#if the aliens weren't real they could and /should/ go to therapy. but the aliens /were/ real so they're in scifi noir and out in the weeds
lonepower · 25 days
oh I completely forgot to actually post my one single liveblog post i just saved it as a draft lmao. anyway if anyone wants my realtime Romulus Thoughts (tl;dr it's good) here ya go~
oh hey it starts on my birthday!! already a good sign <3
the audio quality on this cam is only a little bad but i cannot understand anyone for Shit. the 2 identical british dudes especially are basically speaking Peanuts Parentsese. i've been spoiled rotten by the shift to streaming and need my subtitles ))):
i really like this actress, she reminds me of someone - daisy ridley or summer glau maybe? she's so cute uvu
oh i want her and Pretty Hair to kiss so bad. she looks like she's shaping up to be the final girl though so i should probably not get too attached to anyone else, rip
ohhhhhhhhhh here we go
man I REALLY wanna know what their homeworld is like. I mean like the actual original world they came from instead of whatever time travel shit or w/e that prometheus was on, idk i blocked it from my memory. anyway there's so much about their design & behavior that seems like they're meant to be amphibious/semiaquatic to me? they're about the right size to fill the same niche as sharks or crocodiles, too...... did hr giger actually think about this stuff or was he just like "hey you know what would be fucked up"
rip bald girl we hardly knew ye. you were facehugged on all those posters anyway so i'm glad you weren't interesting
awwwww, no, man, don't, don't do that, that's not cool. why do we gotta do this. cmon. fuckin nightmarish
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girl go see a gynecologist or something i don't think that's a normal pussy pH
hnnNNnggH i'm ngl though that was. hot. also a very satisfying death for my least favorite character. i hope it hurt as much as it looked like it did 🤭
LAUREL IS CANON????? man she was a fun oc i should play around w her some more. love me some xeno gene therapy gone wrong. better hope the canon version doesn't fuck you up the same way<3
LMAOOOO NOT 2 MINUTES LATER!!!! EXACTLY THE SAME WAY! i'm so delighted my cringe nae nae river-tam-expy science-experiment mary sue is explicitly canon compliant now. this is great. oh my god.
Oh This Will Go Well
oh this is a Cool setpiece that seems very ill-advised
...yep. nicely foreshadowed, too
• HEL FUCKING LO??????? 👁️👄👁️
okay wait on slowmo rewind #4 that's actually the one from before? i'm no less jealous but slightly more confused. xenomorph yuri is still real thank you god 🙏🙌
ohhhhhhh that's why. yeah that makes more sense lol.
oh to be tenderly rescued by a terrifying alien who's only saving my life so they can use my body for their own nefarious ends. who said that
also the bishop echo at the beginning was cute but this one didn't land. you can do better. :\
while we're still on the subject tho: i think we do need an Enemy Mine scenario with a xeno now. the yautja got one with scarlex. it's time. i deserve it
Oh here we go. xenomorph yuri real round 2(????)
honestly this is just an accurate representation of what normal human pregnancy sounds like to me. having a little creature burst out of your ribcage killing you instantly is Vastly preferable tbh
i think this thing is less unsettling than the newborn but only barely. like 0.4% less unsettling. what the fuck
average white man behavior
i like my idea better tbh. Pretty Hair deserves to be monsterified and Final Girl deserves a terrifying mutated alien gf. we could have had it aaaaaaaaalllllll
I DO appreciate the obvious resurrection parallel though. my black sheep most beloved getting the legitimacy & recognition it deserves 😔✊
in conclusion WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK. resurrection and avp will probably always be tied for my favorites and tbh I would rank 2 a little higher as well, but this was solidly middle of the pack which is a gargantuan fucking improvement. the main thing is that it was Actually Recognizably An Aliens Movie which, after the prometheus/covenant nightmare, is honestly the highest praise i can give. thank GOD
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just-kit-ink · 1 year
✨Kitty Entertainment Headcanons🎇
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•Kitty's a huge lover of dance either for fun or to express mood and narrative.
•She used to take dance lessons when she was six years old at one of Santa Monica's junior dance troops. She stuck out like a sore thumb due to her hair and build and even though she desperately wanted to wear a tutu, she looked the most uncomfortable. The other girls would make fun of her because her movements weren't as dainty or refined and her teacher could sometimes be harsher with her.
•Despite her hatred for the lessons she continued to dance at home in front of the TV when the late show bands came on and to old records her father kept (and the new releases.)
•She would dance to Disney's releases too. One of her best memories is dancing to songs from The Jungle Book around the living room with her Dad.
•By the time the 80s rolled around she went out to dance clubs in the city that played Disco music (and didn't require any ID)
•She dances around her room to The Clash and other forms of Brit-Pop when she's feeling energised or needs to blow off steam.
• Her favourite dances are dramatic, modern and contemporary, musical theatre and street but she has a real fondness for ballet.
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•Well she's a big animation fan but that's pretty obvious! Disney, the Looney Tunes and 80s cartoons.
•Kitty likes her horror, especially old monster movies like the Hammer House films. But she also loves the frightening psychological fare with or without the gore.
•She likes fantasy and is a big sci-fi fan. She loves Star Wars, Dune and Alien. I think Sigourney Weaver and Winona Ryder would be two of her favourite actresses. Anything with deep space exploration, strange characters, funky aliens she really likes.
•She likes the kind of fantasies by Ralph Bakshi and Rankin Bass as well as beautiful tragedies like Ladyhawke.
•She loves to laugh and will not only watch old toon shorts but also whatever snappy comedy that's in the cinema. She's not really a big fan of comedies that has emphasis on gross out and anything set in a high school puts her off instantly...unless it's Heathers.
•Roger and her watch old movies together. She's seen some that her Mum watched with her like The Wizard of Oz, It's a Wonderful Life and the old live action Disney films but doesn't know much about them. He introduces her to Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Jimmy Cagney and Lauren Bacall. While she's a bit more of a modern gal she thinks Humphrey Bogart is cool.
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•As a little girl she loved nursury rhymes, lullabies and old comedy songs her Dad heard in the army.
•She loved old Disney package-film ditties her mother used to teach her, as well as the old tunes of the shorts from Maroon Studios where her parents used to work.
•As she matured so did her tastes. To express the onset of teenage-to-young adult anger she turned to punk rock and if she was really mad the occasional heavy metal. The sound offered a release from all the post-grief pain of her mother's death.
•Her Dad collects records so she's heard Buddy Holly, Chet Baker and Bing Crosby.
•She enjoys pop music, theatrical stage numbers and has a soft spot for blues and jazz.
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•She draws a lot of cartoon and comic art.
•She agrees with livening up a place with art, the brighter and bolder the better. Doesn't matter if it's a new apartment, a city centre or a back alley, art should cheer people up and make them think. As controversial as people find it she's into the political/social graffiti scene.
•She likes going to art galleries if there's an exhibition on that she likes. But she's more likely to attend studio tours to see animator's art.
•She thinks art therapy is a grand tool and likes the idea of throwing paint, like physically throwing it at the canvas. And then peppering it was flecks to make stars or surf or light etc
•Has sent her art into TV shows for kids before but didn't hear much back.
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•Kitty goes down to the roller rink down by the pier to either hang out by herself or with a buddy and is really good at it. She's been doing it since she was five and can now practically dance-skate to the rhythm.
•She also uses the other facilities like bowling, pool and those machines that eat your money.
•She often buys herself a nice shake and fast food to go with it (though not while skating.)
•She knows some of the staff and they know her but it's not always mutual respect. They're often underpaid male employees close to her age who like to whisper. Or just roll their eyes when you ask if a game is working. She despises their snarky comments and can make some back but at the end of the day she knows their managers are worse.
•She's good at those dance games, quick on her feet and does the stomp parts very well.
•Once played so much she lost track of time and used up all her coins so she couldn't get the bus home and ended up asking a random stranger for money for the pay phone so her Dad could pick her up.
•After that embarrassing moment, she started saving up for a bike. Her Dad bought her one anyway. She was elated and now rides places everywhere.
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weltenwellen · 3 years
I don't know what to say. I thought I had everything, I thought I had it easy. I realise now why people saying that made me so upset. They'd tell me "You don't know anything about real pain." or "You're too young to have real issues." Because all my physical needs were met. I had both my parents. I was so well off that I could have anything I asked for. I just had to sit there and smile and nod along because I just couldn't talk about what was going on. I wasn't allowed to complain. My family's image was more important than the fact that I had an emotionally abusive parent.
I went to therapy but I couldn't even talk about anything because I was worried somewhere somehow my family's image would be ruined.
Emotional abuse is really tricky to deal with, especially if your family over time cultivated this giant blanket of silence over everything that would take place, be it through threatening you, shaming you or just giving you the feeling that something is wrong with your family and / or you. You cannot point towards clear evidence of what hurts and if you're made to be silent throughout your childhood about the emotional abuse that took place, then it becomes even more difficult and it can feel impossible to talk about any of it (like you experienced in therapy). And how are you suppose to be able to when it sounds like you have not talked to anyone outside your family about it? Emotional wounds are hard to define even though or because the experienced pain that stems from them is a constant presence in everything you do and feel.
It sounds like your parent(s) did a really good job of cultivating this silence over the emotional abuse and the secrecy bread such shame in you. Secrecy breads such shame, especially if you as a child did not understand and could not put into words what was wrong but knew that something was really terribly wrong. In combination with your parents teaching you that your outside appearance is of far greater importance than your emotional and psychological well-being, I'd say you going to therapy is such a giant step and shows such courage and strength. Because from what you're writing, I'd say you're deeply struggling with toxic shame (that's just a shot in the dark so I could be wrong and I hope you're not hurt or offended if I am). But if I am on the right track here, have you read "Healing the Shame that Binds You" by John Bradshaw or maybe "Healing Your Emotional Self" by Beverly Engel or even read some stuff on emotionally immature parents? If you haven't already, maybe start there? That step to go to therapy is a really good step into the right direction and you should not be disappointed or angry with yourself that you weren't able to share anything but maybe it was too big of a step. Maybe something you could do is talk to a friend about some of your experiences. Of course don't pressure yourself to share anything you don't want to and don't overshare and create more internal turmoil and shame, but there are ways to share bits and pieces of your story with people you trust and feel comfortable with. Or find a way to artistically express yourself because it sounds like you're constant / repeatedly imploding due to the fact that you were taught not to share or display any emotions. And that resulted in this giant gap between you and everyone else and it makes it really hard to share things because you feel so alienated and strange compared to other people. But what you're feeling and what you're thinking, it's not crazy or strange or weird or shameful or whatever else you can think of. Whatever you're feeling, everyone else has felt or is feeling right now too. Whatever you're thinking, so so so many people have thought before. Your story is not shameful even if you were made to feel shame about it.
I am terribly sorry for what you have been through and I am glad you wrote me and were able to share all of that with me. Please hang in there. It does get better ❤️🦥
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