#if nothing else bylti finally piqued saesama and driftward's interest enough that they watched the series with me
scalefeathers · 5 months
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Vierapril - 18 - stretch
Yeah so in case it wasn't obvious, Bylti (and everyone related to her) is the result of me riffing on if not outright stealing from Revolutionary Girl Utena.
This series has had a grip on my soul for almost 25 years. I first saw it when I was 13 and I have not shut up about it since. Back when I first started FFXIV I was struggling to come up with a character concept because I knew so little about the setting, but then I noticed the viera I was idly making kind of had Anthy vibes, and the rest was history. (Literally, history; I can't believe it's been almost 4 years since then. What is time.)
If you're not familiar with Utena you should absolutely check it the fuck out. It's wonderful and weird and beautiful and gay and will destroy you emotionally but in a good way. The movie is good too but I strongly recommend you watch the TV series first. (Do be aware though that both the movie and the series deal with some intense subjects, including depression, abusive relationship dynamics, sexual assault, suicide, and incest; please take care of yourselves.)
If you are familiar with the series, then I hope you haven't found my attempts to fit these characters into FFXIV's setting to be too tiresome. Maybe you've even enjoyed them; I hope you did. I certainly have.
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