#if I'd devellop fully everything the story will be endless
madeofcc · 3 years
hey love, if you're still doing those storytelling asks, may i ask 8, 12, 20, 25 ?
Aaaaah :) Thank you so much dear @neverheresims for these asks !
8/ what about your story are you proud of?
I think is how free I feel when I write and that I'm no longer affraid to write the characters I'd want to see more than the characters the readers might want. So far, I'm proud of all the progress I'm making with it whether it's editing, writing about the things that are important to me . For instance, I included several fighting scenes in DH1 in order to fit the typical hero cliché story but I realized that it's not the story I want to tell here and I also hate random violence so I will explain this change in a deepest way in DH2 ^^
12/ do you actually play the game or do you just use it as a storytelling medium?
I actually started to write DH because I was bored with the game but I started to play with Asami and Mizuki in order to discover Snowy Escape and Paranormal several months ago. I posted a mini gameplay as a secret post but it all went wrong with Tumblr being messy about hidden posts so I might bring it back one day. But Asami and Mizuki are going to have their proper introduction in DH don't worry.
These days, I've played only to test the Sim Summer festival, otherwise I'm mainly opening the game to take screenshots or to test a new cc collection I'm preparing. I really want to create a new family to play with though and I look forward to discover this new pack next year (when it will be cheaper) and I still have some stuff to discover with Mizuki and Asami ... Fingers crossed I manage to find some times but I think it won't happen until DH2 ends. I don't want to make my readers wait for long ^^
20/ choose your favourite shot from your story so far
I have several but so far I'm still proud of the Memoria shot from ep1. It tells so much with just one pic.
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There's also this DH Random which shows the girls' new students life that I love.
And I also love the official DH3 Poster I've prepared ^^
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25/ what inspirations have you drawn on for your story?
The main inspiration is surely Buffy the vampire slayer. As an old fan of the show, it was my main inspiration for this story. Then I thought about including more pop culture elements into it because after all, medias have been telling us the same stories over and over again and we still fall in love with some so why not play with that ?
If you've read DH from the beginning then you've probably noticed already all the references I've put in it (Halloween, Stranger Things, Psycho, Mean Girls, Carrie ...) and I've planned to include more references in the future (see DH3 poster ^^)
My other inspirations are my personnal beliefs and also what I see/read here and there, what I hear-d/live-d/experiment-ed (I guess all writers do the same ^^). I can't wait to really talk about feminism, civil rights and all but don't worry, I won't get to deep either, after all, it's just a sims story. But I might change my mind depending on the time and how confident I'll feel about it.
Thank you so so much for these asks dear ♥
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