#if only there were an actual gender changer that cost 3$
Busting Common Scholarship Myths to Ignite Student Success
There are many widespread myths about college scholarships. Maybe you’ve heard some, or maybe you’ve heard them all. 
The problem is that these misconceptions can mislead students and reduce the chances of winning scholarship opportunities.
The worst part is that scholarship myths disproportionately hurt students who need financial aid the most. However, these myths don’t just negatively impact students with financial need, they have the ability to sabotage the education and career plans of all students.  
Scholarships are accessible to more students than what is commonly believed. 
And here is the most important thing: scholarships can be a game changer for a student’s career, their financial well-being, and their or their family’s bank account. 
Without exaggeration, scholarships have the ability to transform lives and careers. Besides using scholarship money to pay for college costs, having a track record of winning scholarships makes you more competitive for any future opportunities you wish to pursue. 
Please know that most students can win a scholarship. Don’t let these myths hold you back. 
Why Common Scholarship Myths are so … Common!
Winning scholarships is possible for most students, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. 
Conducting a scholarship search takes time. Scholarship applications take time. And of course, there’s uncertainty about whether you’ll even win. 
And here’s the thing that many don’t understand about applying for scholarships: a failing average can actually be a tremendous victory. Let’s clarify what this means. 
Let’s say you win three scholarships every year. How does that sound? Amazing! Right? 
Well, the average student can expect to win about 20 to 40 percent of the scholarships they apply for. That means for those three scholarship wins, you may have received seven rejections. It also means that you were only successful 30 percent of the time. You see, three scholarships sounds great, but 30 percent success sounds deeply discouraging. 
So, here’s the truth. The world of scholarships can be exhilarating when you win. But, it can be discouraging when you don’t. 
This is why myths about scholarships are so prevalent. There are likely many scholarships you can apply for and won’t win. But, winning every scholarship you apply for isn’t the point. Winning scholarships, period. That’s that point. This is something that many don’t understand. 
Unfortunately, the lack of understanding and myths about scholarships prevent some people from ever applying. Let’s look at those myths.
Myth 1: Only Students with Perfect Grades Can Win Scholarship Money
Many people believe that scholarships are only awarded to students with A+ grades and high test scores. While merit-based scholarships consider your GPA, not all scholarships do. There are many types of scholarships that are based on other criteria. For example, there are scholarships based on certain hobbies, academic major, ancestry, ethnicity, race, gender, service in the military, and much more. 
Myth 2: Scholarships are Only for High School Seniors
There are thousands of scholarships for all levels of study. This includes prizes for undergraduates, graduate students, and mature or non-traditional students returning to higher learning after a break. 
Myth 3: You Must Fill Out the FAFSA and Qualify for Federal Financial Aid to Win a College Scholarship
Certainly, there are many scholarships available that require a student to complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and qualify for need-based financial aid. However, these are largely eligibility requirements for need-based federal or state-level scholarships. If you don’t qualify for financial need scholarships and federal loans, simply turn your attention to other prizes where this isn’t a requirement. 
Myth 4: Only Underrepresented Students Can Earn Scholarships for College
There are scholarships available for students of all backgrounds. Search for scholarships in any community that you’re a part of, whether you’re from an underrepresented community or not. Many charities, religious organizations, local institutions, and others invest in students for all kinds of reasons. Focus on scholarships that fit your profile and you’ll likely find options that you qualify for. 
Myth 5: It’s Not the Right Time of Year to Apply for Scholarships
Various scholarships have deadlines throughout the year. The application process tends to occur in October to April for government scholarships and grants. Private scholarships pop up throughout the entire calendar year, too, so you can search and apply for scholarships any time. 
Myth 6: Only Students with Amazing Extracurricular Activities Get Money
Community service and leadership is not a requirement for all scholarships. Many scholarships are awarded for writing an essay on an important topic, pursuing a particular career goal, having a certain hobby, and many other things. If extracurriculars aren’t your strong suit, search for other types of scholarships.  
Myth 7: Only High-Value Scholarships that Cover Full Tuition are Worth Pursuing
Scholarships offering a full ride for college or university are extremely competitive and winning one is rare. However, smaller scholarships can offer a good sum of money, too. The great thing about smaller scholarships is that they tend to be less competitive. This increases your chances of winning money for college. In the long term, winning several scholarships can make you a better candidate for larger prizes in the future. It can also help distinguish your profile in competitive job markets after you graduate. 
Myth 8: One Scholarship, One Payment
It can seem like a lot of work to apply for scholarships that don’t have a huge financial reward. However, some scholarships renew automatically as long as you continue to meet eligibility criteria. This means that you can receive a scholarship for multiple years and you don’t have to reapply each year. Of course, always read the fine print to know if a scholarship is renewable. 
Myth 9: Finding Scholarships and Writing an Essay Takes Too Much Time
It’s true, finding and applying for scholarships takes time. However, with a plan and the right strategies, it can absolutely be worth it. Think about how many hours you’d have to work at a part-time job to earn $1,000. Now, what may happen if you invest those hours applying for as many scholarships as possible? 
Scholarship applications should be viewed as a wise investment. You can win money to help pay for college now, but you may also be able to graduate with fewer student loans. After graduation, you’ll feel less pressure to pay back money and you’ll have a great profile to help you advance your career. Now that’s long-term thinking worth considering!
Busting Myths About Scholarships & Getting Empowered
The bottom line is this: the right scholarship is out there for you to win. With the right knowledge and strategies, you absolutely have the ability to win money for college. 
Scholarships can change your financial life, as well as the quality of your student and professional profile. For these reasons alone, scholarships should be an important part of any student’s higher learning plan. 
Myths are powerful because they tow the line between real and imaginary. Make your scholarship dreams real. You can make it happen. Find and apply for scholarships today. 
The post Busting Common Scholarship Myths to Ignite Student Success first appeared on BridgesEDU Scholarships. Originally published here: https://bridgeseduscholarships.com/busting-common-scholarship-myths-to-ignite-student-success/
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A Summary of Bad Things Trump Did This Week, 3/26/17-4/1/17
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March 26, 2017:
Trump photographed at gold course despite claims of being in meetings
Source: indy100
This trip, the 12th for Trump since he was inaugurated 9 weeks ago, came after the press pool was reportedly told Trump was in meetings at Trump National. The White House hasn’t yet commented on this trip, which carries a hefty price tag:
The White House has made no comment regarding the trip, which, according to NBC News was the US leader’s eighth consecutive visit to a Trump-owned property.
According to Politico each of these trips costs approximately $3 million (£2.4 million).
Trump’s team reportedly wiping electronic devices of evidence in the face of potential subpoenas
Source: The Independent
Members of Trump’s team and other White House officials may be cleansing devices of data and evidence that could be used in the ongoing Russian investigation. This investigation into possible collusion between Russian operatives and the Trump administration could bring on severe consequences for the president:
John Schindler, a security expert and former counterintelligence officer, said that if the US President was to face an indictment over allegations his campaign team colluded with Russia to disrupt the presidential election, it could put an end to his presidency.
Speaking to CBC radio, Mr Schindler said: "If, not just people around him, but the president himself is facing possible indictment down the road, that could be a game changer. He could be removed from office for that, whether he wants to be or not."
Bannon told Freedom Party members that they needed to vote for the proposed healthcare bill; that it wasn’t up for debate
Source: The Hill
Bannon confronted members of the House Freedom Caucus earlier this week during the White House's push for the American Health Care Act, Axios's Mike Allen reported Saturday in his newsletter.
"Guys, look. This is not a discussion. This is not a debate. You have no choice but to vote for this bill,” Bannon reportedly said.
March 27, 2017:
Trump approves overturning Obama-era education regulations
Source: The Washington Post
Bills signed by Trump Monday undo regulations that included new requirements for training K-12 teachers and rules illustrating how individual states need to carry out the Every Student Succeeds act. While the Every Student Succeeds act is a bipartisan law, support and opposition for the bills Trump signed was split largely across party lines:
Leaders of the Republican majority claimed that the accountability rules represented an executive overreach by former president Barack Obama. Democrats argued that rescinding the rules opens loopholes that states can use to shield poorly performing schools from scrutiny, especially when they fail to serve poor children, minorities, English-language learners and students with disabilities.
Jared Kushner to be questioned by Senate committee regarding meeting with Russians
Source: The New York Times
Reports that Kushner will be questioned as part of the Senate’s investigations into election interference by Russia comes after news surfaced of a previously undisclosed meeting Kushner had with the chief of Vnesheconombank. Vnesheconombank was sanctioned after the Russian annexation of Crimea, and is linked to Russian oligarchs and members of government:
Mr. Gorkov is a graduate of the academy of Federal Security Service of Russia, a training ground for Russian intelligence and security forces. And as the head of Vnesheconombank, Mr. Gorkov presides over a bank whose supervisory board is controlled by members of Mr. Putin’s government, including Prime Minister Dimitri A. Medvedev. It has been used to bail out oligarchs favored by Mr. Putin, as well as to help fund pet projects like the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.
Around the time the Russian ambassador asked that Mr. Kushner meet with Mr. Gorkov, American intelligence agencies were concluding that Russian spies, acting on the orders of Mr. Putin, had sought to sway the election by hacking political targets, like the Democratic National Committee, and passing stolen emails to WikiLeaks.
Trump administration threatens sanctuary cities with removal of Justice Department grants
Source: Bloomberg Politics
The attorney general spoke at the beginning of the daily White House briefing, as Trump tries to reset his administration following the defeat of major health-care legislation on March 24. Sessions reiterated a policy announced in an executive order Trump signed in his first week in office. That document authorized the attorney general and secretary of Homeland Security to withhold federal grants from sanctuary cities that don’t help the U.S. government deport immigrants.
Sessions said the federal government also could "claw back" grants to jurisdictions refusing to work with the federal government, in addition to refusing to approve new grants.
Mayors of several leading sanctuary cities said they wouldn’t capitulate to Trump.
March 28, 2017:
Trump signs executive order striking down Obama-era policies on climate change
Source: The New York Times, The Independent
Along with unraveling numerous policies from the Obama administration to fight climate change, Trump directed the EPA to begin withdrawing the Clean Power Plan. This Plan would have closed down a number of coal-fired power plants and replaced them with solar and wind farms. The Clean Power Plan was a vital part of the United States’ commitment to meeting the clean energy goals set out in the Paris agreement of 2015:
With his order to move forward with the rollback, climate diplomats around the world maneuvered to fill the vacuum left by the exit of the globe’s second-biggest climate polluter.
“There are countless countries ready to step up and deliver on their climate promises and take advantages of Mr. Trump’s short-termism to reap the benefits of the transition to the low-carbon economy,” said Laurence Tubiana, the chief French negotiator of the 2015 Paris agreement, the landmark accord that committed nearly every country to take action to reduce planet-warming emissions.
Over all, the goal of the Paris deal is to keep the planet from warming more than 3.6 degrees, the point at which scientists say the earth will be irrevocably locked into a future of severe droughts, floods, rising sea levels and food shortages.
Mr. Obama pledged that the United States would cut its emissions about 26 percent from 2005 levels by 2025. Carrying out the Clean Power Plan was essential to meeting that target.
An article in The Independent also covers this executive order HERE, along with the responses from many groups and individuals committed to fighting climate change:
Green group Earthjustice was one of many organizations that said it will fight the order both in and out of court. “This order ignores the law and scientific reality,” said its president, Trip Van Noppen.
Given that private sector investment in the renewable energy industry hit $350 billion in 2016 globally, outpacing new investment in the oil and gas sector for the first time, Ms Kelly said she expects the “marketplace is going to go forward regardless of what the White House does.”
Several of the country’s largest pension funds, accounting for tens of billions in investment, have already begun divesting money from oil and gas companies in order to ensure a more profitable future for their investors.
Congress votes to overturn Obama-era rules requiring internet providers to get customer permission before selling their browsing data
Source: The Verge
This resolution is now on it’s way to the President’s desk. If Trump signs it, internet providers will be allowed to sell personal data on users without their permission:
It’s hard to see this as anything but a major loss for consumers. While reversing the FCC’s privacy rules will technically just maintain the status quo — internet providers have actually been able to sell your web browsing data forever (it’s just not a thing we think about all that much) — they were about to lose permission to keep doing it, unless they got explicit consent or anonymized the info.
This is an increasingly important issue as Americans spend more and more time online — and keep more and more devices with them at all times. Internet providers can see what sites you visit and what apps you use, and they can see how long you’re using them for. That information is extremely revealing, and it’s easy to imagine most people would prefer to keep their reading habits private.
“The consequences of passing this resolution are clear: broadband providers like AT&T, Comcast, and others will be able to sell your personal information to the highest bidder without your permission,” said Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA) on the House floor this afternoon. “And no one will be able to protect you, not even the Federal Trade Commission that our friends on the other side of the aisle keep talking about.”
Trump administration will not include LGBTQ people on the 2020 census
Source: Out Magazine
This decision has large implications on the stance the government is taking on the LGBTQ population. Inclusion on the census would help gather data on people of different sexual orientations and gender identities in the United States, which could then aid in the creation of legislation to improve the lives of LGBTQ people in America:
Last year, various federal agencies urged the Census Bureau to include sexual orientation and gender in their data as it was crucial to their role in enforcing the law. The survey, which has been conducted every ten years since 1790, includes a wide range of questions designed to gather data on everything from languages spoken to household plumbing facilities. The current census, however, only allows for a snapshot of same-sex households, but Democrats in Congress had pushed for more specific questions around sexual orientation and gender identity to improve results. The logic was simple: With more focused questions law makers would be better equipped to ensure appropriate legislation to improve the lives of LGBTQ citizens.
Trump proposes additional cuts to the National Institution of Health
Source: NBC News
These cuts would affect many federal programs, including those that support medical research, and would take away $1.2 billion in funding. This article also contains a list of health and science programs across various government agencies that would also see budget cuts.
March 29, 2017:
Trump calls for domestic budget cuts in order to pay for border wall
Source: ABC7
Trump has proposed cuts of $18 billion dollars from U.S. programs in order to pay for the border wall. This undermines his previous claims that Mexico would pay for the wall construction - with these cuts in funding, U.S. taxpayers would be footing the bill. ABC7 provides coverage of some of the proposed cuts, which would include some popular, bipartisan programs:
The latest Trump proposal, disclosed Tuesday, would eliminate $1.2 billion in National Institutes of Health research grants, a favorite of both parties. The community development block grant program, also popular, would be halved, amounting to a cut of $1.5 billion, and Trump would strip $500 million from a popular grant program for transportation projects. Some of that money would help pay for parts of the wall.
Other cuts include $434 million to immediately eliminate a program to encourage community service opportunities for senior citizens, eliminating $372 million in remaining funding for heating subsidies for the poor, and cutting $447 million in transit grants.
March 30, 2017:
Reports surfacing that Russia hired 1,000 people to generate fake news on Hillary Clinton in key states during Presidential election
Source: The Independent
Senators Mark Warner and Richard Burr, a Democrat and Republican respectively on the Senate committee investigating claims of Russian election interference, presented this information at a recent press conference:
[Sen. Warner:] “It’s been reported to me, and we’ve got to find this out, whether they were able to affect specific areas in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, where you would not have been receiving off of whoever your vendor might have been, Trump versus Clinton, during the waning days of the election, but instead, ‘Clinton is sick’, or ‘Clinton is taking money from whoever for some source’ … fake news.
“An outside foreign adversary effectively sought to hi-jack the most critical democratic process, the election of a President, and in that process, decided to favour one candidate over another.”
The key states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania which Mr Warner named all fell narrowly - and unexpectedly - to Donald Trump.
Trump threatens to change libel laws, go after The New York Times
Source: The Hill
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Image Source: Donald Trump’s Twitter account
Trump previously mentioned changing libel laws during the campaign. He vowed in February 2016 to “open up” laws in order to sue media outlets that write “purposely negative” and “horrible” articles about him.
“I’m gonna open up our libel laws, so when they write purposely negative and horrible, false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money,” Trump said at a rally in Fort Worth, Texas.
“We’re going to open up those libels laws, so that when The New York Times writes a hit piece, which is a total disgrace, or when The Washington Post, which is there for other reasons, writes a hit piece, we can sue them and win money.
Despite Trump's threats, there are no federal libel laws on the books. Suits are decided at the state level under current law.
Trump reportedly feels “great” about Mar-a-Lago visits, despite resistance he’s facing over cost of the trips
Source: The Independent
Despite claims he made on the campaign trail that he would rarely be leaving the White House as president, Trump has spent numerous weekends over the past months at Mar-a-Lago. In addition to security concerns, including that sensitive information could be accessed or overheard by other Mar-a-Lago guests, the trips add up to a hefty bill:
The projected cost of security for Mr Trump’s visits over a four year presidential term was reported to be an estimated to be $600 million. This is just over the amount his administration plans on cutting for social, education and cultural programmes.
March 31, 2017:
Sessions admits crime is close to a historic low amid criticism from community activists
Source: The Guardian
Sessions spoke mainly to law enforcement during a visit to St. Louis, MO where he acknowledged that crime rates have been falling. His statements, which only briefly touched on the subject of crime prevention programs, raised eyebrows of community activists:
“One outreach worker can do more to reduce crime in a neighborhood than five police officers can,” said James Clark, vice-president of community outreach for the St Louis not-for-profit group Better Family Life.
“If we continue to lay the issue of crime and violence at the feet of the police department, then that’s a very short-sighted, not well thought-out approach.”
The St Louis city alderman Jeffrey Boyd added: “Let’s remind ourselves of when Ronald Reagan came into office and there was this war on drugs campaign, and then Bill Clinton came in with ‘three strikes you’re out’. It didn’t help the African American community or the poor community. It ended up being a disaster generations later,” Boyd said, noting the disproportionate impact that mass incarceration has had on the black community.
Boyd lost three male relatives to gun violence in 2015 alone and represents the area of the city the Guardian identified in January as the most violent neighborhood in the nation.
April 1, 2017:
Trump tells NBC to stop talking about Russia, start talking about wiretapping allegations
Source: The Hill
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Image Sources: Donald Trump’s Twitter page
The president has frequently decried coverage of the investigations into Russian meddling as "fake news."
Trump last month claimed in a series of tweets that Obama “wiretapped” him before the election. He did not supply any evidence.
FBI Director James Comey says he knows of “no information” validating Trump’s accusation. Trump has stood by the allegations, and the White House has said the comment refers to the Obama administration’s surveillance activities more broadly.
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