#remember that dany is 17 and her dragons are BABIES right now
hollowwhisperings · 3 years
TEAM DANY: the companions, allies & forces of Queen Daenerys Targaryen as of 300AC.
~ SPOILERS ahead for Dance & released excerpts of Winds! ~
- 30 Dothraki, Dany's Khalasar.
- Drogon, boldest & largest of Dany's children. Took his mum for a road trip back home, to the Great Grass Sea.
- Rhaegal & Viserion, currently loose in Mereen after prolonged imprisonment beneath a pyramid.
- 8600 Unsullied.
- 500 Storm Crows*, a mercenary company.
- The Mother's Men, a company of freedmen.
- The Free Brothers, a company of freedmen.
- The Stalwart Shields, a company of freedmen. Named for an Unsullied killed by Sons of the Harpy.
- The Brazen Beasts, Mereen's City Watch. Composed of Mereenese freedmen & shavepates*.
- [several hundred] freed Mereenese Pitfighters*. Lead by their peers in the Ruling Council of Mereen.
- Irri & Jhiqui, handmaidens of Daenerys.
- Ko Rakharo, first of Damy's bloodriders.
- Ko Rogho & Ko Aggo, bloodriders of Daenerys.
- Missandei, a scribe. Acts as both herald & translator for Dany's court. A child prodigy.
- Grey Worm, commander of Dany's Unsullied.
- Hero, an Unsullied. Grey Worm's second-in-command. Currently a hostage of Mereen's Masters.
- Marselen, an Unsullied captain. Brother of Missandei.
- Mossador+, deceased brother of Marselen & Missandei. Killed by Sons of the Harpy.
[Other named Unsullied: Red Flea, Dogkiller & Sure Spear.]
- Daario Naharis*, sellsword and ex-lover of Daenerys.
- Ser Barristan "The Bold" Selmy, Lord Commander of Dany's Queensguard. Served as kingsguard to three kings of Westeros, including Aerys II Targaryen whom he rescued at Duskendale.
- Belwas the Strong, a eunuch ex-pitfighter. Queensguard.
- Ser Tumcho "Tum" Lho, a freedman trained & newly knighted by Ser Barristan. Considered by the former Kingsguard as being "the best natural swordsman seen since Jaime Lannister".
- Ser Red Lamb, a freedman recently knighted by Ser Barristan [WoW excerpts].
- Larraq "the Lash", a squire. One of the many [male] freedmen & child hostages in Mereen being trained by Ser Barristan in the ways of Westerosi chivalry.
- Bhazak zo Loraq*, cousin of Dany's Husband*. Cupbearer & child hostage.
- Grazhar* & Qezza zo Galare*, cousins to Galazza*, the Green Grace of Mereen. Cupbearers & child hostages of Mereen's Noble Houses.
- Galazxa zo Galare*, the Green Grace of Mereen. One of Dany's favoured advisors in the Mereenese court, currently acting as go-between for The Ruling Council of Mereen and Mereen's noble houses.
- Ser Barristan Selmy, Hand of the Queen.
- Strong Belwas, queensguard & a former Mereenese pitfighter.
- Grey Worm, commander of The Unsullied.
- Marselen, commander of the Mother's Men.
- Rommo, a jaqqar rhan [mercy man] of Dany's Khalasar. Acting in this role during the absence of Dany's bloodriders.
- Skahaz "Shavepate" mo Kandaq, leader of The Shavepates [reformed masters/nobility of Mereen] & commander of The Brazen Beasts.
- Tal Toraq, commander of The Stalwart Shields.
- Symon "Stripeback", commander of The Free Brothers.
- Jokin* & The Widower*, joint-commanders of The Storm Crows in the absence of Daario Naharis.
- Goghor the Giant*, Camarron of The Count*, Belaquo Bonebreaker* & The Spotted Cat*: freed pitfighters and ex-guardsmen of the deposed Hizdahr zo Loraq*.
*characters of uncertain loyalty to Dany, as assumed by (the unreliable & decidedly prejudiced) Ser Barristan, crossreferencing their roles & actions in the books, or by Dany herself.
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summerseachild · 5 years
Summersea’s GoT Season 4 Rewatch 2019
Otherwise known as: “The Long Slow Slide to D and D Running Out of Material from the Books”
1. The visuals of Ice getting melted down are SO PRETTY (while RoC plays on the background 😎 living my best Lannister Life over here.)
2. Jaime getting the sword and trying NOT to be Lord of Casterly Rock and HOLY SHIT TELLING TYWIN NO and getting away with it.
3. Tyrion is trying so hard to greet the Dornish politely... poor guy.
4. It’s pride month so I’m just pointing out that Oberyn is soooo biiiii and This Bi Girl loves him. And him playing with the flame and Ellaria trying to stop him from killing the Lannister who insulted him... I just love their dynamic.
5. Drogon is just a big happy dragon-Cat and in Dany’s first appearance of this season. He PURRS.
6. I love Jaime and Cersei’s scene with Jaime’s new hand. They snipe at each other, but it is SO how they interact.
7. Jon and Sansa reacting to Robb’s death :(
9. TREAT THAT BOOK MORE CAREFULLY JOFFREY YOU LITTLE SHIT and treat your uncle more nicely too. Jaime looks a little taken aback at what a little turd his oldest has become, but handles it well I think.
10. Jaime and Brienne trying to sort out how to keep his vow to Catelyn 🤣
12. Sandor Clegane saying FUCK THE KING gives me such satisfaction
13. I should not be so happy about Arya re-enacting the time when Polliver
14. But I am happy that Sandor got his chickens
1. So I had forgotten that the girls who were in the scene where Theon gets cut are Myranda and the girl Ramsay is hunting later. I remembered how much I hate the Myranda thing real quick, though.
2. I love Tyrion being understanding of Jaime’s disability because HE WOULD BE. Also Tyrion pouring wine on the table to be like “look spilling is no big deal” is PRECIOUS.
3. Bronn knocking Jaime around while sparring is a great source of joy to me.
4. Theon finds out that Robb is dead when he’s got a RAZOR TO RAMSAY’S THROAT I can’t with Alfie’s face.
5. Every time I see Joffrey chop that book in half I want the purple wedding to be right now.
6. Tyrion trying to make Shae leave :...(
7. KEEP AWAY FROM SHIREEN, RED WOMAN, said Davos probably a lot
8. Question: why don’t the direwolves being food BACK to the hungry humans? Especially when Bran can warg into them?
9. So I want to go through every frame of that vision Bran has with the weirwood because the one we haven’t seen before is a Dragons over King’s Landing. Those ARE THE ROOFS YOU SEE IN THE NEXT SHOT FOR THE WEDDING.
10. Haha oh right this IS the purple wedding ep ooops I’d almost forgot. Not sorry for wishing death on Joffrey but sorry for Cersei’s sake and everyone else it fucks over.
11. Loras having eye sex with Oberyn cracks me up I mean they both have eyes and good gaydar... (bi-dar? queer-dar?)
12. Is Margaery... flirting with Brienne? Or is that just Margaery’s personality?
13. JAIME’S FACE when he sees Brienne and Cersei talking is SO FUNNY he’s like shit shit shit DANGER
14. What did Qyburn DO for Cersei that she is recommending to other women? She told him symptoms were gone in a previous ep in a weird mysterious way... did he help her end a pregnancy?? How long has it BEEN since Blackwater? This never comes back again but I’m super curious. 
15. Oberyn has zero chill around Tywin and I love it.
16. Margaery looking like she is is going to murder someone during the war of the five Kings show is A Mood. (I mean... there IS about to be a murder.)
17. I don’t think the Tyrells planned it but Joffrey being a shit and making Tyrion touch his wine goblet and SANSA TOUCHING IT TOO played right into their hands.
4x03: oh brother here comes altar sex
1. I want very much for Hector Barbossa to be waiting at the top of that ladder for Sansa after approaching the ship and the creepy fog. But no it’s Petyr Baelish. Ew.
2. Hello new Tommen! Good to see you again after Karstark killed your identical cousin! Also Tywin being like GOOD KINGS ARE SMART AND LISTEN TO THEIR SMART ADVISORS. (That moment when a sitting US president needs to listen to Tywin. Scary?)
3. Altar sex has not aged well for me. I’m not a J/C shipper who thinks they’ve got a healthy relationship that’s all sunshine and kitties. I know the two of them have a messed up dynamic, but this scene misses the mark in so many ways and I hate it. I wish they would have left it out rather than done it wrong. (Also I think it was a tryout for me for “can you get a valonqar scene right?” And the answer was a resounding NO.)
4. Speaking of healthy relationships though Sam and Gilly are cute and sweet and awkward and everything that is good and pure in this world.
5. And so is Davos telling Shireen about his smuggling adventures.
6. Oberyn sat his beautiful self right in the middle of the Kinsey scale and said THE VIEW IS GREAT HERE. What an icon. Also offering Tywin fricking Lannister a seat on the bed where you were just having sex with like FOUR DIFFERENT PEOPLE was A Move.
7. Tywin TELLS OBERYN ABOUT DANY and Oberyn looks like this is the first he’s heard of it.
8. Tyrion saying goodbye to Pod gave me a decent sized lump in my throat.
9. Daario taking down the Champion Of Meereen with one thrown dagger and one slash of a sword is sexy as fuck and I don’t care who knows I think so.
1. Missandei teaching Grey Worm and just hanging out with him is so important to me this time around.
2. Jaime and Bronn are weird friends and I kind of love it.
3. The Kingslayer Brothers: coming soon to a stage near you. I’d buy that band’s shirt.
4. Olenna Tyrell is a STONE COLD LADY and I love that about her. She protected her granddaughter and I respect that.
5. That is A LOT OF WINE IN THAT GLASS Cersei my love. Also Jaime TRYING to convince her Tyrion didn’t do it hurts me. He loves them both so much, but they all hurt each other.
6. Ser Pounce is a big fluff like my Freya!
7. OATHKEEPER AND THE WHITE BOOK AND THE ARMOR. Brienne’s face is so pure when he gives it to her.
8. I had near forgotten all of this stuff at the wall with Olly and Jon and the cannibals and the mutineers at Craster’s and waiting for Mance’s army. (We know where my heart is though, don’t we...)
9. SIT DOWN LOCKE. I forgot that human shitstain showed up at the wall looking for Bran.
10. We didn’t need the mutineer plot. What did it add? What did we learn about the world or its people? Nothing we didn’t already know. What. Was. The. Point. We’d already seen the walkers and knew about the babies, we knew the world was violent and classist. WE KNEW.
11. I love when Summer is like HELLO BROTHER GHOST OH NO A TRAP
12. The white walker riding across the frozen lake... what a gorgeous image, and the ice henge...
1. I’d say long live King Tommen, but I’d cry.
2. Cersei is beauty she is grace she wants to punch Margaery in the face. (But actually is acting like she might need Margaery to help Tommen? That scene was hard to read.)
3. Meereen has a lot of cool geometrical carvings.
4. Dany thinking about what kind of ruler she wants to be and what responsibilities she has to the people she freed? THAT IS WHO SHE IS, D AND D YOU DICKS.
5. Sansa’s like “greeeeeaaaaat another creepy little kid” when she meets Robin.
6. And Lysa lets it ALL OUT about what Petyr has had her do... wow.
7. Cersei is going along with the Tyrell marriages way too easily what is her game.
8. Tywin is... almost treating his daughter like someone he can trust and have a conversation with? What is this?
9. And then there’s the stupidity about the mines running out. Wtf.
10. Arya is a little drama queen with saying the Hound’s name last while HE WAS LISTENING.
11. Lysa is SO DAMAGED. Poor Sansa.
12. Aw Brienne you don’t know what a loyal kid you’ve got in Podrick give him a chance.
13. Arya practicing water dancing is so cool.
14. Cersei and Oberyn talking is actually really interesting. And they talk about Myrcella :....( and Oberyn is TELLING THE TRUTH about her being happy.
15. Cersei got her A BOAT for her birthday because she LIKES THE OPEN WATER I had forgotten that and I am freaking out for fic reasons because of fics I haven’t written yet that involve Myrcella being good at boats.
16. Geez Pod I don’t know how to skin a rabbit but I know you need to before you cook it. And... does Brienne actually need help with that armor, or does she realize Pod needs to feel useful? I’m going with the second.
17. I had forgotten how creepy Jojen’s visions were.
18. Bran warging into Hodor and killing Locke is... problematic, but Bran had every reason to think Locke was going to kill him. Good fucking riddance.
19. Jon being happy to see Ghost XD
20. So... there’s just a troop of Crasters daughters out there still? Idek.
4x06 the laws of gods and men (and by men we mean Tywin)
1. Braavos is so pretty! I love her. I love her canals, I love the Titan, I love the domes, I just love her.
2. I remember when people lost their shit over Mark Gattis being in this episode. He is quite good here, and Davos is quite clever.
3. Salador’s joke about the red shirt is FUNNY and I’m not afraid to say so.
4. No one wants to see Ramsay having sex.
5. EVERYONE wants to see Yara giving a great speech.
6. She... ran from some dogs when she was burying her axe in dudes’ GUTS five seconds earlier? LAAAAAAME. Yes yes she also saw how fucked up in the head Theon was (more awards Alfie deserved and didn’t get), and she did want to lose any more people when he wasn’t willing to come but the way this was cut it reads like she was all OH NO DOGS which is the stupidest thing ever. 
7. NOOOO POOR GOATS. I get that dragons have to eat though...
8. I cannot believe Dany didn’t take the time to FIND OUT WHICH MEEREENESE WERE LESS TERRIBLE. They would have been fucking allies. BUT NO LET’S JUST CRUCIFY PEOPLE WITH NO IDEA OF THE NUANCES OF THE LOCAL SITUATION. What stupidity.
9. At least she’s trying to learn??? She’s so small on that throne in a huge room. What a great shot.
10. Oberyn is a bisexual who CANNOT SIT IN A CHAIR NORMALLY. I am not complaining.
11. I cannot see the scene of Jaime and Tyrion walking down into the courtroom for the trial without giggling at the memory of the outtake where they dance like dorks into the room and down the aisle.
12. Jaime looking at Tyrion like YOU ARE NOT HELPING YOURSELF is a mood.
13. How did they get the poison necklace? Didn’t Littlefinger throw it in the Blackwater FAR off shore? A bit AFTER he killed Dontos? How does Pycelle have it here? Maybe they washed up together? Maybe D and D forgot Petyr tossed it in the bay? WHO KNOWS???
14. Jaime trying to convince Tywin one last time and offering to leave the kingsguard in exchange for Tyrion HOLY SHIT I FORGOT HE DID THAT. Cersei never would have spoken to him again if he’d left her and married and gone back to the Rock and given Tywin what he wanted. Jaime KNEW he was screwing over a relationship that means SO MUCH TO HIM but it’s TYRION’S LIFE we’re talking about here. That’s how much he loves his little brother. 
15. Tywin is like DONE so fast Jaime barely gets the offer out lol
16. And it all would have worked if Shae hadn’t walked through those doors.
17. Do we know WHY Shae agreed to testify to this? What did Tywin offer her or threaten her with?
18. WHAT ARE YOU DOING LITTLE BRO WHY ARE YOU SAYING THIS?! is Jaime’s face all the time this scene.
19. Tyrion’s “confession”is such a piece of acting wow Peter enjoy your Emmys.
1. Jeez Tyrion didn’t know Jaime COULDN’T save him. He had no idea that losing his hand had affected his abilities that badly. That... hurts.
2. Arya, Sandor, and the dying farmer is such a great scene... And Arya only killing that asshole only after Sandor learns his name for her so she knows the name of the man she’s killing.... A++ would watch again.
3. Everyone LISTEN TO JON he has seen things none of you have.
4. Tyrion finding out Bronn has been bought is so very upsetting but I love this scene.
5. But really though once Tywin named The Mountain champion, anyone who Tyrion asks to be his champion at this point he’s basically asking to die.
6. Dany’s like “well I guess fucking Daario isn’t going to cause a political disaster at least.”
7. I had forgotten how fascinating Selyse and Melisandre’s interactions are.
9. Dany is capable of nuanced thought when it comes to innocence and guilt of whole groups of people and WE JUST SAW IT with how Jorah changes her mind and I’m JUST SO ANGRY.
10. That is the only time we get the story of Sandor and the fire from his own mouth and I did not mean to be this moved.
11. Hot Pie talking about food (oh yeah and Arya) is so precious. And now I want steak and kidney pie. With gravy.
12. “Using honest feelings to do dishonest work is one of her greatest talents.” The truest thing Tyrion has ever said about Cersei.
13. What a great snow castle. Too bad Joffrey part 2 knocked it down.
14. Ew ew ew Petyr kissing Sansa is so skeevy and gross.
15. “A great deal might change between now and never” is a great line though.
16. I hate Petyr but it’s good he pushed Lysa out the Moon Door before she killed Sansa.
1. Jon and Co all reminding Sam that Gilly is a survivor is so great. Brotherhood at its best.
2. Missandei and Grey Worm are young people with old souls and their relationship is precious to me.
3. Alfie is SO GOOD at showing how deeply Ramsay has him under his control even when he’s alone with the Ironborn.
4. Petyr is part Braavosi? Fascinating.
5. Sansa TOLD the Lords of Vale who she was??? Her testimony is such a good bit of acting on Sansa’s part. It’s a lie hidden in a lot of truth, and she was QUICK to think it through and come up with it.
6. Jorah telling Dany about the pardon is a scene that breaks my heart. 💔 She is HARSH here but I love the full blown Targaryen on display.
7. Roose being like TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE like the Lion King cracks me up so hard.
8. I will never give Ramsay the Bolton name in anything I write as long as I am a fan of this show out of pure hatred. He is Ramsay Snow forever and always.
9. I remember I was so worried that they were going to have Petyr try to sexually assault Sansa. OH I WAS A SWEET SUMMER CHILD.
10. Arya laughing at the news of Lady Arryn’s Death is an immensely human reaction and I love that she just CANNOT STOP.
11. I know people hated that scene with Jaime and Tyrion talking about beetles but I have two takeaways: first, a septon tried to touch Jaime once???? Headcanon: Little Jaime looked that septon dead in the eye and said “my father wouldn’t like that” and it never happened again. The septon was summarily replaced. Second: Jaime has never thought about ANYTHING in his whole life as deeply as baby Tyrion thought about beetles.
12. Oberyn is so fun to watch fight and Jaime agrees with me.
13. You don’t need him to confess Oberyn really you don’t you GOT HIM my beautiful prince.
14. How did the Gods make their will known if BOTH champions killed each other dead, huh Tywin? (The Mountain is... less Dead?)
1. Sam mulling over the legalistic interpretation of their vows and Jon trying to explain what sex and love are like are both SO CUTE.
2. I love that everyone around that fire has heard the “Tormund fucked a bear” story and I’m kind of sorry Ygritte didn’t let him finish.
3. Maester Aemon revealing his Targaryen identity was lovely. Also Sam Cussing to get Gilly in the gate= AMAZING
4. Alliser Thorne ADMITTING HE WAS WRONG? I am dead of shock.
5. Sam and Pyp talking about fear and bravery is... so darling.
6. They have A GIANT RIDING A MAMMOTH and I will forgive a small amount of nonsense for giving me that image.
7. See Alliser looking at the horn blower like REALLY? IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE OF MY SPEECH? Before they realize it’s the horn at Castle Black is PRICELESS.
8. Speaking of which I may not like Alliser but he gives a good “let’s not die” speech.
9. Bless Grenn for getting Janos Slynt off the wall.
10. Pyp dying in Sam’s arms was not something I was ready for.
11. You’ve heard of horsepower... now get ready for MAMMOTH POWER (wildling used mammoth salesmen probably)
12. Sam remembering that being NICE to Olly when asking to go up the wall rather than just screaming at him is... telling.
14. Ghost is going to EAT SOME WILDLINGS
15. Ygritte :...(
16. How is Tormund even ALIVE??? He’s like a frickin PIN CUSHION.
17. “They held the gate” is a line that will make me cry now. Grenn and co. Didn’t let that giant through :...(
3x10: back when D and D remembered the Children existed that one time
1. Jon deciding single-handedly that he’s going to KILL Mance Rayder. Boss move.
2. Oh FFS. Pull the stick out of your ass Stannis and let Mance be.
3. Qyburn is like “out of my way bitch I’m doing necromancy”
4. Cersei telling Tywin the truth to get out of Marrying Loras is... still... making my jaw drop and I KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO DO IT. And there’s ACTUAL EMOTION on Tywin’s face and EVERYTHING SHE SAYS ABOUT PAYING SOME REAL FUCKING ATTENTION TO HIS FAMILY IS TRUE
5. Ah yes “Jaime writes his family’s dialogue” part one. I CHOOSE YOU OMG AND SEX IN THE LORD COMMANDER’S OFFICE I CANNOT BELIEVE WE GOT THAT. Even if I’m still on the fence about whether Jaime would be ok with doing it THERE I’m mostly on board because she JUST TOLD DAD THE TRUTH AND TOLD HIM HE WAS THE ONE SHE WANTED AND I DON’T KNOW WHO LET THE SHIPPERS WRITE THIS SCENE BUT YAY.
6. Dany is still learning all kinds of nuance... I feel like the year contract thing was an attempt to balance her need to be a liberator and the reality on the ground?
7. You are telling me that the Dany who was that upset at Drogon eating ONE child let him burn a WHOLE CITY? I call bullshit.
8. Also this is a CLASSIC example of “one sibling does something wrong and the other two get punished for it” poor Viserion and Rhaegal.
9. Maester Aemon knows how to give a mass eulogy.
10. MEANWHILE NORTH OF THE NORTH HI BRAN meet the hugest weirwood in Westeros AND SOME ICE ZOMBIES
12. If the children can do that WHERE ARE THEY LATER
13. holy shit bloodraven is creepy
14. Arya and Brienne meeting :) so cute
15. And Sandor being like YOU ARE TOO NAIVE TO PROTECT HER is cute in its own way.
16. Wow Brienne and Sandor really knock the shit out of each other how are they still alive.
17. Sandor saying awful things to Arya to make it easier for her to kill him was tragic and you can see the desperation in his eyes even as he says the worst of it.
19. I Had forgotten how rough that last conversation between Tywin and Tyrion was and how devastating those performances are.
20. Varys being like oh fuck those bells I’m going too... prescient.
21. Love the music with Arya on the ship to Braavos!
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tatticstudio55 · 6 years
Because long discussions in the comment section really aren’t practical...
“ Dany is confused and lost. She doesn’t know what she wants, because the red door is a fantasy. She is chasing something that not only doesn’t exist, but something she thinks will make her happy, but it will not. This is why landing on Dragonstone (the place of her birth) didn’t feel like home. Why would the IT be any better? So, why do so many people have to die by dragon fire just so she can play house? I’m sure it’s tempting to reply, “But the Starks killed people to so they could go home!” However, the downfall and anguish of House Stark is THE story; the readers experience it in REAL TIME. The author is writing about the Starks returning home as sympathetic, but also cathartic. Dany’s return to Westeros, meanwhile, is TERRIFYING. The Starks also know exactly what they want. It is a simple quest that involves LESS bloodshed than Dany’s quest. The author is toying with us through Dany’s POV. He paints her sympathetically, but don’t fall for it. She tears stuff up and Westeros is on her naughty list. Robert and Ned feared Viserys and Drogo as the big bads who were coming for everyone. Now Dany takes their place, and serves the same function in the story. What would be weird is, if during her invasion of Westeros, the author writers her as a liberator. Then you’ll know - this lady is cracked.”
Sure, the downfall and anguish of house Stark is a big part of the story, but it isn’t the only one that matter: Martin didn’t write a story where the Stark were the heros and everyone against them were antagonists, at least not in the way I view it. This isn’t a traditional “heros vs villain” story. If we’re meant to sympathize for the Stark because of what they’ve been through, we’re also meant to sympathize with Dany, who’s been through a lot as well. In HER mind, she knows exactly what she wants (or at least what she think she wants) and the only reason it would involve more bloodshed than Jon’s quest is because her aim is larger than his. Now yes, there are 2 major differences between Dany’s quest for Westeros and Jon/Sansa’s quest for (or reclaim of) Winterfell:
1) As you said, the fall of Winterfell is experienced in real time. Sansa is (I presume) 16-17 when she escape Winterfell with Theon’s help; while Dany is just a baby when they flee Dragonstone. So the experience itself was certainly more traumatic for Sansa, who actually understood what was going on 
2) The mad king deserved what he got. Robb didn’t. 
For point 1), although Dany doesn’t remember anything from her father’s downfall and ultimate defeat, she did, growing up, suffer the consequences from it, just as Sansa suffered first hand the consequences of the Bolton’s betrayals: both were wanted dead by the Baratheon/Lannister (Dany for being pregnant and a threat to Robert’s reign, Sansa because of her so-called involvement in Joffrey’s death) and both ended up under the “protection” of men who abused them, men who raped them (Dany), or men who abused AND raped them (Sansa) - all REAL TIME, btw. Both of them lost a brother who, had they not been betrayed/killed, would’ve protected them better (Rhaegar and Robb). Both had family members brutally killed - yes, Sansa knew Rickon while Dany never knew Rhaenys and Aegon, but they weren’t any less her family, and we know how Dany always craved a real family. Dany and Sansa suffered essentially the same things, for the sames reasons. 
For point 2) Honestly, many northern lords seemed to believe that Robb indeed deserved what happened to him, and resented him for it, although Robb’s “crimes” came nowhere near Aerys’s, obviously. For the rest, I may ask you: had Robb BEEN a terrible king, would Jon and Sansa still hold the same entitlement to Winterfell? Even though Ramsay was terrible as well, even though he killed Rickon, even though he raped Sansa? Would people judge Jon and Sansa for taking Winterfell back regardless of Robb’s crimes? (This isn’t a rhetoric question, I’m genuinely asking). 
Jon and Sansa didn’t retake WF on the basis of their claim, since they have none (he’s a Snow, she’s a Bolton**). They didn’t retake WF to avoid further bloodshed - as I said, if avoiding bloodshed was their goal, the safest course would’ve been to smuggle themselves out of Westeros and temporarily give Ramsay what he wanted (except Sansa). Jon led his men into battle against the Boltons while knowing full well they were (most likely) gonna get crushed. Sure, Sansa saved the day, but Jon didn’t know about that until you know when. Was Jon doing it to defend the wildlings against Ramsay’s threats? Questionable, since the wildlings themselves engaged in the battle against Ramsay (once again, knowing there was little chances of victory, whether it was on a battlefield or against the Wall). Was Jon doing it because he knew the northerners would rather be led by a Stark than by a Bolton? Again, questionable. At least 3 noble houses from the North didn’t want a Stark as Warden: the Bolton, the Umber and the Karstark. The Glovers were, at the very least, seriously pissed with the Stark. As for the common people, I’ll have to go with Jorah and Tyrion’s wisdom here: they don’t really care who’s sitting on top, as long as they have bread, a roof over their head and a good distraction from time to time. As far as we know, the northerners weren’t starving under the Bolton (at least, no more than the common people under Cersei, and apparently, that doesn’t excuse Dany’s invasion). Was Jon doing it to save Rickon? Sansa was right when she told him that they’d never get Rickon back alive. So, to sum it all up, if Jon and Sansa didn’t retake WF on the basis of their family claim; if they didn’t retake it to save the north from the Bolton; if they didn’t retake it to avoid unnecessary deaths; if they didn’t retake it to save their brother and if they didn’t retake it on the supposition that the majority would rather be led by a Stark blood-relative than a Bolton, WHY did they retake it? Because it was their home, and because (to them), Winterfell belonged to them more than it belonged to Ramsay. It not a bad reason, but it’s the same as Dany’s. 
P.S Just so we’re clear here: I’m not saying Jon and Sansa didn’t care about Rickon. We all know they did. I’m not saying Jon and Sansa didn’t care about the North’s (or the northerners, or the wildlings) well-being either: of course they did. I’m saying that, if we go by the same standards of morality that those you apply to Dany, then no, Jon’s offensive against Ramsay wasn’t justified. 
**Apparently, as someone pointed to me, I was mistaken - even if she’s a Bolton, Sansa still have a claim to Winterfell as last surviving heir. Make sense. Too bad Sansa isn’t the last surviving heir: Bran is. But Sansa doesn’t know if Bran is alive, doesn’t she? Dany doesn’t know about Jon - sorry, Aegon Targaryen - either. Tough luck. 
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game-of-snows · 7 years
Why I Root for Daenerys Targaryen
So, I've seen a lot of hate towards Dany recently, and honestly, I think it's important to look more into what drives her in order to understand her character better. I've read a lot of theories and opinions on why she isn't the "good guy", and while I do respect these, I wanted to make a case for why I like Dany.
More than anything else, and this is made especially clear in the books, Dany wants a home and a family. She often thinks of going back to the house with the red door and the lemon tree, and of the son her brother had with Elia, her nephew Aegon she had been sure she would marry if he was still alive. It's been pounded into her by Viserys that the only home for them is in Westeros, and he will do anything to get them there (including selling her and letting her be raped by an army of men and their horses). In the books, she considers suicide to escape her marriage, and yet she learns to develop a type of love for her husband in order to take some control of her situation, something she's never been able to do before.
By the time this girl is 17 (14 in the books), she's been homeless, orphaned, on the run from men who want to kill her, abused, raped, sold, considered suicide, lost a husband and birthed a stillborn son. I'd argue at this point, none of the other children/teenagers in the series have experienced half of what she has.
She has these three baby dragons. That's it. No family or home to speak of. No formal education, only an abusive brother that pounded into her head that they had to take the Iron Throne.
She's seen a lot of injustice, and been forced and helpless against it, so it makes sense she'd want justice for the slaves in Essos and to punish their abusers. She likely sees herself in them. Is her vengeance sometimes very extreme? Yes, it is, but I'm a firm believer in "an eye for an eye". If these slavers want to castrate, sell, kill, and torture people, then they should be burned. She isn't out to burn innocents, she's out to fight a war, and she always tries to give an option to submit and be spared. It's harsh, but a lot of vengeance in the series is harsh.
She spends a lot of her time freeing slaves for someone who could just fly to Westeros on a dragon and burn anyone who tried to get in her way. Her father was killed in Robert' s Rebellion, her older brother was disposed of and her infant cousins were brutally murdered.
It's because of the people currently on the throne that she's been forced to run from city to city to avoid being killed. Why the hell would she want these people on the throne? From her perspective, the rulers of Westros are murderers, and she's been spoon fed information by her brother about that her family had been great. She never met her father, and she'd been told ever since she could speak that he was a powerful man that was kind by Viserys. Aerys was mad, yes, but he wasn't always. He was generous as a young king, and showed a lot of promise. He lost five children inbetween Rhaegar and Viserys, and he was paranoid that Viserys would die too. He was also kidnapped and held hostage for six months. Did he go mad? Yes he did, and he did terrible things, but it could be argued he was driven mad by circumstance.
She arrives in Westros knowing the powers there killed her family and wanted her dead too. She burns the Lannister Army and the Tarlys, but again, they are fighting for people who murdered her family. She even gives the Tarlys a choice, and the Tarlys aren't exactly the best guys (remember what they did to Samwell?). She isn't going to be safe until she can take them down and avenge her family...and yet as soon as she sees the White Walkers she forgets all of that to put her efforts into trying to defeat them instead. She could easily just go back to Essos and be the Queen of Meereen again. The White Walkers can't swim and everyone on her side came from Essos anyway, they can just go back and forget about Westros.
Instead, she risks her life to save a man she deeply respects and the rest of his party. Impulsive, yes, stupid too, but aren't all the heroes in the series like that? She even is willing to meet Cersei Lannister, who she knows had Jon's adoptive father (by this point someone she deeply cared about) killed. Who's husband had her family killed, to hopeful stop the in fighting to save the people of Westeros.
She's made some bad decisions and has been too harsh at times, but that's not exactly rare in Westeros. Arya has killed many people who wronged her. Jon had to kill traitors to the Night's Watch, including a child. Jon and Sansa had to have an army slaughtered to take back Winterfell. All this characters are teenagers and young adult who have to do some traitor killing to try and help their people and their cause.
Dany had no birthright in Essos, and she started gaining a following before her dragons were even big enough to be a threat because people saw something in her. She had to build up a sense of self and wear it as armour. Women aren't treated as equals in the series, and if she doesn't harden up, she is going to be taken advantage of.
She does what she thinks is right for the people, and will look to Tyrion or Jon for advice when she isn't quite sure what is right. Dany decided to seek the throne because she couldn't see herself with a family or home without it. She couldn't see herself being able to have any control over what happens to her without it. She, like Jon, is a sort of chosen one, and her people think so too. She wants to break the wheel, not keep it rolling, and that's what Westeros needs right now.
TL; DR: Dany has learned enough to be a good candidate to rule Westeros
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choupetit · 7 years
GOT Recap:  The Dragon and the Wolf
Airdate:  8/27/17 ; Season 7, Episode 7
Are you really gonna leave us like this, GOT…and for over a year, no less?!  Day-um, that’s cold.  The Game of Thrones writers have always known how to leave us wanting more with their season finale cliffhangers, and this year they’ve upped the ante - or should I say “auntie”? We got a superb episode with some fabulous twists, schemes galore, and a major game-changing ending.  Let’s all huddle in close for a finale recap of “The Dragon & the Wolf”:
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The Lion’s Den
 It’s time for the great Westerosi Peace Summit in King’s Landing.  The formidable Unsullied army stands at the ready outside the city gates while the Lannister army is preparing to welcome their visitors from House Targaryen and House Stark…by stocking up on barrels of hot pitch and sharpening their swords.  Ya know, just in case talks don’t go so well. From a distance we hear the raucous battle cries of warriors and the Dothraki come galloping in to join Team Dany’s troops.
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Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow approach by ship and Jon wonders how many people inhabit King’s Landing – it's about 1 million. Jon remarks that’s more than all the Northern houses put together. There’s no sign of Dany, who has apparently made separate arrangements for her arrival at King’s Landing.  Perhaps that 1M population is about to take a sudden and significant downturn?
The Hound goes to check on a chest in one of the lower decks.  The box is completely silent – aw, man, did their snow zombie die in transit?   He gives the box a hefty kick and we hear some vicious snarling.  Whew!  
As Cersei Lannister readies herself to meet her guests, she reminds  Frankenmountain of some final instructions: If things go south and she gives the word, he is to kill Dany, Tyrion, and Jon – in that specific order before disposing of anybody else.  After that, it’s Greggy’s choice.  Ya know, it’s really important to give your employees a sense of independence when working for you, and Cersei is clearly nailing it in the morale department.
 Tyrion and Jon arrive ashore and are greeted by Bronn, who is quite the welcoming host.  He lets them know their pals have already arrived and steps aside, gesturing to Brienne of Tarth and Podrick – it’s a short and sweet reunion for Tyrion and his former squire.  As Bronn escorts the party to the Dragon Arena, he shares a few bro words with Tyrion.
 Meanwhile, Brienne and the Hound come face to face and it’s slightly awkward.  Brienne justifies why she fought him in the Eyrie (and nearly killed him) - she was only trying to honor her oath to protect Arya.  The Hound says that was his intention as well, and suddenly the two are gushing nonstop about how proud they are of the little killing machine Arya has become.  “Aw, shucks, our homicidal baby has really come into her own!” #MentorAChild
 As they all arrive in the arena, Tyrion gives a brief history on dragon-keeping, noting that back in the days of the Targaryen dynasty, dragons were too much of a liability to roam free, so the arena was built to house them.  Living in captivity for generations caused the majestic creatures to languish until eventually they only ever grew to be as big as dogs.  
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Team Dany and Jon take their seats – I must’ve missed the part where Theon was invited to the party, 'cause he’s there, too.  Great. Just what we need, more Greyjoys. Speaking of, Euron Greyjoy is in attendance, throwing crazy eyes at anybody who looks his way.
Queen Cersei arrives with her entourage of Qyburn, Jaime and the Mountain and everybody looks like they are standing on a live wire.  Dany is still nowhere to be found as they wait, uncomfortably.  
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The Hound looks his brother square in the eye, tells him he's super fugly now, and then dashes all fans’ hopes for Cleganebowl – the ultimate Clegane showdown – when he says something cryptic along the lines of “Don’t worry, bro, we’re not gonna fight.  We both already know how you’re really gonna die.” What does it MEAN?  The Hound stalks away and vanishes into the lower level of the arena.
Finally there is a loud dragon cry and Queen Dany comes soaring in on Drogon.  This gal certainly likes to make an entrance. You’d think it would get old seeing Danaerys ride in on her dragon every episode, but it’s actually totes sweet and mucho impressive.  She lands while Cersei glares contemptfully:  “She’s got a kick-ass dragon, a huge army, AND she’s gorgeous?!  Next you’ll tell me that she also likes to sleep with her family members!” Ugh, Cersei just hates prettier, awesomer versions of herself. Dany for her part is all “Oh heeeey! I woke up like this.  So…did I miss anything important?”
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Getting right down to business:  Euron starts things off with some petty baiting of Theon and tells him that he’s going to kill Theon’s sis, Yara.  When Tyrion interrupts him to address more important matters, Euron continues to be the boisterous a-hole he is, until Cersei tells him to STFU.
Jon takes the floor and tells Cersei about all the crappiness going on up North with Whitewalkers, the Night King and his Army of Dead.  He informs her they are all in for the fight of their lives…even...for life itself.  
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 But since seeing is believing, a wight demonstration is the best thing to convince Queen Cersei.  The Hound comes back from the basement, hoisting the enormous crate on his back and sets it in the middle of the arena and ever so carefully…he opens the lid.  Nothing. Nothing at all happens.  “Oh maaaaaaan!  I swear, it was doing this weird snarling, screeching thing the WHOLE time at home!”  A smug sneer passes over Cersei’s face.  The Hound kicks the crate over.  Like a bat out of hell, the snow zombie pops out, snarling and snapping, and runs full-speed straight at Cersei whose expression turns to horror.  Just as the Frankenmountain steps forward to protect his queen, the snow zombie stops short – it’s chained to the crate and has reached the end of its tether.  The Hound chops off its arm and Qyburn’s face lights up with curiosity as the disembodied hand continues to move.  Ooooh, imagine all the amazing lab tests he could do!  I’ll bet if he tried hard enough he could give Jaime Lannister a hand transplant with this new scientific discovery!  Next, Jon introduces the only methods they know to kill the zombie: fire and dragon glass.
Euron asks if the creatures can go through water. Jon says no and Euron goes “I’ve seen some crazy shiz-nit out at sea, but this is the one thing that terrifies me.  I’m out!  Namaste, mofos! Have fun fighting the zombies!” He hauls butt out of the arena to wait things out on the Iron Isles.
Cersei speaks up. Yeah, Euron’s a coward, but pretty much rightfully, so.  That demo was seriously creepy, but it’s made a believer out of her. She says she is ready to have her forces step down and she’ll agree to a truce until the Night King and his army are defeated – on once condition:  Jon and the North must submit to Cersei as their queen.   Dany gives Jon a subtle nod, and then Jon completely craps the bed and goes “Nah, see…I can’t do that ‘cause I already have a queen.”   Cersei replies, “Ok, cool.  Well, then you losers are on your own – we’ll take our chances and see what happens after the North gets hit.  See ya!”  And she saunters out with her posse.  Tyrion nad Dany are both like “Ugh, you BLEW it!” Jeez Louise, Jon!!!  Dany already likes you, Bro, you don’t have to impress her anymore.  Learn to lie to your enemies already!   But Jon’s got ideals to a fault, y’all.  And isn’t that why we love him?
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Brienne briefly takes Jaime aside and goes “Dude, seriously, you have to change her mind.”  Cersei sees the exchange and shoots daggers at Brienne with her eyes.
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 Tyrion decides he’s the only one who can talk any sense into Cersei.  He grabs his balls and heads to the Red Keep for a one-on-one with his dear sis.  As he is escorted to Cersei’s office, Frankenmountain looms behind him and I just keep expecting to see his head suddenly lobbed off, but surprisingly, this doesn’t happen. When Tyrion arrives outside Cersei’s door, Jaime is standing outside and goes “Yeeee-ah, she just threw me out.  So, good luck with that.”
 Once inside Cersei’s chambers, she shows her usual disdain for Tyrion and tells him that Myrcella and Tommen are dead, indirectly because of him – because by killing their father, it screwed them all over.  Tyrion is all “OMG, I can’t take your whining anymore about how much you hate me!  If you wanna kill me, just do it and get it over with, but you know I loved those two kids.”  He pours himself a glass of wine and then pours one for Cersei.  She just slightly smirks and doesn’t take the glass.  Holy hell, is there poison in the wine??? IS THERE??? Nope, that’s just my GOT PTSD acting up again.  
 Cersei tells Tyrion how she was freaked out by the nasty zombie demo earlier, but that it didn’t make her want to save humanity…just herself and her family, and it suddenly dawns on Tyrion that she’s preggers.
 Time out!  Cersei is sleeping with her twin brother, but she’s worried that WINE is the thing that might mess up her growing baby?  Ok.  Cool, just wanted to be sure we were all on the same page.  Back to the action.
At the arena, Jon and Dany are kicking up dust and Dany’s all “Soooo, how much do you like me? Do you totally wanna make a gazillion babies with me, because even though we haven’t even been on a single date, I want to keep telling you that there is no way, literally NO WAY I can have kids.  Like, I’m saying the Wall would have to crumble down before this could ever happen.” Instead of running for the hills Jon’s all “Oh yeah, says who?” - “Just some witch who killed the last dude that I truly loved.”  
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Their chat is cut short as Tyrion returns and a few seconds later, Cersei re-enters the arena with her crew.  She tells them she’s in.  Her men won’t stand down, rather, they will join Dany and Jon in their fight against the Night King.   “P.S. Try to remember this moment when we all defeat the White Walkers and you want to come back and de-throne me.”  Um, sorry, Cersei, you don’t get some special trophy for doing the right thing, which is also incidentally what’s in your best interest.  But, ok, I’m gonna give her minor props for finally being reasonable and getting on board to join forces against their common enemy.
 All About Baelish
 At Winterfell, Littlefinger meets with Sansa, who is thoroughly freaked out by her last meeting with Arya.  Littlefinger settles into a chair and begins his latest lesson in Paranoia 101: “Ya know, there’s this little game I like to play when I can’t figure out somebody’s motives.  I assume the worst and then ask myself how likely that assumption is.” And we wonder why nobody ever asks Littlefinger to join in any reindeer games.  He walks Sansa through his little hypothetical exercise, and by the end he’s got Sansa considering the worst case scenario wherein Arya wants to turn all the Northern lords against her, kill her for betraying her family, and become the new Lady of Winterfell.  At this point, I just wanna yell at the screen “OMG, can you not see he is playing you, Sansa? We all know that Arya DGAF about being the lady of anything, much less Winterfell!” Where the heck is Bran with his voyeur abilities to step in already?  
Come Sail Away
 Back at Dragonstone, Dany et al have returned from their King’s Landing visit and they gather in the war room to discuss next steps.  They plan to head to Winterfell, and Jon will take a ship to White Harbor and then take the King’s Road to get home.  “Cool, sounds fun! Count me in!”, chirps Dany.  Poor Ser Jorah is like “Khaleesi, why would you wanna be in close quarters with a strapping young  hero like Jon, when you could just fly Drogon there?  It’s safer, it’s quicker, there are no hunky distractions, and – oh heck, for the love of everything that is holy would you please just LOVE MEEEEEEE!!!!!” “Nah, I’m going on the boat. Thanks for your counsel. Now which of these nightgowns looks hotter?  Asking for a friend.”
As Jon walks through the throne room at Dragonstone, Theon gives him the old “I have extremely low self-esteem” spiel that’s we’ve become so familiar with. “You’re so much better than me, I’m garbage, please forgive me for all the crap I’ve pulled with your family. Ya know, Yara was the only one who ever stood up for me when Ramsay kept me as his punching bag prisoner.” “Hey, dude, I can’t absolve you for all the awful things you’ve done, but for the stuff that I can…I forgive you.  We’re semi-cool.  Stop wasting time and go save your sister.”
Theon heads to shore where the Good Grejoy team members are readying a boat and he tells them they have to go save Yara from the Bad Greyjoys.  The leader of the bunch tells him she’s as good as dead and there’s no way they are going to take on Crazy Euron. Theon goes for classic prison yard strategy and starts a fight with the biggest, baddest guy of the bunch.  He gets the stuffing beat out of him…until the man unknowingly activates Theon’s superpower by kicking Theon in the crotch.  This somehow gives Theon the edge to fight back and kill the dude.  That’s right, in order to grow a set of metaphorical balls, one must first be kicked where actual balls used to be.  It’s basic anatomy, folks.  All the other men cheer for Theon and are now on board to save Yara. Oh, Iron Islanders, your loyalties are so fickle!
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Heaven Help The Mister
 Back at Winterfell, Sansa orders her guards to find Arya and bring her to the Great Hall.  When Arya walks in, the room is lined with the Knights of the Vale and Sansa and Bran sit at the big table.  Arya sizes up the room as Littlefinger smirks from the sidelines. “You sure you wanna do this, sis?” Sansa looks at her little sister, stone-faced and begins, “You’re accused of murder and treason.  How do you answer…Lord Baelish?” Ooooh, snap!  The look on Littlefinger’s face is priceless as he stammers “Wait, what?” Sansa rattles off a list of offenses, including Littlefinger’s hand in killing John Aryn, Lyssa Aryn, and the betrayal of Ned Stark.  Littlefinger objects “You can’t prove that! Nobody saw anything that happened!” and all eyes in the room turn to Bran.  LOL! Sansa hands down his death sentence, and Littlefinger grovels and begs for his life like the rat that he is.  Arya unsheaths the catspaw dagger and in one fell swoop, expertly cuts his throat open.  WOOT! The Stark siblings were in on the ruse all along!  Whew, what a relief, and also, how cathartic to see Littlefinger finally get his due after all his cons and schemes!  
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 At the Red Keep, Jaime is strategizing with some soldiers on their plans to head North to fight the Night King.  Cersei interrupts and asks for a word alone. “What are you doing, bro?”  Jaime’s slightly confused. “Um…I’m getting ready to deploy the troops. Obviously.” Cersei smiles and goes “Yeah, that’s not happening. I lied.  We’re getting mercenaries from Braavos and are going to take over Westeros while those idiots fight the Army of Dead.  And if they defeat the Army of Dead, cool – we’ll have fewer Targaryens and Starks to kill.  BTW Euron didn’t flee to the Iron Islands – he’s going to pick up our hired guns as we speak.”  Jaime is dumbstruck and goes “Not cool.  I made an oath and I’m keeping it.” Cersei threatens to have Frankenmountain kill Jaime if he walks away from her, but he calls her bluff and leaves, unharmed. …And somewhere out there, even though Brienne doesn’t know why, her heart skips a beat. I mean.  I’m just guessing.
We see Jaime on horseback just outside of King’s Landing and snow begins to fall.  
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An Inconvenient Truth
 Meanwhile, Samwell, Gilly, and Little Sam have made it to Winterfell and Sam pays Bran a visit in his room.  Bran sits fireside in his usual dream-like, emotionless state and tells Sam he remembers when Sam helped him and his pals after they crossed North of the wall.  Then he tells Sam how he’s the three-eyed raven and how he really needs to tell Jon who his real parents are: Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.  Oh, and his name should really be Jon Sand, because that’s what they call bastards in Dorne.  “Hold up! I don’t have time to give credit to my girlfriend for this discovery, but actually…Jon is legit!  I read it in a book by the dude who annulled Rhaegar’s first marriage and secretly married Lyanna and Rhaegar!”  Oh come on, Bran!  You really didn’t know that?  You made all these discoveries about Jon, but never bothered to get a tiny bit more back-story? Hold that thought! Bran does a quick warging fact-check of Samwell’s info and jumps back in time to a sweet private wedding ceremony with Lyanna and Rhaegar happily reciting their vows and kissing.  
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 Bran remarks that Robert’s Rebellion was based on a lie.  His aunt was never abducted or raped by Rhaegar – they were in love and she ran off with him, willingly.  There is another cut to young Ned Stark when he finds Lyanna after childbirth and she tells him Jon’s real name:  Aegon Targaryen.
As Bran speaks over the action, we cut to the Love Boat that is sailing North with Jon and Dany.  Jon walks the corridor to Dany’s room and gives a knock on the door.  She opens and invites him in. As Jon enters her room, we see a figure down the hall – it’s Tyrion, watching gravely. “Ugh, I told her not to mix business with pleasure.”  What follows is a steamy love scene that makes me wanna vomit everywhere, because as everybody just seems to dismiss: Dany is Jon’s auntie, and even if they don’t know that yet, it’s still nass-to-tha-tay.
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 Back at Winterfell, Sansa and Arya have a sweet bonding moment as they watch the snow fall harder outside.  
Bran wargs again, checking on things up North and what he sees ain’t good.  Dondarrion and Tormund are in one of the Eastwatch towers, when they look below and notice the Army of Dead have arrived at the Wall.  We see a handful of Whitewalkers leading the charge on horseback.  From the snowy cloudcover above emerges Viserion, now a zombie ice dragon – with the Night King riding on his back.  Oh, no.  Tormund yells for his men to evacuate the wall and they all rush down the ladders as Viserion blows out a stream of blue flames and begins to burn a hole into the side of the wall.  Chunks of the wall begin to break and soon enough, all of Eastwatch crumbles down.  Viserion continues to melt the ice and snow until a ginormous opening  paves the way for the Army of Dead to march right through the wall.  They slowly advance Southward as the camera zooms out.  Roll credits.
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 Wow, what an episode and what an ending! How do you bounce back from that?  I know the characters have been saying this pretty much the last few episodes but…they are seriously screwed.  Fo’ realz.  Will the North just be obliterated?  Did Tormund and Dondarrion survive (we all want to see Tormund and Brienne make babies!) – heck, did anybody survive?  At least Bran saw it all and can sound the alarms immediately, but man, they are gonna have to act fast.
 So happy that Jaime finally distanced himself from his toxic sis.  Now he can warn the others of her plans – but how can they fight an enemy from the North and the South at the same time?  One thing’s for sure: We’re gonna have more Brienne and Jaime scenes in our future!  Huzzah!
 Once Jon and Dany realize they are related, I hope they’ll quit having relations.  That said, I’ve got a strong feeling that their one night of passion is going to result in a baby.  Maybe all Dany needed was another Targaryen to knock her up – after all, the Targaryen’s are all about keeping their bloodlines pure.  Hopefully, with this revelation, Dany won’t feel too threatened about who should be on the throne.  And we’re all fairly certain that Jon is going to get to ride Rhaegal, right?  #surething
 Considering that we’ve got until 2019 before we get any new Game of Thrones, I’m sure there will be oodles of fan theories to ponder.  I’m hoping for some kind of dragon sex-change so they can make more baby dragons.  Hey, it happened in Jurassic Park!  Will we have two pregnant queens waging war against each other?  Is Cersei even really pregnant, of was she lying to manipulate Jaime? Will Bran warg into Viserion or the Night King and end everything? Aaaaack, so many options!  It’s time to wrap this up, so hold tight until the new season begins, my dears, and take comfort knowing that the new episodes are all supposed to be like 80+ minutes each, so we will really be getting little mini-movies each episode…and isn’t that worth the wait?  
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summerseachild · 5 years
Summersea’s GoT Season 6 Tumblr Spoiled First Time Watch 2019: Part 1
So I was going to rename this a “hatewatch” now that I’ve gotten to a whole season I hadn’t seen before, but let’s be honest. If you’ve seen me reblogging things from later seasons, it was never going to be that. There are things that I knew I was going to enjoy VERY MUCH, and I wasn’t wrong. There were also things that, if I let them, would have had me frothing a the mouth in rage. 
But then I reminded myself that I’m vacationing in Castle Not Giving a Shit while I watch the back half of the show, and things were much better after that. I’ve mostly left my in the moment reaction except where I’d had too much wine to be coherent.
Season 6
Hot on the heels of season 5 i still have a third of a bottle of Chardonnay left let’s DO THIS
1. Lol it’s still in the credits so they continue to pretend like they care about Dorne????
2. Ghost howling 😢😢😢
3. So Davos went straight from staning one dour person to another... he has a type.
4. Some dude in the night’s watch re Melisandre: who’s she? Davos: oh just some lady Who spat a shadow out of her vag once LETS TRUST HER
5. Wow Olly aged a lot over the past five minutes since he killed Jon!
6. Edd please don’t die here. I don’t remember how you go but don’t let it be here
7. Boo hoo poor little psychopath lost his gf. No one cares, Ramsay. Myranda deserved what she got AND SO WILL YOU
8. My soul left my body like three times during that chase scene where Theon and Sansa are running from the Bolton men. POOR COLD BBS
12. Also go Theon killing that dude
14. Give me the AU where Theon lives and stays at Winterfell because he wants to be near her and they understand each other and Brienne is in her Queensgiard I AM NOT ASKING MUCH
15. Meanwhile in other trauma hi Cersei
17. So... that scene with Jaime and Cersei where they talked about seeing Joanna’s dead body and she... Doesn’t blame him??? For Myrcella? Like I thought she would??? And she tells him about the prophecy??? And they hug??? Yeah that’s in contention for my fav Lannister twin scene ever? Top five at the very least. (And another member of the “Jaime writes his siblings’ dialogue” club.)
18. For all of his false kindness and gentleness the High Sparrow is just as bad as any of them, and When I’m not seething with anger I can appreciate how nuanced Jonathan Pryce’s performance is.
19. Wtf Ellaria and Tyene murdering Doran.
20. OMG TRYSTANE and I call Sand Snake Character Assassination here they are just SO BITCHY and without honor and the Dorneish are SO HONOR OBSESSED ugh why I hate it Also was that Myrcellas ship? Are there two bitchy Sand snakes just chilling in king’s landing now?? 
21. Tyrion and Varys among the people is kind of fascinating. Also what’s up with that Red Priest? Another who thinks the lord of light chose Dany?
22. Oh no the ships... Varys and Tyrion running TOWARD trouble says a lot about them.
23. Did the showrunners... forget Jorah would know the word Khalasar? Why would he say horde?
24. At least the Khals believe Dany is Drogo’s widow?
25. Ok so the waif is fascinating and her movements are just so... Succinct. A++ physical acting or whatever the word is.
26. Whoa that’s Melisandre without the necklace?? Cool story bro but why did she choose then to take it off? What does that tell us about her as a character or her powers? Just wanted to show some crone boobs? IDEK that was a weird ending.
1. The trailer reminds us that BRAN IS IN THIS SHOW
2. Remember this kid? He’s a Stark! He’s VERY IMPORTANT! He’s GONNA BE KING, but he wasn’t in all of season 5. He matters WE PROMISE.
3. The older generation of Starklings!!! I would be lying if I didn’t say seeing Lyanna and Brandon and Ned and Benejen And Nan and bb Hodor didn’t give me a LOT of feelings. (Also Bloodraven is the Worst Ghost of Christmas Past Ever.)
4. Cross fandom wish: I want to see Hodor, Groot, and Rocket have a conversation where everyone understands every word.
5. So... Meera and Summer have been hunting so that they all stay alive, right?? Otherwise WHAT ARE THEY EATING
6. Ok I take back what I said about them only having the Children once, but that was WEAK. “Help Bran, Meera. Because I said so and I’m a creepy magical person whose motivations are unclear”
7. YEAAAAAH WUN WUN SMASH THOSE TRAITORS. Good on you too Edd for taking charge.
8. Ugh every bar has one like that asshole talking about Cersei. And I don’t think he’s long for this world
10. Why would Tommen keep Cersei away from Myrcella’s funeral. OH GODS HE WAS TRYING TO PROTECT HER.
11. Ugh Jaime is tired of keeping vigil over his dead family members GIVE HIM A BREAK
12. Also Jaime promising never to let Cersei be in a cell again while he’s there AAAAHHH YES 🦁 ❤️
13. There’s nothing more dangerous than a fanatic who fears nothing, Jaime. But him threatening the High Sparrow was made of sex.
14. SEVEN HELLS did Tommen just give Cersei the idea to blow up the sept
15. Dany’s council meeting in absentia is kind of neat. I was wondering how those crazy kids were doing. 
17. Tyrion being like “please DO NOT EAT THE ALLIES (me)” to Viserion and Rhaegal is amazing
18. Viserion is all ME TOO LET ME GO HERE’S THE CHAIN SMALL HUMAN when he shows Tyrion his neck.
19. That was a rough test Jaqen
20. Yes Ramsay please march North I dare you
21. Roose KNOWS what Ramsay is and tries to steer him out of it but I don’t think he truly understands how deep the crazy goes
22. HOLY SHIT RAMSAY JUST STABBED HIS DAD and everyone either is too scared of Ramsay to do anything about it or was in on it. LOOKING AT YOU KARSTARK ASSHOLE
23. Oh Walda you sweet trusting soul he is going to feed you and your baby to those dogs isn’t he. I DON’T like being right. Have I mentioned that?
24. Brienne recognizing Sansa’s choices were hard ❤️❤️
25. Ugh Theon talking about all the things he’s done and Sansa hugging him anyway aaaaah my soul
26. It’s hard to hear someone else say they forgive you you when you don’t think you deserve forgiveness, and he’s definitely not ready to hear it from Jon. (But he’s ready to hear it from Sansa because of what they’ve been through together? I like that explanation and I’m sticking to it.)
27. Oh right Pyke exists the show doesn’t remember that unless it’s convenient.
29. Ok at least Yara cares about her people and we get to see it.
30. OMG Euron? He’s the one who kills Balon?
31. ...and he’s kind of got delusions of Grandeur? “I am the drowned god” wtf sir.
32. Gotta admit Iron Islands burial customs are kinda neat
33. We get the Kingsmoot? I’m listening, show... you’re on notice but I’m listening.
34. Depressed Melisandre is depressed. Wait... has she never done the raising from the dead thing? SEVEN HELLS SHE HASN’T.
35. A pep talk from Davos might snap me out of my crisis of faith too.
36. Thoros can do this in the language of Westeros, but I guess if Valyrian works for you...
37. I love Tormund peacing out of the room with Mostly Dead Jon like “I have had enough of this south of the wall bullshit”
38. Did Melisandre reach the lord of lights answering machine and it took him a while to get back? “If you would like to leave a resurrection request for R’hllor, please press one...”
39. Ghost’s eyes open AND SO DO JON’S hey bro
1. He liiiives! Poor Jon... what did you see while you were gone I wonder?
2. Oh jeez it was nothing. At least he has the most comforting sensible person in this series to help him through.
3. I like that Jon gets to come downstairs and HUG TWO OF HIS FRIENDS and none of the nights watch or the wildlings bat an eye or seem to think less of him for it. LET MEN HUG. 
4. Oh jeez Sam’s taking Gilly and the baby to Horn Hill? Do we get to meet his mom? (No one cares about Randylll but I think we might get to meet him too?)
6. Wait is Gilly pregnant again?
7. That is the Tower of Joy and I AM NOT READY
9. Sword of the morning indeed WHAT A BADASS (somewhere in my soul Jaime is waving an “Arthur Dayne Rocks” banner) there’s no way Ned could have won that fight without help and now Bran knows that??? I don’t really have anything interesting to say here I just love the idea of a kid getting to see the truth of a family story that’s radically different from what he thought he knew.
11. Oh right Dany is about to meet all of the other widows of the Khals this could be cool but knowing d and d it won’t be because it would involve treating WoC with nuance.
12. Not impressed so far.
13. So this girl Varys is meeting with is in league with the Sons of the Harpy? Good my memory is intact.
14. all this with Varys actually TRYING to take care of Meereen is fun...
15. Tyrion being like OMG I AM BORED PLZ TALK ABOUT SOMETHING to Grey Worm and Missandei is the most him thing ever. I feel you Bro. He’s a people person deep down and just wants to be friends so badly.
16. Qyburn with all of Varys’ little birds and making kids’ abusive parents disappear is PRECIOUS.
17. Don’t poke the Mountain, Jaime
18. LANNISTER MUSICAL CHAIRS PART 2 also Jaime is ON THE SMALL COUNCIL NOW??? Who gave book!Cersei three wishes??? Him actually being in her corner and working with her as a team must be like a wish come true...
19. “Grand Maester Pycelle would you sanction that starement?” 😂 Lena’s delivery of that line made me laugh so hard we had to rewind to hear the dialogue.
20. No no don’t leave the three of them together they’ll plan murder. Well, Cersei and Jaime will. Gregor will nod.
21. Tommen confronting the high sparrow fascinated me. He has some of the I WILL KILL YOU family traits on display here but it’s understandable given what his family has gone through at the high sparrows hand. I’d be threatening murder too if I were him.
22. What are you playing at mr high Sparrow? Because I don’t trust you farther than I can throw you, and I don’t even have a good arm.
23. The Hound was not on her list any more 😢 that whole scene with Arya recounting her life and learning to fight blind is NEAT.
24. Wait faceless men are immune to the poison in the water?? Cool.
25. Is that supposed to be Greatjon Umber’s son who refuses Jon? What an ass.
26. My wife adds, “THESE LOSERS are the people Sansa is supposed to be queen of?”
27. OH SHIT OSHA AND RICKON AND SHAGGYDOG HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN? (Please let Sansa Find out who did that and who helped and give them what they deserve... there’s no way anyone took down that wolf alone.) I HATE THAT WE ARE NEVER GOING TO GET CLOSURE ON THAT PROBABLY.
28. Oh shit Jon has to hang the traitors that’s gonna be hard on him.
29. At least Alliser is consistent.
30. Jon did what he had to do... just like Ned in the first ep.
31. Wait WHAT did you just hang those men and then LEAVE? Isn’t leaving just as damaging to the order as killing the lord commander? That seemed overly quick and weird but ok????
32. Guess Jon was the Oathbreaker.
1. If anyone deserved an I JUST DIED crisis, it’s Jon. Also, the vows say, “it will not end until my death...” so technically...
2. Brienne got them up to the Wall QUICK. She is nothing if not efficient.
3. Sansa and Jon are like, “so... how cool are we going to play this? NOT COOL AT ALL LETS HUG” so sweet.
4. “Where will WE go?” Yes stay together Starklings because family is important certainly don’t scatter to the four winds or anything 🙄
5. I kind of love that Sansa’s the one who insists on taking back Winterfell and is all “help me or not I’m doing it”
6. I’m Brienne of Tarth and I HAVE A LONG FUCKING MEMORY. Wait... wrong show. (She DOES, though...) 
7. Wow Petyr lying about Sansa being forced to Marry Ramsay... he’s playing the lords of the Vale like a fiddle.
8. That’s a lovely bird he got Robin. What a pretty boy.
9. Missandei staring daggers at Tyrion is Excellent Content. The “Tyrion tries to be a little more diplomatic but this involves dealing with slavers” problem is... a bit oversimplified, but at least they’re addressing it? Still not great. 
10. Jorah and Daario are off on a secret mission and I cant stop hearing the Galavant song.
11. The older widow of the Dosh Khaleen is more interesting than the show will let her be.
12. Is that Lazareen widow Dutch from Killjoys? IT IS!!!!
13. Guess what high Sparrow NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR SELF RIGHTEOUS CONVERSION STORY LEAST OF ALL ME (guess who has some issues with organized religion it’s meeeee)
14. Way to act your heart out, though, Jonathan Pryce.
15. So idk if I’ve made a big deal about this but I’m SUPER QUEER and seeing Loras broken like that made my heart stop for a second.
16. “Not setting off” fanatics, huh Pycelle? I think Cersei has other ideas 😈 🔥
18. Cersei and Jaime trying to get Olenna and Kevan on their side against the High Sparrow is... smarter than I thought it was going to be when they walked into that room. They had a united front, they were clearly working together... WHAT IS THIS I LIKE IT
19. Theon looks like a ghost of himself. :( And Pyke looks all creepy.
20. Jeez Yarra go easy on your little brother his psyche still has cracks in it. I guess it’s understandable that she’s pissed given the failed rescue and the timing of his arrival. I kept just waiting for him to say “I want to be home,” when she yelled WHAT DO YOU WANT but he didn’t and that makes me sad. (Home should have been Winterfell or wherever Sansa was just saying.)
21. Oh Osha don’t try it... shit. Well, you tried
22. And Tormund’s epic crush on Brienne begiiiiiins
24. Sansa insisting on reading the rest of the letter from Ramsay is... made of steel. I’m here for her being the driving force behind this attempted rescue.
25. I didn’t realize that so many Dothraki knew about how Dany lost the baby and Drogo.
26. DID DANY JUST KILL ALL OF THE KHALS? Girl knows how to make an entrance? The optics here are sooooo problematic but she looks DAMNED impressive the plan in and of itself is sound - gets rid of the men who don’t respect her and shows herself to be indestructible in one power move...
1. Is it just me or are d and d writing more and more episodes themselves?
2. Sansa has had enough of Littlefinger’s bullshit. Making him face up to what HE LEFT HER TO WHEN HE MARRIED HER TO RAMSAY AND ABANDONED HER YES GOOD.
3. When he says “did he cut you” and Sansa talking about Ramsay not caring as long as she could give him an heir... does that mean what I think it does? FGM? I hate that I even wonder. (Still not sure about this, but I don’t put it past them to imply something horrific like that and then not come back to it.)
4. The more I see the waif fight, the cooler she gets.
5. Faceless men founded Braavos? Right I KNEW that.
6. Ok the play is fun... complete with sound effects. So interesting to see what people in Braavos think of everything that happened.
7. So... I would Lady Crane’s voice anywhere. Hi Phryne!
8. Oh wow look at all the CotF
9. THEY MADE THE WHITE WALKERS I did not know that and for YEARS before this season came out we had an au idea where that was true and I AM SCREAMING
11. Yara’s speech was lovely, Theon supporting her was sweet, but Yara shouldn’t have needed a dude’s support to get that reaction from the crowd. She’s been on Pyke and being badass ALL HER LIFE. That being said, I like to think Yara would have been Queen in this version of things if Euron hadn’t showed up. What a Dick.
12. How does Euron go from wanting to marry Dany to allying with Cersei? I guess I’m about to find out.
13. Damphair knows cpr, idiot showrunners. don’t just let Euron lie there.
14. YES GET AWAY YARA AND THEON AND... a lot of the fleet? Good on them.
15. Jorah trying to leave Dany and her not letting him and commanding him to find a cure aaaahhhhh my feelings 😢
16. In the real world Tyrion would have been a great campaign manager.
17. If they wanted someone local... why get a red priestess from Volantis? Is this supposed to be the same woman? Do any of the people of Meereen even follow the faith of R’Hollor?
18. Varys having no time for the red faith’s bullshit is SO GOOD. It’s ok Varys you’re probably the most famous eunuch in the world right now. And whoop de doo a sorceress knows a story about a sorcerer it’s a small magical world don’t let her cow you.
19. ...whatcha doing, Bran???
20. Well that’s not creepy at all. Soooo many wights. Were there only... four white walkers including the night king? I’m so confused.
21. “The Umbers gave Rickon to Ramsay they can hang” YES SANSA
22. Why did she lie about getting info from Petyr? (And GOOD ON BRIENNE calling her on it)
23. Brienne calling Jon “a bit brooding” is the most hilarious thing ever. Somewhere Jaime Lannister is laughing his ass off. 
24. Yes wolfy clothes for everyone.
25. Awww Edd forgetting he’s acting lord commander is hilarious.
27. Why are the children and the white walkers on opposite sides? Are these just about rogue CotF? EXPLAIN SHOW EXPLAIN
28. Cool visuals though... the night king walking through that fire was AWESOME.
29. Rickard LOOKS like a stark in that flashback.
30. RIP Bloodraven... glad you didn’t have to see how pointless all of this was.
31. Wait wait plain old wights can KILL THE CHILDREN? Dumb.
32. SUMMER NO I AM NOT OK WITH ANY OF THIS not Leaf either she’s a nice little tree person even if her motivations are unclear.
33. So Bran warging into Hodor in the present and in the past at the same time is what messed him up? Or something about the time folding and Bran BEING THERE?
34. That was upsetting as fuck about Hodor and I AM SAD EVEN THOUGH I KNEW IT WAS COMING
And... tumblr won’t let me post the whole thing. I had A LOT to say about some later episodes. Remember when I was going to keep this to three bullet points for each episode? Yeah me neither. 
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