#if it is you may ask for clarrification and i will gladly answer!
greeenchrysanthemums · 8 months
The timeline of past events for the GG rivals au
Year 547:
War breaks out between Wintertide and Coral Crest.
Impulse and Skizz join the army.
Etho leaves his village to fight in the war (he is 16)
Years 548-49:
Etho grows to be feared and infamous.
Year 550:
Grian and Pearl meet (they are 14 and 13).
Year 551:
Ren becomes king following the suspicious death of his father (he is 24; young for a king)
Year 552:
Scott becomes Impulse's squire.
Grian vanishes, leaving Pearl all alone.
Joel becomes Lizzies personal guard.
year 553:
Etho is captured by Coral Crest -> set free by Joel.
Mumbo and Grian meet.
Pearl starts her mercenary work.
Wintertide and Coral Crest enter a tense and hostile truce at the very end of the year.
year 554:
Whispers of a resistance in Wintertide begin.
Year 555:
Etho helps Mumbo and joins the resistance.
Scott becomes a knight.
Pearl and Scott meet.
Martyn joins the Wintertide army.
Year 556:
Gem leaves her village and becomes Impulse's squire (she is 17).
Gem and Grian have their first run-in and Gem is promoted to knight.
Cleo joins the resistance.
Year 557:
Jimmy and Tango join the resistance.
Bigb joins the resistance.
Marytn and Ren grow close -> Martyn becomes his personal guard.
Etho and Gem cross paths again.
Year 558:
Pearl reunites with Grian.
Pearl befriends Gem.
Year 559:
Grian and Mumbo meet Scar.
Scar agrees to help + joins the resistance.
Year 560-561:
Lots of back and forth between Gem and Grian.
No other major events.
Year 562:
war breaks out again.
Year 563:
Wintertides Commander dies -> Gem takes over.
Year 564:
Coral Crests ruler dies -> Lizzie takes over.
another uneasy truce is made, and fighting is halted.
Years 665-66:
Relative peace between the kingdoms
Some back and forth between Gem and Grian, but things seem to be pretty quiet on the resistance's part.
Year 567:
Current events
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