#if i bake something i'll share pictures and we can pretend we're all eating it together!
Mod MCH here adding in some extra points from the previous post (cant link with anon) because undiagnosed ADHD go brrr and i'll occasionally think of something to say after i've already dusted my hands of the situation
don't suck the fun out of internet polls for fictional characters about arbitrary personal opinions just because you've based your entire personality around being a simp for said fictional character. its not cool or fun to shit on other characters and the people that enjoy them (or make ridiculous claims like "doing everything they can do get G'raha eliminated")
its fun to go feral and say crazy shit about the character you love. don't let that extend to shitting on the other characters and people that enjoy them when your favourite is up against another character. go touch some grass, feel the light on your skin, have a conversation with someone face to face. maybe enjoy your local sights? revaluate yourself and your enjoyment of something if it results in being hateful to others
-Mod Machinist
I will say this is the last we'll talk about it, if only because the drama i'm worried continued conversation will cause will drain the fun even more. This tournament has been fun and has legit been a joy and something I look forward to, but when I get online and think "i'm not going to read the tags anymore" or "I don't want to check the polls" it reminds me how really funny it is how very quickly (almost a month) the tune and attitude of something fun can change.
So instead of feeling like I have to scold a group of people or like I don't want to continue the polls I'm just gonna take a break and not interact with y'all until the finals! gonna practice what i preach, ya dig?
remember to have fun and stay hydrated! -Mod Fisher
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twotangledsisters · 2 years
So, Within the Walls of Corona is about to end and we'll be moving on to the next fic in the series!
Exciting. But also nerve-racking for me, Within the Walls had this nice chill episodic feel whereas upcoming arcs are a bigger and more story driven.
So, if you enjoyed Within the Walls, perhaps you'd like to hear some of the deleted arcs? Here are a few tid-bits from my notes that never made it in:
Cassandrs vs Eugene
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This is one of my fave Season 1 episodes, but... there was very little from it that would make sense to add to this AU, and the notes I had showed this:
"You two need to learn to get along," Rapunzel said with crossed arms from outside the cell.
"But... we do?" Cassandra looked confused.
"Raps, we're just playing jokes, you know, for as annoying, cold, heartless, unforgiving, graceless..." Though he could keep going Rapunzel's expression led him to realize that was not how he would get the point across. "I still care about her."
Rapunzel shook her head. "I just think if you spend some time alone you'll learn to express your emotions in a less mutually destructive manner."
Eugene and Cassandra shared glances. Both quite enjoyed the current dynamic and didn't really want to change it.
"Here, while you solve the puzzles I set up for you, you can enjoy these especially home-baked cookies!"
As she left, Cassandra crossed her arms. "Oh, come on, put in prison by my own sister!"
"I always knew you'd end up in prison," Eugene joked.
Cassandra laughed before shaking her head. "Give me a cookie, I need the energy if I'm putting up with you for longer than usual."
"Magic word?"
"Give me one or I'll use my power as princess to have you evicted."
"Close enough," he handed her the whole basket.
"Ah," Cassandra pulled out a cookie unsurprised by the picture on it.
"Not your favourite flavour?"
She looked through the basket. "Coordinated cookies," she starting eating the one she had before heading to the wall to get the first clue, she didn't bother telling Eugene what she was doing as she went from clue to clue without asking him for assistance.
"Teamwork," Eugene said as he stood and watched, taking a cookie for himself.
Cassandra smiled. "I've done these puzzle games a billion times while growing up with Raps. I usually at least pretend to struggle a bit."
"Ah," Eugene took another cookie.
Eventually, they had a bunch of pieces on the floor.
"That's new," Cassandra tilted her head. "Guess it makes something."
Eugene moved to the ground with her. Together they built a jack.
"I'm not risking damaging palace property!" Cassandra shouted after Eugene told her what it was.
"Ah!" Eugene stood up, grabbing it. "Sot hat's the teamwork part! You solve puzzles and I break stuff!"
"Eugene..." Cassandra was tempted to stop him from forcing the cell door open but... Well, she didn't feel like an afternoon in prison.
"And we're free... How are we getting revenge on Blondie?"
"Ooooh, I say we make some puzzles and put her in a cell with Monty!"
Eugene laughed. "Good one! I was just thinking of switching the salt and sugar in the morning!"
The Stabbingtons
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I assumed these two would come back, but with Cassandra vs Eugene gone, I had plans for a small arc with them.
The summary in my notes was:
While Eugene is redecorating his room he finds the scrap of paper with his plan to steal the crown scribbled on it. He proudly shows it to Cassandra and Rapunzel, explaining all the intricate steps he had to take to get the plan in motion, from figuring out the palace's floor plan to finding people to work with him and landing on the Stabbingtons.
When he mentions that the Stabbingtons and him had worked together since teens, Cassandra asks if he doesn't feel bad that they're in prison while he's free? This gets Eugene thinking about his past and all of the things that led up to his present.
Overthinking leads him to having nightmares, which eventually leads him to heading down to the prison to talk to his old coworkers. Said coworkers were worse than his nightmares and he very quickly regrets his attempts at friendly conversation.
Thankfully, the Captain of the Guard has noticed Eugene's odd behaviours and is nearby to save the day. After rescuing Eugene he sits the man down and pulls out his and the Stabbington's criminal records, pointing out some key differences which help Eugene to feel less guilty.
This arc didn't happen for a few reasons:
1.- I forgot about it.
2.- I thought I'd include more of their past in Eugene's prequel fic though now I'm considering weaving that fic into the main series so who knows.
3.- They needed to convince Lady Caine to break out for the Criminals of Corona arc.
We will still get more of the Stabbingtons in the Season 2 rewrite most likely.
The Royal Pardon
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How do I even start to explain this one? Basically, summary from my notes:
Frederic, Arianna and Rapunzel leave the palace for a family picnic. Cassandra isn't going because she had a nightmare the night before about ending up alone. Eugene decides to stay back because he's worried about Cassandra and still isn't entirely comfortable around the king and queen.
The day goes one and the royal family doesn't return.
Guards go out to find them, rumours begin to spread.
Eugene and Cassandra are both scared, Eugene considers leaving to go find them but Cassandra is a worried mess and the advisers are expecting her to lead. (this would have been pretty early on in the fic so we're talking a Cassandra with far less training and confidence than where we are now)
After Eugene promises to help, Cassandra accepts her responsibility, but just as she steps up, one of the advisers confronts her.
"You cannot rule over this kingdom. You are nothing more than a criminal."
Cassandra is taken aback. "I am the princess. What crimes do you speak of?" Her voice lacks certainty though Arianna assured her that being alone as a child had not been her own fault.
"You helped a known thief escape the guards."
Cassandra looked at Eugene and frowns. "I... did... but... I'm sorry, what does this have to do with anything?"
"You cannot rule with a criminal charge you have not yet served."
Cassandra looked at Eugene who stepped forward with his arms crossed. "Those charged were forgiven by the king and queen, they hold no importance."
Cassandra nodded.
"They can only be forgiven if you have a royal pardon."
"She does. We do," Eugene argued.
"Then let's see it, otherwise, the guards will have to accompany you both down to the dungeons."
Cassandra stepped back. Eugene looked shocked.
"Guards." The adviser smiled as he held his head high.
Eugene was quick to pull a piece of paper from the inner pocket of his vest. "Here's mine."
The adviser looked shocked and quite honestly upset at this development, however he still looked expectantly at Cassandra who of course didn't have a signed pardon on her person. Nor was there a signed pardon anywhere, because nobody had thought such a thing necessary despite the law being written in ink.
Eugene watched the guards take Cassandra away to the dungeon. He watched the adviser take the throne and it didn't take a genius to know there was foul play. However, he knew Rapunzel could take care of herself, right now Eugene needed to get Cassandra out of the dungeon.
Cassandra curled up in the corner of the dungeon feeling like a fool. She wasn't a princess, she wasn't a future rule of this kingdom, she was a criminal. This was where she belonged.
Captain tried to talk to her and reassure her she'd done nothing wrong. Promised her he'd find her family and they'd write out a royal pardon if that was what needed to be done, but she wouldn't talk to him.
Eugene comes down to the dungeon.
"I can't let you see her..." Captain tells Eugene. "I have orders and must follow the law even if..."
"I don't need you to break the law," Eugene decided. "Can you see her?"
He nodded.
"Can you give her this," Eugene handed him some parchment and a pen.
"Umm... yes. Why?"
Eugene grinned, extremely proud of himself. "A royal pardon follow the following format: I, name of royal, with title, title of royal. Forgive, insert name, citizen of Corona for, insert crimes. Then the signature."
Captain raised a brow.
"The only conditions is it must be written and signed by a royal, and the person forgiven is a citizen of Corona, or in my cause accepts citizenship." He grinned. "It says nothing about a royal not being able to forgive themselves!"
Captain's eyes widened. "Cassandra holds the title of princess."
"Precisely. It's an extremely corrupt system but today we make good use of it."
Cassandra and Eugene go back upstairs, when presenting the pardon the adviser argues and argues until eventually he tried to attack Cassandra and is arrested.
Once Cassandra has everything under control and seems to have calmed down, Eugene head out to find the royal family.
(obviously during arc we switch between royal family and Eugene and Cass).
Rapunzel had already escaped the tunnels where they'd been tricked into and when they get home everything is as it should be. After they explain everything to the king and queen an investigation is to be done on the rogue adviser.
"I don't recall ever signing a pardon for Eugene..." Arianna whispers. "Usually we just do verbals pardons which I guess isn't the best thing to do but..."
Eugene laughed. "Ah, you have so much on your mind Your Majesty, it's normal to forget some things." Eugene hid behind Cassandra. "Anyway, good thing you did though, or we'd all be in trouble, right?"
Frederic raised a brow. "Right..."
Eugene and Cass working together! More Corona corruption! And, the entire reason the arc was ever considered, Eugene forging royal signatures just in case. The arc never happened because, well, Queen for a Day is pretty similar without the rogue adviser.
The Snuggly Duckling Arc
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I had an arc which in my notes is summarized as:
The girls revisit the Snuggly Duckling and spend some time with each of the locals. They learn more about their dreams and try to figure out how they can help each of them!
It's simple, it's sweet, but it's a bit boring. This definitely still happened off-screen, in fact, in Queen for a Day it is brought up. But there's already enough low tension content in Within the Walls without this one.
The Wrath of Ruthless Ruth
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Another episode that did not make the cut but I never skip over an episode without at least brainstorming a bit. And I thought this one would make it because it's the one where we see how worried Frederic is, however, he kinda already does this in arcs such as Equis and Criminals of Corona. So, with nothing much to add, it got cut, here are the notes though:
"This book is fascinating," Cassandra whispered from her spot cross legged on the floor of the public library. Rapunzel had nearly tripped over her four times already but Cassandra refused to move to a seat, too far from the bookcase she claimed.
"And new?"
"No. We have a copy at the palace," she put it back, picking out another.
Arianna had told the girls about the public library having some amazing fantasy books, but Cassandra was in the law sections, finding out how other kingdom's worked.
Rapunzel frowned at the sound of the door opening but nobody in sight.
Cassandra was too caught up in her reading to notice.
"Is it just me or... are we perhaps not alone?"
"It's a public library," Cassandra found a book about Ingvarr's law titled "Honour and Law". Rapunzel sighed.
(girls notice the guards, decide to make a game out of it, escape to snuggly duckling but storm hits)
"I love storms," Cassandra said, sitting near a window with a hot chocolate in hand. The Snuggly Duckling's beverages options had really increased recently, between Lance bringing Red and Catalina, Eugene bringing Cassandra and Rapunzel in, plus all the locals trying their best not to drink too much so they could stay on track with their dreams, it had become an almost respectable establishment.
"I wish I'd brought a book from the library!" Rapunzel added.
"Oh, but it'd be soaked, just like us," Cassandra laughed.
"Ah, true. So, how are things?" Rapunzel asked Vladimir.
(after not long at all and reassurance from the locals that guards everywhere was normal)
The captains walks in, scaring the locals and making Rapunzel grin because she knew they were being followed!
"Ah, hello! Good afternoon! A drink please," he asked Vladimir who was behind the bar clearly taking in the presence of both princesses. "You two come here too?" he acted surprised.
"Yeah, but somehow we've never seen you here Captain," Rapunzel teased.
Cassandra laughed. "Almost as though you were--"
"Just seeking cover from the rain?" Captain laughed. "You caught me princess, very smart."
Neither girl corrected him as they shook their heads.
And that's where my notes end.
It was cute, got to see the bar from the pov of the girls who find the best in everything. Captain interacting with the girls is always fun but... it's a musical episode and just not enough changes to be worth including.
Max's Enemy
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Well, we got Criminals of Corona instead. However, I did have this one cute note before it got cut:
Maximus lay down near one of the castle walls, his head on the ground, his legs spread out. Some would say it was a sign of trust, which wasn't completely wrong. Maximus did trust he was safe within the palace garden, but Cassandra could easily see the horse was depressed.
"Hey," she sat down next to him.
Maximus huffed air out of his nose.
"Not as happy as everybody else about the new friend, huh?"
His ear twitched.
"I understand," she lay down next to him. "Feeling like you're being replaced."
He looked away.
"You can't be replaced, Maximus."
He hit her with his tail.
"I'm not just saying that Max. Look, things change, right now I'm the new hot-shot on the guard and I'm beating up older guards right and left, right?"
Max looked up at her.
"That doesn't take away from all those guards have done over years of service. I'm also not saying you're old, you've got plenty of years left of service," she hugged him.
Max huffed.
"But when you do one day retire Max, you'll still be one of my favourite horses, and one of Corona's favourite horses. You know why?"
He looked up at her.
"You will always be the horse who was smart and strong enough to bring back the lost princess."
Maximus's ears rose and he raised his head, because that was true. He stood up and shook himself, looking proud.
Cassandra laughed. "That's the attitude!"
Other ideas in my notes were:
Eugene and Cassandra try to teach Rapunzel to use a sword.
Eugene makes amends (he goes around doing good deeds for all the businesses and people he recalled wronging as a thief).
Arianna goes on an adventure (Rapunzel bring their mother to an underground secret tournament being held in the tunnels under Corona. She doesn't want to say anything negative out of fear her daughters won't invite her along next time, but the events get more and more dangerous. Then some loud noise causes the tunnels to collapse. Cassandra and Arianna are on one side while Rapunzel and Eugene another. Instead of stopping the fights they keep going, Cassandra seems to be having fun but then one of the goes too far and even when Cassandra forfeits keeps going. Arianna picks up a sword and beats the guy. Finally giving up and telling the girls off for their carelessness once they're all four back together. She expects them to be upset but they instead apologize and hug).
Alchemy IS Magic (Eugene and Varian have an argument over the technical definitions of stuff, Cassandra tries her hands at alchemy and Rapunzel sets a tree on fire).
No more animals in the palace (after Mrs Cowley discovers a stash of dead mice in one of the suits of armour she declares no more animals in the palace. Cassandra and Rapunzel can be found sleeping in the stable with their animal buddies).
And then there are the deletes arcs from my notebook... oops.
Sooo... any of these ideas you wish had made it in?
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