#if anyone is actually upset w me choosing die btw then: this is a fictional show guys
beardisable · 1 year
OHHHHHH MY GOD. ok so i was hoping and expecting that genloss would culminate in something correlating to like. audience expectations, live interaction obvs but also complicated feelings around streaming and being a celebrity online/irl, entertainment industry and shit and YEAH. THEY FUCKIN DELIVERED!!!! BROOOOOO THAT WAS SO FUCKING SICKKKKKK
i personally chose Die, right from the beginning bc well. he asked for it, it felt more merciful than letting them be reprogrammed to keep going. AND THAT SAYS SOMETHING ABOUT ME AS A PERSON!!!! if they didnt die they would have the oppurtunity to break out again and keep trying to find an exit, a way to escape this. i honestly suprised myself with the choice bc im always STRONGLY on the "keep going bc theres always a possibility to change things, if you stop then it all ends there" side about like all things in life but somehow rn i didnt??? think that way???? maybe bc i wasn't so affected by the progression and so suspended in disbelief as others? (im so sorry to everyone whos genuinely sad and negatively impacted by this outcome or their choice)
feel free to reply/rb with your choice and thought process, i think its fascinating ngl
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