#if I did pls alert me bc I genuinely can't remember anymore
voidwaren · 2 years
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good lord guys, I’m sorry I’ve been so AWOL on Tumblr lately (like I have been GONE. just ask my neglected main blog). I’ll get back into the swing of things eventually, I promise.
for today’s WIP Wednesday I’ll be tossing a short bit from that rich school AU thing anon kindly reminded me I had. I’m probably going to integrate it with a Fall thing I also want to do, so you’ll probably be getting chapters of this around October? maybe earlier if I can kick my butt into gear? cross your fingers, y’all.
Trevor looked at Warren in surprise. “That’s Nathan Prescott and Victoria Chase,” he said in awe, like that meant anything to Warren. “Victoria’s family owns the entirety of the art department here,” Trevor continued when Warren only blinked at him.
“What?” Warren replied, bewildered. How could someone own a department like that? “You mean they donated to it?”
“No,” Trevor corrected, leaning in close. “I mean they own it. They paid for everything to be built and supplied, and none of the buildings are technically in the academy’s name. They’re Chase property built on Prescott land. They pay all the tax shit and funding and everything, or whatever you do when you own half of an entire school.”
“How flipping rich could you possibly be to own—” Warren stopped short, the second half of Trevor’s statement clicking into place. “Wait a minute,” Warren verbally scrambled back, his hands lifting and waving through the air between them like he could physically rewind the conversation. “Did you say Prescott land? As in the same Nathan we’re talking about just now? He owns this land?”
Trevor stared at him like he had a few screws loose. “Dude,” he said slowly, reaching out and grabbing Warren’s shoulders. “The Prescotts own the entire town. Literally.”
And that was when Warren wondered what the actual fuck he had just gotten himself into.
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