#if diavolo catches feelings for reader its gonna suck for him cause he already tripped at the starting line
writing-gifts · 3 years
typed out a quick 4th part, this is slowly becoming more than just a incubus!doppio au but we will just keep calling it that for consistency 
list of the current parts
Apparently hoping to not have to interact with Doppio’s boss ever again was too much to ask. Ever since the first time he waltzed into your house and insulted you, he’s been making periodic visits, albeit in a less threatening manner
However the second time he had shown up at your house you had threatened him with the possibility of a holy water gun if he tried what he did last time. It was a bluff since you didn't want to risk hurting Doppio in the process but it seemed to work. The demon had chosen to reel back his intense attitude but he still wouldn't stop telling you to end your friendship with his nicer counterpart. He’d mention it at least once every time he showed up.
"I know he’s your...friend but it’s negatively affecting him and therefore me."
You move around the house sweeping, half listening to the demon as he unfortunately makes himself comfortable on your living room couch.
"How so?"
"He doesn’t want to have sex anymore because he has feelings for you and it’s lessening his power." The word ‘feelings’ was dripping with contempt and you could see the annoyance on the demon's face.
But his statement manages to catch your full attention and you stop sweeping.
"Wait, wait...does that mean he’s dying? He seemed fine the last time I saw him." Diavolo seeing you vulnerable in any way puts a bad taste in your mouth, but you struggle to keep the worry out of your voice.
"He's not dying, it just makes his magical strength weaker. He might as well be a megar mortal at this point."
"Is that necessarily a bad thing though?"
"I don't want to be reduced to a weak lower demon. I’d do it myself but my power stems from him."
"Oh, so you’re like a leech. Got it.” The demon scowls at you and you go back to cleaning.
“Well that’s cool and all but I don't really care what you want. If Doppio wants to keep being friends with me then I’m going to stay and nothing you say will change my mind. And I would really like it if you would get it through your thick skull.”
You expect Diavolo to get really angry but you get mild irritation instead.
"Stubborn…At least he chose to throw away what we have for someone who isn't weak willed. I'll give him that."
"Wow that's the nicest thing you've ever said since you started bothering me."
"Don't get comfortable human. This is just a momentary hiccup. And once I find a way to become the main controller of this body, I'm ending your life for being such a nuisance. The fact that you've even seen me--"
You raise your brows at the sudden stop in his villain monologue, but before you can respond you see a tense look on Diavolo’s face. His brows furrow and he hunches over. You watch as he forms transitions into something more lithe, more familiar to you. The dark spots in his hair begin to fade and the freckles you loved start to reappear. By the time the transformation's done the clothes he's wearing sit loosely on his body.
You walk over and sit down next to his hunched form. “...Doppio?"
His head shoots up to look at you. “Don’t listen to him ____! I won’t let him hurt you.”
You flinch, “Woah, it’s fine! I’m not really worried about it...Okay maybe I’m a little worried, but I’m definitely not going to make it easy for him."
Doppio frowns before taking your hand and looks off to the side. "He’s all big talk anyways. I'd like to see him try to do anything to you without me intervening."
"Hmm, it's almost like you're the boss then."
"Well...not really. Technically he's stronger than me, as long as I feed his power."
Like a company...
"Do you even like your boss Doppio?"
He nods. "I respect him a lot. But ever since I met you he’s been a real pain. I wish he would let me have this one thing." His hold on your hand tightens slightly.
You can't imagine why the incubus would respect someone like that. Especially someone who was trying to take complete control and doesn’t ever consider his wants. At least, that’s the feeling you get from that parasite.
“He is a real pain," you say.
You look down at your friend's hand in yours. Diavolo did somewhat make you nervous but he annoyed you more than anything.
"Do what you want Doppio. It’s your body first and foremost. Diavolo has to respect what you want if he’s going to reside in it.” You smile. “And you have the upper hand here.”
Doppio looks a little uncomfortable at the idea, but he nods.
You hope he really takes what you said to heart though.
You toss and turn in bed having a hard time finding a comfortable position. For some reason, you were struggling to sleep tonight. You had kept your eyes closed in hopes you would have drifted off by now, but it didn’t seem to help so you gave up.
Your gaze lands on the full moon in the night sky outside your window. Living out here had its perks even if you had to make the long trip to work several times a week or whenever you needed groceries. For one, you could easily see the stars in the sky.
There's suddenly a howl in the distance and your body tenses. You didn't know there were wolves around here…
After a minute of silence passes, your body relaxes and you attempt to fall asleep again. When you finally feel yourself drifting off your awaken by meowing at your window.
You groan. You really need to get a cat door if Mutton was going to be visiting you this late all the time.
You get up and open the window and the cat immediately jumps in and makes his way to your bed. He seems a bit unsteady on his paws though and almost misses the surface of the bed completely.
“Woah, are you okay?”
You try to pet the cat but he arches his body away from your hand and wobbly makes his way to one of your pillows before flopping over and grooming himself.
“Okay guess someone’s in a shitty mood…”
After closing the window, you get back in bed and finally manage to get to sleep.
In the morning, when you wake up the cat is gone and now where to be found in your house. You furrow your brows wondering how though and notice that your window is slightly cracked open. But you’re sure you had closed it the night before.
You shut and lock it before starting your morning routine.
When you come back to your room you see that the pillow Mutton slept on last night is covered in his shedded, white fur. Sighing, you go find a lint roller.
While rolling the pillow you pick up a very long white hair. You pull the hair off the roller and inspect it. It was way longer and finer than Mutton’s fur, just like human hair.
“Huh, weird.”
You finish rolling up the fur and discard the roller sheet and hair in the trash.
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