#if anyone is curious yes michael does know the bridgertons via francesca
sea-owl · 11 months
I love the idea of Eloise having a wild night and waking up married.
Add in her being afraid of commitment.
Her family discovering her marriage.
Her discovering her new husband has 2 rambunctious children.
It would make for a pretty interesting hangover.
How do you think it would all shake out?
Anon asked:
I remember you writing a scenario where Eloise and Phillip woke up married.
I love the accidentally married trope.
I would love to see Eloise find out phillip was not only her husband but the father of Two lil' shits. Instant marriage and instant motherhood.
I have to go find it but I think I remember. It was like one of two scenarios and this one was philoise waking up married. But I got you. Let me think of something fun.
I got an idea.
Phillip did not appreciate the pounding headache when he woke up that morning. Nor did he remember how he got back in his own bed. God he was gonna kill Michael. That hellion used the excuse that it was his birthday yesterday to get Phillip and Penelope to join him in getting utterly wasted at the bar. Michael had said something about them getting the sticks out of their asses and . . .letting go?
Phillip would roll his eyes if he could open them. The last time he followed Michael's definition of letting go, it ended with him becoming a father to twins after a one night stand with Penelope's cousin. So yeah, Phillip made it a rule to keep the drinking to a minimum in public.
A feminine moan was heard next to Phillip.
Phillip shot his eyes open, and hissed as the light hit them. Damn headache, damn Michael. Turning on his side he was not expecting to see a pretty brunette sleeping in the same bed as him. Oh no. Not again!
Phillip is gonna kill Michael.
Detangling himself from the sheets Phillip walked to the adjoining bathroom to find himself some aspirin and get this god awful taste out of his mouth. He has to find Penelope and Michael. He prays one of them remembers what happened, and one of them can keep Oliver and Amanda distracted while Phillip deals with the mystery woman in his bed.
Leaving a glass of water and an aspirin on the nightstand Phillip noticed a ring on her left finger.
No, no, no, no! Please don't be a one night stand. Please don't let it be a one night stand! He really needs to find Michael or Penelope so they can tell him he did not have a one night stand with a married woman!
Rushing out of his room Phillip followed the scent of breakfast down to the kitchen where he found his best friends. Michael was whistling while making waffles, eggs, bacon, and toast. Penelope was nursing one of those sugary caffeine monstrosities she keeps in his fridge. No sign of the twins though.
"Where are Oliver and Amanda?" Phillip asked.
"Their room," Penelope yawned. "I told them one of us would get them when breakfast was ready."
Phillip nodded. Good the twins didn't need to overhear this conversation. "Do either of you remember what happened last night?"
Penelope squinted, her lips slightly pouted. "Nothing much after arriving to the bar. We wished Michael a happy birthday. Maybe some dancing?"
Michael laughed. "You found yourself a pretty little lady to dance with Pip."
"Anything after?" Phillip asked.
Both Michael and Penelope shook their heads. Phillip groaned, face palming. Great neither of them are aware of the potential bomb up in his bed.
Penelope's sweet voice brought him back. "Pip? Are you okay?"
"Not really," Phillip sighed. "There's a strange woman in my bed currently, and she is potentially married."
Penelope's jaw dropped, Michael started to giggle. Both Phillip and Penelope sent their friend a glare.
"Michael this isn't funny! Phillip can't afford to have any more kids from one night stands! He's already got the twins!"
"And if she is married then we got an angry husband to deal with too," Phillip added on.
"Yeah but Pip, are you sure you aren't the husband?" Michael pointed to Phillip's left hand.
Phillip looked down. On his left ring finger was a ring. It wasn't the classic gold band but one of those cheap plastic ones one would win as some sort of prize at a festival.
Dear god what did he do last night?
"Who are you?"
All three friends froze. Shit that was the twins. Which means the mystery lady was up.
Rushing towards the dinning room where they heard the twins they came to the sight of Oliver and Amanda staring down Phillip's mystery lady.
The brunette looked towards the other adults. "Michael?"
Phillip caught sight of her left hand. Now in the light the ring looked just as cheap and plastic as the one on Phillip's hand. Actually it looked like it would work as a set with the one on Phillip's hand.
"Eloise?!" Michael exclaimed. He looked from the brunette to Phillip before bursting out laughing. "Oh Pip! This is the best birthday gift you could have given me!"
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