#if anyone sees yamikage again they'll do more than throw hands
post-it-notes7 · 11 months
In regards to the GSA’s split, it seems like there was a single event which made everyone scatter and believe that the others had died So... what happened?
Haha, thank you for enabling my rambles, anon.
Essentially, Nightmare organized an ambush on a galactic scale, and sent it down upon the GSA all at once, aiming to wipe them from existence (something very similar to the scene in the eng anime opening, where hordes of demon beasts are approaching from the sky).
Nightmare didn't stage an attack against just the GSA's current base of operations though, he went after every base, star, and planet the GSA had connections to, aiming for complete annihilation in one fell swoop. The locations of all of these was strongly believed to be shared to him by Yamikage, who had disappeared months prior, alongside several of the records locked away in the GSA's archives.
It started without warning, and when the GSA was struck, they fought back, and they fought hard.
And they were losing. The sheer number of demon beasts was too overwhelming. Troops were falling left and right, star warriors were being targeted above all else.
In a last resort, Arthur ordered an evacuation. It was chaos.
Starships were followed, chased, and shot down. Those that escaped were flung to the far corners of the galaxy in ships much like Kirby's, sent into a slumber so deep they'd be mistaken for dead by any demon beasts that passed them by. This is how Dragato and Arthur both survived, each shoved into ships despite their protests and put to sleep; both had been planning to go down fighting to buy time for others to escape. They landed at opposite ends of the galaxy, long after the fight had ended.
Falspar and Nonsurat were part of the last to flee. They crashed-landed on the same planet after being hunted down and knocked out of the sky.
Meta Knight was the last one to remain. He fought until he couldn't any longer, until he passed out, and when he came to there was just... Nothing. In a single day the GSA had been torn apart by Nightmare, and in the following months MK spent searching, he found nothing. No survivors. No star warriors. Not a whisper of the GSA anywhere.
While it's likely that there were more who escaped than just Arthur, Nonsurat, Falspar, Dragato, and MK (Kit Cosmos too, though he had been MIA months before the ambush), the remains of the GSA had been throughly scattered, and Nightmare had sent a clear message to any and all that might oppose him again. He would wipe from existence with the wave of a hand, without so much as showing up to watch.
The choice became either to cut all ties to the GSA that once was and remain hidden, or face NME's wrath.
And so, Meta Knight began planning.
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