#if i forgot to add someone to my taglist let me know heh
loth-wolffe · 3 years
Pairing: Fives x reader (no y/n)
Warnings: angst but fluff at the end?? idk this is just a glimpse of bittersweet times with my babe fives. alsO mentions of Death and all that comes with it, I guess.
Word count: 1,5k hA.
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He was leaving again.
Your Fives.
At this point you should think it was easier, but it wasn't, somehow it got harder, every time he would kiss you goodbye, or mumble a promise that he would return to you, every night felt like it went quicker, every hug got tighter, longer, and every little thing made your heart crack a little bit more, long for a future that was uncertain.
You've seen it, how the war keeps getting harsher, more ruthless, you've heard about the number of casualties, seen how many troopers leave and how little return, some of them just to come back just to die in bed, the medics unable to do more for them than give them looks of pity.
The mere thought of Fives not returning one day breaks your soul into a million pieces, but it'd break you even more if you're the one that leaves him.
"I'll come home," Fives promises, like he always does, "to you." He holds your hand in an attempt to make the words somehow palpable, for him to hold onto you, to anchor him as he makes his way home. "I'm not going anywhere," and it's funny because he is leaving, but you know his heart stays with you.
"I know."
But you don't.
You don't know if he'll really come back, or how many more of these goodbyes you can take.
"Baby," he whispers and you shake your head, "I'll be back in no time, you'll see." He whispers before pressing a quick kiss on your knuckles and placing his bucket over his head, hiding the hurt that drips from his eyes and it's unfair that you can't do the same.
You nod, unsure, because it's always like that, you never know if he will come home, you never know if he will die somewhere, and be forgotten along with you because no one will come to make sure you know.
But you will, when you see others running around with uniforms that matches his, but your eyes can't find his particular one, it will be then when you know.
"Don't cry, please."
It's a plead you can't seem to follow, tears collecting themselves in your eyes with such ferocity you can't keep up with, when you blink, they run down your cheeks, but before they can leave your face, he wipes them away, gloved fingers caressing your cheeks in a way that should be forbidden, because there is no explanation as in why someone that could fight so much, so hard and for so long as he has, can find in himself to deliver a touch that is so soft, so tender, as if you were made of glass, when he has given punch after punch, fought with blood and sweat, with his entire soul and yet not be consumed by it.
Because at the end he lets himself be consumed by you, and nothing else.
"I'm sorry," but you shouldn't be apologizing, you know, but you don't know what else to say, to make him stay just a bit longer, even if it's just to comfort you for the second he leaves you crumble down and everything he will say to be forgotten.
"Hey, hey, look at me," he says, oh so quietly, grabbing your chin between his fingers to make you look up, eyes meeting with a black visor staring right back at you.
You wish you could see him, but he's already late, and someone calls his name but he decides ignores them.
Right now, you're more important than them, than war, than everything he's supposed to be made for. You are his whole world, at the end, his home, his safe harbor he can always come back to after the most harrowing storm.
"I will come back, alright?" And you nod, sniffing lightly, your eyes trying to find his behind the helmet. There is something in his voice that travels through the modulator and straight into your heart that makes you believe him.
If he says he will, then he will.
"Alright." You whisper back, and he lets his thumbs wipe the few wild tears.
Fives lifts his helmet enough for it to look like a hat, and you smile a bit despite the knot in your throat and the unshed tears.
"I love you," he admits, not for the first and, you hope, not for the last time either.
"I love you too."
But you don't move, and he doesn't either, his eyes try to memorize every detail of your face just like yours do too, and he lingers a second too long, waiting for you to do something else, but you don't, instead dread makes a path in your heart as you feel him slipping away when he places his helmet back correctly and gives you a sharp nod before he leaves to meet his brothers.
"Wait!" You try to reach him with your hand, even if he's a few meters away.
He does stop, turning to look back at you, and you know he's not much of PDA in front of his brothers, unless it's the 79's in a busy night, he's reserved when it comes to everyone knowing he has you, so kissing in the middle of the hangar must've been a big no for him, probably, but at the moment you don't find it in you to care, so you jog towards him and in a swift movement, you take his helmet off before crashing your lips with his, he lets go a surprised sound into your lips, but is quick to follow your movements, hand flying to your cheek to pull you closer and keep you in place as you rest a hand in his chest to hold onto something.
When you pull away, you ignore the shit eating grins from the troopers around you, and the few teasing "get a room" comments along with the cheering "way to go, Fives!"
Instead, your eyes travel from his swollen lips to his bright eyes shining nothing but adoration, and you hope your eyes show the same too.
"You better come back, Fives." You tell him sternly, index finger touching his chaste plate and he takes your hand to kiss it softly.
"Yes ma'am." He says it as if it was a direct order from a General, or whatever, as he lets your hand drop at your side, and you can't hold back the silly grin it brings you.
He leans again to kiss you, this time gentler, less rushed, for him to remember the taste of your lips and the warmth of your touch more than anything else, and you wish the moment to last longer, to have him longer.
You miss him already.
"I'll comm you as soon as I can." He seals the promise with another quick kiss, before he pushes himself away, taking the helmet from your hand and putting it back for one final time, because he knows that if he doesn't, he won't be able to stop kissing you. "I love you," and this time the admission feels lighter, less sad, less broken.
It is not fear the one that controls the words, but the confidence that he will return to say them again.
He starts walking backwards to the ship and your smile widens.
"I'll be seeing you in no time, sweetheart," he says cheekily, and you can hear the stupid grin in his voice, which makes you laugh. "I love you."
"Alright, Fives." You chuckle, because you feel like if you say them again, you won't stop the tears from leaving this time.
But he's having none of that, he wants to hear you, just one more time.
"I said I love you!" He practically yells, and your heart skips a beat, cheeks hurting with how much you're smiling and you forget all the sorrow you felt before, even if it's just for the time your eyes still lock with his. You roll your eyes playfully.
"I love you!" you answer back, giggling when you hear his delighted laugh, your hand coming to dry the tears.
"Love you more!" And you shake your head at his silliness. Boy, you do love him, with all you are and all you will be.
When he's at the ramp of the ship, waving at you, he finally says, "I'll see you soon, baby!" before he's pushed inside the ship by some other trooper and the door closes behind him.
You smile, shaking your head. That Fives of yours, always knowing how to lift your spirits, drag away all the bad feelings and replace them with all these pretty emotions.
It's not long before your comms blink and you frown a little, answering quickly, but before you can say anything, it crackles with a,
"I miss you already."
You should've known.
Your heart flutters wildly, holding a sob that threatens from leaving, instead laughing when you hear the groans of the others to asking him to please shut up because their teeth are gonna rot with all these sweetness, and you have never felt more full of love, for him and because of him, overwhelmed with the love he has for you.
"I miss you too, Fives." And you hear the puff of breath that you know it's hiding a smile behind it before the comms shut off.
You think that you can take as many goodbyes as he needs to, for him, you'll do it, as long as he keeps coming home to you.
taglist: @foodandbooksplease @dottiechan @ladykatakuri @tacticalsparkles @murdertoothpick @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s (sorry moony ilysm)
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n ranboo, tommy tubbo and jack - just come home
this is an extra part to the great adventures series
summary: part three to the happier imagine (the great adventures of y/n and ranboo) this is where the group reunites
content warning: angst to fluff, small mention of creepy fan,swearing
please read what’s written in bold
this is an “alternative ending” around 16-18 years into the future this doesn’t mean this is actually how the series is going to end im writing it now and including it as part of series as their friendship is already established i can confirm y/n and the group are going to have a happy ending when the series eventually comes to an end this also does not mean the series is anywhere near the end i plan on continuing the series as vlogs come out, i feel the need to confirm this now love between y/n and the others (especially ranboo) in this imagine is completely platonic
so turns out moving house didn’t stop the creepy fan from contacting you neither did blocking every account they made as they began contacting your mods, your business email, they even started spamming ranboos dms, mods and business email and now you had the stress of Tommy trying to contact you. at this point neither you nor ranboo knew what to do, you were both convinced it was a troll trying to scare you both with jokes but the joke wasn’t funny. it never was, to say the least, it was horrifying. you stood with ranboo who was now changing the locks just to keep you safe, it was clear the fan didn’t know your new address as rather than sending you your address (as though you had suddenly forgotten where you lived) like last time it was just random messages trying to psych you both out. your phone buzzed again making ranboo jump you dreaded looking at the notification but you did it anyway
Tommy: y/n I’m serious please can we talk..tubbo and jack aren’t the same without you. I miss you
“anything important y/n?”
“no nothing to worry about”
“you’ve not been acting like yourself since the last stream are you sure you’re okay you know It's not your fault don’t blame yourself for whatever’s upsetting you I’m here for you I love you”
“I know boo I know, i love you too”
later that night you had to quickly end your stream despite to fact you had only been streaming 30 minutes as ranboo was arguing with someone the only reason you knew it was serious was because he was shouting back at the person, you had never heard him so angry and you’ve been friends with him for at least 16 years.
“okay chat that’s gonna be the stream for today…I forgot I have something to do I’m not going to raid anyone on here however tech is live on youtube for the first time in ages so I do recommend you go and check out what he’s doing good morning or good night I’ll see you soon”
as soon as you ended the stream you made your way to the room ranboo was in that's when you overheard tubbo arguing with ranboo
“oh good for you ranboo you're getting everything you want I mean you and y/n moved on easily the two of you bought a new house you both look happy and don't get me started on your career's taking off”
“goodbye tubbo”
ranboo left the call and opened the door
“oh boo”
you instantly pulled him into a hug, it was an extremely stressful time for the pair of you and you understood how painful it is arguing with someone who was once your best friend. every night the memory of Tommy blaming you for things that were out of your control and jack telling you to get out of the car haunted you however nothing compared to the way tubbo looked at you when you finally got home that night. he looked at you as though he never cared about the friendship the pair of you shared. of course, you never told ranboo about it keeping you up at night but he wasn’t stupid he knows you were still hurting even if it had been years since the fallouts happened
“why..why are they trying to get in contact again I was starting to feel like myself again”
“I don’t know…come lie with me on the couch for a while we can talk about anything you want”
the pair of you laid on the couch talking about what was going on and reasons why it was happening. ranboo decided he’d forgive the others if they contact him again however you were not as forgiving as they hurt you and your friend. eventually, his crying came to an end and he fell asleep holding onto you. you were falling asleep yourself until your phone buzzed.
Tommy: look y/n why don’t we all meet again, just come home
y/n: I am home I moved into a lovely house with ranboo and I sold the ‘home’ you’re talking about, now please stop contacting me tom I don’t want in my life anymore not only did you hurt me but you also hurt ranboo
Tommy: fine talk to tubbo
y/n: don’t add him...
*tubbo has been added to the group*
tubbo: hi y/n
y/n: you have 5 minutes to explain why you made ranboo cry.
tubbo: I don’t know what you mean
y/n: do you think you’re funny because oh boy do I have news for you.
Tommy: please just meet us one last time you can even bring ranboo
y/n: I was bringing ranboo anyway
tubbo: can I bring jack
Tommy: yes, see you where we always used to meet
y/n: ight see you Saturday
tubbo: see you Saturday I love you
y/n: please don’t say you love me tubbo. if you did we wouldn’t be in this situation.
you spent the rest of the night messing with ranboos hair you ended up accidentally waking him up however he pretended to be asleep before you could notice he was no longer asleep as he didn’t want this moment to end. however, you did occasionally hear him laugh quietly to himself
“Are you awake or am I hearing things”
he decided there was no point in lying as you were already questioning if he was awake and he was struggling to hold back his laughter so responded by tapping your waist signalling to you he was awake
“great..bad news we have to meet Tommy jack and tubbo on Saturday”
you watched as he quickly opened his eyes looking at you as though you had told him the best news ever
“heh?! actually? are you actually being serious right now”
“Unfortunately I am”
noticing you were unhappy about it he pulled you closer to him and spent the rest of the night explaining why it won’t be as bad as you’re expecting it to be and how it might actually be a good thing after all. a couple of hours later you fell asleep feeling a lot more comfortable with what was happening on Saturday ranboo fell asleep not long after, proud of his achievement. the days flew by, it was finally Saturday and you had mixed feelings about it, on one hand, you were somewhat excited about meeting them but on the other hand, you weren’t sure you were ready for them to enter your life again.
“I'm ill sorry ranboo you’ll have to go on your own”
“wowww real mature making me go all on my own…I thought we were best friends”
“I know you’re joking but I’d feel bad making you go alone give me five minutes and then I’ll be ready to go”
ranboo decided to throw one of his hoodies at you so you had something to wear that made you feel safe as he understood how overwhelming it’ll be to meet them again, five minutes later you got into the passenger's seat next to ranboo
“not feeling like driving hey”
“I will purposely drive around in circles to avoid meeting them”
“heh…are you okay are you actually okay seeing them, I don’t mind letting you stay home”
“I'm fine boo honestly now let’s go”
once you made it and began walking to meet them ranboo grabbed your hand. the only reason he ended up letting go was to talk to the others since Tommy pulled you into a tight hug not wanting to let you go the moment he saw the pair of you
“y/n I’m so sorry”
“I'm sorry too..”
Tommy spent a good few minutes frantically apologising to you for what happened and how he didn’t mean any of it. he was halfway through his speech about how he’s learned from his mistakes when tubbo spoke up.
“Tommy doesn’t keep y/n to yourself”
“sorry tubso”
you looked at tubbo not knowing what to say, it was evident that the pair of you were still hurt, he reached into his pocket grabbing a rock he found on the beach the other day
“here I found it the other day it reminded me of you”
“thank you I love it”
ranboo stood behind you wrapping an arm around you as he noticed you were starting to get upset. tubbo couldn’t believe how much you and ranboo had changed over the past years and it hurt him how close the pair of you had grown and the promise rings you and ranboo were currently wearing left him questioning whether that could have been him if he didn’t leave you both when it was clear you both needed him. jack spoke up next.
“hey, y/n..”
“nice to see you’re still bald manifold”
“Nice to see you haven’t changed. I’m sorry for what happened it hurt to see you go I was kind of hoping that you'd stay”
“oh jack it’s okay you were just trying to lighten up the situation I'm sorry I was so harsh”
a few months later the five of you were slowly but surely mending your friendship you all knew it would be difficult and take a long time to get back to how it was in the past but it would all be worth it
around a year since you met up again the five of you were closer than ever you were all streaming together again, constantly filming vlogs as a group. safe to say the wait was worth it, however, you and ranboo always wearing the promise rings you got for each still hurt tubbo
@milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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