#if rava is like caroline. and naomi is like marcia. i dunno.. nate can be kerry. throw in jennifer as sally anne too
kenzie-ann27 · 1 year
and yet another thing I'm still not over is kendall's "maybe the poison drips through" bit in the election episode. so.
I know it was meant as kendall's admission that he's not a good father, but I like to think of it as a general showing of how like a lot of things our parents do are going to inevitably become things we ourselves do, whether we're really aware of that or not. logan's uncle beat him, so he beats his kids, etc. etc. but in terms of romantic relationships, the poison absolutely drips through, and it's a terribly addictive one.
I don't know if any of the women who loved logan genuinely loved him. he was a brute, as kendall said. and as I would say, he was a monster. and I'm not sure if any of those women saw any good part of him, or maybe they just wanted to believe they saw something good in him. and of course, I believe the same of stewy. that there's too much affection involved for him to not think it's love, to not think kendall is good in some way. and I think that's why both marcia and caroline seem to like stewy, they can spot it a mile away. he's the child weaned on poison. he's the one that picks kendall over and over again. he's the kicked dog. he's the one in love with someone who will break their heart and replace them the next day.
and kendall kicks him! he breaks his heart! he says he'd kill stewy if he fucked him over, and stewy said he'd do the same! they kick each other! because that's how kendall shows love. that's how he saw love between his parents. and it's what he does to stewy, but stewy comes back. rava doesn't come back, naomi doesn't come back. and I don't know if stewy recognized that it was just some stupid test or not, but he passed it!
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