#if my mumbling autistic ass has to speak up to do my job
smallgayblanket · 5 years
OOh - tell me some of your headcannons for the egos?
Ohhh man oh man oh man- which one do i even start with..
I have a load of different HCS that fit certain different spins of how the egos are depending on one what kinda universe they are apart of..
For example, I have one about JJ- Where he was actually made mute by Shawn, except Shawn while his body was puppeted by the ink demon creature that resides within him. (Ive even RP’d a thing with a friend where Shawn’s ink counterpart forced ink into JJ and JJ ended up having his own alter ink persona called Cole.) 
JJ is a bartender- and hes suuuper good at knowing exactly what someone will enjoy as a drink, call it a superpower, he hardly ever goes wrong when asked what he suggests they’d like.   
(Also he has a pocket watch which contains the soul of an old man called Horace who likes to try and provide old man advice to the lad.) 
And although hes a timey fellow, I actually HC’d his ablity would to be to control liquids, his veins in his wrists glow when he does it, its very fancy (and extremely pretty when he can make creatures out of water dance on the surface of the lake)  However over use leads to him suffering an experience of drowning which can be rather dangerous and awfully scary. 
JJ also has a huge fear of knives.
Also I picture him having silver tipped hair, which is just a touch long and flops in his eyes occasionally.
JJ Also suffers malnutrition because of his sore vocal cords/throat. It can be  struggle to get him to eat!. (Did i mention I cannon him as selectively /half mute because he can still talk but its raspy and hurts to do so ? ^^’ ) 
Jackie!! my ladd. Hes a great guy, buff, charming, super big sweetheart too. 
He runs a couple of jobs, depending on where hes at which include: a comic book shop, a gym, or just sneakily hiding in plain sight as a gas station convenience store clerk. 
I HC that his eyes are actually a blue tinted lilac, and glow gold.
He has a red patch in his hair!
Hes v v fast, and buff.
I also had this whole thing about him being able to create glowing golden orbs and if he makes enough of them he can basically make a clone out of orbs, and they copy what he does!
However, I’ve also always adored Phionex! Jackie, who lost his wings and desperately wants to grow them back but despite being reborn from ash they seem to still refuse to resprout. 
Because of  his inhuman nature, he runs really fucking warm! so hes like a human heater.
He gives real good advice, and the bestest fuckin hugs. 
Also for some reason whenever I write him speaking he has a bit of southern in him?
Robbie. Is the softest of lads, he drowns in his sweaters, and as a few autistic traits. Not a fan of big loud noises and crowds and loves soft things to nuzzle up against. Also big oral fixation, boi needs some chew toys.  Hes a good lad, eager to help out and be around the other egos, but also quite the quiet type and happy to sit around at home in his piles of blankets.
I totally HC that Chase suffers from Chronic fatigue, which is part of why his depression got so bad and that he tries his best to make use of his energy. Poor guy can get real tuckered out when he pushes himself too hard.
He's always kept the lime green mess on the top of his head, though sometimes it gets more yellow then he means for it to get. 
He has a tattoo dedicated to his kids hidden under his sleeve on his upper arm/shoulder. It's of some cool triangles. One in red for his son, one in purple for his daughter.
He does really well trying to maintain his bro average channel.
I kinda have a couple views on Anti, since I love cold asshole murder, and also the possibility of ships with a slightly more misunderstood but softer guy.
Hes got static blue eyes, that you’ll only see if hes being vulnerable or super tired that he cant maintain the scary green glow. 
I have a HC that hes actually a missing part of Jacks soul, hence why he feels so unstable, incomplete and sad. Hes missing all the good bits that Sean has, and is left with a cold fragment of what he could really be.
However he has, and does murder. Though he attempts to murder those who have actually done wrong. 
Very sassy and snappy. Takes alot to get to get to who he actually is.
On the other hand he can just be a fucking ruthless torturer and crazy sadistic asshole who has it out for nearly everyone! 
Survival hunter. Weird accent mix of Australian and Irish. Uses 'mate' 'oi' 'bag a few of them' 
Has a trusty machette. And an epic bow which he's p good at using. Large knowledge of trees and animals and survival.
Wears alot of camo/brown stuff. Loads of pockets. Pocket knife/multitool Hair usually slicked back or messy.
Finger less gloves! Oceany more greeny pale eyes. Totally has some cool studs in his ears- maybe a little wolf fang in the side or something.  Beard more like is soft and fuller and well maintained.
 Freckles??? sunspots?? yes. Also toned n tanned Def has scars. On his neck, over his cheek and right eye. Plenty on his hands from burns and stings. Has some nasty ones on his ankle on his right foot from accidentally encountering a rouge set up bear trap- nearly lost his foot. Because of that theres sometimes a faint limp that's only kinda there when hes sick/tired.
Obviously wears boots.
Eats alot of trail mix.Loves his meat tho.
Also partakes in Woodcarving !!
Sometimes rather foolishly ignores when hes hurt.
Lost his right leg from the knee down to an awful incident with a hippo Has a prosthetic leg. 
Also lost from his elbow down his forearm n hand to a Wedingo.
if he were to have a Home it would basically be a sanctuary. Like a huge property out of the way and secluded.. Nice and private. 
HE HAS A St. Bernard. Big puppo-  Called Baloo.
He grows some cool ass rare flowers, some homegrown vegtables n berries. Maybe even a cashew tree/apple tree. Plenty of shade but also fresh air. 
He has solar panels too so hes basically not needing anyone asides the trip to the shop for like basics he cant acquire like soaps n milk n stuff.
My fucking. Boi. 
Fricking soft boy, his aura is hard to control and sometimes controls him.
He has a rare heart issue which makes him prone to fainting and collapsing without much warning.  Still, he tries.
He mumbles an awful lot, and has boughts where his aura ges really bad and he numbs out..(Usually in the corner of his room, everything dark, and loads of errie whispers..) 
His aura can manifest into dead vines. He can also absorb other auras so they cant affect him/others!
Sometimes stray petals end up in his hair.
He’s truly trying to be a good lad, hes just a bit odd and misguided. He worries he’ll turn into a monster.
He fucking loves the moves Finding Nemo, and Finding Dory, because he can be very forgetful too.
Honestly, fav boi, should write more for him i just l ove him alot okay. 
Personally, I HC that the KOTS is actually called Simon. Occasionally i like to picture him with both ears and tail, but generally hes just a guy in glasses in a red sweater who is generally a little skittish and usually quite frazzled.  However he actually isnt all that dumb, and has quite an extensive knowledge on the forests flora and fauna. 
I did have a really mean HC that hes actually allergic to PB, but only in the sense that it upsets his tum, so like a lactose intolerant person, he eats it and regrets that later.
Also, he has a really nice hanging egg nest thing thats really cushioned and he loves to curl up and sleep there with a nice book.
He’s got really pretty amber eyes too!!
He fucking loves space!! and Secretly also is not that bad at painting. It's a soothing thing to do in his downtime. 
His favourite treat is anything with white chocolate and raspberry. 
Also, I quite adore my HC that he loses an arm- Either because of upsetting the heads of the household (Dark/Wilford) or because of a house fire. 
(Also this isnt the place to mention it but I did once get excited about the idea of a Google/Edward fusion called Edware.) 
Nonbinary somewhat MTF.  
They’re a real cutie. but they will punch dickheads without sweat and really just want someone to be their senpai and let them fall for them head over heels without running away..
They have an epic pink katana. Obviously a huge love for japan and its culture and stuff. 
Quite obsessive, but it usually only endangers them for falling so hard that they hurt themselves trying to please their Senpai and beat themselves up over not being worthy or good enough for them when they dont get affection back or end up rejected. 
Also yeah theyre into blood a little bit >.> 
I kinda love the idea of shipping them with Bim and helping him get a supply of ‘meat’ in return Bim gives plenty of affections to satisfy Yans starved nature.
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wreckedgreg-blog · 7 years
the anti-hero's journey (5)
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An unwanted mystery guest: Killing John Gee
The welcome speech was boring, tedious and prone to technical difficulties. After the 15 minutes of stuttering, mumbling, microphone feedback and utter niceties, the profusely sweating fat man, who apparently organized the whole thing, lumbers of stage.  When it ended most people got up and went to the talks in the small rooms. I stayed. They were putting more chairs, more microphones and some tables on stage. I moved a couple of rows to the front, still looking around in wonder at all these strange people. Some people with cameras are sitting in the front seats. Apparently there was some media interest for this literary freak show.
Some intern with a great ass puts down name cards. It looks like the photocopier, or printer, was broke, even from a few yards I can hardly read the names on the cards. There are going to be seven speakers.
I look in the program.
Chair: Richard Olafson- Publisher
Craig Cresent- writer and expert on sincerity
Ronald Twinshing- on-line literary critic
Xantasma Welch- activist writer of the literary blog ”please rape me”
Bernd Flour- professor and literary critic
Joachim Stein- writer and artist
and welcoming our very special guest
John Gee-successful writer and educator
They finally set up the stage. I notice Kessler sitting a few seats to my left. I smile and wave. He raises a can of cheap beer. The auditorium was slowly getting fuller. It looks like a zoo, or an asylum. Barely human rejects. The all looked deplorable and washed up. It looked all so miserable. I feel like “collective suicide” would be the only group activity this gathering is suited for.
It should have started five minutes ago, but the panel is only half there; the fat sweating organizer, who is chairing the thing, a psychotic looking emaciated young man in a black leather jacket, old and tired looking man in a brown checkered suit. The seem to ignore the small audience and even each other. A young unshaven man in a cartoon t-shirt and childish sneakers and masculine transsexual almost complete the panel. The second and fourth seats still vacant. Nobody seemed to pay any attention. The panelist were starting to mumble amongst themselves. Ten minutes after the panel should have started, the big shot, the star, walks on stage.
He appeared taller than he was. It was like some optical illusion; he seemed to shrink as he approached his chair. His imaginary tallness was mainly a result from his unnatural skinniness. He was swaying like a bamboo sprout when he walked and his silly fluffy hair added to his cartoonish appearance. To diminish his clownishness he left his usual side kick, his brother who looks like the aborted part of a Siamese twin, at home. Still, he looked like a fool. He was a successful writer and a total tool. A typical modern eunuch; the type that worships women instead of loves them; that 'respects' his brothers instead of challenging them. A total waste of human genome. One of those creatures that made you question the validity of Darwinism. He sat down and nodded uneasily towards his fellow panelists.
The sweaty man coughed. “ I am sorry to say that Mr. Stein could not make it. So I suggest we get this forum started. I won't bother introduce anybody here, because you should already know every one here or you wouldn't even care.” Muffled laughter.  “So what does sincerity mean to us? As writers and as readers?' The blond fat guy was looking at his phone, the tranny was staring at John, the psychotic man talked to the professor, who politely chuckled. Fat paranoid Richard was sweating even more and was looking desperate. “Anybody?” John looked around and smiled.
“I think we all want to be sincere here. I think we all appreciate what people like Dav....”
“Don't say his name! You piece of shit!” Twinshing, the young psychotic was standing up and foaming at the mouth. I thought he would jump on table and tear John Gee apart. “Don't you dare speak His name!”
The old fat professor was trying to calm down the internet lunatic. With a crazed look the internet critic pushed away the aging academic “Away with you, foul ghoul!” The fat little man fell back in his seat, nearly tipping over, not unlike a studious roly-poly.  Xantasma was body blocking the insane critic
” Back off crazy!” Richard made a feeble attempt to calm the panel. “Guys, can't we just play nice?” He did some weird giggle. “Good job, fatso!”  Some guy is jeering and trowing a paper cup. Richard is gleaming with sweat and looking around  like a caged animal. “Fight, fight!” The crowd was getting worked up. John Gee was getting agitated, rubbing his face and arms.
Who would invite a person like that to a “troubled writers event” ? Was this a set up? It looked like at least one person was going to die as result of this shit. John is clearly dismayed and surprised by the hate. He makes some weird facial expressions and leans in for his mic.
“He guys , relax. I came to check out this scene. … to share my knowledge.... to...”
His microphone was barely on. The feedback is getting louder than his voice, which was less shrill than I expected. Ronald Twinshing in his black leather jacket was hitting Xantasma, almost a full foot taller than him, was blocking him effortlessly.  John was staring at the table and Craig was filming the assault by Ronald. In the mean time the aged professor, the cowardly Bernd Flour made his way off stage, slowly and painfully, like a shot animal. Richard was stuck in a loop of looking at the audience with a retarded grin and a looking in horror at the chaos of his finely selected panel.
Thisd was going to be messy.. Did that paranoid fat bastard set it all up?  I don't believe so: he has nothing to gain from this chaos. No, it was just pure entropy; everything was gravitating towards its basest level. Xantasma knocked over the tiny basement dweller. He scampered to his feet, lunged towards the large transexual, plowing him/her/it into John. Craig steps back and keeps filming, with no  expression on his face. Richard yelps and runs off.
Kessler Laughed heartly, baring his unbrushed teeth. “This is too good to be true!” I saw guys clenching their fists, a fat guy doing a little autistic excitement dance, some other guy flapping his arms like he was going to have a full on seizure.  I grew nervous. The crowd looked up to no good. Yeah, I hated this ass as much as the next guy, but getting charged with GBH or attempted murder is not my my idea of “a good time” or even “useful life experience”. John Gee got up to his feet   There he stood. Mr. Bigshot. The successful writer. Looking like a big lost child. He did not understand where he gotten him self in to. We weren't envious, we were disgusted. The nerve of that insincere paedophile to show up at our little gatherings of sincerity and hate. He thought he could show us “the way”. We would show him. The audience stormed the stage. The other panelists were ignored and trampled. People were grabbing and tearing at John. He was crying.
“Why don't you like me?”
“You suck!” Somebody who smelled like sweat and dead animals was yelling in Johns face.
“Why are all so angry?”
“You are shit!”
“I thought I could teach you guys something about tolerance and...”
“Fuck you!” The Failed Writers Guild seems unanimous in their hate against our Johny, the prodigy, the success. Then suddenly things get really ugly, really fast. It was a flurry of animal frustration and violence. It was pure insanity.
So that is why I am driving at 2am in Kesslers car with a famous writer in the car booth. “One day Greg, you'll laugh about this.” “I doubt it” I snort and try to keep my eyes on the road and the car straight.  Fuck. Fuck. I thought I could relax by embracing writing, not cause more stress.
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regrettablewritings · 2 years
There’s a special place in Hell for people who get mad at retail workers with audio processing disorder, when they’re the ones who weren’t speaking clearly
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