#if not don't worry i've taken many a liberty with this one LMAO
whythinktoomuch · 4 years
i. a change of heart
Kara needs a breather. She’s been needing them not only more, but more often as of late, what with the wedding date looming close and the soon-to-be in-laws somehow looming even closer. 
Mr & Mrs Rojas never really seemed to approve of Kara, and the fast approaching, ever imminent prospect of losing their proper, well-to-do daughter to a ne’er-do-well, glorified “blogger” has them upping their demurral ten-flipping-fold. 
And Andrea keeps taking their side; she’s always taken their side. 
“Baby, come on. They flew all the way to National City just to have dinner with us, so please be nice,” Andrea asks of her, and Kara is just left wondering, inwardly, why the courtesy has to be so one-sided all the time anyway. 
Her very last nerve snaps though—after teetering on the breaking point for two and a half long-suffered courses—when Mrs Rojas vetoes her pick for her own best woman for her own wedding, and Kara has to excuse herself from the table. She throws on a pair of running shorts and a hoodie, but gets stopped on her way out of the apartment. 
“We’ll talk about this when you get back, okay?” Andrea says, and Kara just shrugs because she already knows that they won’t. 
With Lizzo blasting in her ears, Kara runs and runs until she stops readily recognizing her surroundings, then she runs and runs some more just for good measure. The anger eventually burns away, fizzling down to something much more manageable, so Kara stops at a nearby water fountain for a quick sip. 
That’s when she sees it: a woman absentmindedly walking into the path of an oncoming cyclist. 
Kara doesn’t even think; she barely has time to call out a panicked Hey! as she rushes forward. 
Everything hurts when Kara first opens her eyes with a groan, but then she’s face to face with sharp, pale features and a pair of the most brilliant greens, and you know what? It’s not all that bad actually. 
“Are you okay?” the beautiful woman asks. She peers down at Kara with an expression that’s more curious than worried. She looks smart, like someone who’d know better than to text while crossing the street, and yet. “The cyclist’s already hightailed it out of here, by the way.” 
“Oh?” Kara sits up, presses her fingers to a bump that’s just starting to form on her forehead. “What an ass.” 
The woman laughs, and it might be the cleanest, most pleasant sound to ever grace Kara’s ears. “He didn’t mean anything by it. The weed’s just made him really paranoid is all.” 
“Well... who can blame him then?” 
The woman introduces herself as Lena, and Kara accepts Lena’s hand and assistance in getting to her feet when offered. They end up walking together for a couple of blocks, and Kara accidentally ends up sharing a lot more of her life and woes than she means to. 
It doesn’t hurt that Lena seems willing to listen. 
It kinda hurts that a complete stranger seems more willing to listen than her current fiancée, but that’s neither here nor there, right?
"What if you woke up tomorrow, and everything was different?” Lena asks after a suspended beat of silence, and there’s a mischievous twinkle in her eye that Kara doesn’t quite know what to do with. “If your life had suddenly, completely, drastically changed overnight?” 
“Like, not being engaged to Andrea or something?” 
“As for example,” Lena says with a half-shrug.  
Kara laughs, slightly hesitant. “I guess I’d be really confused? I don’t know... Who can even say?” 
“Well, I suppose there’s really only one way to find out, no?” 
“... Sure,” Kara says, but Lena’s smile is altogether all too knowing for some reason. 
They eventually bid each other good night and exchange a set of promises—Kara to keep an open mind and to google concussion symptoms just in case, Lena to stop texting when venturing into bike lanes—before heading to their respective homes. 
By the time she makes it back to the apartment, it’s pretty late, and thus, dark and quiet and empty of any disapproving in-laws to be. Kara takes a quick shower and slips into a bed already occupied with her already deeply asleep fiancée. 
Kara stares at Andrea’s back, watches the steady rise and fall of her breaths play out in silence, and turns to face the opposite side of the bed with a heavy sigh. 
If her life could somehow change, it wouldn’t happen suddenly, completely, or drastically, and it most certainly wouldn’t happen overnight, and Kara just has to find some way to make peace with that, and that’s the that—as they say—on that. 
With the morning comes the morning sun, and with the morning sun comes a violent jostling of Kara’s arm that promptly wrenches her into wakefulness. She buries her face deeper into her pillow with a growl.
“’Drea, just gimme five more minutes. Please...”  
Someone, or perhaps some-thing, that is most assuredly not Andrea barks back at Kara in protest. 
Kara nearly falls out of a bed that isn’t hers as she throws a wild look over her shoulder at a dog that she’s never seen before in her life. 
The large samoyed is practically grinning at her, with a leash in mouth and fluffy tail a-wagging. 
“Babe, what are you doing?” calls out a voice so strangely familiar that Kara’s ears must be deceiving her, and oh wow, her eyes must be deceiving her as well because—somehow—walking into the bedroom like she belongs there is Kara’s very first girlfriend and high school sweetheart. “You gotta walk Krypto now, or you’re going to be late for work! Again!” 
“... Siobhan?” is all Kara can sputter in the moment. 
(next part here)
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