#if she ever admitted it it's to a target shes uhhh permanently removing so theyll take it to their graves HA
thedeadthree · 2 years
🌹💐🌵🌙💧 for Polina for the oc asks? <3
MIKA HIII i hope ur doing well lovely! and thank you SO much for the ask! im working on her notion rn and this is PERFECT to do so thank u lovely!
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🌹- what’s this oc's biggest fear?
to suffer the same fate as her mother did was a huge fear for her until she became an owl herself! now? she would not be so sure! but fear is a VERY powerful motivator to her. one she uses to her advantage, especially towards using that on those who are afraid, to use as well in making allies, manipulate or instill fear in people! so it could be having what she’s made for herself be ripped away from her? the years of meticulous planning turning to ash?
💐- where is this oc’s favorite place to relax?
ok so in gotham, that gargoyle on the 13th floor of wayne tower right? is the place she goes to have a moment of respite to herself, RIGHT under bruce wayne’s nose habwdh, and where mel knows without a doubt he can find her :) also the owl fountain in the labyrinth as well! and of course she’ll NEVER admit to this but melchiorre’s home is somewhere she feels at peace in too!
🌵- how does this oc feel about physical affection?
like the emoji, she's a cactus when it comes to physical affection! especially if her partner were to so publicly! the only person and strictly in private would be melchiorre! (they’re SUPER cute when nobody’s looking! she has to keep up appearances as the TERRIFYING owl of gotham u know?)no hugs no kiss she’s a cactus bdsjahbk LOATHES it!
🌙- does this oc have any unusual hobbies?
she has a couple! even talon’s have hobbies! FEW, but for sure she did! not particularly unusual but she did love dancing (her mother did ballet and she loves ballroom dancing with mel CUTE), and bird watching? (owls appreciating owls!)
💧- what is this oc most passionate about?
it may be her or it may be the talon conditioning but upholding the wishes and tenets of the court is one of those! and this plan of hers, this pursuit of power where for so long she spent in the shadows planning!
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