#if i finish a prototype ill blaze it
unpointysockart · 2 years
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got some frustratingly opaque messages from work this week and when i started to panic about it sat down and sketched out a design for a completely different game about managing self care when life throws you a lot of curveballs and your mental health is already kind of a mess
trying to decide if i want to make this like a self imposed game jam of one for the weekend bc i really need to distract myself from reality for a bit
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fordboyle · 3 years
Emphasize that the same pride you take in caring for your pet extends to taking care of your home.
Emphasize that the same pride you take in caring for your pet extends to taking care of your home. And the nights were worse. The Court decided this lawsuit should be a class action on behalf of a "Class," or group of people, that could include you. Melisandre had given Alester Florent to her god on Dragonstone, to conjure up the wind that bore them north. Where is my Pulitzer?Close students of presidential politics such as the eminent Michael Barone and Charles Krauthammer know that liberals go to painful lengths to live up to their prototypical image. If Mens ADIDAS ORIGINALS resented in the heat of blood, it would probably extenuate a homicide to manslaughter, upon the same principle with the case stated by Lord Hale, that if A riding on the road, B had whipped his horse out of the track, and then A had alighted and killed B.. With an impatient gesture he puma red bull racing evo cat papuci de casa din pasla ii flung the paper on the table, rapping it vigorously with the stick to which the paper was fastened, and blazing with personal dignity, and crimson with punch and amour Propre, in his turn he fastened his little bloodshot eyes on the offensive old man. They sit in camping chairs, drink Big Gulp sodas, and get blank stares.. Black ash and dying embers were all that remained of the hearthfire. The captain had only to look at him to see that the white knight was ghete galbene piele ill at ease. G. The watchdog group specifically called out a 2007 episode that featured dialogue about bestiality and sex with vegetables and filed an indecency complaint with the FCC for a strip club scene in a 2008 episode.. So this mat and the plug I linked would work together, yes?Any ever so slightly conductive surface should easily provide sufficient conductivity for ESD purposes. “A sure cure for constipation,” said Tyrion. "It may be bikes btt usadas that a family may need to pay an electricity bill, and there aren't any organizations in that community that can help them address them, so they take care of that with a grant awarded to the school district," Garza said. Tahanto Regional, at Fino Field in Milford.. Violence, displacement and hunger are on the rise in the country as the Obama administration has extended the war for a third time. In 2011 Lewis McGowan starred as a little boy who could barely wait for Christmas, the star last year was Monty The Penguin. He thought of Tysha and wondered where whores go. I shuddered, and I, too, cried out. We hope that consumers will engage with our rich brand story that is 104 years in the making.". The right of masters to dispose of the time of their slaves has been distinctly recognized by the Creator of all things, who is surely at liberty to vest the right of property over any object in whomsoever he pleases. A Hindoo, who knew nothing of this generous and beautiful book, except from such pamphlets as Mr. The Narraqqa could stand a new rudder and lines, and the Banded Lizard has some cracked oars, but they will serve. We went in to Natasha. "And if I can help, even with a loaf of homemade bread to a family, then that's great. His account says it was Syrax, Rhaenyra’s she-dragon, which makes more sense than Munken’s version. Tickets are $7, available at the door. There will be spearwives too. It was a mode of death which, to use the language that Cicero in his day applied to crucifixion, “ought to be forever removed from the sight, hearing, and from the very thoughts of mankind.” And to this horrible scene two white men were WITNESSES!. “Of course not. His goal set the stage for a wild finish in the gold medal game.. The way the mists threw back the shifting light made their features seem bestial, half-human, twisted. His rondels were wrought in the shape of human heads, with open mouths that shrieked in agony. All experience proves the contrary. But this he dolce gabanna adidași bărbații neglected to do.. This was a good meet to help me get ready for states. The taste was sweet solace on his tongue, so he lit a candle and poured himself another. Metrics have become very important in the overall measurement of how effective social media is. And she told me to be nice to grandfather and to talk to him. That when we made the decision to partner with Renee Yarbrough in our adidas stan smith j white tactile blue first Be Healthy Challenge. Miller called to her husband, who was in the front porch, and he ran out and seized the man by the collar, and tried to stop him. He passed over a warhammer (too long), a studded mace (also too heavy), and half a dozen longswords before he found a dirk he liked, a nasty piece of steel with a triangular blade. If you want to talk or anything even a question or two you can contact me through facebook (Braxton Brown Dumas). Each of them had given her a silver stag, so she would only need to count the coins. Website is promoting stolen property and land. You despise me, don’t you? You see how much charming simplicity there is in me, what candour, what bonhomie! I confess everything to you, even my childish caprices. The justification for issuing the very intrusive search and production warrants have given the the public insight into the conduct of those very close to the mayor some of whom are clearly associated with the criminal element of society.. Crowfood, they call him. Yandry stole a glance at Septa Lemore from time to time as he was checking the lines. * * * You have made that resolution absolutely necessary to the quiet of the South! But you now revoke that resolution! And you pass the Rubicon! Let me not be misunderstood. Any one who should have travelled in the cars at that time might have seen a venerable-looking black man, all izraeli kézműves ékszerek whose air and attitude indicated a patient humility, and who seemed to carry a weight of overwhelming sorrow, like one who had long been acquainted with grief. Prince Valkovsky had a rather large flat, though he lived alone. Bailey, to help me out of it. Headlines: Brittany Murphy to be buried today after private funeral; father plans to skip service. In lieu of flowers, donations to Heart Stroke Foundation or the Northumberland Humane Society would be greatly appreciated.. Maesters are supposed to put aside old loyalties oneil mellény when they don their chains, but I cannot forget that Theomore was born a Lannister of Lannisport and claims some distant kinship to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock. He took my hand and began to press it in his. But this feeling soon passed off. My son’s men have searched every inch of that damp and dreary island and turned up not so much as a single gemstone or speck of gold. Joins seven other states that have beefed up security measures for National Guard members.Many of those states governors signed executive orders in the days following the Chattanooga shooting. For notwithstanding nike jean jacket (for some purposes) a slave is regarded by law as a person, yet generally he is a mere chattel personal, and his right of personal protection belongs to his master, who can maintain an action of trespass for the battery of his slave.
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dabbledrabbleprose · 7 years
·         [ DAY 6 ] LIFESAVER / RECOVERY
 Genji wondered how it would have played out if things had been different. If he had been different. If he had paid attention to the whispers about his father’s unexpected death, would he be lying in a hospital bed, staring at the same ceiling day after day? If he had heeded the warnings (threats?) of the clan elders, would he be listening to the steady beep of a monitor, reminding him that his every heartbeat was only possible due to a machine? If he had listened, just once to his brother, would he be here, a thousand miles away from home, drowning in the knowledge that his clan, his family thought he was so worthless, so shameful, that it would be more honorable for him to die than to be himself?
Dr. Ziegler had saved his life, even though at the time he wasn’t sure he had wanted anyone to save him. The agony of betrayal was worse than pain in his chest or the sight of his severed arm lying across the room, and death would have been, ironically, a Mercy. He was listless, without purpose, numb, empty but for the pain and regret in his body and his soul.
That was how Commander Reyes had found him when he walked into his hospital room and made him the offer.
“Hey, kid,” He stood at the foot of the hospital bed, thick arms folded over his chest.
Genji didn’t respond, eyes staring at the off-white ceiling, listening to the soft hisses of the ventilator covering the bottom half of his face, assisting his damaged lungs. His prototype body wasn’t much of a body at all, more of a glorified life-support machine, and the constant beeps and whirrs only emphasized how much he had lost.
“Kid,” Reyes tried again. “Commander Gabriel Reyes. I’m here to talk.”
Genji continued to ignore the man, staring
“Angela told me you speak English. No use playing dumb.”
“I am not playing at anything,” Genji replied in accented English, his voice muffled slightly by the respirator. “I simply do not wish to speak with you.”
“You don’t even know what I have to say,” he said, and Genji could hear the smirk in the man’s voice.
“You have nothing that I want to hear.” He turned his head away. “I wish to be alone with my thoughts and the shadow inside my soul.” He anticipated pity, empty reassurances, or bland comfort, like all the nurses had offered him already. What he didn’t expect was for Reyes to burst into laughter, and it startled Genji enough that he looked over at the man. He was standing at the foot of Genji’s hospital bed, arms folded across his broad chest, head thrown back in laughter. His laugh was loud and sharp with an edge to it, perhaps mockery, perhaps something else.
“‘The shadow inside my soul?’ Are you shitting me? How pathetic is that?”
“H-hey!” Something within stirred within the fog of apathy Genji had surrounded himself with. “Stop that!”
“You’ve been here for what, three weeks? And you’ve really spent all this time staring at nothing and just thinking about how miserable you are? Do you have sad music to keep you company? Do you need me to get a pen and paper so you can write about the torture you feel inside your soul? Oh God, do you write poetry? Bad poetry?”
“Get out, or I’ll have you removed!” Genji snapped.
“Hah!” Reyes smirked at him. “I’d love to see a little shit like you try to do anything while you’re literally only half a kid.”
Something inside Genji cracked. His eyes blazed above his mask and he sat up as best he could, straining against the machinery. “You know nothing about me! You do not know what I am capable of! I am an assassin, a ninja of the most dangerous crime syndicate in Japan! In all of Asia!” He saw Reyes raise a bushy eyebrow skeptically and it was enough to keep Genji’s mouth rolling with the momentum he’d gathered. “You have no idea what I have been through! My clan turned their back on me and my own family tried to murder me! I am a Dragon of the Shimada and I will not be treated like a child by the likes of you! Saving my life does not give you the right to mock me, and giving me this flimsy body does not indebt me to you! If you have something of value to say, then say it, otherwise get out and leave me in peace!” Genji was breathing hard by the time he finished, his face red behind the mask and respirator hissing and whirring as it kept up with his respiratory rate.
Reyes let out a low whistle and clapped slowly, the mocking smirk gone from his face. There was still a gleam in his eye, but Genji thought it seemed less pointed.
“So,” Reyes said. “The Dragon still has teeth. Good. After all the moping you’d been doing, I was wondering if your old clan had succeeded in putting you down.”
Genji’s good fist clenched. “…I still live.”
“Great,” Reyes grabbed a chair and pulled it alongside Genji’s bed, taking a seat. “Because I have a proposition for you.”
Genji narrowed his eyes. “I am listening, but skeptically.”
A grin flashed across Reyes’ face, and this time it wasn’t mocking at all. “Right now, Overwatch is planning on doing some further work on your body, make you functional again, try and weasel some information on the Shimada clan out of you, and then set you up somewhere nice and quiet where you can live out the rest of your days in peace and domestic drudgery.”
Genji felt his expression sour at the thought. Living the rest of his life in this barely functional body, tucked away in some witness protection program? He’d wither away from misery if the boredom didn’t get him first.
“Or,” Reyes continued. “We could offer you something a little more…exciting.”
Reyes sat back in the chair, eyes gleaming. Genji could tell the Commander was waiting for him to take the bait, and almost just let Reyes wait it out, but he really wanted to get on with this conversation. “…Exciting?”
“I can authorize some very specific modifications to your cybernetic body. Some modifications that would be ill suited to a civilian life.”
“…Like what?”
“Anything you want.”
“I don’t understand.”
Reyes watched him with a half-smile tugging at his lips. “You were trained by the Shimada clan to be an assassin. A ninja. We can give you a body that surpasses anything a normal human can have. You want to run up walls and jump twenty feet in the air? Done. You want to have nightvision and infrared sensors in your eyes? Easy. You want to breathe fire and shoot shurikens out of your ass? You got it. Combined with your training, we can make you the best goddamn ninja to ever exist.”
Genji stared at him, then looked slowly around himself, at the machines connected to what was left of his body, keeping him alive. “…You could make me more than…this?”
“Kid, we can make your body into a living weapon.”
Genji’s gaze returned to Reyes. “Seems generous.”
“It is.”                      
“Is there a catch?”
“Of course.”
Genji’s eyes narrowed sharply, making his scowl visible even from behind the respirator.
“In exchange,” Reyes continued, “you work for me. Join Blackwatch.”
“Blackwatch?” Genji asked, working to keep his tone neutral. He hadn’t heard of it. “I thought I had been saved by Overwatch.”
“Technically, yes. Blackwatch is the special ops division of Overwatch. The public doesn’t know about it. You’d report directly to me, not to Strike Commander Morrison.”
“What is it exactly that you do? What are you asking me to do?”
“We do what Overwatch doesn’t. What Overwatch can’t do under the scrutiny of the world and its politics. The dirty work that doesn’t look good on the headlines. We do what needs to be done when no one else can.”
Genji snorted. “It sounds like you want me to leave one criminal empire and join another.”
“Not quite,” Reyes said. “We do what we have to, politics be damned. But we do it to make the world a better place. We’re not running drugs and guns, like some gangs one of us has a connection to. We’re cleaning up. The dirty underbelly of world peace.”
The snide comment about gangs made something click in Genji’s mind. “You want me to tell you what I know about the Shimada-gumi.”
Reyes nodded. “I want you to tell me everything about them. Where they operate, who they work with, who their suppliers are, where their drops are, their factories, their holding facilities, who’s in charge, absolutely everything.”
“And why would I tell you how to destroy my family?” He met Reyes’ eyes, but couldn’t match the conviction he saw there.
Reyes leaned forward, resting one hand on a knee. “Because I’m giving you the opportunity to personally be responsible for ending the Shimada criminal empire. Are you really going to protect the people, the family that betrayed you? With the resources in Blackwatch, we could give you the tools to tear apart the Shimada clan with your own two hands.” He glanced at Genji’s prosthetics. “Relatively speaking.”
Genji gave him a sharp glare and looked away, but the thoughts began running through his mind. Take down the Shimada clan? He hadn’t thought it possible. He hadn’t even considered it. His family had ties and resources all over the world. They were as deeply rooted and widespread as a cancer. But…with his knowledge and Overwatch’s resources, perhaps they could be poisoned from within. He thought of his father, dead under mysterious circumstances. He thought of the Clan Elders, who had berated and disciplined him over and over. He thought of Hanzo, standing over him with a sword in hand, eyes black and cold.
The fog of self-pity and apathy that had clouded him was pierced by a knife of rage. He held onto it, clung to the anger like a crutch, letting it wash over him, filling him until he shook with anger, suddenly feeling more alive than he had since Hanamura. He would bring about the end to his family’s criminal empire. He would destroy the Shimada clan and watch their empire fall into ruin. He would face his brother in battle and prove that revenge was best served on the tip of a blade. Genji looked up at Commander Reyes.
“I’m in.”
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