#if not sharp the arms are noodly wobbly
jsab-reblogs · 2 years
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Here's mi design for one the levels! This guy here is Dance of the Incognizant! Part-time shape-shifting bounty hunter! Their code name is Cogni! The least lethal between the bounty-hunter duo that consists of them and Stone Maiden(Granite). They also work part-time at a flower shop(illegally). Dude just really needs enough money lol pls let them catch u 🥺
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heliosthegriffin · 4 years
The Burdens of Lordship
Jaune decided he needed to go get out for a night, and by himself.
It had been a long couple of months at Beacon, hard, difficult, and nowhere near-easy for a fake like himself.
But, he had made it so far with Pyrrha and his teams help.
He be dead without them, hells, he’d be dead without Ruby too.
But, with all these new teams coming in today... It felt so damn suffocating, even more than usual. Like they could see through him, see that he didn’t belong here.
So, it brought him here, getting dressed for a knight on the town, heh, he’d made a Yang.
A nice pair of cream slacks, a royal blue dress shirt, a black vest on top of it lined with faux-gold buttons, a pair of nice brown loafers, and fine leather belt to bring the suit together. Contrarily to Yang and Weiss’s opinion, he did know how to dress himself, being raised by his parents plus seven overbearing sisters taught him enough, it’s just, since he came to Beacon he’s actually had the freedom to wear what he wanted.
Tonight though? He want to look better than he felt. So, he brushed his a hair enough to look presentable, and went out into the dorm.
“Well, how did I dooooo-” Jaune didn’t get to finish as Nora barreled pasted into the bathroom, knocking him to the side.
Pyrrha stifled a laugh and Ren gave the barest hint of a apolegtic smile.
Jaune steadied himself, giving a laugh at his own expense. He couldn’t blame Nora for having to go to the bathroom, could he?
“Well, how do I look?” Jaune asked his partner and his friend.
Pyrrha gave him a friendly smile and nodded approvingly. “Quite lovely, Jaune. You look dashing.”
“Ah, thanks Pyr.” Jaune said with a slight blush, it always felt nice to be complimented.
Ren looked on more skeptically, with a hand on his chin. “Turn around.”
Jaune did as asked.
“Ok, do some stretches.”
Jaune complied with his team-mates wishes, surely he would notice if he missed something. 
“Alright, you look passable. Here,” Ren approached Jaune squirted a few drops of cologne, and helped straighten out his outfit. “And now you look, as Pyrrha put it, quite dashing.” Ren said with a light smile.
“Thanks, Ren.” Jaune said another light blush on his cheeks. “Well, I guess I should be going then.”
“Wait,” Ren said putting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re forgetting something.” He looked over to Pyrrha and she handed the boys Crocea Mors.
Jaune looked on incredulous. “Why would I need Crocea Mors?”
Ren shook his head. “You’re a huntsman, you must look the part at all times. Plus...”
Jaune frowned, knowing where he was leading. “It’ll make me less likely to be mugged or something.” 
Jaune knew he was a still noodly, and looked kinda weak. But he was working really hard on that!
Jaune still took his blade without complaint, admittedly he has gotten so used to wearing it, he started feeling off when not wearing it.
Pyrrha rubbed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s not like that Jaune, it’s not we’re concerned about you getting hurt, far from it, the odds of someone attacking you and them being huntsman trained are one in some hundred. We’re actually more concerned that someone might mug you and...”
Ren chimed in, “Well, you’re not Nora strong, but you’re being trained and have Aura, and that’s more than enough to hospitalize someone without one or both.”
Jaune grimaced at the idea. While he didn’t fancy himself strong or powerful, it as kinda hard to deny he hadn’t been making progress, last week he had managed to take off the head of one of the old drones that General Ironwood had donated to the academy. A regular human probably require much, much less effort.
So he nodded. “I see your point. Better to deter them, before they make a attempt.”
“Also, Ruby would be peeved if you didn’t start taking this.” Then Pyrrha pushed a black hand-canon into his hand. She then looked him in the eyes. “I’d also be rather put out, considering I paid for it.” A sly grin in her eyes.
Jaune sighed and equipped the gun to his waist opposite of Crocea Mors. Ever since he had started training with Pyrrha seriously, she had quite insistent about covering his ranged issues. So his devious partner, had behind his back teamed up with his best friend and local gun-nut, Ruby Rose, to make him a custom-hand canon.
Her evils truly knew no bounds. They had even come up with a name for it the devils! Noctis Mors.
Ruby had been a cruel task-master in teaching him the in’s and outs of shooting Noctis Mors, she had made him assemble and reassemble her until his hands bled gun oil. Suffice to say, while Noctis Mors felt a little strange on his hip, he was getting used to it.
“Thank you, Pyrrha.” He said, and pulled her into a hug, which she reciprocated.
“Better to have it and not need it, then to needed and not have it.”
Jaune smiled and shook his head, his friends were too good to him.
“Tell Nora, I said bye.”
Ren nodded his head. “You should leave before she loads you up with some grenades.”
Jaune shivered at the thought, he might be coming around to using Noctis Mors, but he doubted he’d ever get used to high-caliber explosives, He’d leave that to his crazy ginger bomber.
“Well, bye guys, I’ll see you later tonight.” Jaune said to his friend and Partner.
“Bye, Jaune.”
“Try not to eat to unhealthily!”
“I make no such promises!” Jaune said with a laugh, slipping out of the dorm.
Jaune made his way down the hallways of the dorm toward to the stairs that led outside. Where he encounters a quartet of familiar faces.
Jaune gave a friendly wave to Team RWBY as he walked towards them.
“Jaune!” Ruby said speeding over. “What are you up too? You’re not trying to ask Weiss out again are you?”
Jaune gave a eye-roll. “No, just heading out for the night. Just thought, I be a good friend and say hi.” Jaune said with stress on the word friend.
Ruby gave a laugh. “Sure, you are.”
The rest of her team caught up. Weiss in particular looked at him with suspicion,
“So, VB, whats the occasion for looking so sharp, you got a hot date tonight?” Yang asked giving him a approving nod.
“Hah, no, not tonight. I, uh, just gotta to get out for a night. You know? I just feel so trapped lately, and I want to not really think about things for a night.”
Ruby gave him a sympathetic nod.
While surprisingly Blake, the one he probably never interacted with, looked at him with a surprising level of empathy. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I hope you find what you’re looking for tonight.”
“Yeah me, too.”
Weiss then choose to cut in. “So, you don’t know what you’re looking for then?” Giving him a sharp look.
Jaune almost buckled under her gave, but straighten his back. “Uh, no, but, It’s not like I’m just idling around in Vale all nigh, I’ve got a couple places to hit up, but it’s not like I’m keeping to strict schedule, I either get to them or I don’t, I’m just trying to de-stress is all.”
Weiss huffed in disapproval, but said nothing in return. The Ice Queens love of schedules and appointments was approaching that of legend.
Yang then slung an arm around his shoulders, though she had to lean up to so. “Well, VB, that sounds fun and all, but Team RWBY as places to be and butts to kick, so go have your fun.” 
Jaune untangled himself. “That’s the plan, you guys go stop crime or whatever trouble you’ll get up to.”
“We don’t always do that!”
Jaune raised a suspicious brow at that.
“We don’t!”
“Sure.” Then Jaune turned and walked away, feeling as though he had won that conversation.
As he was leaving, he heard Weiss call out. “Arc.” Jaune turned to looked at her. “Try to not make a fool out of yourself, tonight.” The barest hint of what may one day be a smile on her face.
“That’s not on the list, but I’ll add it in anyway.” He said turning around, not bothering to try to find sort of conversation with her. He knew where they stood relationship wise, and if it could improve over time, that sounds good, if not, well all he could hope is keeping thing civil.
Jaune made sure to pop something for his motion-sickness before he bordered the bullhead, so the flight down wasn’t as terrible as it could be, it was still awful, but at least he wasn’t spewing his guts everywhere.
His stomach feeling wobbly made he strike eating off the list for now, so he choose his first destination, and walked through one of Vales, many, many parks. Admiring the well-tended plant-life and occasionally waving at anybody who waved at him.
After his stomach settled, he decided to walk towards the closest bookstore, and just browsed till he founded something interesting. He had less-time with keeping up with comic and whatever came out of Mistral, since coming to Beacon. Still he left the store with couple interesting comics and even a couple books on stuff relating to huntsman actives.
Finally his stomach had decided to let him know, he could refill it. He ended up at a nice steak house, and somehow managed to get to a table in under a hour.
Jaune set at a table looking over a menu, he had already decided on what steak he want, now it was just onto sides.
A waitress then made herself known. “Hello, hello, what can I get you today?”
Jaune recited his order. 
“Right, well have it out as soon as possible. Also, from the rest of us here, we’d like to think you for your service.”
Jaune’s face crunched in confusion.
“Huntsmen are a invaluable part of our society, and as such, we’d like you to know that your meal is on the house tonight, if you require anything else, please just call.”
Then his waitress left, somehow managing to make Jaune feel appreciated and also like a complete piece of shit.
The meal was delicious, and Jaune had made sure to leave a nice tip anyway before leaving.
Did his dad get free meals like that? Did all huntsmen just get their bill wavered?
Jaune paused for a moment and sat on a bench, thinking.
He stares out into the evening light and all the people out there, living there lives, good or bad, they were still people weren’t they? They were probably didn’t even think about how to they need to get stronger, or how to kill the next grimm they face, were they?
They shouldn’t have to either? Should they, since that was his job kinda. Jaune thought for a second, he might not be a real huntsman, or even a real huntsman in training, but whats to stop him from faking it till he made it for real? What does it matter if the arms that carrys the sword has trained for two years or two months, if it can cut, it can serve.
If people were going to honor him as a huntsman, he was going to honor them by acting like one.
There wasn’t a smile on his face, but there wasn’t a frown either.
He didn’t have time to idle anymore, he needed to get back and work off this meal.
‘KAAAA-BOOOOM!!!’ A sound like none Jaune had heard before tore the air into pieces, it was so loud that it put any sound he heard before into a whimper. It was like the crack of thunder on a scale inconceivable, like lightning striking turned up to twelve.
His hearing was protected by Aura, and it was still ringing.
He turned his head towards the source of the sound, towards Beacon, and towards Patch, towards were he say the source of several more sources of the sound, and a terrible, but wondrous site.
Of what looked like one of those things Weiss summoned before, but bigger, on a scale that could cover entire city blocks! 
A pillar of sheer white light stuck Beacon, and in a moment of realization, what must be Signal on Patch.
A light so bright and terrible, Jaune felt it burn against his aura, and could see the fires start around the Emerald Forest. He carefully took his hand off his ear, the sound pound like a hammer into his head, and he could see the bones through his skin. He slapped his hand back across his head.
The pillars kept of their thunderous booming for several minutes, as Jaune covered his ears, watching in utter horror.
It felt almost like a the air was slapping against his bones, and sound was hitting against his bones, rattling and shaking them.
The ground as shaking too he realized.
Silence and darkness.
The pillars suddenly disappeared, and a vacuum of sound was left over.
The city was now dark and silent, as day left night along, as the lights in the city did not turn on, as the only light was that of the fires, there was no sound at first... Then the screams started.
AN: I can’t believe everyone, but, Jaune just got fucking Isekai’d.
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