#if that bothers you to have on your dash you can block my liveblogging tag above
necroissants · 2 years
It's been ages since live-blogged something but I might just for this book because I'm so so exciting to finally be reading it!! So just a heads up for all five of my followers: I'm currently reading/listening to the audiobook of His Secret Illuminations by Scarlet Gale, an erotic romance novel about a magic monk and a cool warrior lady who have to go on a quest to retrieve some stolen books. I've been wanting to read this for ages but the last couple months I've had a block about actually sitting down and reading a book which is very sad because there's so many books I want to read that dont have audio versions. So I'm so happy this one does now!! Stay tuned!!
I've been a fanfic reader of Scarlet Gale for years and litterally everything she writes is my new favorite thing!
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andrebearakovsky · 7 years
Hockey season is back!
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Congrats, folks, we’re about to embark upon another season of hockey-filled insanity. This is going to be my first full season running a hockey blog, so I just wanted to jump the gun and lay down exactly what my blog is going to be about this season.
I plan to cut back just a tiny bit this year. My hope is that if I spend less time on tumblr, I’ll have more of a real life, but that’s just a wish. I’m definitely going to try my hardest to be in less drama and bullshit and hopefully see less of it on my dash, I’m making that a priority this season.
Please keep all p*ns away from me. Please. I don’t want to see them. Dear god keep them away from me. I won’t blog about them, please don’t talk to me about them. Ever. This also applies to the H*wks btw.
Please don’t come to me with questions or concerns about players’ political affiliations. I know this is a hot, touchy subject right now, but I am not the person to talk to about that. People on this website can get really hot and bothered over the tiniest little thing, and overblow it to the point where a player liking one thing on Twitter means that they’re evil. People are already making me feel guilty about liking some players. Please just let me appreciate what they do on the ice; that doesn’t mean I condone or agree with their political affiliations. So please, just try to keep that as far away from me as possible. I try to talk about stuff like that as little as possible on here. I don’t need to know about it if they’re not boasting it. If someone has literally committed a crime, that’s one thing, but otherwise I don’t need it here. If you’re a mutual, and you have a tag for stuff like this, please let me know so that I can blacklist it.
If you need me to tag anything, triggers or otherwise, please do not hesitate to ask. Send me a message, and I’ll try my best to remedy the situation and use the tags in the future.
I tag all teams and players as best I can. To the best of my knowledge, I tag players as their names, along with team names. Hopefully this can help you guys in case you want to blacklist anything.
I use liveblogging tags. I tend to liveblog a lot, and if you don’t want to see that, I use a number of tags depending on what team I’m watching. Obviously the most used one is caps lb. I also have knights lb, blues lb, leafs lb, and there are likely going to be more as the season goes on.
What teams do I even like, anyway? First and foremost, I’m a Caps fan; they are my one true team and the only team I truly root for. However, I cheat on them with a few other teams: Blues, Leafs, Knights, Preds. I also find myself partial to the Jackets and Oilers at times, and I know I’m going to follow a number of teams for the sake of former Caps (mainly the Devils, but any team that now has a 2016-17 Cap is going to make an appearance).
Fair warning, I can be a little annoying at times. I do tend to post a lot, so my apologies in advance.
If you’re polite to me, I’ll be polite to you. I like to be polite and treat you with the same respect you treat me. So if you’re polite to me, I’ll be polite back. If you have any sort of grievance with me, come to me and we can civilly try to resolve it. But if you’re rude to me, anticipate the same back, and know that blocking is not out of the question if you go overboard.
I will be continuing to add to the masterlist on my page. My masterlist is an index page on my blog of many Caps videos of all kinds, found here and here. Throughout the year I will be continuing to add interesting Caps videos as they are produced. I’ll try to do this all myself, but if you find some video that I don’t have up, let me know and I’ll add it.
Need help finding a link to a Caps video? Chances are I have it. Send me a message or ask and I’ll give you the link if I have it. Also know that all of my links are always up on my masterlist pages.
Disclaimer: I am an adult. If you’re a minor, and this makes you uncomfortable in any way, you can unfollow immediately. I won’t be offended.
You are under no obligation to follow me. If you’re uncomfortable, don’t like what I post, are annoyed or angry with me, or I’m not your cup of tea, you’re under no obligation to keep following me. Tumblr is meant to be a place that we all enjoy, and you are free to unfollow me for whatever reason. Doing that is a whole lot easier than sending anybody hate.
My ask box is always open. Feel free to ask me any question you have, alert me to anything you think I need to know, come to me with any questions or concerns, or even just chat. The box is always open.
My main is @charlie-pippin-faraday. If you see this blog, it’s me.
I know that’s long, but I just wanted to lay out what I’m going to be about. Sorry if this makes me seem pretentious or anything, I really don’t mean to come across that way, I mean this more as a welcome and an organizational tool. Don’t think this means I’m going to be highly regulated, I’m still going to be me and my hot mess self. I’m still a human being. I want to try to make this as stress-free and enjoyable as possible. This is supposed to be fun, isn’t it? We’re all here to enjoy the game we love, so let’s try to keep it that way.
So that’s that, and welcome to andrebearakovsky for the 2017-18 season!
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