even getting into what this would say decades later, when Bo turns up in Rebels. Whether or not Korkie is still alive at that point.
...yeah, for those of you who also follow my writing tumblr, a lot of this would be the plot of the first huge chunk of Our Faces Like a Mirror so I’ve been thinking about it A Lot. It’s been kicking around in my head for a while, but pushed into overdrive the last couple days, lol...
(also anyone who can guess the reference in the working title gets a cookie. virtual cookie. fic prompt? something.)
So yeah. Those are my thoughts on Korkie as Obi-Wan’s son. I like the idea, I think it’s plausible, even likely, Bo and Satine, guys.
...idk, what are your thoughts?
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intimatevoid · 7 years
the delirium was fun
written while getting progressively drunk with @littledonkeyburrito
1) How many bank accounts do you have? 3.
2) Have you ever been in an ambulance?
Only once, I was in a car crash and was unharmed, but I still had to sit in one while I answered some questions for the paramedics. 3) Do you remember your first time on the internet? No, but I do remember that when we first got internet, I spent all my computer time going to lego.com :D 4) Have you ever had the flu? I had the flu this year and it sucked so much arse. Ash ended up taking me to the hospital at like 1am. The delirium was fun. :D 5) Would you ever consider going on a cruise? Yeah, I have considered it before.
6) Do you ever drink alcohol? well there was this one time that was now
7) Have you ever had a terrible hangover? Actually, I have had maybe one or two hangovers in my entire life. I don’t get ‘em often. 8) How old were your parents when they had you? I think they were in their mid-20s? I have no idea how old my parents are lmao
9) Is there a big age difference between you and the person you like? Actually my partner is exactly ten years older than me. And the person I lost my virginity to is fifteen years older.
10) Do you try to spend a lot of time with family? Pffthahahaha, no. My bio family and I aren’t on great terms. But that said, I’ve slowly built up a little fambly of my own, and I try to spend as much time with them as possible.
11) What would you say is your favorite genre of music? Electronica, metal, chiptune, and orchestral/soundtrack.
12) Are you good at giving advice to people? I have been told by some that I am good at the advice thing, just once or twice.
13) What is your goal for the next few months? To move house in April, and also to save up for my Sydney trip in May~
14) Do you think you have a good sense of style? On paper, I have a great sense of style. In reality I just can’t afford to look like how I want to XD
15) What is your star sign/zodiac sign/whatever? Aquarius. 16) Does your personality match the characteristics of your sign? I am actually a scarily accurate match to my sign. I don’t even believe in zodiac stuff, I just match it really closely. 17) Would you rather be on a nude beach or at a concert? I would definitely rather be at a concert. Public nudity could be a death sentence for me lmao 18) Have you ever been caught passing notes in class? No, I didn’t have any friends to pass notes to, BUT this does remind me of an interesting story about class subterfuge! Once in year 12 English, I was wearing my spray jacket, and had run an earbud up under it, past my neck, to my ear. I sat next to a wall so nobody could see. However, the guy sitting behind me saw it in my ear, and he was a massive dickhead, so he tried to dob me in to the teacher. 
Just in time, I flicked the earbud out of my ear and dropped it into my collar, out of sight. The English teacher (who loved me and did not like the idiot behind me) asked if this was true, and I turned my head to show that there was nothing in my ear. He insisted that he saw something, and I said maybe he saw a fly or something. He started yelling about it and the teacher sent him out of the classroom. I got away with it, nobody ever suspected me.
A little unjust, perhaps, but he was an asshole who constantly disrupted class and I don’t regret anything.
19) What is your New Year’s resolution? My New Year’s resolution is always the same: to be the kind of person my younger self would be both intimidated and a little bit turned on by. 20) Do you know anyone who suffers from depression? Do I know anyone who doesn’t? 21) Would you rather be 13 years old or 30 years old? 30. It’s closer to death, that’s an obvious benefit. 22) Here’s a personal one. How many times do you pee a day? I don’t keep track, you perv 23) Have you ever had your significant other fall asleep on you? Actually, Ash almost never falls asleep on me. But it’s so nice when they do. 24) Name me a random word that starts with ‘O’. Opulence.
25) Which berry is your favorite? Watermelons and avocados.
26) Have you ever tried to learn a foreign language?
Yus! Japanese and French so far.
Maddie’s trying to pressure me into learning Spanish too lmao
27) Which baby animal is your favorite? Literally any of them tbh :D Whether they’re in my lap or on my plate, I don’t mind. 28) What was the scent of the last candle you burned? The last candle I burned was a scent-neutralising deodorant candle, because I had gastro and couldn’t stop farting :D 29) Are there any plants in your home? I have two beautiful moon cacti named Snuggles and Smooches. 30) If you could have a small garden in your backyard, what would you plant? WEED
Vegetables! I miss having homegrown food, hopefully I’ll be able to grow some at my new place ;w; 31) What pets have you had while growing up? My family has had few dogs and a few cats and even a bird, but the only pet that was actually mine was a big ginger tom. Such a beautiful kitty. I named him Sovereign because he thought he was the king of everything. 32) What type of museum would you like to go to? I like lots of different types of museums! Natural history, science, art, you name it. 33) Have you ever been to the circus? Literally never. Though I kinda hate the concept of circuses. So much potential for animal abuse. 34) What are some of your favourite scents? The ones that add up to dollars! :D
Forreal tho, I love the smell of my Lush vanilla body wash.
35) What branch of science interests you the most? Oooh where do I START. I love chemistry a lot, and that filters down to biology and psychology. But I also fucking love physics, and would even be good at it if I was any good at math.
36) Are you one of those lucky people to own a walk-in closet You can walk into any closet if you try hard enough.
37) Can you play electric guitar?
A little! I have more experience with acoustic but electric is more fun.
38) When was the last time you drank something through a straw?
About six hours ago.
39) Are you a fan of industrial metal?
What, like mild steel?
(lol jk i do)
40) Can you handle the cold?
I desire the cold more than anything. Or at least the Australian version of cold, which is really just “slightly below boiling”.
41) Have you ever been to Canada?
Not yet!
42) How old is the person you last kissed?
43) Have you ever tried to balance the light switch between off and on?
Everyone has been ten years old, so yes~
44) Are your feet touching the floor?
Nope. My desk has a bar running underneath it and my feet are propped up on that.
45) Are you one of those people who keep their feelings bottled up? Literally never. I am not just emotional, but I also prompt other people to release theirs. 46) Is one of your friends extremely odd but you love them regardless? Who wants to be friends with NON-odd people? Odd is interesting. Normal is boring.
47) Do you have any piercings besides your earlobes? 13, but I’ve had 22 total.
48) How many push-ups can you do? *shrugs* idk, i used to be able to do heaps bc it was part of my roller derby trailing but now I’m so unfit
49) When was the last time you wore a button up shirt? Literally today~
50) Do you own any striped sweaters? Alas, I do not D:
51) Write the first person you think of whose name begins with T? Tanya Dobson, a dear friend of mine. 52) When was the last time you got a haircut? Just about a couple of weeks ago! Not a proper haircut, just getting my undercut reshaved.
53) How old were you when you had your first crush? I don’t remember how old I was -- probably preteen -- but it was Lt. Helga Sinclair from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
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i-am-the-inksinger · 7 years
hello, it is I, annoneth! (idk I tried to riff off of annatar with questionable results. Anywhoooo) I am here to ask if you have any broad headcanons about Valar, elves, or peredhil in terms of how they differ from humans. more questions to follow I'm sure, but that will do for the moment. happy december!
Greetings, Annoneth! Please don’t convince me to create rings of power and then torture me to death when I decide to keep them to myself. It’d make a mess everywhere.
Broad headcanons! Eru help us all, we’re gonna be here a while.
Concerning the Valar:• They are all huge nerds. To a one. Not just about their respective dominions, but also about the races of Men and Elves and even Dwarves. And especially about everything these races create and bring about. The second the Elves were discovered every single one of them flipped their lid. Some of them are known to nerd out over completely mundane things like tunics and baskets because, “YOU made this one, so it’s still unique and special!” Others fangirl hardcore every single time a child of Ilúvatar expresses a desire to study under them. It’s not even dignified in most cases. Tulkas especially is known to bounce excitedly in place and clap his hands together when nerding out.
• I do not for one second ship any Valar with any elf. I just don’t see the Valar as being interested in elves in that manner - less because they’re at all unattractive, and more because the Valar look at elves the way parents look at a child they’ve tried to have for years and almost gave up trying to conceive at all.
• I do think the Valar in general have and enjoy having sex. Depending on which pair exactly, they may not have incredibly kinky sex, but they do have… sometimes ridiculous amounts of it.
• I don’t think the Valar need to eat at all. When they do, it’s usually because they just enjoy the way food tastes - or else they’re trying to be polite. They each have a favorite food, though.•• Same theory applies to drinks. Unnecessary, but so delicious.
In regards to Elves:• Regardless of their description in canon, they’re as a rule all the sort of people you would think of as “fey.” Whether it’s a cheerful kind of fey with bright laughter and not-quite-civilized humor in their eyes; a dark and foreboding fey marked by a swift temper and an unusually cruel sense of justice; a quiet, almost listless fey wherein the elf in question is sometimes calm to the point of seeming unresponsive to their surroundings, even while actively engaging in an activity that requires a great deal of attention; or some other kind of fey entirely, for someone as capricious as an elf it isn’t a matter of occasionally being in a fey mood. Compared to what a human would call normal and natural, elves are always just a bit… odd.
•• It’s most pronounced in the elves specifically noted by canon to be fey or otherwise unusual of mind. Those elves are picked out and labeled that way because they are so very off that even other elves find them unnerving, which means they would likely register as outright deranged to a human.
•• Finrod was no different. If anything, he was just the best able to figure out what humans found so unnerving about him and then tone it down enough that they were put at ease.
• Elves are social creatures - bordering on pack animals due to their fey nature. Antisocial tendencies and behaviors will always register as unnatural and potentially dangerous to them, and an elf who notices such behaviors in any friend of theirs - even if the friend isn’t an elf - will do absolutely everything they can think of to break their friend out of that pattern. It’s simultaneously cute and annoying.
•• Similarly: Fury unnerves and frightens them. Too much of their history was made dark at least in part by elves and other people and creatures gripped in the throes of their own blind rage. If you want any elf to avoid you for several days or weeks, throw a tantrum that culminates in something being broken.
• The vast majority of Elves - regardless of their specific culture or heritage - have absolutely no qualms about public nudity insofar as how “decent” it is. They do, however, find it intolerably foolish to wander about completely naked while in hostile territory, even in the comparative safety of a keep or fortress.
• You don’t have to have long hair for an elf to find you attractive - any head of soft, well-kept hair has a decent chance of attracting their attention. Long hair is only a bonus; after so many centuries of battling the Shadow, and especially with stories like the fall of Gondolin in mind, long hair is something of a mark of confidence and martial prowess - especially when it is worn loose or partially braided.
•• That said, braiding your hair completely - or tying it back at all, if it’s too short to braid - is considered a signal that an individual is ready for some sweet, sweet lovemaking.
In regards to the Peredhil:
• They will always bear a heavy emotional and mental burden, no matter their disposition or circumstances. They are elven and human in equal measure; even when they choose their fates, their hearts remain the same. They are filled with too much joy and wonder and determination, and know too much of grief and uncertainty, for it to be any other way. They feel as deeply as an elf, and as swiftly as a human. Only their human blood allows them to endure grief in greater measure than a pureblooded elf - and most are not so sure that is a blessing.
• Of all the races of Middle-earth, it’s the peredhil who have the most massive (and most frightening) appetites. Hobbits have their many meals and love of good food; dwarves have their boisterous feasts and borderline rude table manners; elves stress eat for days on end. Nobody can match a peredhil who’s gone more than five hours without a snack - and it’s suicidally unwise to attempt to get between one and his or her food.
• Everyone would call a peredhil fey. The humans would see in a peredhil the same odd, almost wild streak as their elvish cousins, often laid bare during times of great excitement or stress. The elves, meanwhile, would notice a decidedly human tendency towards calmness and constancy of temper - something just as odd to the Elves as bouts of unbridled fury or stubbornly antisocial behavior.
• There is no one in all the world who finds life and living things more beautiful or more miraculous than a peredhil. They are possessed of too much of the wisdom of the elves, and too much of the wonder and curiosity of humanity, for it to be otherwise. The simple acknowledgement of life and its bounty robs them of their breath and all sense of time and purpose, and it doesn’t stop as they age - it only becomes a softer, quieter reaction within them, easier to hide and work through as the years progress.
•• The upshot: They all squee over baby animals. Every. Single. One of them. Even Elrond.
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SHIPPING INFO     //     answer  the  following  for  your  muse(s)  so  people  know  how  shipping  works  on  your  blog.   REPOST.   don’t reblog.
1.   WHAT’S  YOUR  OTP  FOR  YOUR  MUSE? : right now i don’t.... really have one........... for a while it was fitzsimmons, but rn my relationship with fitzsimmons is complicated so idk. there’s nothing really screaming at me as otp for jemma atm.
2.   WHAT  ARE  YOU  WILLING  TO  RP  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  SHIPPING? : mmm i’m willing to try most things? i don’t really do smut, i’m okay with talking about ns.fw headcanons, but i don’t really....... i don’t write smut. like lead up to, and then fade to black, i’m good with that, but smut’s really about the only thing i can think of that i won’t rp. (except for like potentially with people i’m incredibly close with but there are very few people i’d be comfortable doing that with.) but fluff? drama? angst? bring it all on, i love it. things that lead to character and relationship development are my fave kinds of things. 
3.   HOW  LARGE  DOES  THE  AGE  GAP  HAVE  TO  BE  TO  MAKE  IT  UNCOMFORTABLE?: so like. jemma definitely has a thing for older guys. so like people being older than her, i’m much more flexible with that. but younger is a different story bc she’s still fairly young herself, and it would depend on her verses and such (like in the academy/first years at sci-ops vs. mainverse where she’s almost 30), but the youngest would probably be like 21 and that’s still kinda pushing it a bit? it’s one of those things where it just. really depends a lot, and probably would be a thing that’s good to be discussed. but general rule of thumb, definitely no younger than 21, preferably a bit older than that, but 21′s the definite cut off. this is all kinda dependent on verse (see: teen verses, immortal/mortal things, etc.) but in general.... yeah. i probably explained that really badly.
4.   ARE  YOU  SELECTIVE  WHEN  SHIPPING? : yes and no? i, personally, am ship trash in general, and could probably ship anything if the chemistry was right. jemma, however, can be selective about it. i’m more selective when it comes to rping certain ships, or with certain muses or fcs, usually bc of past experiences or what have you. but i’m very very against forced ships because that was a big thing in the past that would happen a lot, and i’m not about that. but tbh if you like mention it to me and we talk about it i’ll probably ship it because, as mentioned, i’m ship trash. i just prefer to talk about it first, even if it’s just a really vague ‘hey let’s try this thing’ before jumping straight into it, so we both know what we’re getting into and there’s nothing forced on either end? 
5.   HOW  FAR  DO  STEAMY  MOMENTS  HAVE  TO  GO  BEFORE  THEY’RE  CONSIDERED  NS.FW? : i tend to think of it in terms of ‘if this was a movie, would i want my grandmother to come in and see me watching this’. heavy making out and some touching is probably where i would start to consider it ns.fw??
6.   WHO  ARE  OTHER  MUSES  YOU  SHIP  YOUR  MUSE  WITH? : i ship jemma with a lot of different characters just in general like outside of rp, or potentially could. bc, like i said, ship trash. ships on this blog tho... most are crossovers. i live for crossovers. with like other parts of the mcu or outside of marvel in general, just all of them. on this blog tho, a few of the ships i have are with steve rogers, warren peace, clint barton, riley poole. leo fitz, shane fitz. more that i know i’m forgetting but i’m tired so forgive me. but yeah. i’m ship trash. love me tho.
7.   DOES  ONE  HAVE  TO  ASK  TO  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : yes and no. if you wanna go straight into a ship, then yeah, even if it’s something like ‘hey wanna try this thing’, and then we can talk about it and all that good stuff. if it’s like one of those times where we’ve already been doing things and it starts to happen like ‘wow ok there’s starting to be feelings and i didn’t expect it but i like it’, then you should totally tell me bc yes i’m so down for that kinda thing and then we can roll with that and see where it goes. and like ofc there’s the times where it just happens and i love those too. but generally just... yes?? just to make sure there’s no forcing anything on anyone and there’s no misunderstandings or anything like that. plus then we get to talk about it more and i’m so here for that.
8.   HOW  OFTEN  DO  YOU  LIKE  TO  SHIP? : i really like to ship, i think it’s a great way to bring out different aspects of characters that might not otherwise be seen. i’m down to ship whenever tbh.
9.   ARE  YOU  SHIP  OBSESSED  OR  SHIP  MORE - OR - LESS? : in between? like shipping isn’t all i care about, but when i’m shipping with someone, i’ll put a lot of care and thought into it.
10.   ARE  YOU  MULTISHIP? : oh yeah friend
11.   WHAT  IS  ( ARE )  YOUR  FAVORITE  SHIP  (S)  IN  YOUR  CURRENT  FANDOM? : fitzsimmons was my otp for ages, but lately it’s ?? faded a lot. ( although props to the last two episodes of aos for restoring it a little bit )  i also love will/jemma and daisy/lincoln and mack/elena.
12.   FINALLY,  HOW  DOES  ONE  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : communication and chemistry. those can come in either order, as long as both happen on both sides. if we talk first and test for chemistry, great. if we’re interacting first and that chemistry and then we talk about it, also great. as long as talking happens. but tbh this whole thing makes it sound like it’s a lot more complicated to ship with me than it is. i assure you i am ship trash, and if you bring it up with me, it can probably be a thing. communication is just a massive thing for me to ensure that we’re on the same page about things.
tagged by: @swellofpity tagging: whoever wants, everyone, you reading this right now
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koiandjelly · 4 years
Bounding Beyond the Stars is the overall title for not just one story, or one world, several worlds to universes, but the entirety of my creations as a whole!
Here’s some relevant Vocabulary that I’ve devised to help with understanding BBtS and all of its funny little traits.
Domain: There is one Domain per creator irl. I’ve noticed that many authors and writers and otherwise creators of worlds will make a story in one setting within a particular universe, and then in their next work, make an entirely new one with absolutely no connections to the previous work, other than sharing a creator. Two entirely separate universes, narrowing down to the stories taking place within, connected by only the author. And for all that I’ve looked, there’s not really an exact term to describe that other than works, or creations, of the author, which I think can be a bit confusing. So at least for my purposes, I’ve made a whole new sphere of containment, to group together works in an easier to grasp term. A Domain refers to every single creation of a person, so as to give myself a limit and explanation for as to why my higher powered characters shouldn’t just be able to pop into fuckin’... Frozen, or something, and say hi to Queen Elsa (idk I watched it in like 2014, but it’s the first popular thing to come to mind), when intermultiversal travel via portal, power, or some kind of magic manipulation is a key part of many power sets— and, well, the obvious answer is that Copyright Infringement is why they can’t, but *that’s* pretty immersion breaking now, isn’t it? This is very relevant to my writing because I create and worldbuild on the macro scale above universes themselves. I work on the concept of realities being contained entities rather than ever expanding, because tbh? I read a ton about the theory that our universe is ever expanding, and I then proceeded to give myself a headache trying to comprehend what could exist *beyond* what exists. With that in mind, I’mma lead into the next essential vocabulary term.
Void: The Void is the Absence of All That Is. The Void is what never happened, what never can be, and that which has ceased to be. Flowery prose aside, the Void is the Counterpart to Reality, and it is a concept/non-entity I spent a great deal of time considering and designing. Because, I’ve noticed, that it’s very common in media such as novels to anime to webcomics that, well... 1. Dark=Bad, 2. Destruction=Bad, 3. All of those things are bad, and therefore evil, and often malicious.
As I’ve taken inspiration from shows like Madoka Magica, a bit of Evangelion— mostly what I’ve read about it as a deconstruction of Mech anime, and Worm— I really really like to use Subversions of tropes, Aversions, and basic Deconstructions of popular character archetypes to common plot devices, or even overall concepts that my brain’s refusing to give me examples of right now.
Back on topic, though, whenever I see something with a name like or exactly being The Void in a story or other such type of creative content, it... never really matches my personal understanding of what Void means, as a word with a definition. To me, and as such I’ve written it, the Void is absolute emptiness. It is nothingness incarnate, where truly, completely, not even concepts can survive before ceasing to be. This will make more sense as I move on, but to emphasize, the Void itself does not truly *exist*, but it is the absence of existence at all. It is a corruptive force, though, always gnawing at the edges of Reality. It has no agenda, no purpose, and it cannot even be compared to a single cell organism. It has no sense of self preservation, because the Void has nothing to preserve. Just as a tide erodes the cliff side stone, the Void erodes the structures of reality. I’ll mention while we’re on the topic, that this is one of the reasons why the Gods exist. I’ll elaborate on them eventually, because now it’s time to move onto Reality.
Pure Reality: Pure Reality is the canvas, the egg, the cell, the vessel in which Concepts can exist. It is the base layer of all existence, and provides structure for which anything can come to be. Pure Reality is, unlike the Void which is pure absence, pure presence. Pure Reality is, in fact, a stray fragment of an even higher entity of Creation simply dubbed True Reality, which is called so to describe its nature as a perfect structure. It will be the next term, so for now I’ll remain on the topic of Pure Reality. The Pure Reality in which BBtS takes place is, as of right now, the only existing piece of creation in the entire Domain that is not True Reality. Pure Reality is massive beyond human comprehension, beyond scale that even I can’t actually visualize on a personal scale. It envelops Three Multiverses, another term to be described later. Each Multiverse houses several Universes, all of which are related through similar conceptual structures and universal laws. The smallest is Tanzanite, home to only 10 Multiverses. Then there is Citrine, housing 12. Peridot is the largest Multiverse, home to 24 total Universes, each populated with unimaginable numbers of lifeforms and potential beyond anything you or I could imagine. Pure Reality is actually somewhat comparable to a simple Cell, actually. It is surrounded by a wall that is unique and, to Gods, Mortals, Immortals, and any entity that are neither or otherwise not— the Crystalline Wall is conceptually indestructible to all but the Void, be it the Void itself or an unfortunate replica of its forbidden effects. It is the ultimate defense of all that is known to those who exist within Pure Reality, who, I forgot to mention, has a name. Pure Reality is referred to as Etherivium by those who are aware of it— much of the true nature of the Pure Reality is largely unknown to all but the Gods, and even then, the Gods are not all knowing. They were born of it to exist as caretakers, and to maintain Etherivium’s Core Concepts and various structures.
True Reality: This is the infinite realm in which the Progenitors reside. True Reality itself is the main body of existence that Etherivium split from, an event that occurred before Time has begun its firm grasp in True Reality’s conceptual idea of Things That Could Be. Time itself is a confusing concept, as what defines it is dependent on many factors— time slows as you fall from a tree, when you can count the leaves for an age before your back hits the ground. Or it can quicken, when a pair of friends spend time together, and an hour has passed in a few blinks of enjoying a video game together. So that, for example, is how Time is perceived on a mental scale. But it can also change and warp in terms of spatial warping, too. Gravity alters the passage of time, for instance. Time can flow strangely in more ways than one, and especially so with Magic thrown into the mix. But Time may be discussed as a Concept later on. True Reality is named, similarly but more succinctly than its child, Etheri. Etheri, to a human witness, manifests as an ultimate culmination of everything powerful and stable and full of unburdened potential given form into that of an infinite landscape. It is an expanse of deep, rich black vines, intertwined with silver structures of living wood and raw mana, (which is a vague description right now, but Magic and all that it relates to is something I have a very in depth grasp on. It’s on of the most important parts of my worlds, as a force as everpresent and undeniable as Gravity, and used by my most developed worlds as an extension of ones self, a necessity to just functioning in general, as natural as oxygen.)
Everything within Etheri is, in a certain way, refracted, mutated, fused, and/or otherwise different than just one thing. Since it is a place in which Chaos exists in its most... Hmm. Well, it is in somewhat of a pure state, as it exists in unification and flawless tandem with Order. Life coexists equally and perfectly with Death. Light, or rather more accurately (Light is an inaccurate descriptor, but it is the most common term) The Existence and Presence of Energy, is equivalent with its counterpart Core Concept, Darkness, which is also an inaccurate term, as it is more accurately the concept of The Absence of Energy. Light without Darkness is stagnant, and frozen, as Light is the name of the Concept of All Forms of Energy. Any type at all, be it light itself to kinetic or friction or static— Light is all Energy, specifically Energy in its existence. Darkness, conversely, is the countering concept in which Energy is not nonexistent, but rather not present. More on how the Six Core Concepts function as foundational pillars for a Universe will be described later.
To close up, I will describe the Progenitors. There are as many Progenitors as there are different ideas, concepts, creations, and dreams in the Plasm of Reality (recall the cell comparison which I realize I got off topic from— Within the Crystalline Wall, Etherivium contains a... technically, a more conceptual structure than actually physical thing, called Reality Plasm. It can be compared to a latticework structure, or a grid, or my favorite, a sheet of cloth for which Gods may embroider their own concepts onto. Anyway, the most powerful of the Progenitors are entities based upon Concepts that occur more and more with more necessity for others to exist upon. The broadest, most basic, general Concepts are called Core Concepts. For most Universes, there are always at least the basic Six: Life, Death, Order, Chaos, Light, and Darkness. These Concepts, all together, encompass everything needed for a universe to function. The Progenitors, similar to Conceptual Gods which are, actually, born from Etherivium’s “memory” of the Progenitors— The Progenitors are the source of the Concept they are born of. There is only one entity in all of the Ashen Domain (the name will eventually be clear— it has to do with a character/entity that is still being developed.) that can damage a Progenitor— and furthermore Destroy one. They are, in terms of sapient life and characters, the ultimate Highest Tier in terms of, in general, everything. They are the true and ultimate embodiments of their Concepts, and are alive and sentient in ways incomprehensible to mortals.
All together, the Progenitors are the sources of Concepts, and Etheri works with them for a single, simple goal. An impossible one, even, but even that is uncertain. The Void must be filled in, until there is nowhere that the Void Is and Is Not. Everything, everything and all that could ever be, Etheri desires in the purest of ways to make it so that the Void has been replaced with Reality. It’s a little difficult to think about, because an infinite plane of Existence versus an infinite Absence of All should have no outcome. And maybe it will go on for the Domain’s eternity, stagnation in progress while the conceptual madness of things that could be forever evolve and refract off of each other beyond the scope of my imagination.
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Insurance for a motorcycle in Toronto.?
I am an 18 year old Torontonian planning to get a new kawasaki ninja 250R. It would be a great help if someone can give me an idea of about how much it would cost me for the insurance coverage the ninja 250r. (Both basic as well as other plans.) I don't have a license yet which i am planning to get once i figure out everything.( the cost, insurance procedure etc etc.) Here in toronto, we don't have the luxury to ride two wheelers year round because we have so called the FRIGID TEMPERATURE during the winter. Do i still have to pay insurance during the winter regardless the fact dat i won't be able to ride my ninja during the winter?""
Can i get plastic surgery without having insurance?
I'm 18 years old and my parents insurance covers me. If im paying in cash do i have to know their insurance info?
How much does it cost to insure a 1999 Audi?
I am a 16 girl and just bought a 1999 Audi in Vermont. How much will it cost to insure the car?
25 yrs old and buying life insurance?
Hi guys thanks for reading my question. I am 22 yrs old and my husband just turned 25.We have been married 6 years and have 3 kids. He works in construction and my question is.. Is 25 too early to look for buying life insurance?? If not, what companies would you recommend? Im extra new to this, this will be the first time we have looked for life insurance for our family. Ashly""
Is there an oversight body for Insurance Companies?
My insurance company made a ( medical) payment decision that I don't think is fair. I'd like to know if there is any board that regulates them. Polite, constructive answers only please.""
Is car insurance fair?
Let's say you're financially stable, and a very safe driver. Is it fair to make EVERYONE pay for car insurance? Wouldn't it be more fair to have car insurance companies hold your money in case of an accident, then you get your money back if you don't get in an accident by the time you switch companies or are too old to drive? It seems like good drivers are paying for the damage done by bad drivers.""
How much is insurance for and exotic car?
like a lamborghini or ferrari or porsche?
American health insurance question?
So, whats stopping people from not getting health insurance and paying the $95 fine, but when they get sick and need insurance. They go and get insurance because they can't be denied for pre existing conditions?""
How much does the value of a car affect insurance for an adult?
I was just thinking about people with a low income that save for many years to buy an expensive car. Dont they still have really high insurance rates?
Is it true that if you buy a brand new car the car insurance will be much more than a second hand car?
Why?? I'm going to buy the very first car for me (a mazda 3 hatchpack 2006 or 2008..) and I want it to be new cause I can afford any price. But my dad keeps telling me not to buy a new car cause i won't be having good bennefits from it..such as the car insurance. It will be higher than a second hand car's...around 1000 euros every year. Also the car insurance must be full if it's a new car and I should have it on 1/3 cause its cheaper. So if it's a new car I can't have it on 1/3. What do you think I should do? I really want that car and that's why I want it to be new..cause it's the one I've always wanted!
Who has affordable health insurance for my family of 5 in virginia?
My husbands job provides insurance for $650 a month. We can't afford that at all. So looking for affordable health and dental please help we are in virginia. Thanks in advance
Where can I find salvage motorcycles directly from the insurance company?
I'm interested in purchasing cheap parts bikes directly from the insurance companies after a wreck. I am mostly interested in Harleys and I don't have any interest in these gimmicky websites where you pay a fee and there are not a lot of bikes. I've looked at ebay but these are usually bikes being sold from the person who bought it from the insurance company (ie premium). There are some public auto auctions, but these are usually only limited to dealers. But maybe that is my only choice?""
Is there a time limit or statute of limitations on car insurance claims?
I was in an accident in January. It was my fault, I was trying to avoid someone who had swerved into my lane so I got into the left lane really fast to avoid being hit at a high speed ...show more""
Can YOU explain Why we have to pay for Car Insurance EVERY YEAR even when we HAVE NOT CLAIMED on it ?
I have been driving for 40+years The Insurance company that I am with has given me a 73% Protected Policy but I still have to pay over 250 a year so since I passed my driving test my policy has been based on me not my car I have paid out in excess of 10,000 just for car insurance for myself , the cars that I buy are less than 2,000 each I think it's a rip off they are making a massive profit out of us""
Liability Car Insurance and Car Age?
I am wondering about how old a car should be to only have liability car insurance on it. Also, can you get liability on any/all cars, or just ones that are a certain age or older?""
Do you guys know of any cheap Car Insurance places in Raleigh NC ?
I am 18 yrs old i dont have my license but im trying. I need car insurance but i cant find a good place. I want something that will allow me to getright my license right away. I dont want to wait. Any ideas? ohh and i dont have my permit so im in a bad place. I NEED HELPPP PLEASE and THANK YOU!
Can someone tell me about life insurance? What is term? whole?
What company do you recommend? Anything else you can educate me on would be terrific! Thank you very much.
LA area car insurance?
My friend is letting me use her car for about a year and she wants to make sure I'm under her car insurance, too. (and I pay for my portion of car insurance for borrowing her car) She took my driver's license to have her car insurance company list me under her name. AND IT'S TAKING MORE THAN TWO WEEKS she told me that the insurance company have to contact her and let her know what's up.. but in my common sense, it only takes like ten minutes to list a person under someone's policy. Is this true because I'm not a related family member of hers or is she up to something suspicious?""
How much money will I get from this car accident?
The air bag knocked me unconscious and so now my lawyer is handling everything. I don't have health insurance so the insurance so the drivers insurance company should for it. How much money could I get from a case like this if the drivers insurance company is Progressive with full coverage?
How much does health insurance cost per month?
I'm a freshman and I'm doing a project in my career planning class. I have to make a budget to see how much I need to make from my job. I need to know how much health insurance would cost per person. I want to be an architect or art director so idk if my employer would cover some of the cost or what? I'm kinda confused on this project cause I've never had to think about this stuff.
Help deciding which sporty car or convertible?
I want a convertible or sporty car and am on a budget of $20,000. so I've got a few options that I have been considering. New Mazda Miata-I have heard great things about Miatas, the one thing I'm worried about is it maybe feeling a bit underpowered, although I am coming from a 2008 Honda civic sedan. how do those compare? Used Porsche Boxster-this would solve the potential underpowered problem of the miata, however I have heard a mixed bag of responses regarding the reliability of these, and I know that any repairs that are needed will be absurdly expensive. Used Honda S2000-this car seems great, the things that worry me are possibly a lack of low end torque, and I have never driven a manual before, and the other options can be found as automatics. Volkswagen GTI or Golf TDI-these seem like excellent cars, but the one downside is the lack of convertible top-I really like that open road feeling Mini Cooper S-This is sporty and can be a convertible, but I've heard bad things regarding reliability and parts/maintenance costs, also the interior seems to be disliked by alot of people. other pertinent info- I live in the Sacramento area, so weather problems shouldn't be as significant. How do the insurance costs compare of these 3? I'm 18 but have a clean driving record, good grades, etc Does anyone know how the fuel economy of these cars compare from experience? I know the EPA estimates, but real world mileage is different, especially because I'm an enthusiastic driver (I only get about 26mpg in my civic) One of the main things I want to know is how these will drive compared to each other and my current civic. Anyone with experience with multiple of these cars? any help or advice would be appreciated!""
Self Employed Health Insurance?
My father just quit his old job, he couldn't work there anymore (Too long commute and we lost a parent, so he had to stay closer home for the family) So now he is self employed. We are trying to find insurance that will cover him, 4 children, vision (we all wear glasses) + dental. Does anyone have any suggestions? (We live in PA)""
I am looking for a second hand HOT-HATCH for around about 1250 (not worried about insurance cost)
Which cars in this price range do you recomend. Thanks
Does voiding warranty affect my insurance. from a different company?
I'm thinking of rooting my phone but it is still under warranty and I am paying insurance for my phone using a different company. Will rooting my pg phone affect my insurance in any way?
Right now Im on my parent's car insurance policy b/c im 17 but im looking to move out soon?
Can someone please tell me how much your car insurance goes up once you are on you own plan. im paying 360 every three months now.
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Just curious.......How many of you have no health insurance but.......?
.......have cell phones, satellite TV, Wii's and games, smoke or drink. Since the average cost of a family plan is about $3600.00 per year, just wondering if you realized you could buy your own health insurance with the money you spend on these things. I am curious why luxuries would be more important to you than getting health insurance.""
How much would it cost a new driver in the UK for car insurance?
I am thinking of getting a 12 year old ford fiesta. I am 24 years old and I'm a new driver. How much would it cost me for car insurance?
What are typically the cheapest auto insurance company in Massachusetts?
I currently am with MetLife but they increased charges this year, so I'm looking to change the company. Any suggestions to cheaper auto insurance? Thanks!""
125CC bike insurance for 17 year old?
I will be able to learn to drive nxt year, i have ruled out buying a car, as the incredably high insurance cost would force me to sell of most of my vital organs. I think i could afford a bike, but how bad would the insurance for that be????? pls give me some kinda rough amount plsplspls thx""
What happens if someone without insurance rear-ends me?
Here's a scenario. If I have a motorcycle with no insurance. Someone hits me at the red light and they don't have insurance. And it cost $25000 in damages. Considering they don't have insurance, it means they are poor. How can I get my money?""
""Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?""
Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?""
Car insurance for someone who only drives 1000 miles a year.?
I drive 800 to 1000 miles a year ( just groceries shopping mostly) and have to pay the same insurance premium as someone who drives 10,000 miles a year. Allstate doesn't care if I drive anything less. I spend more on car insurance than I do on gas. Does any car insurance company give a break to people who barely do any driving?""
What insurance covers for accutane in California ?
For those who are using accutane n live in California which individual insurance do u have that covers for accutane? Thanks I appreciate it. I'm in need of accutane but can't afford it so I need an insurance that covers accutane.
Cost of Car Insurance?
I need to know what the average person pays for their car insurance. Lets say the car isn't too new... and its a new driver. Location is Lowell, MASSACHUSETTS. Help Plllllleasssse.""
Cheapest car insurance in houston tx?
hello i need to find auto insurance that i can afford, i was wondering do they have one thats under a 100 ? well can you list me places that have the cheapest auto insurance""
I just hit a car. how much will the damage cost?
I was driving out of a parking garage and took a turn too tight and my door scraped a parked car's bumper. it scraped the paint on the left side of their bumper-about the size of a football. it looks like it can be buffed out. but on the top of the scraped part there is a broken part about the length of my forearm-not broken exactly, it is a length of spiderweb-cracks in the plastic. The car is a small black one but i dont know the make. i left a note in their windshield with my number on it. i want to pay for the damage myself so my insurance doesnt go up. does anyone have an estimate on how much this will cost?""
Which car models have good insurance rates?
I'm asking this question for a friend and she's curious to know some car models with good insurance rates. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated :)
On average how much would monthly insurance be on a 2012 rolls royce ghost?
On average how much would monthly insurance be on a 2012 rolls royce ghost?
Auto Insurance?
i need to renew my auto insurance next month i drive a Infiniti G35 and a Subaru wrx (not STI) can anyone tell me if they have ever purchased insurance for any of these vehicles and where was the cheapest i need full cov. on both. Or just anywhere its cheap, i live in central california (bakersfield) THANKS""
Where can I find affordable auto insurance with a bad driving record?
I have a bad driving record and the convictions don't come off my driving record until december 2010. I feel like I've searched everywhere for a decent rate. Does anyone know where I can find a good rate for a person who has a bad record? Or know a way around getitng insurance. My parents can't insure it for me. So that's not an option. Thanks!
Cheapest car insurance in usa?
im 18. my parents now have a plan in Geico. I was to sign in also in a plan but I think Geico is too expensive. Which car insurance company is the CHEAPEST ( Allstate, 21st etc. ) ? idk if it matters but the place of living is in Virginia.""
Getting a license increases car insurance?
When applying for a drivers license for the first time, i was wondering if it increases a person's car insurance; even if the person that is getting the license doesnt have a car, and is under the age of 18.""
How does car insurance work when making a claim?
What happens when a claim is made after an accident? If a car is written off how much does this insurance company pay? If a car is repaired by the insurance company what happens then? I guess they pay for the damage, but do they pay any extra? If the car is repaired then the value of the car will drop, therefore leaving the driver out of pocket even though the damage was not the drivers fault. How does it work? Cheers""
Will one violation make my insurance go up?
The other day I failed to see a no right turn on red sign posted above an intersection. My right turn on the red light was safe, no cars were coming, and the car in front of me did the same thing, which I copied. A police motorcycle was parked waiting down the road, expressly for watching this, and pulled over the car in front of me, myself, and the driver behind me, who did the same thing. I have a clean DMV record. The fine is $170. I could elect to go to traffic school for an additional $150 so the violation won't be on my DMV record, but with my schedule, it will be hard finding the time for this, and I think the $170 fine is bad enough. My auto insurance is my only concern. How likely is it they'll raise my premiums (2 vehicles) with only one violation on my record? Also, how long does the violation stay on my DMV record (California). Thanks!""
What kind of insurance do I need?
I know nothing about insurance and this past year I've had a few problems which I paid straight out of my pocket. Needless to say it sucked horribly, thankfully my parents were generous enough to help me :) I now need insurance and its almost March 31st. I have a bad habit of procrastinating haha. So I know NOTHING about how insurance works etc. What is Obama care? healthcare.gov? medicaid? covered california? (I live in LA) I dont need Health Care (healthcare.gov) to get insurance like Blue Cross or Anthem right? Why are people paying for healthcare PLUS whatever insurance agency they get like Blue Cross. I currently have NO income, and I havent worked for a year so no taxes lol. I know health care helps with something that involves taxes. I'd like to get insurance and I heard that Medicaid is good for people with no income, but I'm going to have a small income soon. Do I need to contact healthcare.gov or medicaid or coveredca to get insurance with Blue Cross? What do you folks recommend? HELP!!!!! What is the March 31st deadline for? Do I just need to apply by then? And is that deadline for just healthcare/medicaid/coveredca or is it for the actual insurance company like Blue Cross? I'm so confused... Btw, I'm male, 23, live in Cali, currently no income. Thanks folks! :D""
Car insurance stuff i don't understand.?
Hello everyone, I am an international student who's been in the USA (Buffalo, NY) for the past 2 years working hard on my masters (i'm 25 now). I bought a POS Saturn last year for 2000 dollars and, well, for that i needed to get car insurance since it's mandatory in this country. Since i was from abroad and i had a learner's permit at the time, i had to get insurance with my international license. Progressive was my only choice so i paid around 700$ for 6 months. That's the rate I've been paying for the last year. Unfortunately, i just don't have the money anymore to pay 700 more dollars for the next 6 months. I tried different insurance companies but they are all around the same range. Apparently, i was stupid enough to not get a credit card as soon as i landed in this country. I was raised with the if you don't have money, don't spend it philosophy so i just used my debit card. This is the only reason that i can see for these absurd rates. Every single one of my friends ( all international students ) pay around 200-250/six months dollars for their pieces of crap cars. I just feel like i'm not being given a fair deal. Not having any credit might put a penalty on me, i understand somewhat how a capitalist mind works... let's say about 100-150 more dollars for 6 months, but a whopping 500 $ ? Don't you think it's kind of messed up that first of all it's mandatory, and then there's no baseline to at least make sure that noone gets ripped off. Is there any way that a person can inquire why he is being charged so much(instead of the bs the agents tell you i.e your area is bad etc.)? Or are you at the mercy of these people?""
Insurance for a 2005 Infiniti coupe for a 16 yr old in Houston area?
I'm about to turn 16 and am starting to look at cars. Does anybody have an Infiniti coupe and how much is it to insure? I'm just north of Houston if that is a factor
Car insurance for 18 y.o. good driver Honda Civic or Honda Fit?
Car insurance for 18 y.o. good driver Honda Civic or Honda Fit? Which car will be cheaper to insure for an 18 year old male? 2009 Civic LX Sedan 2009 Fit Base Hatchback He is a very good driver and has no infractions, we live in a low crime area. Thank you! Would just like to know which would be cheaper to insure.""
Should I notify my car insurance company if I paid for the fix myself?
I had a minor car accident in a Costco parking lot last weekend. I was backing out my parking lot; the other guy was also backing out. Unfortunately, we didn't see each other... Anyway, this seems to be a 50-50 accident. The damage to the cars are moderate and we agreed on just fixing ourselves. So no personal information was exchanged. I got an estimate today. The cost for fixing my car is not cheap but still lower than the minimal requirement for accident reporting in California. It is also lower than my insurance deductible. So I plan neither to report to DMV nor to file a claim. But one friend of mine suggested that in this case, I should still notify (but not to file a claim to) my insurance company. His argument is that the other party can still come back and sue me (if he is a freak). While we didn't exchange information, the other party may have remembered my license plate number so theoretically he could find out all other information about me. But I am not sure if notifying the insurance company will affect my premiums. What do you think?""
Motorcycle provisional licence insurance costs?
Obviously, to learn to ride a motorcycle you sort of need your own bike with insurance, but roughly speaking, on an average standard bike, how much would that insurance be please? Anyone who has experience of this, I'd appreciate to here from especially! Thanks! (I've mastered the driving licence, so now I'm moving on to the bike licence, well, planning to). The bike would be no more than 120cc, with no more than an 11kW output. UK-based answers please, apparently the states makes it a lot cheaper to insure vehicles, jealous! Also, if you have any experience, please tell me when this was. (Insurance prices have gone up, again!) Thank you!""
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boq travel insurance quote
How does rbs insurance differentiate itself from it's competitors?
Hi, I'm filling out an internship form, and I'm stuck on this question.. Please help me! Thank you""
Question about car insurance?
I am about to get my first car ! but i have to wait until the guy at the car lot gives me the ok to pick it up but I was wondering about insurance do I get the car first and then get the insurance or vice versa? because what if something happens and I would get pulled over do I just say I just got the car and the insurance is about to start up? thanks in advance.
Mazda rx8 or 350z insurance ?
Id assume the 8 might have cheaper insurance to certain companies due to it having four doors lol But my question is I'm 19 and been looking at progressive and I have to pay $1200 every 6 months for one of these cars! I have a clean record and took the safety course too. Now if I was under my parent's insurance would that be possibly cheaper? Were doing that with the lexus I'm driving right now (theirs) but I need to build credit and whatnot... no need to worry bout college cause its paid off
""What is cheaper, car insurance or motorcycle insurance?""
What is cheaper, car insurance or motorcycle insurance?""
What does it take to fix a flooded car?
Last June, my town fell victim to river flooding. It's caused tons of damage and many cars to be flooded. I'm looking for a cheap car and I got on a rebuildable cars website. I found a newer car that is reasonable on gas and insurance, but is flooded. What would they have to do to fix it and about how much would it cost?""
Unfair car insurance?
My car was very old but in excellent working order. It has been written off in an accident that was not my fault. The insurance company will only pay me what it's worth, about 150. To get a reasonable second hand replacement will cost much more than this, and I cannot afford it. So I now have no car and cannot afford a replacement. Over the last few years I've paid thousands for insurance. Can the company do this, i.e not pay for an equivalent replacement, but pay what they think it's worth.""
Will my insurance agent report to my car bank that car is not covered no more.?
I'm with state farm. I been playing 190 monthly. Now they want me to pay 450 dollars. I just paid yesterday and my agent said my next due payment is due on 7th this month for 450 dollars. He said it was to be paid when I first got with state farm but I switched agents and now I am expected to pay next week. This is unfair and without fair notice. My insurance is going a cancle if not paid in weeks from now. What do I do. Is my car bank gonna find out car insurance got canceled. I was told it was 190 per month. I thought deposit was high but why 400 ?
Help with car insurance?
ok.. i just got a 1997 honda accord lx.. im 18 and a new driver.. but the car is in mine and my moms name every place we called it is over a hundred dollars just for state required ?? where is the cheapest place in shelbyville indiana.. i need car insurance and this is outrageous could anybody help me please
""Car Insurance, ammended details of profession lead to increased premium?""
My car insurance company rang me two weeks ago asking to update my details. I was previously registered as a student and unemployed but changed this to working part time as an admin assistant. A week ago I received my new certificate of insurance but today they rang me to say that my premium had increased by 150! I find this difficult to understand how changing my profession from student to admin could whack up my premium by this much. At the same time they offered me a new deal from another insurer , which they claimed would be cheaper, but I refused over the telephone as I felt too confused at the time. Now they told me that they will be sending me the bill to pay off the new increased premium. Can anyone help me confirm whether insurance companies can do this? I am not driving my car any more than I previously had and I cannot see as how my new job increases the risk of me having an accident!! Thanks""
Car insurance for LHD car ?
Hi there, I want to buy 2001-2004 year freelander (left hand drive), then drive to my country and insure it. I need insurance what would cover for two months on UK roads. Do you know any insurance company what would offer as cheap as possible and the possibility to cancel my insurance after 2 months ? Regards, Ed""
How is the mandate to buy car insurance different than the mandate to buy health insurance?
This seems to be a popular talking point among liberals. It saddens me that liberals are so partisan that they are blinded to the obviousness of the differences. So for the record, what are the two differences between the requirement to have car insurance and the requirement to have health insurance? 10 points goes to the most simplistic and straight to the point answer.""
How much does it really cost to own a Porsche 911 Carrera 4S in California? MSRP is...?
...$88,400. What other costs are there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying to own one of these. Just wondering what's is in store for me (i.e. tax, ...show more""
What type of car business insurance do i need?
i have a small take-away business and i want to let my employees to drive my car. i have 3 cars for my business. can you please give me list of websites
Car Insurance Temporary Additional Driver???
I already have a car insurance policy with Churchill. I am doing a very long journey this weekend and want to Insure my boyfriend for 3 days to help me with the drive. Is it possible to put someone on an existing policy for 3 days?? I take it there would be a cost involved.
""I need cheap car insurance, I'm in college?""
I'm 19, a college kid and need car insurance. I now it's going to be crazy high, but if anyone has any insight or tips to make it cheaper, it would me much appreciated.""
Would it be cheaper to put my name on my parents insurance ?
would it be cheaper to put my name as an additional driver instead of my own as i got the cheapest quote as 3000 euros for my own policy would it be cheaper to put my name as an additional driver on theres? my parents have 25-28 years experience with no claims ?
Does anyone know who is the cheapest for insurance for piaggio zip 50cc scooter?
Does anyone know who is the cheapest for insurance for piaggio zip 50cc scooter?
Does the Year of your Car affect Insurance Prices?
Does the Make of Your Car Affect How Much you are Charged for Insurance? Does the Year of Your Car Affect How Much you are Charged for Insurance? Does Having 2Doors Always Rise How Much you are Charged for Insurance? No Baby Answers.
Would a speeding ticket go to the lead insured or the owner of car?
my dad is the lead insured, my mum and i are named drivers, but my mum owns the car. Who would the speeding ticket be addressed to?""
What kind of life insurance should my husband get?
We are looking to get a life insurance policy for my 25 year old husband. We have three young children so we're trying to figure out what would best provide for the family if God forbid something were to happen to him.
How can i get cheap insurance?
Im 17 and i live in London. I just go my Licence and i have a 2k budget for a car. And my dad said he is going to pay for insurance as long as it is a max of 3k So far the cheapest quote i got was 5k for a VW Polo 1.4L Petrol. I want a diesel car because, my dad said he will pay for it. So need help deciding what car to get, and how to get insurance up to 3k Please help guys""
How come Americans can't afford medical insurance?
Yet we seem to have PLENTY of money to blow on Ipods, Itunes, Iphones, lap top computers, DVD players, flat screen TVs, designer clothing, fast food, porn, alcohol, cigarettes, and concert tickets?""
Insurance on ford focus?
i recently came across a cheap ford focus 2000 edition, and recently passed my test and just wondering what would the insurance be like? exspensive? i really like the car but i dont want it if the insurance will be a bomb""
How does american car insurance compare with british car insurance?
why can young people in the states drive nice, big, expensive cars, and in england it so expensive, and we struggle to get insured in england at a resonable price. you watch tv and they drive range rovers, and in england we drive old cars where the insurance cost more than the car. by the way i'm 18 years old anyone able to enlighten me?""
Help!!!! changing car insurance?
I called another company and had a quote with them and they offering me a way better price than my current insurance company... I wanna make a change.. what do I do? Do I have to call up the current insurance company and cancel the policy?
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Teen Car Insurance Price?
Currently driving my fathers old 2002 Mitsubishi Galant (basic 4-door car, nothing special), and planning on buying a Suburu BRZ (sports car) when I turn 18. My birthday is Dec. 25, I am currently 17 and I have had my license since I turned 16. I have a B average in school and I am planning on taking defensive driving also. I have had no claims or accidents at all. The car is just going to be for commute, probably about 13-17,000 miles a year (going to be traveling home from college). I will be on my parents insurance, but I was just wondering the quote. I tried doing it on a insurance website, however they don't give you a quote if you are under 18. I am planning on getting collision coverage. Thanks in advance.""
Car accident with no insurance?
I was stopped at a red light behind two cars. Both cars started to go and so did I the next thing I knew I had hit the car in front of me. The car in front of me hit the car in front of him. We all pulled over my car isnt to bad but I drive a suburban, the car in front of me was a smaller car so his looked a little worse. Nobody was hurt, and all cars were drivable, so we decided to not call the police we just all exchanged information. After we had finished and they left I immediately called my insurance lady to let her know what happened. I am not super clear on this next part, we have been going back and forth with our insurance since that call and will continue to fight it. When I called the insurance lady she said I wasnt covered. She said that they had received the last payment much later than it was due (not sure how because it was mailed the same time as always) but because of that our insurance had been cancelled. A couple of weeks ago they had chased our check, she said we were reinstated as of yesterday (the day of the accident) but because it was the same day they werent liable to pay the damages. We are going to keep fighting them because I dont think its fair. Even if they decide that they wont pay we can afford to just pay for the damages to the rear end of the car in front of us, because know matter what happened I am at fault for following to close. We cant afford to pay out of our pocket also for his front end and the rear end of the first car. Shouldnt those damages be covered by the car I hit because he was obviously following to close to the car in front of him? Im a little freaked out with all this, this is the first accident I have ever been in and we have always had insurance, so we thought. The insurance company did say they mailed us a cancellation notice but if they did we have never received one.""
Is Obama gonna make health insurance more affordable?
Is Obama gonna make health insurance more affordable?
""NYC Car insurance for 18 year old dude, please help.?""
Ok so heres the deal, I am 18, a guy, living in nyc and looking to buy my first car. Now my parents dont drive so Im on my own for insurance. Now Ive been shopping around to every large company and even small, and the lowest I could get a monthly payment down to was around $371 a month. That is the state minimum coverage with no collision coverage. Its gonna be used whatever I get so I dont need the collision. Now the help I need is if anyone knows any possible way to get anything cheaper, I can deal with something like $200-$250 a month. If anyone has a success story or knows any agents or brokers personally and could help, Id love to know. Now dont tell me I should go on a family member or something, thats not an option. Ive done all the research and been doing quotes 24/7. Now Im a student just trying to get to school and work safely and efficiently. I have a clean license nothing on it. Please and thank you for any help.""
""I'm 17 years old, and I'm going under my parents driver's insurance plan soon for driving, how much is it?""
My parents said I can drive now that I got a job, however I will have to go under their plan, and I'll have to pay the insurance. How much will it be? (:IMPORTANT NOTE: I took $1000 driving classes) So I'm guessing that will reduce the cost? Also I live in the state of PA and my parents are on AllState Insurance. So how much will the insurance be every month if I'm under my parents plan? AFTER I TOOK THOSE DRIVING CLASSES! And how long can I stay under my parents driving insurance? When will I NOT BE ABLE TO stay under my parents driving insurance? Or am I always able to stay under their driving insurance if I want to?""
A question about car insurance?
Does your insurance drop when you have a baby? I know it does when you get married, but I wasn't sure about having a baby. Thanks!""
""Lets be honest, will a 2000 mustang gt run a 17 year old over 150 per month on insurance?""
State or no state, tennessee. Will it run in 200's or more? Just need to know before i go looking. Don't give me your opinion, i get it has horses and can kick, im not looking for a preacher to praise down on me. thanks""
How much does car insurance cost.?
I am 18 and ready to get my drivers license but how much does car insurance cost per month on average.?
""I am 17, and I recently got my driver's license. Can I avoid being added to the insurance policy?""
Because my rates go really high, since I'm a new driver. If my cars receive minimal insurance, and they're insured under my parents' name, could I legally drive the cars and would the insurance pay for any liabilities?""
Insurance help! Tennessee?
My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..
Can I insure a car I don't own?
My dad bought me a car when I was 17, but its in his name. I still have that car and the insurance runs out at the end of the month. I'm tired of having him pay for things so I'm paying for my own insurance. He's going to sign the car over to me, but I will still need to get insurance on it and he probably won't transfer the title for a few more weeks. So, can I shop around for insurance rates and purchase and pay for my own insurance on the car, and include my husband as a driver, even though I don't own the car yet? Or does my dad need to transfer the title first? The problem we're running into is, I'm in Missouri, my dad is in Utah (where the car is currently registered), and I'm moving to California in 3 weeks.""
""Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
Being sued by an insurance company?
Hello, I got in a car accident about two years ago and i didn't have insurance, i was found at fault and now im getting sued for $20,000 by the other driver's insurance company, The original amount was $17,000, They have been trying to collect for a longgg time now. I know i blew it off for a long time but now im ready to take responsibility and start trying to pay it. The car i was driving was under my moms name and they are trying to go after her also but i want to take full responsibility. I have to go to court next month, and im wondering if I should get a lawyer to represent me even though i'm guilty. I'm hoping that I can make a payment plan or anything I need to get my life back on track""
Graduating from college and need affordable health insurance. Suggestions Please?
I'm graduating from college in Chicago this year. My parents are kicking me off their insurance. Does anyone have any suggestions for affordable health insurance?
Average motorcycle insurance?
I'm 22 and I pay right at 100 a month for insurance. How much does a regular sports bike cost to add insurance on? I know it depends on the bike but for like a GSXR 600.
California Medical for teens?
I am 19 & i have no insurance at all and i was wondering if theres a way to get on the Medi-caid or medi-cal that the state offers to usually younge kids or pregnant women? can someone give me info?
How much do car rental agencies typically charge for insurance?
How much do car rental agencies typically charge for insurance?
What's the best car insurance company? Your experience?
I just purchased a new car and my family and I have about 4 cars currently under farmers insurance and pays way over $200 on car insurance...the dealer at the agency mentioned that he bought the same car and has 4 other cars with Nationwide and pays under $200 full coverage. In your experience and in your opinion from what you know or have experienced which insurance companys over the best service for your buck or offer great options. I think we are paying a lot and the options aren't that great. Thanks
How much for car insurance?
My mom told me to look for my first car and I found a 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS, Silver, non-convertible, and i asked her if it was ok. She said that the it is considered a sports car because it is a coupe and insurance will be high, it has 2 seats in the back but it is a 2 door....can somebody tell me if insurance will actually be high for me...im 16 and ive never been a accident Thanks!""
Do I need insurance for my license?
I live in North Carolina, and I just got my license a few months ago. I don't have a car yet, but I was told that I needed insurance in order to have a license. So, I'm paying $80 a month for insurance, just for holding a license. My car savings aren't looking too good at this rate, so I was wondering if anyone knew of any cheaper insurance companies I could go with?""
Who does the cheapest 1 day car insurance?
Do Car Insurance rates go up when being rear ended?
I was rear ended and it was NOT my fault. I live in California and have State Farm. Will my rates go up?
Does the insurance rate go up or more if I get my license?
Ok my mom and dad both have a car and they bought a car just for me. It already has insurance and license plate and everything. I'm planning on getting my license soon. So when I do would my dad have to pay for more money because of me driving it? I mean the insurance is on my dads name. Thx for replying.
Auto insurance rates in USA?
Auto insurance rates in USA?
What is the average insurance cost for a 2012 Chevy Cruze?
I will be turning 21 in June. No tickets or accidents on my record. What would the average monthly payment be for insurance?
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