#if i dont burn to a crisp hueheu
ronkeyroo · 2 years
FALLS OUT OF OBLIVION// Its...muh birthday ;A;
Folks, hey!!!!
I know i’ve been absent for awhile again, im going through a mini hiatus to take care of my mental & physical health while taking social media at an easier, slower pace before coming back full force ;; Its been so tough for me to reach out to people due to the intensity of it all, which is why it might still take me a bit to get back to unanswered messages right away, BUT!!! Despite that, i’ve got some good news to share!
Today im celebrating my 24th birthday!!! And that means I GET TO SHARE IN THE JOY AND OPEN A FUN, SMALL ART EVENT FOR YOU FOLKS! :’D I haven't even been a year on tumblr and yet i’ve already met so many wonderful, exciting and creative friends & mutuals in my short time here...You’ve all been such a tender presence in my life, I want to treat you back for all of the fun times and memories we’ve had together, as for me that is the greatest gift i could ever ask for ♥ I’ve already been working on a few things for a couple of wonderful people (👀) But i want the rest to join in as well, so if we’re mutuals, feel free to submit over your preferred OC’s (Can be either personal, or fandom related ocs! Furry/humanoid, everything works!) for a small birthday party adventure I’ll be drawing! 
(For my non mutual, dear followers who’s been hyping me over, supporting, and enjoying my art - You have so much of my love as well so please also feel free to send in suggestions of something you like that you’d love to see from me in the future! Realistically, i wont be able to get to ALL of them, but i will have a nice little mine of ideas to pick from when I’m feeling the artsy mood ♥)
Regardless, Thank you all so so much for everyone who’s been such a tender, loving and kind person to me...I know we didn't get to speak much the past months with how much i’ve been struggling, but you still reside in my thoughts as well as my heart ;_;) And once I sort myself out, im coming back to ya’ll BIG TIME to catch up from where we left off! 
Eheheh...For now, before me and my loved ones head out to celebrate, i’ll spam you with some good ol’ content I finally got the time to finish 👀✨
See you when i’m back, and stay awesome!!! 💖
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