#if i see any spoilers on my dash im gonna explode
reluctanttrabbit · 8 months
friendly reminder to everyone whos going to be seeing early screenings of the movie (uk, thursday screenings, etc):
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charles-edwin · 2 years
So since you’re the one who got me into the bad buddy mess (thank you for that btw it’s such a great show I love it so much and unironically ep11 is my favorite no im not kidding I love it so so much) I had TO SCREAM AT SOMEONE NOW THAT IVE SEEN IT???? CAUSE HOLY COW THAT SURE WAS SOMETHING RIGHT?????? I was sure everyone loved that bittersweet angsty lovefest just as much as me but then I checked tumblr and oh boy. I actually did not watch the teaser (was a mistake I feel) cause I wanted to avoid spoilers for the last ep and now im like. Sitting here going. Huh?
So since im still boarded and not getting off the “best boyfriends never breaking up” train. May I just – cause no one else is gonna listen to me talk about it – dumb my idea for whats happening into your unassuming, innocent ask box and bail. Cause otherwise ill explode with conflicting emotions.
SO WHAT IF ep 12 starts with patpran entering their respective homes and their parents want to talk with them about being reasonable and breaking up with the other and patpran go through a “What if” like we had in the end of ep 11. A what if where they did indeed break up, a clean cut, where they erase e/o from their lives and how sad and lonely they’ll be and how fucking miserable and how in turn that will be their families miserable too and they tell their families. And THAT’S what we’ve been shown in the teaser. OR even better a what if where they indeed ended up hating each other???
Yes I’m firmly seated on the delulu train destination: clown town.
Also the scenes with the friends and the “we broke up” has major SIKE vibes. Like of course prans friends would like to know what the hell went down and why he ran away just out of nowhere and I think pran would deflect at first with a joke and go into “yeah me and pat broke up” just to watch his friends who were at first so against pat go “WHAT THE FUCK NO” and then have a quiet laugh at their expense cause of course they did not.
There. I fixed it.
(also isn’t that scene from the teaser where pat dad says “you did the right thing” the same as the scene where they hug from the what if scene from ep11? Also it reminds me a lot of the “when did I teach you to lie” teaser and im guessing he means “you did the right thing” by coming home, by being a decent human being, by calling my shit out etc. yes did I mention im headed to clown town.)
Also did I mention thank you so much for plastering my dash with bad buddy. Best thing that has happened to me since December urgh yes! i hope youre having a very good weekend and are not too concerned about whats gonna happen. love you byyyye
hi! akdjskkdks you’re welcome!! 🤣🤣🤣
yes, feel free to scream!!! ep 11 was truly something else. dare i say, the most emotional pipe dream i’ve ever experienced in my life.
OMG imagine you blissfully unaware coming to tumblr to find the fandom on fire 🤣🤣🤣🤣 honestly, i kind of wish there was no preview cuz that was such a low blow, even though i’m very aware that it’ll be fine in the end.
it’s perfectly alright to share your thoughts and opinions with me. it’s the least i can do for getting you into this aldkskkdks
a what if where they indeed ended up hating each other 😭😭😭😭 yes, i can actually see that happening! i don’t think it’s impossible + it’d help add perspective to the boys.
i’m still 30% at the beach of denial so i get it!
alkdkskdkskd the whole preview still feels weird to me. maybe it’s because i wasn’t expecting it? i don’t know what i was expecting but still. so i accept your fix-it!!!
you are also correct. both scenes from the teaser with patpran and their families are practically the same scenes from the what if. they’re all dressed the same.
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of course that very logically speaking, maybe that’s just for shooting reasons but the possibility still exists that it’s another what if. and while i unfortunately don’t see the father taking the blame and saying pat’s right, that would be a wonderful thing!!! at this point any character development would make me happy lmao clown town is my favorite lmao
i mean. maybe they indeed broke up and the time apart helps them become more independent from their families and confirm that their feelings are permanent. i can accept it as long as they end up together but i’d love if it was just a what if akdjskkdks
aww i’m glad you’re enjoying bad buddy!! and that i could help you with that!!! it’s my absolute pleasure!!!
i wish you a great weekend as well!! and no worries!!! waiting is torture and i’m still a bit sad but i know it’s gonna be fine in the end so i’m not stressing out.
stay strong until next friday!! love you too bby!! thank you for stopping by! ❤️💙
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