#if Biden is so powerless and he can't do anything then there's no point in him being president right?
fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
"But what's going to happen if Trump gets into office???" He's gonna do the exact same things that Biden is currently doing and spineless liberals who have been defending him like they're getting paid for it are only going to have an issue cause it's the "bad" party doing it
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alwek · 8 months
also i. like. i just don’t understand exactly What they’re so mad over??? that… biden is president? he’s been president we can’t change that til next year. and he likely WILL lose a lot of votes because of him supporting the genocide. what do they want us to do until then though?? like i just don’t get what they’re directing their anger at here
They seem mostly angry at their perception of complacency in the American people.
These folk are very rightfully angry that Palastine is in its last legs. No governments have been doing anything to stop it for the 70 or so years it's been going, and with the sociatal climate of the last few years, people are just snapping.
They want someone, ANYONE, to point the finger at to blame for all the shit going on, and when they find something to latch onto, it becomes everything. They start losing sight of the greater picture, trying to solve a problem in front of them that's connected to something off to their left, that's connected to something behind them, that's connected to something burried 80 feet underground. They focus on whats in front so hard they neglect everything else needs to be looked at at the same time. They start blaming entire groups for things. Which should go without saying, is not a good thing to do in most context.
Nuance gets lost in their rightful anger at everything, as they try and fail to make any visible change, because they don't get that the change they want simply CAN'T be done in what amounts to overnight. Not without a lot of people coming together all at once to burn a lot of things down.
Impatients, rage, sorrow, powerless feelings. They make people do stupid shit.
I probably got a bit too aggressive with it, though. Admittedly, I'm not the best at keeping that one down yet
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