#if I'm not making enough sense here feel free to lemme know xD
starsmuserainbow · 1 year
❝ I’m not forcing you to open up, but I just wish you would..  ❞
(From Irmy to Wildfire) (from that troubled friend meme)
—- Helping that troubled friend of yours!
[[Thank you for sending one!]]
To be fair, she couldn't have known. A few days ago when they were in a mall, Wildfire had almost downirght stared at this one particular heap of plushies in one of the stores. He thought it had gone unnoticed, but now that Irma had cheerily held out one of the plushies to him, it was clear that she had noticed and thought he liked it but didn't want to buy it or perhaps that he didn't have the money himself.
Staring at the shockingly accurate recreation of a Shalla (how could they get so close? Surely Earth didn't know these creatures) for a few seconds, all the emotions bubbled back up within an instant and Wildfire simply couldn't explain or even say anything. He had left in a rush, without even uttering a 'sorry' or anything, running out and then flying off, and it was now hours later that Irma - somehow - found him again. He was sitting at the edge of a cliff, somewhere far off of the cities and within nature, with a cave somewhere over there in the distance. It was reminding him of his long-time 'home', which was both painful and at the same time somehow calming, and he had been angrily crying and shouting and punching the ground a few times during the hours he spent here alone. Now he was simply sitting and looking into the distance when she approached, and talked to him from a bit away, perhaps afraid he would run away again if she'd get closer.
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Glancing back slightly, Wildfire curled up on himself a little more from the guilt he felt for leaving her standing like that. "I'm sorry," he said quietly, something within him stopping him from turning and looking at her properly. He did the swift motion of activating the translation device through his communicator, knowing that if he wanted to explain anything, it would only be possible through this because there was no way he would be able to ignore the emotions long enough to both explain and translate it. "I... I just..." He was silent for a few more moments to figure out just what to say. He hadn't exactly told her anything about his past yet - it was always painful to talk about, and he didn't want to make anyone feel bad for him. It was understandable that she would wish for him to open up at least a bit, they spent a good amount of time together already after all. They definitely were good friends. She deserved to know a bit about him. "That plush toy... it is very similar to an alien species that I know. Knew."
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