#if i see one more tiktok post or news article i will riot
thefact0rygirl · 1 year
My villain origin story is the 'Super Bowl increases sex trafficking' myth.
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astranva · 2 years
bestie can write about y/n doing that “that's not my name” TikTok trend
Word Count: 635
Category: Fluff
Warning: None
Summary: Y/N joins the “That’s not my name” TikTok trend.
a/n: yes bestie, i think i can xx
When you have been in a relationship for years with someone as well-known as Harry, it was inevitable to be the subject of many, many names that weren’t your own.
You were no robot; it took some time getting to accept the fact that you couldn’t please anyone and that not everyone would like you, even if the very reason behind the displeasure was that their favorite celebrity was in love with you.
In an ideal world, name-calling would be all about pet names; baby, babe, love, lovie, etc. but the world wasn’t ideal, and you were accepting that.
While you were called some colorful names, you were also called by the weirdest and funniest things that always had you giggling and laughing, and even Harry sometimes teased you with some of these names his fans creatively gave you.
The trend felt like fun, and just like almost every TikTok you posted, it made fans feel more connected to you when they knew that you were aware of what was being said online.
You were in a hoodie, eyeglasses on, and with a glass bottle of orange juice in your hand that acted as a microphone.
That’s Not My Name song by The Tin Tings played as you mouthed along to the lyrics,
“But with nothing to consider, they forgot my name!” You sang, tilting your head as you mouthed along to the echoes, “Ame, ame, ame,”
The screen then changed to a screenshot of an article from years ago, the headline being:
“Harry Styles spotted with mystery woman!”
You had added a text to the screenshot that was displayed as the song sang “They call me hell,” being the first name you were called:
“✨mystery woman✨”
With “They call me Stacy!” came another screenshot of an article headline:
“Harry Styles dating a university student?”
And so, with a text you added:
“✨university student✨”
“They call me Her,” another article headline:
“Harry Styles swimming with new beau in Maldives!”
A text:
“✨new beau✨”
“They call me Jane,” another headline:
“Harry Styles’s girlfriend posted a picture of them together and we are swooning!”
A text:
“✨harry styles’s girlfriend✨”
The song then sang the chorus: “That’s not my name, that’s not my name,” as the screen changed to your face again, shaking your head as you sang.
“They call me quiet,” sang and with it came another screenshot:
“British A list celebrity’s girlfriend spotted dinning with friends.”
And so, a text you had added:
“✨british a list celebrity’s girlfriend✨”
“But I’m a riot,” the song sang and a screenshot of a tweet was displayed:
“if i see that bitch y/n i’ll throw my fucking hands”
You added a text:
“✨that bitch y/n✨”
“Mary-Jo-Lisa, always the same,” it sang with another screenshot of a tweet:
“saw a video of harry’s groupie dancing with anne and my day got ruined”
And with a final text:
“✨harry’s groupie✨”
Your face was shown, singing along with the chorus, again, “That’s not my name, that’s not my name,”
You had added a caption to the TikTok that said:
“y/n? don’t know her”
The moment the fans saw that video, they were quick to smash their keyboards; most laughing, some expressing how unhinged you were, and some sending you supportive comments.
user: alright but does harry know he’s called y/n’s boyfriend?
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user: we’re laughing now but that’s actually sad
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user: i just know y/n chose to show these names and not the nasty ones some of yall call her
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— yourtiktokusername: i was called “miss trepidation” once. i liked it 💀
user: are you or are you not harry’s groupie? 🔫
View replies (198)
— yourtiktokusername: sorry i signed an nda. can neither confirm nor deny
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quietduckpond · 4 years
2020, January-July in Review
If you'd have told me what 2020 was gonna be last year I woulda been like what??? The hell kind of drugs are you on??? This stuff is so far out that it'd be considered a completely unrealistic plot for a tv show or book or anything, really. Like, especially recently, it’s almost (but not quite) comical. 
I thought I’d just start listing stuff I knew about, but then I did some research, and, well . . . Sources are at the bottom :) . I’ve tried to keep it to the weird or just plain cool stuff that’s happened, because most of what I hear about is the bad stuff, but I may have gone a liiiiiiitle overboard. Anyway, here's a list of stuff that's happened this year (feel free to add to it, as I couldn’t possibly include everything in a single post).
First off, we have January. Looooooot of stuff went down in January. And we thought that that’d be the worst of it. Ha! Anyway, here it is:
Australia was, like, on fire, with tens of millions of acres burned. (Last source has a visual guide for this. Australia is roughly the same size of the US, for those unaware)
WWIII threatened to break out when Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was killed on orders from Trump
Iran's retaliation strike involved the launch of missiles at two American military bases (further WWIII fears)
Ukrainian plane carrying 176 civilians was shot down by Iran, after mistaking it as a threat
Covid-19's outbreak in China being officially reported to the WHO (despite being reported to Chinese officials as early as Nov. 2019)
China records the first death due to Coronavirus
Wuhan, China, goes under lockdown, impacting 11 million people in terms of travel restrictions, with food shortages ensuing.
Trump's impeachment trial begins
UK withdraws from the European Union (tbh I don't fully understand the deal with this as I don't live in Europe, but oh well)
Next, we have February. Not too much happened in February tbh:
Trump is acquitted by the Senate on both articles of impeachment
Antarctica reaches a record high of 18.2 °C (64.9 °F) as recorded by an Argentinian research station (Global Warming!!!!)
India grants equal rights to women (but only within the armed forces)
Then we get to March:
Italy implements a country-wide lockdown, and is the first nation to do so
COVID-19 is officially declared a world-wide pandemic, after cases were recorded in more than 100 countries
Summer Olympics postponed until 2021
Trump declares a national emergency, freeing up $50 billion to help with the Covid-19
And April:
New York alone receives the highest number of COVID cases than any country in the world.
By this stage there are now more than 1 million COVID-19 cases world-wide
Bernie Sanders endorses former rival Joe Biden for US President
Trump freezes WHO funding
Canada experiences its worst modern mass-shooting, with 18 people dead, leads to ban of 1500 types of assault-style weapons (technically the banning happened in May, but anyway)
Trump suggests to injecting disinfectant or UV light (honestly, how would that even work??? Glow sticks? Swallowing torches???) into the body. (But seriously, DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!)
Trump claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan Laboratory. (This is not supported by ANY facts, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence even said that the virus wasn’t man-made)
Green house gas emissions drop by a massive 17% world-wide, relating to the COVID-19 pandemic
And May:
World leaders pledge $8 billion to fund COVID-19 vaccination research. The US and Russia choose not to contribute.
11-year-old Brazilian skateboarder, Gui Khury, becomes holds the world record for the 1st 1080° turn on a vertical ramp (tbh I only included this one because I thought it was cool, and I needed something happy to write about)
George Floyd is killed by police in the US, sparks international racial protests and a resurgence of BLM marches
Twitter adds a warning label about the inaccuracies of Trumps tweets
USA surpasses 100,000 deaths due to COVID-19
National guard is brought into Minnesota to quell George Floyd and BLM protests, as well as a curfew
Further protests ensue, well into July, both in the US and internationally.
But wait! There’s more in June! A lot more:
Locusts swarm the Horn of Africa, damaging crops and spreading disease. BILLIONS of locusts
Trump threatens to use Military force against civilians in order to quell protests sparked by George Floyd’s death
Trump orders the tear-gassing and dispersal of peaceful protesters using riot gear and rubber bullets, without warning, for a photo-op outside St John’s Episcopal Church. This was without permission of the bishop, Reverend Mariann Budde. She has said she was "outraged” and that the church was used, “as a backdrop . . . without permission”, and that members of the clergy had even joined the protests the day before.
UK COVID-19 death toll surpasses 50,000
3 Former Police Officers charged with second-degree murder over George Floyd’s death
Former defence secretary speaks out against Trump saying,  "Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us."
First major breakthrough in treating coronavirus COVID-19 using steroid dexamethasone announced by Oxford University
US Supreme Court rules the Obama-era Dreamers Program (DACA), enabling undocumented migrant children ability to study and work, can stay (Yay!!!!!!)
Trump holds his first re-election rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, before being COMPLETELY derailed by TikTok users and K-Pop stars to purposefully orchestrate a low turn-out by reserving seats and then not attending (Honestly, this was so on-brand for Gen Z, absolutely brilliant!!!)
US government data shows African Americans four times more likely than white Americans to be hospitalized due to COVID-19, highlighting racial disparities during the pandemic
The WHO declares the Ebola outbreak in the Congo over, which killed 2,280 people over 2 years
New York Times says Russia secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked forces to kill US and coalition troops in Afghanistan, meanwhile Trump did nothing
Locust invasion labelled 'Swarmageddon' by The Times of India as it reaches Delhi (Yup, the very same one form before, now in India)
Global death toll due to COVID-19 passes 500,000, more than doubling in less than two months.
Arizona reports 20% of tests returning as positive
And finally, July. This has been an absolute trip so far, but here we go:
Australian state Victoria re-imposes coronavirus lockdown on 36 Melbourne (which is in Victoria) suburbs, affecting 300,000 people
The US confirms more than 50,000 new COVID cases in one day
Texas Governor Greg Abbott makes wearing face masks mandatory as cases of coronavirus soar in the state 
Over 160 people die after a landslide at a jade mine in northern Hpakant area of Myanmar
The US officially begins withdrawing from the WHO
Trump Administration issues directive that more than 1 million international students will be stripped of their visas if their courses are entirely online
Kanye West has said he’s now running as an independent for President???? Like, what???
So. Rappers are running for president amid a world-wide pandemic. There was an almost-revolution, a locust plague, the UK just decided to just quit Europe, and TikTok partially derailed a presidential campaign.
This has been a (just-over) half-year review. Might do another one at the end of the year, we’ll see. Sorry for the long post, but I hope you can appreciate with me just how bonkers this year has been so far.
Source, Source, Source, Source, Source, Source
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Assignment [1]
I would define fake news by if these following traits are in the writing/media: one, if they speak or write with clear bias, or prejudice; two, if the article is an opinion piece (these are straight trash and I would not define it as news, and yet news segments and news articles insist on having them for some reason, but the reason why I include this is because these opinion pieces are often masqueraded as having some sort of political social authority when it’s just Joe Schmo); three, if they don’t include facts or if their facts are just wrong; four, they do not include all perspectives and instead focus on one side.
I personally get my news from the internet (dumb, I know) but I rather the internet where I can read the comments to see if anyone corrects the article (the only time being corrected by the internet is solicited), which I find is done more on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, even TikTok, whereas on TV people are just telling you “news” without any interactions from the viewers which I find incredibly valuable. However, when I do get my news from the television, I switch frequently between CNN, FOX, MSNBC, and BBC news.
Some fake news I have encountered was a video online where the heading was along the lines something or other: Black Lives Matter riot is out of control. In sum, the heading was meant to lead you to discredit BLM and present an idea that their protests are super violent and invalid. The video showed a city completely on fire, people running around, throwing trash cans, flipping cars, etc.. In response, I went to the comments to see what the consensus was by the people who viewed the video. Much to my pleasant surprise a comment verified that it wasn’t a BLM protest but a video of a city after a professional soccer/football game (I forget which one, this is was some time ago). Just as you can predict from the internet, people called B.S., but the original commented posted the original video with the correct context and it proved not to be a BLM protest but people outraged that their team lost.  
As stated before, I use the comments or whatever interaction a viewer is allowed with the media to have to verify if the media being presented is correct or factual. I have found that this is incredibly effective because I am able to check for myself, or the comment gives me a place to start so that I can fact check a piece of media myself, but other than that, I am disappointed to say I don’t know many other methods to prove the truthfulness of news. It is my understanding that some news channels have a “fact checking” slide beside a speaker (for example, the president) to show if what the president or another news channel is saying is actually based in fact. However, I do not prefer this method because as hippie as it is to say I don’t trust corporations.[511/500 words]
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