#if a t3rf even looks at this post eat the shit from the fascists assholes you lick from
littlemouserat · 2 years
A Word From A Queer Actor
A year ago a fellow actor friend of mine asked me how I felt about ‘straight actors playing gay roles’ (In a I want to be a good ally/ friend way). 
My response was ,and still is ,“Meh. As long as they are respectful why not? We’re actors. We play who we aren't all the time”. But since it was a short visit I never got a chance to elaborate that and  I also hated the idea of someone having to come out just to get a role. 
I’m a gay trans man and I’ve played many cis-het roles, even thought I’m just starting my career. If I had to constantly come out or be questioned about my identity/ sexuality ,just to play a role, it would be exhausting, awkward as hell (stay out of my personal life yo) and possibly dangerous .This world is still so cruel to queer people no matter how many rainbow flag decals you see in the bank window. 
Forcing actors like Lee Pace and now this 18 YEAR OLD to come out (or get outed like in Lee’s case)  just because they played a queer role and you thought it was your right to know cause you thought they were ‘queer bating’ you is disgusting!! Shame on you!!
You have no right to know someone’s personal life!! Also you can’t get ‘queer bated’ by real people. They aren't’ some fictional character with a ‘will they won’t they’ relationship with an angel or some bullshit, they are a human being!!
Yes, I would love for more queer actors to play queer ,and non queer, roles. Especially for trans actors. I’d love if trans actors got the chance to play ourselves or to be given the chances that so many cis actors have. 
But honestly, I’d rather have the straightest- cis-ist person play a queer character if it would stop queer performers from being outed or being forced to come out. 
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