#if he cant make my upside down smile come out he aint worth my time
pettydollie · 3 months
im so emotional rn anyways the thought of being in love is so fucking scary but so beautiful at the same time. i want to have a romance like a fairytale :')
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layminary · 7 years
As per usual … im up at 2am :-))) well for one, i woke up after sleeping around 9pm so i could do the dishes and now im awake trying to get stuff straight in my head tbh!!!!! First… TODAY… TODAY IS THE DAY I GET TO MEET BTS YET AGAIN. Like i feel calm and collected rn, but as time moves on… I think its necessary to just splurge on my feelings rn… BTS aka Bangtan Sonyeondan… BANGTAN BOYS… BULLETPROOF BOYS.. the love of my life …these 7 men has literally turned my life upside down in the best way possible. I have come across sooo many other bands but yet theyre the only who has really affected me this way. Everything about them, even their flaws, is what makes me love them so much. I promised from the get go, no matter what happens… no matter how many ppl chose to jump on the bandwagon of hate for BTS… i will not stray away. I will love them unconditionally and educate ppl (and them) when appropriate. I really wish i get the chance to shout “jhopeeee!!!!” And get my bb’s attention xD
Second, ohmydays guys. I dont think i can do it??? I dont think, as of rn, i dont really think i can get rid of these feelings for KIS?? Like damn dude!!!! I mean of course I still wanna be his friend and all but aldnansksjj THESE FEELINGS DANGIT! Ugh!!!!! Tumblr, im so happy youre open 24/7… ugh!!! These feelings!!!! Like bro. Okay so first things first… it like shot me straight in the heart when this happened… im that one idiot who would wear occasionally scarves wherever she goes, like today. Even tho it was quite hot, i still figured to wear one inside he cafe… idk fashion sense?? Well to start off, i tried to test him??? But i got fooled in the end??? XD i noticed that he was heading towards my table to do his usual “check up” of the place… so when he walking near me, i decided to go up and try to order. There was three baristas overall, and i knew one stepped outside but one was just in theback… so when i stepped up to the cash register, i hoped it was the girl… but nope :-))))))))) he was there already washing his hands ready to work :-))) and i was like , werent u just doing ur daily rounds?? Lol did u happen to not walk all the way and turn back seeing i was gonna order?? Pfft yeah well maybe thats too far-fetched to say ahahahhaa but i cant lie and say it didnt go thru my head xD im really proud of myself to always try and make small talks with him ><; or else ill never get to say anything… so today, it was just a simple small talk.. “hows ur day so far? •^^•” . I honestly feared inside that it was gonna be short and istg it felt like it was gonna be short as soon as he replied ?? But it changed?????? Wowza. Way to play with my heart TT so i asked that question and he replies with an easy “im doing good, how about you? And boi!!! To me that kills it real quick xD TO ME ALL I CAN SAY IS "im doing good, thanks!” Wow. BUUT :-)))))) he continued by bringing up another topic even in the small time we had to talk to each other (because lets be honest.. at this time, my card has been approved and im basically set to go away); he then asked me “is it hot in here?” Hahahaha tbh i love that he often always asks me for my opinion 😂 theyre just so random, so i cant help but smile. ANYWAYS, that threw me off tbh but i kept calm “oh, not really :o its okay in here. But outside… outside is so hot TT” like legit, it was. Then he said a reply then i replied with “ah, but look at me being a dummy wearing a scarf in this weather” (or somewhere along these lines being sarcastic to myself LOL) and then tell me why!!!! His reply whas!!! “Oh, you always wear a scarf, huh?” And im like dumbfounded and im like, “LOL I DO, dont i?????” XD alfkadhajshs and im like wow :ooooo what a bold statement to make!!!! Im crying xD but its even more hilarious when i tld this to my friend…she was like, “wait but u dont even wear scarves all that often in the cafe” and im like “ur right?????? The only time i really wear em is during school?” But then again maybe he just put together all the times i DID wear scarves or he was just kidding idk xD but what a bold statement to say pfftttt. Im cryin because honestly i saw him do his “check up” soooo many times today that i couldnt help but notice and just smile at him everytime he would pass by me alcnajsksh like boi!!! Its so hard not to! My heart hurts xD BUT ANYWHO! Okay but tbh, i didnt even think too much about this part …but when i told this to my friend xD BOI IT GOT CRAZY ALFNAKXBAIHS HAHAHA!!! OKAY SO LIKE MY FRIEND GOT TO ORDER THE NEW CREPE THAT THEY HAVE AKCJSHS AND IVE BEEN WANTING TO BUY IT FOR SOOO LONG!!! But the ppl ive seen order it… never finished it TT so ive been bummed out as to why and whether it was worth to order it… but then the fact my friend got to buy it, i got to taste it as well xD my other friend was being a butt and putting me on blast because i wasnt being straight up on wanting to taste it alfkajsh ANYWAYS SO !!! I was like, “yeah ima go get another fork… cause i aint gonna use the one u licked alfnajsh” so i was walking to the station where they give the finished order and utensils and stuff. Before i even arrived, hes already there because he just finished making a drink and calling out for the owner…. we make eye contact and we smile at each other :-)))))))) but thats not the twist….. TELL ME WHY ALFJSJSJB THIS BOI. Istg haahhahahaha im still crying thinking about it … THIS BOI … when I finally arrived at the station and trying to quickly eye for the fork… HE LOOKED AT ME AND ASKED ME… “is this your order?” …..
Boiiiiiiiiiiiii. HAHAHAH I DIED N SO DID MY FRIEND OUT OF LAUGHTER WHEN I TOLD HER XD !! Okay okay, it might seem @first like , so what??? BUT AS I THOUGHT ABOUT IT FURTHER… WHY WOULD HE EVEN ASK ME THAT??????????? XD forst!! I DID NOT WALK INFRONT OF HIM SEEMING TO WANT TO PICK UP THE DRINK akdjajsha like i literally walked away from him because the utensils were on his left… SECOND… AND PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT PART.. he.. YOU ARE A CASHIER IN THIS CAFE. You darn know that i did NOT order anything HAHAHA SO HOW ? How????? How could it be my order xD im dying . My friend was like, “ LOLOL WAS HE JUST ANGSTY ABOUT U BEING THERE AND WANTING TO SAY SOMETHING?? So he just blurted out whatever???” And im like HAHA COULD THAT BE POSSIBLE??? 😂😂😂😂 im crying. This is literally xD i cant . This is too funny and im literally cryin inside xD hes too funny and i may just be overthinking things :-)) but tbh, at this point, it aint that bad :-)))))) idk LOLOL ah these feelings … i srsly cant deal with em ahahahah what is life.
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