#if LO launched today it wouldn't be anywhere NEAR as popular
genericpuff · 11 months
the cherry on top-
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There is so much I want to say about this still but there's still stuff being analyzed and picked apart in the ULO community that I want to get as much of a full picture as I can before making a massive compiled theory post, so I'm kinda just posting my thoughts in very scattered parts for now. Obviously this is still all speculation that should be taken with mountains of salt but the evidence towards this being a load of baloney is damning as all hell.
And btw, I do think it's massively fucked up that Rachel is pulling this "Rachel Smythe Presents" shit that's literally word-for-word the same thing as Rick Riordan Presents, but she claims she's "never read PJO" and that LO isn't ripping it off.
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The fucking audacity. With this in addition to the Lynn Buckham "study" (i.e. ripoff) it really begs the question of how much she's been ripping off and passing off as her own since the very beginning.
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