#if it wasn't obvious scriptum is in orange
...so I completely forgot that (2) (more) people were interested in Siltcurrent. (Akuma!Ishmael)
Anyway I'm gonna be posting the text under cut because. It's A Lot. And there's a 10 image limit so I can't just screenshot my ramblings
Some Context for LCB moots/readers who have not seen MLB: Akumas are butterflies made by the show's villain (Hawkmoth) who target people experiencing negative emotions, usually said emotions influence how their villain self acts and what their powers are
Extra context for anyone confused: basically a while back I made an AU where Ishmael is the Ladybug (Scarlet Ardor) and Don is the Black Cat (Chatvalier). The aim of the game is bringing glory to yuriville here Also note that they're both in university in a modern AU where we aren't in the shitfest called the City for obvious reasons
Mid edit apple: now should probably be a good time to mention the entire context of the scenario here is that Ishy tries to confess to Don, gets rejected (as Ishmael) and accepted (as Ardor) at the same time. So in attempt to logic away her hurt she tries to figure out why Don likes Ardor better (Ishmael knows Don is Chatvalier (accidental); Don does not know Ishy is Ardor) but in doing so she attracts an Akuma and turns into Siltcurrent thanks faust
Mid edit apple 2: i'd like to clarify that 90% of these writings were written at 3am while i was delirious on sleep deprivation with all of my impulse controls dead on the floor
(Writings will be indented; ramblings will be in bullet points)
So! Siltcurrent! Ishmael Akuma!!
Akumatized late at night (roughly 11pm maybe) but it isn't noticable for the first few days
Illusion subset of powers; Siltcurrent conjures up a form of Ardor to try to keep up some form of normalcy
Omori vibes; as in, everything seems normal but there is something Wrong
Half-blind; Siltcurrent can only identify colors and vague shapes
Exception is Chatvalier/Don, she knows Exactly what to look for and it's Very Hard to trick her
Because Dream Devouring Siltcurrent reference, flouresents!
Bandages. Everywhere. Especially in the heart area
The bandage covering her chest is trying to hide a wound that looks like a lance ran through it
Constantly crying, like deadass her tears are flooding the place
Basically she looks like that fucked up Blind Obsession mer KoishiJSM drew
Oh, yeah, have I mentioned this fucker can break into your dreams?
It gently held her hands, adoration and malice waging war in its one visible eye, both combining into a new emotion that could only be possibly described as obsession.
"I love you," it said, gently kissing above her eye "I love hate love hate love hate..."
Its near-fanatical murmurs eventually petered out into a low whine, resting its head in the crook of her neck.
"You ruin me. Ruin me so much... I hate it I hate it, love you hate you love it love it please keep going please please please..."
(^^ this is a dream sequence; coincides with the last point i made)
(Siltcurrent keeps visiting don's dreams because her horrible compulsion keeps making her do it, otherwise she'd go even more insane for not acting on said compulsions)
Akuma has killed her impulse control so her intrusive thoughts are running rampant
She has at least enough self control to not go... Too Far, at least
(This lack of impulse control from "Ishmael" and "Ardor" is one of the things that tip off Don that something's wrong because honestly she's pretty smart despite what others say)
Very Avoidant of Don (as "Ishmael")
Like. Yk how ayano's like in yansim? Yeah basically
Mild yandere(?) mode now that i think of it
Like. She sees that Don's given someone else more attention than usual too and immediately tracks them down before pestering them about her (mainly like. Asking why she's been around them more, if they learned anything about her during their interactions, etc etc; comes off as overbearing and creepy)
It causes people to steer clear of don because nobody wants to deal with "ishmael"
Tumblr media
This one needs screenshots i can't do it justice otherwise
Queequeg's..... Somewhere.
I don't know what exactly happens I just know the end result is that Ahab did A Thing and now our sailor has Trauma. Yk, usual limbus shit
Whatever the fuck happened broke Queequeg and her apart
Idk what it is exactly (could be death or other circumstance, probably the latter because.. cool leg) but whatever it is caused her to not quite. Open Up™ as a defense response
"I've been burned once, I don't want to be burned again"
"Don't go... don't go..."
Torrents of water began to fall from the sky, as if a god had punctured a hole in the clouds. Flooding the place and dragging her under.
"Please don't go..."
The thing pressed its body against her, eye searching for any reaction she had
"Empty... so empty... why do I keep breaking?"
"Why am I always hurt?"
"Is there something wrong with me?"
Don woke up again, managing to stifle a shout before she ended up waking the entire household.
(She swore she heard a choked sob off in the distance)
(^^ This one's a little rougher, but also another dream sequence)
(Side note: this one and the previous one were in italics because i used italics to distinguish my writing from my rambling in those entries and i'm too lazy to deitalicize them)
Ardor tentatively stepped towards Chatvalier, smile too stiff to be sincere; too wide to be human, her blue eyes desperately searching for something as she lifted a hand, only to awkwardly let it flop beside her.
(Her eyes were supposed to be green; a near-golden shade of olive that reminded Chatvalier of the first leaves heralding fall.)
"Hey, Chatvalier." Ardor spoke, her voice barely above a whisper yet still carrying through the space between them. "I..."
"Release Lady Ardor at once."
"Ardor's" smile faltered, her hands trembling with some deep-seated emotion.
"Chat, please." Its voice cracked as it took more steps towards the cat, "It's me, It's really-"
"Silence, wretch." Chatvalier spat, lowering her stance and pointing her staff at it. "Thou shall not decieve me; release her at once."
Its smile vanished completely, a tear sliding down its cheek.
Then, with a booming roar, a mighty wave crashed down on the fake.
(^^ beginning of what I like to call "Act 2", basically Don figures out Ishy's gotten Akumatized and something's Wrong with Ardor but instead draws the conclusion that Ishy kidnapped Ardor she mentioned she loved Ardor)
(Don't ask how I know my middle english I don't remember either (and if its janked anywhere please tell me))
Fun fact i originally used cur instead
But then i remembered the word wretch existed and went "yeah that's more in line with an absolutely pissed off Don"
"What do you want from me?!" The Akuma wailed, its head whipping around as it tried to find the flash of gold it so dearly adored, "Why are you doing this to me?!"
It screamed as it felt something stab into its tail, twisting around and throwing Chatvalier off of it, trying to shake off the pain from its mutilates tail
"Have I not told you, cur?" She shouted back, flourescent blood staining her boots as righteous fury burned in her eyes.
"Thou hath harmed mine lady, and it is mine duty to deliver retribution onto thee!"
(^^ I can't fucking figure out how I want the last line to go)
(The tail stabbing is a minor nowhere is north reference lmao; one of my drafts for siltcurrent's appearance is that she has twisted legs for a tail ala Mili's bathtub mermaid art)
Chatvalier watched in both horror and morbid fascination as the akuma writhed on the ground, screaming in frustrated agony as it clawed against its bandages, the fight all but forgotten.
"I DON'T HAVE ARDOR! I CAN'T GIVE HER BACK TO YOU!" It screamed at Chatvalier, tears overflowing as its voice went hoarse, "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO?! WHAT DO I DO?! TELL ME!"
Before she could even formulate a response, or even a short quip, it dug its claws into itself, a guttural roar ripping out of its throat before a sickening thump landed on the rooftop.
A still beating heart rested at Chatvalier's feet.
(^^ something possessed me to write this and it just. Ended up becoming an important thing in my outline)
(Discord between me and @/scriptum-pandemonium (tell me if i you want these off tbe post pls))
Speaking of here's more stuff (spoilered because body horror (vague) which i added because. C'mon, this is a limbus au, i should be able to ramp up the violence to blood and (some) gore levels)
Hell yeah up the gore and horror
Delulu this akuma just has multiple hearts, octopus time
Honestly my original idea is that like, through magic bullshit she's still perfectly ok (still in pain because. Literally ripping your heart out. But. Y'know.)
If I may build on the banger lines you put down, maybe when it's over donqui pulls Ishmael in for a long hug just so she can hear the beating of Ishmael's heart in her own chest
(Shoutout to Blue and the gang at Halcandra btw this was largely inspired by Magiajam)
Shaky, labored pants filled the silence between them. The villain's hair - Ishmael's hair, shadowed its face.
Only its eye was visible; the eye looking at her with so much manic hate, sadness, obsession...
The heart continued to faintly beat.
"Take it." She gasped, a bloodied claw gingerly covering the gaping, bleeding hole in her chest, "just take it and leave."
Chatvalier couldn't. How could she, anyhow? Anyone who saw such a grosteque sight would be paralyzed in shock, too.
A small sniffle snapped her out of her spiral, looking up to find the akuma desperately trying to wipe its tears away.
"Please..." it hiccuped, desperately trying to steady its breathing.
Then, a whisper.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry-"
It started wailing again, babbling a thousand apologies at once as it began to crawl back to the waves.
Somewhere through the storm of sorrow, Chatvalier found that her feet had tried to bring her to the villain; to Ishmael.
But when she raised a hand to try and stop her, she was already gone.
All that was left was a patch of flourescent, bloodied water, and a single glass shard.
(^^ arguably one of my favorites; I am in so much pain!)
[...] sorry for being not ardor, for being ugly, for not being perfect [...]
It's been a few days since her confession. Ishmael has gotten over the rejection. Definitely. Yeah. It wasn't like... it wasn't like it was the end of the world or anything. She and Don were still friends. (Right?) (Right...) (....hopefully.) No, the self reflection notes weren't about Don. She was just... curious about herself. Yeah, that's it. Nothing to do with how she told her that she reserved her heart for Ardor. (She didn't even question it; she knew Don was Chatvalier, her annoying, endearing, ever loyal partner, who'd gladly throw herself into harm's way if it meant she'd be safe.) Nope. This was only because she saw a curious ad on the internet. A few days ago. (What did she do differently as Ardor?) She checked her notes again; a list of traits she'd describe herself as, another one for the her with the mask. (She impulsively checked her phone for the time.) (A small part of her scolded her for getting distracted so quickly.) What made her and Ardor different? What did she lack outside of the mask. She was just curious; absolutely nothing to do with the proverbial daggers in her heart. Nothing to do with impressing the girl who stole her heart. It's fine. She's fine. She isn't hung over it. It doesn't hurt. Does not hurt at all. Not in the slightest. In fact, she's over the rejection. She's perfectly fine! Just great. Peachy, even. Everything will go back to what it was tomorrow. She shouldn't be fretting over this, the weekends should be enjoyed right? So yes, she's fine. Nothing to worry about. It doesn't hurt. It doesn't... ... "Good evening, Siltcurrent."
(^^ this one's big, I just kinda gave up on editing this to fit tumblr format here)
(Anyway this is me trying to portray OCD and may or may not be me somewhat venting/projecting)
[...] Ishmael desperately trying to logic it together because she's fine it's not even a total rejection, Don Quixote just loved her hero self and not her ordinary self
[...] donqui is a bit self conscious because here she is, rejecting one of her best friends because of a what must seem like a celebrity crush that could never happen
[....] personally I like to think after the Realization™ (figuring out chalier was donqui) Ish started seeing her in a different light [...]
[...] theres something sad in Ishmael being the only one that realizes the truth, because Ishmael's been the one to see the entirety of Donqui as both a civ and chatvalier, yet Donqui can't because she thinks of ish as two separate people
Part of her is confused as to why Donqui sees it as that (she and Ardor are technically the same person right? They can't be *that* different)
The rest is just. Hurt. And is trying to grasp on straws to logic it away
Donqui loves ARDOR, which means she could've loved you but she didn't. Because you didn't win her over. Because YOU did something as Ardor so that Ishmael could never compete
Because it is "what does he have that I don't, what can he promise you that I won't" but to yourself
"Ishmael" is borderline manic 90% of the time (like, has the vibes that 1 wrong move will suddenly make her start laughing like a madman before she decks you)
She sometimes gets mental breakdowms over not being able to complete her goal (obtain the miraculous; [Acherontia] assures her that that isn't important right now
Doesn't really help much it just stops her immediate crying and makes her internalize the guilt more
This + her core motivation + everyone now looking at her weirdly compounds into siltcurrent just. Fucking flooding the entire place with her tears (this is when act 2 starts)
Ishmael hovered awkwardly at the edge of the door, practically hiding behind it with the way she positioned herself. "...uh, hey-" She barely started talking before Don was crashed into her, wrapping her arms around Ishmael's waist as she buried her head into her chest. (She could hear the gentle heartbeat under Ishmael's clothes; soft, but steady.) (Strong.) She felt Ishmael flinch at the sudden gesture, but she couldn't find herself to care. "I- woah, now." Ishmael stammered, awkwardly patting Don's head in a subtle attempt to pry her off, "Was... was I really that bad? I know Akumas don't last longer than a day, but..." She trailed off, her ears finally picking up on shallow, stifled gasps as she felt something wet on her shirt. She instinctively wrapped an arm around her, rubbing gentle circles on her back as Don tried to hold back her tears. "Hey, it's okay... I'm okay now." She mumbled, still somewhat awkward from the chain of events, "whatever happened to me is over now, yeah? I'm better now." (She didn't know that Don knew who she was, unaware that a blinded mermaid had begged her to know why it wasn't loved without a mask.) (She didn't know that Chatvalier stood on the roof of a building, holding a bloody, heartless body. Desperately trying to ignore the gaping wound in favor of pretending her Lady was simply asleep.) (If she convinced herself that the blood wasn't real, then perhaps...)
(^^ epilouge scene, basically)
(There are Consequences to gouging out your heart)
Me, at 3am, high on sleep deprivation: i know this is a kid's show, but you know? We've never seen an akumatized villain that was terribly injured detransform before the Cure kicked in
Lady Sonata ex machina I can't have yuri if one of them is dead
The peacock can literally make life from a will and a way ans G is more than competent enough to make ladybug and cat senti-copies to emergency stand in incase one gets incapacitated (also i want a pun on Ardor (Ardoll... heh))
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