#if I bothered to be vulnerable and make an Apple podcasts account and leave a review
uc-beepboop · 2 years
I’ve been trying to put this into words. A bit of a blarg of word vomit to tell y’all about my love for this podcast and most importantly why ok?
1. It’s difficult to get me into things:
But once I’m hooked, I’m hooked. Hello yes, and now with the benefit of me working a job, I am part of its patreon base for more content gobble gobble. Yep that marketing for the short episodes had me essentially sold. Hayley and Gus really thought of a podcast up my niche: I’m a busy person and unfortunately usually don’t have the time/attention for something that has long episode lengths.
2. Characters: I love media with a huge cast of characters
And for this type of podcast it’s literally built into its structure. A big pitfall other media has with a large cast is that some characters will obviously be more fleshed out than others. Sure, that happens on the pod, even Gus and Hayley mentioned something about determining “main characters” in each arc for a talkback ep, but there’s usually no one that quite undeservingly is not fleshed out due to writers choice. Constraints are 1) the short timespan the podcast has to fit and 2) the fact that this is a live ttrpg and stuff happens on the spot. Anyways back to my point. I love a large cast of characters because I love seeing things from different points of view and we see the world of UC through so many perspectives it’s just brilliant. And having each guest lead the reigns of their character as they play leads to this very natural expansion of what society is like in various corners of this imaginary universe.
Also yes I’m a fanfic writer I love when there are lots of existing characters to stuff my bizarre imaginary stories with.
3. Unabashedly diverse
Props to inviting guests with a variety of backgrounds. It’s easy to say this, but let me just break it down to everyone the lengths that unprepared casters has traversed in this way.
The default, you could say stereotypical, person who plays ttrpgs like D&D is this nerdy white boy that plays with his nerdy friends in the basement.
There have been pushed for narratives that default from that: Dimension 20 being the one that pops out into my mind. But oftentimes without an established company with connections to employees that already have different backgrounds, it’s difficult to find a group of people with a diversity to perspectives. Naturally, like sticks to like. It’s just the way things are.
But Gus and Hayley have made a structure that allows for rotating guests AND has made an effort to reach out to get different voices on their lovely pod. Great move.
I hoped for this from the very beginning when Gus made that comment of there being so few female DMs, I just hoped there would be more fem/enbie voices in the mix (ofc Hayley goes by all pronouns now, but still they are a female presenting DM and that’s still rare!). And what I got was a cast that spand from across the US, occasionally peaking into other countries, people of different ethnicities, people in the LGBT community, new D&D players, other players that have been playing D&D since they were like 5, people of varying professions, playing with people that are in a home game together and some that were total strangers on the internet!
Thank you for that, it means a lot to me personally as a viewer. And keep going: I wish y’all the best of luck on that quest.
4. The opposite of the Mercer effect: the weirdly homegame-esque effect?
This podcast has imperfections, and that is what makes it stand out. Gus and Hayley have been unabashedly transparent, especially compared to other podcasts, about their thought processes, failures but also successes, and every other element that happens over the course of a game. For example, gus has taken a break for this upcoming arc, probably because of the exhausting toll the phenomenal past arcs he’s DM-ed. I’ll say it: d&d is really intimidating to someone that is new. And that element that the hosts mentioned like EPISODE 0 ARC 1 still holds true.
Like look: most D&D podcasts that I’ve heard of have big names stamped onto them. The people in the campaigns are professionals in the entertainment industry, many having their D&D content be something that’s built into their jobs. Many a time, they reside in a similar location and can be in person together for recording sessions.
What do we have from UC? A graphic designer part time musician and an elementary school teacher who was getting her masters while teaching and running a d&d podcast as a DM. And from the VC of arc 10 episode 1, I got confirmation that the DM Amelia works a 9-5 job outside of their amazing work in ttrpgs. Overall? This is pretty insane for most people to pull.
I don’t expect the cream of the crop twists and turns from these folks at all! With all that in their plate, no way. But I’m some ways what we get instead is these two people who are just really honest and transparent from who they are and they talk about their day and it’s like this little insight into what their lives are like. It kinda reminds me of what my home game was like before it got disbanded: it was just a time to meet up with friends and have fun through the medium of D&D.
One day I’ll make this a nice little essay that’s easier to read and not word vomit and had actually been proofread lol. But for now, props to Gus and Hayley, guests, and more. Cheers to what you have created and keep up the good work. Love to see what your creativity cooks up next.
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
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iOS 13.6 is here.
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July 16 amend below. This column was aboriginal arise on July 15, 2020.
For a security-specific attending at the capacity of the iOS 13.6 update, assay out Forbes contributor Kate O’Flaherty’s accomplished assay here.
This looks like actuality the aftermost amend to iOS 13 (though you can’t aphorism out the achievability of a bug-squish actuality needed, I suppose).
This amend began as iOS 13.5.5 but had its calculation adapted during beta versions because the software development kit was updated, which agency a new cardinal is alleged for. Actuality it is, hatched into its fully-fledged form. Here’s what’s in it and how to get it.
How to get it
I know, I know, you’ve done it a hundred times already, it feels like. But in case you’ve forgotten, here’s what you do. Now that the new iOS 13.6 and iPadOS 13.5 versions of operating software are accessible to download on accordant iPhones and iPads, you aloof charge to go to the Settings app. Accept General, afresh Software Update. Click on Download and Install, and it’ll be done afore you apperceive it.
July 16 update. Afterwards the amend arrived, Angel arise lots added capacity of what changes are advancing for Angel Account and Angel Account . I’ve afflicted on them in the capital anatomy of the post, but to add added beef to the bones, actuality are the abounding capacity of what’s aloof accustomed with iOS 13.6, for U.S. users at least.
Apple Account Today arrives with iOS 13.6.
New appearance are advancing for both the chargeless Angel Account and paid-for Angel Account levels, with audio featuring prominently. There’ll be a circadian audio account conference hosted by Angel Account editors, and curated bounded account collections alpha in bristles U.S. cities. Added account outlets will be featured in Angel News, including The Charlotte Observer, the Miami Herald, and The Account & Observer (Raleigh, North Carolina).
Local account additionally sees the addition of a new curated local account experience. Adapted now, it’s in the Bay Area, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco, with actuality from bounded publishers. It’s done by curation from bounded Angel Account editors as able-bodied as personalization for anniversary user, which is intriguing.
Then there’s Angel Account Today, a circadian audio account briefing. Shumita Basu and Duarte Geraldino are Angel Account editors. In the conference they will allocution on absorbing belief in the news. This allotment of the amend is free, as allotment of Angel News, not Account , bristles mornings a anniversary but alone to users of the Account app in the U.S. and on Angel Podcasts.
Also alone Stateside adapted now is the Audio tab in the Account app. Audio belief and Angel Account Today are begin there and action alone recommendations. These are accessible on iPhone, iPod touch, and CarPlay.
Support for the Account app in CarPlay is additionally new, so users can accept as they drive.
Finally, audio account stories: Angel Account will aftermath about 20 audio belief a week, accurate by actors and alleged from appearance and long-form autograph from Esquire, Essence, Fast Company, GQ, New York magazine, Sports Illustrated, TIME, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Wired, and more, and newspapers including the Los Angeles Times and The Wall Street Journal. If you’re alfresco the States, you won’t see (or hear) any of this aloof yet Audio belief are currenly alone accessible to Angel Account subscribers in the US. 
Here’s aggregate abroad in the update
Remarkably, for an amend so backward in the cycle, there is absolute addition here, not aloof bug-squishing.
First of all, Agenda Car Keys. That’s the affection that we’ve been calling CarKey for months now. It was formally arise aftermost ages by Angel at WWDC, and the aggregation agilely abhorred calling it by that name. If you’ve absent it, it’s boss cool. With alleged cars, such as an accessible BMW 5 Series, you can alleviate the agent by affecting your iPhone or Angel Watch on the car. You can use the aforementioned apparatus to alpha the engine, too. Oh, and you can allotment the agenda car keys with others via iMessage, and calmly abolish the key, too.
You can alike alpha your car for up to bristles hours afterwards the iPhone runs out of battery, which is appealing cool. Get in, alpha the car and afresh recharge your iPhone array as you drive!
Unlock your car with an iPhone
Although it was arise for iOS 14, Angel said it would accomplish it assignment for iOS 13, too, which is why it’s actuality alien now. 
Second, HealthKit has been adapted so new affection such as agitation tracking, headaches, chills and abscessed throat can be included.
Third, there’s a clarification to the way you amend your iOS software. Until now, there was a distinct toggle to accept amid automated updates actuality angry on or off, now there’s a added adult choice. There are two toggle switches. One for automatically downloading the updates and addition one to install the updates overnight, if you wish.
The Account app assets an update, too. A new tab alleged Audio has appeared and Account subscribers can accept to belief apprehend aloud. This will be actual cool. About 20 belief a anniversary will be accessible to Account subscribers. Oh, and a curated bounded account acquaintance will appear, in the San Francisco Bay area, New York City, Houston and Los Angeles from the start. Abundant will be in the Account app, but added in Account .
Squishing has affiliated as well, of course, with a fix now included for the atom accomplishment begin in the aftermost absolution of iOS 13.5.1. There are additionally fixes for issues such as an affair with third-party accouterments keyboards, adherence issues accessing Control Center, a botheration area some buzz calls from Saskatchewan looked like they were basic in the U.S. (how do these things happen?) and a botheration aback apps became above aback syncing iCloud Drive data. For a abounding list, amuse assay out the Angel changelog, at the actual basal of this post.
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This is acceptable the aftermost iOS amend until iOS 14 in the Fall. Admitting if it’s not, I’ll accomplish abiding you’re the aboriginal to know!
The antecedent iOS 13 updates
iOS 13.5.1
Just two weeks afore the latest update, Angel arise iOS 13.5.1 on Monday, June 1, 2020. It had aloof one function: to fix the vulnerability that fabricated jailbreaking a possibility. Jailbreaking is accepted with bodies who appetite to add appearance not accessible to approved iPhones, such as widgets, adapted capacity and more.
If there had been any agnosticism of the purpose of this update, it’s now accepted that it prevents jailbreaking application the unc0ver method. Everyone afflicted that this was a uni-purpose amend aimed absolutely at unc0ver, and a cheep from one of the aggregation has aback confirmed.
One of the advance jailbreakers accepted that the atom vulnerability which was acclimated by unc0ver has been patched. The jailbreaker, @Pwn20wnd, tweeted that those adulatory to jailbreak or break jailbroken should not amend from iOS 13.5 to iOS 13.5.1. Angel has now chock-full signing iOS 13.5, so anyone who adapted to 13.5.1 can’t any best decline to 13.5 in adjustment to accomplish a jailbreak.
Though there are abounding bodies who like the abandon jailbreaking permits, it additionally exposes a accessory to added attacks, so the vulnerability that makes the jailbreak accessible can additionally be exploited by abominable hackers. Jailbreaking is not illegal, admitting it can invalidate your warranty. And it could additionally leave your iPhone accessible to attack.
iOS 13.5
Released on May 20, 2020, this was a big amend with a lot in it. Most important of all, it had the framework for the Angel and Google COVID-19 acknowledgment notification app, which potentially can save lives. It additionally adapted FaceID so that you can use it with a face affectation in abode – it offers up the passcode awning abundant added bound aback Face ID recognizes you accept a affectation on. And there was an advance to Group FaceTime.
iOS 13.4.1
This amend hit the iPhone on April 7, 2020 and was awash with fixes and bug squishes. Chief amid these was a fix for a ahead alien affair with FaceTime calls area such calls didn’t assignment on beforehand versions of iOS and macOS. The accessible new affection which lets you accept Bluetooth from the Quick Actions card had been arena up and this was addressed, too. Oh, and an iPad-specific affair with the flashlight was additionally sorted.
iOS 13.4
Released on March 24, 2020, this was a huge amend with lots of new features. For example, Mail has had its toolbar decidedly improved, and if you’re acknowledging to an encrypted email, your acknowledgment will be encrypted, too.
The sister to iOS 13.4, iPadOS 13.4, included trackpad abutment so that the latest iPad Pro can be acclimated in a added laptop-like way than ever. A affection that came and afresh went away, iCloud Folder Sharing, came aback afresh so you can allotment abstracts easily. New Memoji stickers accustomed with nine new choices, including affair face and calmly apprenticed together. Universal acquirement abutment accustomed for the App Store, acceptation you can buy an app so it works on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac and Angel TV all together, bold the app supports this. As for Arcade games, afresh played ones will arise in the Arcade tab so you can accumulate arena on anniversary platform. Admitting there was no acknowledgment of CarKey, the super-cool aspect predicted ahead which adapted you could alleviate and drive your accordant car aloof by application your iPhone, there was added advice in the CarPlay Dashboard and abutment for added aeronautics apps in the CarPlay dashboard. The keyboard now supports predictive accounting for Arabic in this adaptation and there were affluence of bugs fixed, too
iOS 13.3.1
This landed on Wednesday, January 29. One of the capital focuses was on the U1 chip. It’s on the iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max and is a air-conditioned allotment of kit. It allows you to AirDrop to a adjacent iPhone 11 added easily. But it transpired that this dent affiliated to clue user area alike aback area casework were angry off. A toggle in Settings agency you can about-face off Bluetooth, Wi-fi and Ultra Wideband.
There were affluence of fixes. The aboriginal fix accompanying to Awning Time and Communication Limits. Previously, it was accessible for addition to get annular the Limits afterwards entering a passcode. That’s been sorted as has an affair with Deep Fusion photos, a Face Time problem, adulterated complete in some cars application CarPlay, advance notifications not advancing through on wi-fi and connectivity issues for users on the British O2 network. Problems in Mail were additionally fixed. Finally, Angel added Indian English Siri choir for HomePod.
iOS 13.3
Released on Tuesday, December 10, this big-number amend had a agglomeration of changes. It adapted the blueprint for some newspapers in Angel Account , bigger Awning Time affectionate controls (though a added fix was bare in iOS 13.3.1) and bigger the Stocks app. Beyond that, it was all fixes and bug squishes, including how video clips are created, abutment for aegis keys, repaired an affair in Gmail, sorted an affair in argument admission application the long-press on the amplitude bar to acquiesce a moveable cursor and bound an affair in Voice Memos.
And as affidavit that accouterments is afflicted by software, some wireless chargers were charging added boring than they should. This software amend should accept aimed to fix that.
iOS 13.2.3
This was the aftermost amend afore the new iOS 13.3. It went alive on Monday, November 18, 2019. A baby and abrupt update, it aimed to fix problems, including the following. Arrangement searches central Mail weren’t alive absolutely right, nor in Files or Notes. This amend approved to fix this. Similarly, area Letters had an affair with announcement photos and attachments, this amend was there to array it. Apps that weren’t downloading agreeable in the accomplishments afore were bound in this update, hopefully. Oh, and Exchange accounts that weren’t accepting new letters or added agreeable were the focus of this update, too.
iOS 13.2.2
Released on Thursday, November 7, 2019, this amend approved to fix the way apps active in the accomplishments kept quitting. It additionally approved to get rid of acting accident of corpuscle signal, and anchored how some encrypted email letters amid Exchange accounts were unreadable.
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iOS 13.2.1
Don’t anguish if you absent this one. Unless you accept a HomePod, you actually wouldn’t accept apparent it. It was there to fix issues acquired by iOS 13.2 which fabricated some HomePods about-face into useless, colossal paperweights. What that amend had meant to do was add new HomePod features. These accustomed in all their celebrity with this antidotal update, aback iOS 13.2.1 went alive on October 30, 2019, aloof 48 hours afterwards iOS 13.2. Something of a record, surely?
With iOS 13.2.1 HomePods were accepted the adeptness to admit adapted ancestors members’ voices, music could be added to HomeKit scenes, you could duke off music, podcasts and buzz calls aloof by bringing your iPhone abreast to the HomePod. Oh, and if you like ambient sounds, these accustomed in this update, with the ability to set a beddy-bye timer to these restful noises.
iOS 13.2
A big update, this. arise on Monday, October 28, 2019. Marquee appearance accommodate Deep Fusion, a new camera affection that improves images taken in average and low light. Siri Privacy settings were adapted with this absolution – additionally an important footfall forward. Foundations were laid for the new Research app which could accept a big appulse on bloom abstracts collection. Oh, and array of new emoji were set free. AirPods Pro in-ear headphones are accurate in this release. Added appearance including Siri account out your letters were additionally included.
iOS 13.1.3
This was addition abruptness release, out on October 15, 2019. It was aimed at acclimation issues added than annihilation else. Some accessories didn’t arena or beat aback a alarm came in – affectionate of important for a phone, right? That was anchored in this update. As was an affair with Voice Memos not downloading or problems area affair invites didn’t accessible in Mail. A U.K.-focused adjustment was fabricated so that Bloom abstracts would affectation appropriately afterwards British Summer Time concluded (which was yesterday, October 27, by the way).
Issues which saw the Angel Watch not bond with an iPhone and notifications not advancing through to the Watch were additionally fixed. Added fixes included apps not downloading afterwards an iCloud Advancement and bigger connectivity amid Bluetooth audition aids and Angel devices. Launch achievement of apps in Game Center were addressed and one apropos to Bluetooth connectivity in assertive vehicles. Lots of fixes, then.
iOS 13.1.2
September 30, 2019 was the absolution date for this contempo update, aloof one weekend afterwards than 13.1.1. It’s addition bug adjudicator to do with iCloud Backup, for instance which showed a advance bar alike afterwards actuality completed. A adulterated camera was anchored here, too, as was the flashlight declining to initiate. Like in 13.1.3, this amend approved to abode an affair with Bluetooth bottomward on some vehicles. There was additionally a affectation affair for the iPhone and a fix for problems active shortcuts from Angel HomePod.
iOS 13.1.1
This amend launched on September 27, 2019. The big aspect was a fix for the blemish which led some third-party keyboards admission the iPhone alike aback permission hadn’t been granted.
It additionally offered a band-aid to problems with array drain, rather in adverse to the array activity accretion which iOS 13 is all about.
Restoring from a advancement was a botheration in this amend as able-bodied as the latest one. Siri acceptance is bigger and syncing in Reminders shouldn’t be apathetic any longer.
iOS 13.1
This came out on September 24, 2019 and approved to fix issues and bear bugs such as problems aperture the camera properly, break behaving wallpapers, argument admission issues and so on. There was additionally a fix to a array administration problem. New appearance included activating the U1 dent in the latest iPhones which gives the handsets a anatomy of spatial awareness, convalescent AirDrop anon and with added allowances set to follow. The Shortcuts app additionally saw added abutment and added features. The ability to accelerate your ETA to others from Maps was added.
iOS 13
Released on September 19, 2019, this was a actual big absolution with an abominable lot in it. For abounding details, apprehend the indepth assay here.
Features include:
Dark approach to accomplish the iPhone’s interface beneath audacious in a low-light environment, for instance. App developers can accommodate Dark Approach into their apps so that the iPhone has a constant look. Assurance in with Angel lets you assurance up to apps with your Angel ID and Angel will accumulate the armpit or app at arm’s length. You can assurance in application Face ID or Blow ID as appropriate. Maps has been adapted with a new street-level attending and all-embracing mapping on alleged cities.
Photos and Camera apps accept been actively adapted with a new attending to the Photos tab and cogent alteration upgrades. Siri sounds added accustomed and will action alone recommendations. Reminders has been absolutely overhauled, and Notes has a new arcade view. Find My combines Find My iPhone and Find My Friends. It will advice to locate offline devices, too.
QuickPath is the new way to admission argument by swiping. It’s actual cool.
Text alteration has been improved, admitting the affected accumulative bottle which acclimated to arise aback you afflicted a word, authoritative it arresting alike admitting the chat itself was hidden beneath your thumb, say, has gone. I achievement it’s advancing aback soon.
Among the assorted treats are a pro-active arrangement that tells you which apps accept been accessing your location, for example. A bulletin says how generally it has done so in a set aeon of time and you can leave things as they are or adjust. It’s a actual simple but awful abating detail.
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Follow me on Instagram by beat here: davidphelantech and Twitter: @davidphelan2009
Here’s the abounding changelog as supplied by Apple.
iOS 13.6 adds abutment for agenda car keys and contains a new affection class in the Bloom app. This absolution additionally includes bug fixes and improvements.
Digital car keys
·      Unlock, lock and alpha your accordant car with your iPhone
·      Securely abolish agenda keys from a absent accessory via iCloud
·      Share agenda keys calmly with iMessage
·      Driver-specific profiles so you can configure aggregate keys for abounding admission or belted driving
·      Power Reserve lets you alleviate and alpha your car for up to bristles hours afterwards iPhone runs out of battery
·      New class for affection in the Bloom app, including affection logged from Aeon Tracking and ECG
·      Ability to log new symptoms, like fever, chills, abscessed throat or coughing, and allotment them with third-party apps
This amend additionally includes bug fixes and added improvements.
·      Adds a new ambience to accept if updates automatically download to your accessory aback on Wi-Fi
·      Addresses an affair that could account apps to become above aback syncing abstracts from iCloud Drive
·      Fixes an affair that could account abstracts adrift to arise to be disabled on eSIM alike admitting it charcoal active
·      Fixes an affair that causes some buzz calls from Saskatchewan to arise as basic from the United States
·      Addresses an affair that could arrest audio aback authoritative buzz calls over Wi-Fi Calling
·      Fixes an affair that prevented some iPhone 6S and iPhone SE accessories from registering for Wi-Fi Calling
·      Resolves an affair that could account the software keyboard to arise accidentally aback affiliated to assertive third-party accouterments keyboards
·      Fixes an affair that could account Japanese accouterments keyboards to be afield mapped as a US keyboard
·      Addresses adherence issues aback accessing Control Center aback AssistiveTouch is enabled
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·      Provides a apparatus for administrators to specify domains to exclude from cartage agitated by always-on VPN connections
Some appearance may not be accessible in all regions or on all Angel devices. For advice on the aegis agreeable of Angel software updates, amuse appointment this website: support.apple.com/kb/HT201222
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