#if anyone has questions about Lev or any of my oc's let me know
novac2281 · 1 year
My Lev playlist
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shapoodle · 6 years
Twilight Saga
Here is a fic requested by @ask-villegas-sides, based of their OC sides, hope you all enjoy!
"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore you guys..."
"What are you talking about Lev?" Flint questioned "I don't recall ever being in Kansas."
"It was a movie reference, obviously" Reese sighed "Beckett, you doing okay?" The fanciful side turned toward their anxious friend, who was currently curled in on themself, hugging a pillow.
A muffled scream came from the pillowed face.
Reese nodded "I'm going to take that as a no..."
The sound of metal clattering onto a table brought all four sides' attention to the couch, where their host was sitting, mouth agape and still very filled with the cereal they were eating before they dropped their spoon.
"Kiddo, what have I told you about eating with an open mouth?" Lev tutted.
"I believe we have more pressing concerns than manners  at the moment" Flint objected "Though, please do close your mouth Riley, you'll make a mess of the carpet.”
Riley gulped.
"I feel as though I should be concerned."
"You should feel concerned" Beckett moaned.
"Ah! There's the anxiety kicking in, I'm now very concerned, guys how did you get here?"
"I feel as though if we knew the answer to that Mr. Pillow Face wouldn't be screaming...into a pillow.
"Your getting more creative by the day, ain't ya curly font?" Beckett shouted, pointing his finger accusingly at Reese, though still refusing to remove his face from the pillow.
"Wow, that was pretty muffled" Lev whistled. They turned to Riley "Duvet they think they can lift their head so I can see my darling kiddo's face?"
“Pillow based puns? Is that the theme for today?” Reese joked.
"I'm electing to ignore all three of you for the moment. To answer your question though Riley: We have no clue." Flint responded.
"You seem awfully calm about that lack of knowledge, logic" Riley eyed suspiciously.
"There is no reason to get frustrated at things I do not know just because I haven't had the opportunity to learn them yet." Flint nodded "This is an opportunity for us all to learn something new, and we should approach it rationally and maturely."
"YOUR MUM IS A BLEAK AND UNFORTUNATE FUTURE!" Flint screamed as they threw their coloured fine liners in the air.
"Besides, we don't have a mother, Beckett" Lev chimed in to Beckett's previous insult "Though you do have one punny dad."
"Let me get this straight." Riley groaned, head resting firmly on the dinner table "We have spent the last two hours going over theoretical physics, quantum physics, biology and psychology: and what we have is that my manifestations of the different aspects of myself taking physical forms, is impossible."
"Yep" Beckett responded, adding an extra pop to the end of the word.
"But you're here"
"So it's not impossible."
A further groan escaped Riley's lips.
"Wow, you and Beckett are sounding more and more alike" Reese purred.
"I'm really not that whiny." Beckett protested.
"Your are still holding onto that pillow from before."
"Its name is Ignatius and I've adopted it as an emotional support pillow. Back off."
Flint took a deep breath and re-brushed his hair back to its typically neat presentation "We are getting off topic, Reese stop distracting Beckett, I need their input here"
Reese turned to Flint with an offended gasp "Does my opinion not matter here?"
"Of course your opinion matters" Flint reassured "...it just doesn't matter to me."
"It also doesn't matter when we're trying to have a serious conversation." Beckett responded in a snarky tone.
Reese raised his finger toward Beckett and glared "It's a good thing I love you."
"Alright kiddos, let's get back to  topic, this is a very important matt-ress."
"...that's a very weak connection to pillows." Riley paused.
"That won’t stop them" Flint sighed. "Look, does anyone remember what they were doing when this happened?”
"I was eating breakfast and marathoning episodes of the Twilight Zone."
"... you were watching the Twilight Zone?" Flint raised an eyebrow.
Riley nodded "Yeah, I've been meaning to watch it for a while now, there was this one episode where a couple were watching this film when they suddenly got transported into the films universe and....Oh I'm dreaming aren't I?"
"Yeah." Flint nodded, a slight agitation creasing his brow "Yeah, you probably are"
"Wow Reese, you ripped off the synopsis of the episode to a T, really getting creative."
Reese looked around, lips pursed "Um... I didn't do this."
"What do you mean, how can I dream without you?"
"Wish I could tell ya, but I have photographic memories when it comes to my creations, I could tell you how many leaves I put on that willow tree in that one dream. Y'know the one with the willow-”
"Yeah the one with the willow tree, I know Reese"
Flint stared at the creative side "How many leaves?"
"Why would you ask that question?" Beckett scoffed "You don't know the answer either."
"I know it's just... why would creativity need a photographic memory?"
"Well..." Riley paused "Doesn't the imagination rely a lot on a person's subconscious thoughts?"
"Yes!" Lev clapped "Like how it's impossible to create a face of a stranger, any person you see in a dream you don't recognise is likely a face you've passed down the street and the brain just remembers."
"Which explains why Reese can have a photographic memory, where as Riley can't remember what was on the last page of a book they just read." Beckett added.
"A little harsh" Riley winced.
"But that still doesn't explain how Reese doesn't recognise this dream, if it even is a dream" Lev continued.
The sides paused for a moment, looking to and from from each other, searching for an answer. It was Flint who spoke out first.
"Well, why don't we test it?
"Test it?" Riley pressed.
"Yes, if one has a hypothesis one should test it. We need to find out whether or not this is a dream. For instance, now that Riley is aware they are in a dream, this would be a lucid dream now, right?"
"I suppose so." Reese nodded.
"And a person who is lucid dreaming can control the narrative of the dream. Riley you can decide what happens next. So if you do something which wouldn't happen in the real world, then we know this must be a dream."
"So... say I make something appear?"
"Yes that should work."
"Alright then..." Riley shrugged, a little unsure how effective this would be. They closed their eyes and controlled their breath. Sure enough they heard a large thump occur next to them. Sure enough as they opened their eyes a large jar of crofters, coming up to Riley's hip stood on the floor.
"Oh. My. Gamma Velorem." Flint stared on in shock.
"Crofters and a reference to stars. Now that's a space jam if ever I heard one" Lev snickered.
"Why is it so big?" Beckett asked, eyebrow raised.
"That's the beauty of imagination!" Reese cheered "Now fill the room with puppies!"
"No!" Flint pulled his eyes away from the jam "No, we should keep this short and sweet."
"Sweet like Crof-"
"Thank-you Lev" Flint interrupted "So: we can confirm this is a dream, which means Riley has the power to end the narrative."
"Do we have to end it so soon? I mean this could be really fun."
"Didn't you say you were eating cereal before you fell asleep" Beckett asked.
"So you're probably drenched in milk and honey hoops, passed out on the couch."
"Ohhhh, yeah that is embarrassing I should, I should probably go fix that."
"Awww, I was kind of looking forward to going on an adventure with you." Reese sighed.
"Maybe next time buddy" Riley reassured as they closed their eyes. Lifting their hand up a vortex of blue and green appeared before them.
"Guess we go through there then?" Reese mused "Well, Onwards! Let's go my anxious squire."
"What? No no no no. There's no guarantee that's actually going to take us back. It could lead somewhere far worse, what it this portal actually takes us to the real real world? What if it's like inception and we just end up in another layer of dr-"
Beckett was cut off as he was pushed into the portal by Reese.
"Such a romantic" Flint rolled his eyes.
"I'll make it up to them" Reese winked "Aufwidersehen Riley, see you in the next dream!"
"And you'll see me when you wake up so I can take you through the process of getting milk stains out of fabrics." Flint added as he made his way to the portal "Also, we may want to discuss how we eat food from now on"
"I just got out of one of your two-hour lectures I don't need another one" Riley reassured.
"Hey kiddo!"
"Yeah , Lev?"
"Don't forget to put some sugar under your pillow tonight"
"...why would I do that?" Riley cocked their head.
"So you can have sweet dreams!" Lev cheered as they jumped into the portal. Soon the vortex a colours began to diminish, and with a pop of sparking energy it was gone entirely.
Riley sighed "Of course I had to end that on a pun."  They grimaced, as they picked up the discarded spoon.
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