#if i find more accurate numbers on the makeup of dany's army i'll edit accordingly
hollowwhisperings · 3 years
TEAM DANY: the companions, allies & forces of Queen Daenerys Targaryen as of 300AC.
~ SPOILERS ahead for Dance & released excerpts of Winds! ~
- 30 Dothraki, Dany's Khalasar.
- Drogon, boldest & largest of Dany's children. Took his mum for a road trip back home, to the Great Grass Sea.
- Rhaegal & Viserion, currently loose in Mereen after prolonged imprisonment beneath a pyramid.
- 8600 Unsullied.
- 500 Storm Crows*, a mercenary company.
- The Mother's Men, a company of freedmen.
- The Free Brothers, a company of freedmen.
- The Stalwart Shields, a company of freedmen. Named for an Unsullied killed by Sons of the Harpy.
- The Brazen Beasts, Mereen's City Watch. Composed of Mereenese freedmen & shavepates*.
- [several hundred] freed Mereenese Pitfighters*. Lead by their peers in the Ruling Council of Mereen.
- Irri & Jhiqui, handmaidens of Daenerys.
- Ko Rakharo, first of Damy's bloodriders.
- Ko Rogho & Ko Aggo, bloodriders of Daenerys.
- Missandei, a scribe. Acts as both herald & translator for Dany's court. A child prodigy.
- Grey Worm, commander of Dany's Unsullied.
- Hero, an Unsullied. Grey Worm's second-in-command. Currently a hostage of Mereen's Masters.
- Marselen, an Unsullied captain. Brother of Missandei.
- Mossador+, deceased brother of Marselen & Missandei. Killed by Sons of the Harpy.
[Other named Unsullied: Red Flea, Dogkiller & Sure Spear.]
- Daario Naharis*, sellsword and ex-lover of Daenerys.
- Ser Barristan "The Bold" Selmy, Lord Commander of Dany's Queensguard. Served as kingsguard to three kings of Westeros, including Aerys II Targaryen whom he rescued at Duskendale.
- Belwas the Strong, a eunuch ex-pitfighter. Queensguard.
- Ser Tumcho "Tum" Lho, a freedman trained & newly knighted by Ser Barristan. Considered by the former Kingsguard as being "the best natural swordsman seen since Jaime Lannister".
- Ser Red Lamb, a freedman recently knighted by Ser Barristan [WoW excerpts].
- Larraq "the Lash", a squire. One of the many [male] freedmen & child hostages in Mereen being trained by Ser Barristan in the ways of Westerosi chivalry.
- Bhazak zo Loraq*, cousin of Dany's Husband*. Cupbearer & child hostage.
- Grazhar* & Qezza zo Galare*, cousins to Galazza*, the Green Grace of Mereen. Cupbearers & child hostages of Mereen's Noble Houses.
- Galazxa zo Galare*, the Green Grace of Mereen. One of Dany's favoured advisors in the Mereenese court, currently acting as go-between for The Ruling Council of Mereen and Mereen's noble houses.
- Ser Barristan Selmy, Hand of the Queen.
- Strong Belwas, queensguard & a former Mereenese pitfighter.
- Grey Worm, commander of The Unsullied.
- Marselen, commander of the Mother's Men.
- Rommo, a jaqqar rhan [mercy man] of Dany's Khalasar. Acting in this role during the absence of Dany's bloodriders.
- Skahaz "Shavepate" mo Kandaq, leader of The Shavepates [reformed masters/nobility of Mereen] & commander of The Brazen Beasts.
- Tal Toraq, commander of The Stalwart Shields.
- Symon "Stripeback", commander of The Free Brothers.
- Jokin* & The Widower*, joint-commanders of The Storm Crows in the absence of Daario Naharis.
- Goghor the Giant*, Camarron of The Count*, Belaquo Bonebreaker* & The Spotted Cat*: freed pitfighters and ex-guardsmen of the deposed Hizdahr zo Loraq*.
*characters of uncertain loyalty to Dany, as assumed by (the unreliable & decidedly prejudiced) Ser Barristan, crossreferencing their roles & actions in the books, or by Dany herself.
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