#if i'm already caught up on anime and manga one week that'll become a free night too
kon-konk · 1 year
Expect lots of rambling on Saturdays about anime and Sundays about manga, because I actually made a schedule.
There’s a night just for catching up on Genshin.  And a couple of “free game” nights, though I might change one of those to “Mobage Event Catch-Up Night” in the future if I still suck at scheduling when to do those that don’t fuck up my nonexistent sleep schedule.
I even put a specific night dedicated to visual novels because I have...  Hold on, let me count... 16 on my laptop at the moment.  (Including DMMD, P4G, and Corpse Party, though I wouldn’t really consider P4G and Corpse Party visual novels, just games that have visual novel components/dialogue mechanisms?  DMMD is 100%, I just can’t make myself uninstall it)  I should probably get through those because I may or may not actually have 41 visual novels on my Steam account (incl. the Persona franchise and Corpse Party franchise, which adds up to like 8.  These do not, however, include the ones on my wishlist)
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