#if someone wanted they could make the tvirus with the crispr method the main starting point is rabies and ebola
delicatebluebirdruins · 11 months
the Devil is in the Details
in inventory: email From: Mia Winters Sent: July 18, 2017 11:04PM Tuesday To: Ethan Winters Dulvey, Louisiana. Baker farm. Come get me.
simple to the point almost as if the sender was worried to much might alert Ethan to some thing. I know the common thoughts is Mia did actually send this but my main thought is when? as she is in the cell has been since late 2015 and the doors are locked
Jacks diary: rec room. for timelines sake these are Oct 2014
October 2 Reports say a storm's coming. I had a lot of trouble cleaning up after the last one a few years back. I guess it's time to reinforce the windows and shore up the roof. Maybe I'll get Lucas to help.
October 9 The water has finally receded. The house is alright, but the old house was badly damaged. Lucas is making a fuss about a huge ship that's washed up in the bayou. If that's true, I better report it to the parish. I'll go check it out tomorrow.
Travis memo: drawer in safe room
Dear Courtney, Those bastards are looking for me, but maybe this gives you a chance to escape. To escape, you have to find the reliefs shaped like dog heads. I saw one of the heads in the dissection room underground. Get it. It's the key out of here. Something's wrong with me. It must have been that shit they made me eat. If I'm gonna die, I'd at least like to go out fighting. I'm gonna get a hold of that shotgun I saw in the rec room and make them regret what they did to me. You need to get out of here. I love you, Courtney. Love, Travis
a guy doing his best to help his love get away (this is the guy who Jack mentions in the memo we also find in the rec room who caused the stronger shotgun to be broken)
how to unlock the door in the morgue
Lucas, I caught the guy who keeps trying to escape. I've locked him up in the leftmost incinerator so he can't get away again. Take him out when he's ready. You know how to open the door, don't you? Just remember: 3 a's and a handprint. Do what you want with his girl.
this is Travis this is what happens to him. My main problem is what happened to Courtney? the least thing is her turning into Molded but it takes a time
Mrs Baker: locked room attached to the rec room
How have you been feeling recently? It's been a long time since you came in for your last check-up. I'm writing to tell you that I've finished examining your X-rays. Those dark areas in your cranium are fungus-like structures that seem to be related to mold. The hallucinations and noises you said you've been hearing may be related to these growths. If your symptoms are due to a fungal parasite, it must be removed before it's too late. I don't mean to scare you, but I am seriously concerned for your health. Please come to the hospital as soon as you read this letter. As your doctor, I strongly recommend you undergo further tests. Crawford Lang, Dulvey General Hospital
But I find that fungus like structures bit interesting I can't remember who thought about it playing RE4R and what Ramon was doing but this is for them.
Zoe's notes: trailer
My body's feeling weirder and weirder. Soon I'll become like mom and dad. It's all her fault. Should I run? No, I can't. I'm dead if she finds out. That woman she was with, Mia, She knows something. If I had the serum I could cure myself. I have to find out more.
I wonder when this was written. I think its around the time Mia got locked up (because having a talk with someone violent can be a bit difficult) and I wonder if this was the cataylist for them trying to help people (I doubt it was Zoe doing it on her own. She still had to learn how to combine the d series arm and head to get the basic serum)
Margurites warning Old House bird door
Zoe, You tried to sneak up to the second floor again, didn't you?! Did you think I wouldn't notice?!?! Even after what happened to Eveline, you just keep talking about some strange medicine. And what are you planning to do with my altar? You better keep those sticky fingers off of it! Nobody touches my sacred altar! You think your father and I are idiots?! You spoiled pathetic child…. I wish youd NevEr been born. UnforGIVably pathetic yet always lookingDOWN on uS aNd trying to Leave our HOME! After EVERYthing WE'VE done for YOU… Pathetic PATHETICpathetic pathetic… If you EVER even touch my altar I'll slice off your chest and serve it up as potroast…
first the idea of Zoe trying to reach through to her parents but Evies control was too much for them
second these were written at two different times. the first half being Margurite being more like herself and the other half that just sounds angry? It seems more like Evie would say that to be honest
Margurites Diary
October 11 My ears have been ringing all day and I haven't been able to sleep since the child showed up. It's like Zoe says: There's something strange about the child, and the woman she brought with her.
-Evie has been at the Baker house for a little under a day (she arrived on the Oct 10th) so Margurites sleep schedule must be very regular for her to notice it being messed up.
-Its a interesting choice of words talking about how strange Evie and Mia are and who brought what (maybe Margurite was dreaming the ship wreck and how it got destroyed)
October 15 I'm seeing things, hearing things, can't stop feeling nauseious. I went to see the doctor in town and he gave me an X-ray. What's happening to me?
October 23 The child gave me a present.
October- I put the present in the secret room right at the back of the second floor, where nobody will find it. That arm is a sign of the child's trust. That arm will lead us to happiness1 And anyone who corrupts that happiness... I won't allow them to live.
1ahem cult cult cult cult. all jokes aside considering what we know of Miranda and the word choice in daughters
corruption meaning: to make someone or something become dishonest or immoral
Jim's letter: Wrecked ship bunk room 1st Deck (where the fuse is)
Dear Janet, Hey, how's it going? I guess half a year or so will have passed by the time you get this letter. Life is so boring here. Day after day, just the same old sea. Although there is one thing that's different. This time we have some passengers sailing with us, which hardly ever happens. It's a couple with a young girl. I think they're distant relatives of the captain. Imagine, traveling on a tanker instead of a passenger ship. They must be hard up! I tried talking to the little girl earlier and her dad shot me this nasty look. What's he so worried about? Now that I think of it, the captian said he didn't even have any relatives… Maybe I'm overthinking this. I miss you. Love, Jim
a little hint of time to how long the Annabelle was expected to be at sea (mentioned in my Mia and Alan post)
poor Jim I wonder how he died. I wonder how Janet is doing as she like every other person waiting for news on the crew was feeling. I wonder if anyone else was suspicious about Mia, Alan and Evie.
Giovannis Will Bunk room 1st deck
It's too late for us, but at least I can let the world know what happened here. I was on night shift yesterday, so I was taking a nap in the bunk room around noon. I was half asleep and I heard a kid, a little girl, laughing. Or was that all in my head? I woke up at 19:30: there was some sort of ruckus in the passageway. Drew, one of the engineers, came in and said there was something going on down below, maybe a riot. He looked pale in the face. He told me he was going down to check it out, but he never came back. It must have been around 19:50 when I heard the scream. I went to the laundry room to check and saw Clark being eaten by some sort of black-ish monster. The monster turned and started coming towards me, huge, shark-like teeth snapping in its jaw. I just screamed like a little girl and ran for it. Now I'm huddled up in the bunk room, shaking as I write this. There's a whole host of those creatures lurking in the passageways now. I can still hear screams now and then, but there's no way I'm going out there now. And that's it: I've written everything I know. Giovanni Finetti
depending on how you play the wrecked ship you can find before you play the tape. Giovanni was infected at some point because he heard Evie laughing
Orders 2nd floor safe room
Special Operations Division Director Alan Droney and Caretaker Mia Winters : Recent reports suggest that if Eveline remains at her current location, she is at a high risk of being stolen by opposing organizations. Your orders, therefore, are to transfer Eveline to our Central American branch for safe keeping until further notice. During transfer, be sure to adhere to the following protocols: Act as parental guardians for Eveline at all times to avoid suspicion. Manage Eveline's vitals via the Genome Codex provided. If the mission is compromised beyond reconciliation, dispose of Eveline
not to keep harping on the things but Alan is Mia's boss and Mia was low on the food chain not only is this an example of dehumanising Evie its also kinda dehumaninsing Mia because from indeed the description of a caretaker is: A Caretaker, or Janitor or a Site Manager, takes care of the security and maintenance of community buildings. Their duties include cleaning, performing simple repairs and maintenance tasks and performing security checks for the buildings in their care.
we don't know who the threat was (partially BSAA but the others? who knows)
avoid suspicion my ass I say this because there were better ways to deal with this sending someone who actually knew kids. Not acting weird when seen by other people on the ship Alan.
another moment of dehuminisation of Evie and they skip straight to "beyond reconciliation" which again makes me doubt they wanted Evie to get to where she was going
Email log salt mines
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 12:42 AM Thanks to you guys it's been about a week since my head's been clear and back to normal. And she STILL thinks she's got me! You guys really need to work on fixing that. Not only does she look like a little kid, but she's about as stupid as one, too. Mom and dad are still totally under though. I was wondering. Is the whole "family" obsession something you guys programmed into her? It's kinda fucked up.
so the Bakers were gradually taken over begining from 10th Oct 2014 so this is three? months later. How were the Connections searching for them or did he find a way to contact them from using the boxes containing the d series arm and head?
Sent: Friday, November 4, 2015 2:10 AM That bitch Mia is still somewhere in between Evie-La-La Land and reality. She gets pretty violent, so I locked her up in a cell. I thought maybe Eveline would get mad since Mia's her favorite and all, but she doesn't seem to care. She actually goes and visits her sometimes. She thinks Mia's her mommy. Like I said, your "bioweapon" is fucked up.
so a little longer between Jan and November. I wonder what act of violence was the catalyst for Mia being locked up for 2/3 years. I wonder what Evie was thinking "doesn't seem to care" because of her upbringing I would say it just seemed normal to her? I wonder if it was during these visits they learn of Ethan's existence?
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2016 1:10 AM Eveline's family obsession is getting out of hand. She's making everyone kidnap more and more assholes off the street to add to her freak show of a family. Maybe she's getting tired of Mia not coming around, but it's a pain in the ass for me because I gotta clean up the mess whenever someone new comes along. By the way, Evie's looking sick or something. Her skin is getting all wrinkly and she's getting grey hairs. Is that supposed to happen? It's almost like she's getting old all of a sudden.
Mia still holding strong against Evie's desires despite being in the cell. I wonder what was going through Evie's head when she wanted more people to join the family
Infection Report
This report details the symptoms that appear when the bacterium* that grows inside the E-Series infects a human. Be sure to read this document throughly before dealing with E-Series weaponized assets. Hereafter referred to as "mold". Initial Infection. The mold ingests nutrients from the subject's body to propagate itself, and slowly takes over cells within the body. As a side effect of this, the infected subject gains remarkable regenerative abilities. During experiments, we removed arms and legs from test subjects and found that they were able to coapt the amputated limbs in a matter of minutes. Mid-stage Infection: Once the mold reaches the brain, the subject's thoughts become "in tune" with those of the E-Series asset. If this state continues, the host will lose all sense of ego. Complete Infection: After every cell in the body has been taken over by the mold, the subject begins to lose their human form. Physical mutations differ from case to case, but all result in him or her acquiring incredible physical strength. Containing a subject at this stage would be extremely difficult.
Zombie Ant Fungus (information from Britannica) Once the fungal mass inside an infected ant reaches a critical size (usually about 16–24 days following infection), the ant is induced to leave its nest at different times than its regular foraging habits, and it fails to walk along established ant trails. Infected ants are generally unresponsive to external stimuli, including other ants... Carpenter ants in areas with zombie-ant fungus have evolved a number of adaptations to limit their exposure to the parasite. Carpenter ants in infested areas tend to be more arboreal than those without the fungus threat, suggesting that they avoid the forest floor to limit exposure to the spores. They also practice social grooming and can remove spores from each other’s bodies before infection can occur. The ants have also been observed to carry infected members of the colony away from the nest and from their usual ant trails on the forest floor to reduce the spread of spores to high traffic areas, and they are known to actively avoid the graveyards of infected dead.
nothing more needs to be said does it?
Report One (much of this is redacted) salt mine still you can read the full thing here. but i'm focusing on the bits that stood out to me.
This project was instigated in 2000 as one of several concepts for the company's NEXBAS (next-generation experimental battlefield superiority) initiative, working with technical assistance from H.C.F., to develop a bioweapon for neutralizing combatants en masse with minimal direct contact. NEXBAS was later folded, and all its assets diverted to this project. What makes this project markedly different from conventional weapons is its ability to turn enemy combatants into allies; converting hostile elements into willing servants... The resultant organisms were referred to as "candidate specimens" and graded based on usability, from the impratical and faulty Series A through D, to the perfected E-Series. A common appearance was selected for the bioweapons; that of a roughly ten-year-old girl, to ensure ease of blending in with urban/refugee populations... Eveline's control is exerted in a series of discrete stages, the first of which is hallucination. Almost immediately after infection, the subject begins to see images of Eveline (though she is not in fact there) and hear her voice (which is inaudible to anyone else). Auditions with infected subjects throughout the stages of infection reveal that at first, the phantom Eveline appears to be a normal young girl, sometimes desiring companionship or assistance. As time progresses, she begins making more and more extreme demands, including self-mutilation and attacks on other people. The psychological shock this induces helps to break down the mind's natural barriers to Eveline's brainwashing effect, and by the time mental control is achieved, the mutamycete infection has progressed throughout the body's cells...
1 H.C.F. is Wesker he was in charge of it for a time and it and he was behind the events of code veronica
2 this was Evie's sales pitch. Essentially Evie being dropped into a combat zone she would be able to stop the fighting (the regenerative factor was just a bonus)
3 from the way this is worded the other mutamycete experiments had different looks, but for the way they were going to use them a 10 year old child is best.
4 what happened to Ethan is he heard her first and heard her after getting the arm
5 we see all this happen with Jack when he stabbed himself and attacks Margurite and Zoe
Report 2
... The researchers have been calling these super-organisms the "Molded"; made of mold, and also molded as in "shaped". The name has a certain elegance to it. For the treatment of accidental infections, performing □□□□□ on samples of Eveline's body tissue produces a unique fungicidal serum. 1 Administering the serum to an infected subject will cause the mycelia to calcify, but if the subject's cells are already largely invaded, the serum will be fatal. 2 Since the treatment window is so small, the serum's primary use is therefore disposal of infected subjected, rather than a cure. In exploring the serum's potential, we found that subjecting it to □□□□□ would enhance its effects to extreme potency, becoming a compound we now call E-Necrotoxin, which □□□□□□□□□□□□□ in even tiny amounts. 3 What's been interesting to observe in Eveline's behavior is her obsession with the concept of family. In experiments, we found multiple occasions that infected subjects were compelled to act as her "mother" or "father", treating her as if she were really their daughter. Why did she settle upon family as the theme for her mental control? This is just speculation, but it could be that she instinctively understands that a family unit is better suited to blending into social groups than a lone girl. On the other hand…well, a sentimental sort might suggest she's making up for a perceived lack of "love" in her quarantined upbringing. A parent's love.
1 see this in the boathouse
2 say it with me the serum that Zoe was putting a lot of hope on is basic and wouldn't have worked either way (I didn't think of this at the time but this is why Alan didn't suggest getting the serum prepared for him when he was still alive)
3 I would say its both due to her own wants and what she can infer from around. And this also part of why Village is a little stupid at parts because of the picture we see with Miranda and Evie wearing what she was when getting on the boat so either Miranda didn't have much direct contact with the clone of her daughter or she did and for the sake of brevity the author of the report didn't mention her. I say its the latter. Miranda and the Connections at large are the worst either way.
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