#if someone replies 2 it like it's a starter tho who am i 2 refuse
stigmvtas-archived · 8 months
it's 10pm on a monday night. tws for grief, brief suicidal ideation.
it's 10pm on a monday night - the sky's clear, the clearest it might've been all month; and all ducky sees as he stares up into the sky is a thousand stars glaring down back at him. it's 10pm on a monday night - and ducky doesn't remember the last time he's slept; everything's nothing more but haze, vision cloudier than usual - even in his bad eye. it's 10pm on a monday night - and freya's been dead for just about over 24 hours now, and ducky's calves throb a dull yet consistent beat against the cold, wet sand that the waves constantly exposed. there's snow in his hair - and snow still stuck to his lashes, and he can barely feel the permanent shiver that's begun to reside in his body; nor the waves lapping against his dull yet consistently throbbing calves - dancing over his knees, denim clinging like saranwrap. clinging like a tarp - clinging like the body bag that must've carried freya out. it's 10pm on a monday night - and the stars double over one another as warm tears melt away the snow on his lashes, cloud his already cloudy vision - salt mingling with salt; the tears grow colder the farther they slip, somewhere beyond his temple and into his rigid hair.
he doesn't really remember how he's landed here - flat on his back, probably letting frostbite settle into his bones; he'll be surprised if his pinky toes aren't already goners - he can't tell between cold - numb and regular - numb anymore. somewhere the lines got blurred - and even crying, ducky feels strangely devoid of emotion. ducky feels devoid of a lot of things; messy blonde hair, the warmth of a flannel - warmth in general, really. even her dry sarcasm and the callous nature she subjected others to when she meant to push them away - felt warm; warmer than ducky felt now, at least. he shouldn't have gotten - mad. no - he should've been mad, but he should've helped her anyways. he should've - stayed. instead of running from his fears - from vinny, he should've stayed. maybe he would've - seen her again. maybe he could've changed something. if freya was here - she'd probably make fun of him. prod his side with the toe of her shoe, hands stuffed into the pockets of a hoodie that hadn't been hers.
it's 10pm on a monday night - and ducky's high, and he's drunk, but sobering up - the small bottle in his pocket's got only a sip left, but it doesn't matter. he clambers up onto his elbows - stiff as a board, stiff as a body already cold on a slab of metal, stiff as freya - shaking hands and shaking fingers clumsily fighting their way into his coat's pocket, the bottom hem beginning to finally wet with the waves that hadn't quite reached thigh yet. the bottle's ice cold, or maybe it's ducky's hands - he can't feel much of them, either - and so is the liquor; but it's enough to warm his throat - to kick in some sort of survival instinct. he won't die tonight, even if he wants to - he's not somewhere remote, not on an island this small; there's lights dotting the beach to his left - a splattering of houses and businesses further down the boardwalk. maybe he'll lose a limb, at the very most - what's another, anyways?
it's 10pm on a monday night, and ducky's freezing - and he feels it now, the clatter in his teeth, as he forces himself up and towards the lights. part of him wants to fling himself back in the ocean, to wade farther and farther until his head's only a bauble above the surface, until his eyes match the double - vision stars that mirror against the ocean the further he looks - as the waves calm and steady, and become nothing but teasing laps at his nose and ears. ducky presses on - towards the houses, and the businesses, and the people he doesn't know are searching for him; his calves begin to throb again - how many miles had he run? how long - until he wound up at the beach? it doesn't matter, maybe. he doesn't know what does, anymore - at least tonight. maybe tomorrow he'll have - better sense. maybe tomorrow - it'll have all been a bad dream, and ducky will wake up against a lumpy mattress, and beside a warm body; and there'll still be crushed grapes that they hadn't brushed out of the bed, yet - because they would've had time to clean it up. there would've been time.
he doesn't remember when his feet hit sidewalk, and not sand - because nothing feels solid beneath his feet, anymore - and he's made it this far, but maybe it's not far enough - and he can feel the rest of his energy burning up; at least something's warm, if only the acknowledgment that he's run out of fuel. that there's nothing else to give - that he's barebones. it's 10pm on a monday night, and ducky finds his phone - and it takes a good minute to turn it on, because he has to physically press his hand against the fingers trying to press into the damn button, because his fingers barely work anymore - because it's cold, because ducky's damn cold. his damn - cold fingers swipe hastily - as hastily as they can move, at least - and he doesn't have to scroll to find the contact he wants - the contact he needs, before pressing call - before bringing the phone to his ear. he can feel how his knees buckle beneath him - but not their contact with the concrete, one palm firm against the cold - lungs trying their best not to heave, and he wants to just - lay there, again. in the snow, again - but he stays on his knees, back hunched forward, curling up into himself as if it'll bring the warmth back - though he knows nothing will. and he sits - and he waits, with all the patience in the world - as the phone rings on.
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uravity-rises · 3 years
Okay you said to send you all of them wish granted. Answer 1-15 for the meme please.
Mun ask || Not Accepting (because this is all of them lol)
1. Are there any characters in your fandom or faceclaims you refuse to RP with? Who and why?
Hmmm I don’t know about “refusing” but I’m just not interested in some characters like I don’t really wanna rp with a mineta.
2. Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
Umm yeah. Any instance where one character is saving another one from sexual assault. Like absolutely hate that trope and please don’t ask me. I say this because 90% of the time it is supposed to be a “romantic” thing like the rp partner came to the other muses rescue but I find nothing about that scenario romantic.
3. As a mun, what are three of your biggest flaws when it comes to being someone’s RP partner?
1. I don’t godmun but I will rarely put words into other muses mouth and it’s by accident and I usually apologize. 2. I’m not sure if someone is taking their time or just dropping a thread and sometimes I ask too much, I think. 3. My life is hectic so I take a while to reply.
4. Have you ever dropped a thread because someone refused to ship their character with yours? If no, have you ever dropped a thread for another “unpopular” reason and if so, what was your reasoning?
No and I never will. If someone doesn’t want to ship with me that’s fine. It’s in my rules that I show that respect expecting it back. As for the other question I don’t usually drop threads and if I do I’ll talk with the mun first,but I can’t think of a unpopular reason why.
5. Have you ever RP’d with someone simply because of their character’s faceclaim, even if you did not like their character’s personality?
Nah it’s all about how our muses interact for me. If the faceclaim is really cute but the muse is a jerk/abusive to mine I won’t rp with them. I’ll probably look up what show or game their from tho!
6. Is there a character that the rest of your fandom adores that you just don’t like/are indifferent to? Who is the character and why?
Probably Dabi. I don’t hate him but he’s really not that interesting to me.
7. List three honest flaws your favorite character has and talk about how those flaws make them problematic.
This one’s a little odd because I don’t think all flaws make a character “problematic”. I can definitely think of three flaws of Ochaco but none of them make her a bad person or a bad person to like.
1. She likes to let others take charge and in a world were hero often work in teams it’s not bad per say but she needs to take charge more I think. 2. She has very low self confidence and it bleeds into what she thinks she’s capable verses what she’s actually cable of (which is usually much more) 3. This I think is more of a writers thing than her but she kinda focuses to much on Deku but again that’s literally cause she’s a female shonen character.
8. Out of the really popular pairings in your fandom, what’s your nOTP?
Not a nOTP but I personally don’t ship it is bkdk. I had problems with bullying growing up so I just can’t ship them knowing Bakugou hasn’t even apologized in cannon for before but that’s just a personal thing. I don’t mind if other people ship it. Honestly unless it’s abusive/pedophilic/incest I really don’t care what you ship. I myself am a multishipper so I love almost everything lol
9. What has been the biggest mistake you’ve made since you started RPing?
Godmodding. It was only in the waaaay beginning of me rping because I didn’t know but I promise I don’t do it anymore.
10. What’s something you really hate seeing on your dash that seems to be popular with almost everyone else?
Nothing??? If my friends are having fun let them have fun. If I don’t like it I just won’t interact.
11. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
When someone comes to my blog assuming my muse is going to be what they think of her (or how they’ve seen her from other blogs) instead of my interpretation. Also not reading my rules fucking sucks.
12. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
Umm this may be a bit controversial but if your going to make your muse gay like do you that’s fine! But like don’t say you’ll rp with me platonicly then ignore all my ask and starters and only use me for a meme blog. This has happened over 5 times!
13. Who is your least favorite character in the fandom you RP in? List three admirable traits about them.
Mineta??? 1. He helps his friends. 2. He’s determined. 3. I mean at least he’s honest.
14. Without naming anyone specific, have you ever avoided someone simply because they RP with one of your RP partners? If so, why?
Yes, I honestly don’t remember why tho lol
15. Without naming anyone, have you ever refused/simply avoided another RPer in the fandom because of things you’ve heard others say about them, or because of their popularity? If so, why did you feel the need to?
Yeah I avoid people who my friends say are drama or rude. I come on here to have fun and if someone is gonna bring me a lot of negativity I don’t want it.
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hollowsart · 4 years
awokenthe replied to your post:
no, but i give all my shinies to my best friend since she never restarts her pokemon games and i restart mine all the time c:
I am that friend of yours.
I have never restarted my Pokemon FireRed game since I got it all those years ago when it came out and I REFUSE to. I lost my starter from it sometime between DPPt and BW/2 when I was transferring things.. rip Charla, my first ever level 100, I miss her even to this day even tho it isn’t real LOL
also, I just... it doesn’t feel right restarting a main title Pokemon game.
I got so many memories clocked into these games, I may as well just buy a second Pokemon Platinum and the Pokemon Black 1 & 2 if I wanna play through Sinnoh and Unova again LOL
As someone who doesn’t like restarting; your shinies are very safe.
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oh-beyond · 8 years
Saviour AU - Part 2
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He wasn’t rich like the others, he didn’t really fit, but he was part of the group, the rich boys that had investments in one of the biggest companies in the country, they were powerful and handsome and they could get anything the wanted, money had corrupted their every day actions, money that Byun Baekhyun didn’t have, to what extent was he like them?
You were lucky enough to be delivering the coffee every morning, you just wanted to see him, and to see him meant seeing the others too…
You had faith that he was different… just don’t trust him too much he might surprise you, and not in a good way.
Business AU/Angst/Smut in future parts.
Baekhyun x Reader ft. Chanyeol, Chen, Kai & Lay (Mentions of EXO OT12)
Saviour Masterpost
< Part 1 - Part 3 >
Summary: It didn’t even cross your mind that you would still have feelings for Baekhyun after 10 years and 2 brief encounters, but this feeling you were having towards him was stronger than anything you’ve ever felt before, the only thing was that you were still nobody, just like in the past…
You questioned whether you should enter or not, Xiumin seemed busy, and for starters you needed to forget about his childhood nickname, it would be rather odd to explain how did you found out about it.
“Yeah he is in Xiumin’s office” you heard someone say followed by some footsteps.
Oh… but he still used that nickname?
You moved away from the door looking at the coffee trolly pretending to be busy preparing what you came here to deliver.
“Are you going in?” asked a voice gently, owner of the expensive and shiny looking pair of shoes that you were looking at.
You lifted your head and saw Chen and Suho about to enter.
“Smells amazing, altho not into coffee this shit smells good” said Chen in his usual playful way.
“You must be the jewel Minseok hyung was talking about yesterday” added Suho with a beautiful smile, same as when he was young.
You nodded shyly and waited for them to enter, Chen held the door for you and you pushed the trolly getting inside.
“My coffee! Thanks for coming ___”
You saw Xiumin sitting behind a large desk, and your heart gave you the signs that the back of the man sitting adjacent from him was Baekhyun, his hair was longer and a lot lighter, his shoulders got broader and…
“___? My coffee please” uttered Xiumin waking you up.
Shit shit shit, did you just stand there like an idiot? They must have noticed that you were looking at Baekhyun’s back.
You poured some of the aromatic dark liquid into a cup and walked towards Xiumin offering it to him, hiding your face from Baekhyun as you heard the satisfied noises of Xiumin drinking the addicting substance.
You turned around and saw Suho munching on 2 cupcakes “I can, can’t I?”
“Absolutely, it’s all paid for by Kim Minseok-ssi”
“All? Are you included?” said Chen trying to remove your cap.
“Yah Chen! Leave her alone, she’s my protectee, do not bother my coffee provider”
You shivered in your place but sighed in relief when you noticed that Baekhyun was just playing with his phone, his leg over his knee disinterested.
“If you’ll excuse me”
“Wait! Give me your phone number, I sense this will be the beginning of a great friendship” you heard Xiumin stopping you as he gave you his phone to save your number on his phone.
After he saved it you bowed and finally were out, and finally you could breath, you noticed your breath was held captive in your throat all that time, you never imagined that Baekhyun the boy you saw a couple occasions in your high school years would give you this much palpitations, it was disturbing because you haven’t even seen his face, yet you were completely taken, his mere clicking on his phone, just the way he sat, you would be discovered in no time, your crush lived and it was very obvious, you needed to disenchant yourself, you were sure that as days pass and see what a big of an asshole he was the attraction will vanish, and you would be able to live a normal life liking anyone you wanted, another part of you knew that this was a lie and all you wanted was to be close to him, perhaps even make him notice you, yes because your pathetic self brought you here just to see the boy you crushed on 10 years ago.
You waited for the elevator to go down and saw Chanyeol getting out, the same goofy looking from high school, but you had to admit that getting even taller wearing a suit wasn’t all bad, suddenly remembering that he should be one of the guys that would totally remember you, you bowed and smiled but he just got out not even acknowledging your bow, you scoffed in discontent and remembered that you once refused him, it made you feel bad about yourself, you sough and leaned your back on the elevator wall waiting to arrive to the ground floor.
When the doors opened you saw Kai listening to a very intense speech Sehun was giving him while he just nodded, it was brief, but you locked eyes with Kai, it was impossible not to, he looked mesmerising, capable to make you forget everything, the navy vest with a white shirt underneath, his hair brushed to the side, just equally breathtaking was Sehun wearing an all black suit with a black turtleneck, you held your breath and walked passed them trying to be unnoticed, suddenly he raised his forefinger at Sehun to make him stop talking.
“What is it? What?”
“I think I know that girl?”
“What girl? Anyhow probably… is any girl safe from you Kim Jongin? I sometimes fear you might steal my girls too, you wouldn’t tho, would you?”
“Shhh, wait Sehun, I’m not kidding I’ve seen her before, but where?”
“Who the coffee girl?”
“Yeah… wait here 1 second” said Kai leaving Sehun at the elevator door puzzled.
“Excuse me, sorry, exc- hello?”
You heard him calling but when he touched your shoulder you couldn’t keep  ignoring him and keep walking, you stood in your tracks and your shoulders shrugged.
“Have we met? I think I’ve seen you somewhere” he talked lowering himself to look under the brim of your cap “can-can you look at me?”
“No I don’t think we have met, if you’ll excuse me I need to head back to my work place” you stuttered 
“Yah! Kai-yah! Suho hyung is calling we will be late for the meeting”
“We will meet again, if it’s coffee what you are here for I am positive I will be seeing you around” his smile sideways almost a smirk.
You bowed leaving him wondering where has he seen you before, you didn’t know why you didn’t want him to recognise you, perhaps you wished Baekhyun did… but as what exactly? The girl that refused his friend? Chanyeol most probably was still bitter about it, and probably Baekhyun too, or maybe not, who were you to begin with to be even remembered? They weren’t losers like you who still clung on the memory of her high school crush. 
But then again Kai remembered you…
Million of thoughts going in your head as you loaded the trolly in the van driving off.
As soon as you arrived back at the coffee shop you were welcomed by your boos at the entrance, how strange, she wasn’t the type, she was more of a materialistic type.
“___! Kim Minseok-ssi is very happy with you and he said he wants you to take care of a small coffee dock that he will do for you at his premises, you know how much money he’s offering to take you?”
And there was your answer.
“A coffee dock?”
“Yeah like one of those in shopping centres, but inside the amazing building” your manager replied enthusiastically.
“Can’t we just deliver when they need?”
“Well he called and he said that he needs you to go back, to save the hustle of driving all day”
“So he paid you to take me?”
“Don’t be ungrateful, we are both benefiting from this, if it wasn’t for my coffee shop he wouldn’t have seen you to begin with, let’s call it a transfer of business”
“Yeah whatever, so I am fired now?”
“You start tomorrow with them, for now please go back and thank him, I even prepared the coffee for you”
“He won’t drink the shit you make, if he wants me is for a reason… I’m out of here” you exclaimed untying your apron throwing it to the ground creating quite the scene in front of the customers that were in the queue.
You headed home thinking how miserable your life was, the ringing in your phone bringing you back from your thoughts.
Kim Minseok>>>
“Yes” you answered firmly.
“Hello there sunshine! Are you on your way back here?”
“No I quitted”
“Well of course you did, you will be working for me from now on”
“Who said I want to? I have a life you know”
“I don’t doubt that, oh yes Baekhyun leave the documents there, sorry as I was saying, please I beg you, I really need your services, I will pay you double starting from now an-”
“OK, I am in” you replied cutting him from his convincing.
“Oh, oh OK, alright, thanks! You won’t regret it, I am waiting for you to show you my vision on this thing, you want me to send my driver to collect you?”
“No it’s alright, I’ll take a taxi”
“Alrighty! I can’t wait to see you ___, when you arrive please let the receptionist reimburse you the taxi fare”
Baekhyun was all that was in your mind, after finding him again you wouldn’t want to lose him right?
“The coffee girl seems to be creating some commotion around here don’t you think guys? Xiumin hyung and earlier even Kai was following her” said Sehun teasingly.
“What do you mean? No no man, it’s her coffee, it’s like sent from heaven, but what is that Kai?” asked Xiumin intrigued.
“I’ve seen her before”
“Wow what a revelation” said Chanyeol after scoffing “you’ve seen her before, man I applaud you, is any girl safe from your tentacles dear friend?”
“Guys I am not kidding, this girl, we all know her from somewhere”
Suddenly Baekhyun looked interested in the conversation looking up from his phone.
“Keep going, what do you mean we all know her from somewhere?” asked Suho.
“Can you bring her over Xiumin hyung?” asked Kai.
“She is supposed to come over now” confirmed Xiumin.
“Now? The guys are coming from China, it’s been 2 months we haven’t seen them, can she come some other time?” whined Sehun.
“I have some business discussions with her, and if you say we all know her, the China squad should know her too right?” said Xiumin now a bit intrigued with all this.
You arrived and went straight up at the waiting room outside Suho’s office where the receptionist told you to go. 
“Kim Minseok awaits for you inside, just take a seat till you are called” said his personal assistance making you feel like a cave man in comparison, wondering how them heels could be worn in an 8 hour shift… impressive.
You sat down hearing them inside, you couldn’t really hear what it was said, but you did admire the loud voice from Chen, just like in high school years, and here you were describing them as if they were your friends, pathetic pathetic.
You walked in circles in the waiting area wondering around waiting to be called, then you saw what it looked like a family picture of the 8 Korean guys, wondering were the Chinese ones were, perhaps after college they went back to China…
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In the picture they were 8 but 7 in your vision were blurry, just that Baekhyun in the middle wearing glasses looking fine in a suit, with this your dream was almost fulfilled, all you really wanted was to know how he looked now, how he grew, how was he doing…
You heard the ‘ding’ from the elevator indicating someone arriving to the same floor, Chinese conversations between more than 2 people… that much you recognised, and there they were, the guys you were wondering about their whereabouts just moment ago.
Suho’s office opened and you were met with Sehun again ignoring your presence “I think they are here”
You dusted your shirt and waited to be acknowledged… but it wasn’t in your plans what was about to happen.
“___!? Is that you? Oh my god, it is!” abruptly this guy lifted you from the floor hugging you as he spun you around a few times “oh my god I am sorry, I got carried away, don’t you know who I am? Yixing! Lay! Remember me?”
Oh but how to forget him? Owner of the most unreal dimple, it was just as deep his face just as handsome and still down to earth.
You looked around by now all guys outside Suho’s office and a set of 11 pair of eyes looking at you confused by the sudden burst of affection Lay just had right there.
“I do! How have you been?”
“Hello? Are we interrupting anything, you 2 need a room?” teased Chen.
“Oh guys, it’s ___, from the convenience store”
“I knew I’ve seen her before”
“Well let me correct you in that Kai, this one might be one of the girls that you ‘didn’t see’” added Chen smirking.
You looked around you your eyes falling on Baekhyun who was looking at Chanyeol with concern, your eyes followed his and landed on the tall man who’s jaw was wide open eyes big as saucers.
“___?” he said his voice broken “I can’t believe it’s you”
“OK OK what the actual flying fuck? Suho say something, who’s this? We come after this long and everyone is suddenly happy to see this unknown girl?” said Kris annoyed.
“I’m just as speechless Kris my man, anyhow I’ve missed you guys, how was your flight? Let’s get to my office, these guys can sort out whatever is going on here” Suho patted on Kris’ and Tao’s back guiding them to his office. 
You were left with Chanyeol, Lay, Kai and Xiumin, sorrowful that Baekhyun just followed the rest inside.
“So you all know my new business partner I see, I will leave you now but no one dares steal her from me, I’m warning you” Xiumin voiced before heading to in “and ___, I am sorry to bring you all the way back here, but… can we meet tomorrow morning? Be at my office at 8 am?”
You nodded and bowed in approval.
“Nice to see you again ___, how is the old man in the store?” joked Kai.
“I-I don’t know I left after high school and-”
“Guys can I talk to ___ for a moment alone?” you were cut off but Chanyeol asking Lay and Kai nicely to fuck off, oh no… was he going to bring up something as silly as a high school crush?
Look who’s talking, maybe you did make an impact on him as big as Baekhyun did on you, why disrespect his feelings?
“I’m so happy to see you again ___, I hope I get to see you often now that you have business with Minseok hyung, here take my business card and call me if you ever need anything” Lay placed his card on your hand before he hugged you taking you by surprise again.
“Don’t be too obvious Chanyeol hyung, take care of her, she’s precious to Xiumin hyung” added Kai winking at you following Lay.
“So…” began Chanyeol.
“I am here because Minseok-ssi asked me, I will get going you obviously have more important things to do”
“You haven’t changed” Chanyeol smiled gently “no what am I saying? You look much prettier, I never forgot you, I swear I think it was more than just a crush or a refusal making me stubborn”
“I think I shou-”
“I am beyond happy that I will get to see you often, please take my business card too, I hope you consider calling me before anyone else, I just feel like I should be the one you reach out for for some reason” his hand rubbing the nape of his neck.
“I’m coming” he exclaimed turning back to you “Let my driver take you home, alright?”
“No I’m fine, thanks Chanyeol-ssi”
“I insist”
You bowed as your cheeks felt like burning, you though he’d see the blush in them.
“See you tomorrow ___”
You got dressed nicer today, you let your hair down and took your time drawing a nice line on your eyes, perfect, you tried the heels that were gathering all the dust of your apartment and put them on, rusty walking on them but you will be just fine, one final look at yourself girly self in a dress and headed down.
As you opened the door to your building and went out you saw a nice sleek all black sports car parked, you knew it had to do with where you were heading, you stopped for a moment when the door of the driver opened, and so did your heart because Baekhyun was walking towards you frown in display fixing his tie looking dangerously sexy, and why were your knees suddenly bumping on each other?
“Good morning, ___ right? Can I drive you to the offices? I need to have a word with you”
A/N: Ah she likes him so much ^_^
Thanks for reading, feedback always welcomed
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