#if i planned a proper write up id look up specific instances but. u get the vibes instead
sphyrne · 1 year
ok so one thing i LOVE about discworld (among many things) is that the change in protagonists between books lets us see some protagonists from other ppls pov - disclaimer that ive not read some of these books in a few months
also this post is about sam vimes btw
vimes is a character we get to know VERY well - hes the pov for most of 8 books after all. we know what he thinks - he makes the decision to do the right thing, he has rigid standards bc he cant break the rules Once bc once is too much etc, he has a good sense of humour... we know him! in some books though (the truth, moist books and monstrous regiment specifically), we see him from other protagonists pov which is either biased by what those characters know about him from reputation (william de worde and moist von lipwig) and as a complete stronger (polly perks). we also occassionally get glimpses of other characters view of vimes, via things vimes himself hears (the exaggeration of what happened w bandits in the fifth elephant for example)
and i really really really REALLY enjoy this! vimes as a character is a man who is angry and can be really angry but does good. sometimes, he wants to do bad things and he believes he is bad for thinking that, but his actions are (overall) good. this leaks into the perspective of other people in ankh such as moist and william, who see vimes as incorruptible (and he is!), but also as stiff, immovable.... theres a line in raising steam (i think) where moist comments on that he thinks vimes has never laughed or something. but we (the reader) know taht is FAR from true, it just shows really really well what other people see vimes as
and then theres polly. i love vimes' cameo in monstrous regiment when polly sees a "scruffy" looking guy in the back of the room, laughing silently while the Important People are becoming disgruntled. you INSTANTLY know its vimes (who else!) but for polly this doesnt align with her image/idea of the famous commander vimes.
this is just a dump of thoughts, but its something i really enjoy in the books
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