#if the count somehow ends up in mahiru's body things could get interesting
childrenofthesun77 · 3 months
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I wonder if the count is going to be jealous of mahiru if he returns in one way or another.
Mahiru achieved all the the count so desperately wanted. He became kuro's eve. He became friends with him. They understand and trust each other pretty much completely at this point. And all without mahiru having to sacrifice anyone like the count wants to do. Before the count came up with the plan to become one with kuro he simply wanted to be his eve. But kuro didn't want that so the count eventually arrived at more desperate measures. I guess if they talk mahiru will have much to teach/explain to him about relationships and death.
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years
OnS Theoires (12S). Eighth Theory - Three Michaelas that couldn’t become the real Michaela (Long Theory)
Hey guys, welcome to another theory season; I took a small break in order to organize some ideas but along the way, to relax a little. I hope everyone’s doing well!
Today, I want to talk about three characters that have something in common, therefore let’s begin!!
As you might have seen in the latest chapter, most of the characters that belong to the story are in a sole reunion point, said characters are: Mikaela Hyakuya, Crowley Eusford and Ferid Bathory.
Said characters have been labeled or referred as special. This is due to the fact they possess the Michaela trait, along the fact that Mika has both traits, the Michaela trait and Seraph trait.
This might seem repetitive but there’s something rather interesting with these three characters, but what?
To begin with, asides from possessing the Michaela trait, they’ve been chosen by a certain figure; in Ferid’s case, he was first chosen as a Michaela by Rigr Stafford but eventually he was discarted; next was Crowley Eusford, which is Ferid Bathory’s Michaela.
But then again, there’s something interesting with these characters, what could it be?
First of all, these three characters have become vampires, which means, the Michaela trait is pretty much inactive in that form, but still, they had the right to be Michaelas, but why?
They share unique traits other characters within the story don’t have, and for that, let’s describe what made these characters Michaelas
Ferid Bathory - The First Michaela
As of late, I’ve been talking a lot about this crazy vampire but well, he has gained my respect for how his plans end up working. But returning to the main focus within the theory, let’s talk about Ferid.
What exactly made him earn the title of Michaela?
So far, Ferid has displayed his eccentric nature in every moment he’s able to within the story, he’s often seen as a figure that wants to show the world he has the upper hand, an advantage and so far, he showed that to the Vampire Progenitors after he managed to move despite having his body sliced into pieces.
But before we can keep talking about his nature, let’s focus more on his past.
Despite him not having much information except on the actions he commited in the past, Ferid had a high resemblance to the angel sleeping in the coffin. Of course, said body is actually the real form of Sika Madu, but how can I state that?
To begin with, the body was kept, preserved and hidden until Ashera, Noya, Krul and Yu ended up peeking around the place to the point they eventually found said body; but within this, there was a hint about it being something that belonged to the First Progenitor, how is that possible?
Ashera stated they didn’t have the right to be in that place, which implies, only the First had the power to access, but within this, Noya was aware that they were failed products to become a Michaela.
Returning with Ferid, despite his resemblance, there was something he shared with the First Progenitor in a way, what may have that be?
Easy, Ferid and Sika Madu share intelligence, fast plannification and tactics. They’re always one step ahead of their respective adversaries. They give the advantage to them to the point they feel there’s hope and then, they end up bringing despair to said adversaries.
Ferid has always been a fast thinker, he has developed schemes even if he’s younger compared to other progenitors that have had more experience in life; he’s aware that he didn’t fulfill the expectations of his sire, which in return, he only expressed how wrong his sire was for ever having such idea.
You might wonder why I compare Ferid with the First, despite this being a theory, I believe that the First Progenitor was in reality the angel Michaela and eventually, some events happened to the point he required a new vessel or more likely a body on which his soul would be preserved.
Returning once again to Ferid, it is possible that Rigr saw that intelligence and cunning ideas Ferid had at a very young age along the fact his resemblance was quite similar to the angel, Rigr ended up having him as a Michaela.
But then, why did Ferid not fulfill the expectations?
Despite Ferid having talent and tactics, he lacked something which was empathy, gentleness, kindness, awareness, how can I state this?
Taking in count that Sika Madu, being the first, the progenitor of all vampires along the fact that his sin ended up making him get kicked from heaven, there was a possibility he could have had a kind side; which is somehow displayed in chapter 78, before the events on which his experiments were unraveled to Ashera.
Crowley Eusford - The Second Michaela
Crowley Eusford is well known for being a vampire that still has memories of his past, that still dwells on it and remembers his fallen comrades in arms thanks to Ferid Bathory.
Despite him barely knowing the 2nd Progenitor Rigr Stafford, Ferid became aware of his existance, Ferid even gave him the blood of Rigr so he could turn Crowley into a vampire. The reason behind this transformation is because Ferid saw potential on him, what do I mean?
Crowley was born with the Michaela trait, as to how exactly Ferid tracked down Crowley, it is somehow uncertain, but it’s possible Ferid did a deep research in order to track special humans with unique traits such as Crowley, now, with the previous point related to Ferid; you might wonder how exactly do Crowley and the angel Michaela relate when they share nothing in common in terms of physical appearence, therefore, let’s talk about it.
Crowley Eusford was a kind man for his era, he always worried about his family and comrades first instead of his well being. He treasured his comares deeply, he cared about them, and his faith back them was unshattered, he deeply believed in God.
Crowley possessed the trait of kindness within him, “love”, that emotion and feeling, a pure feeling that was within him towards his friends and those he swore to protect as a crusader.
Therefore, what can we conclude from this?
Crowley had virtues, such virtues are the main trait that belong to angels, but then again, why did Crowley end up as someone who didn’t end up as a complete Michaela?
Crowley lacked other elements that complemented a Michaela, despite him possessing virtues that Ferid saw in him which was something he lacked, the creation of a new Michaela ended up with a missing piece.
For Ferid, Crowley still has a role to play, as brothers from the same sire, as Michaelas, they’re aware they have the key elements to bring forth a new one, but at the same time, those traits alone by themselves aren’t enough.
Mikaela Hyakuya - The Third Michaela
As for the last person who was called a new Michaela, that character is no less than Mikaela Shindo/Hyakuya.
Mika was born with special traits, which is why his parents truthfully believed he could do amazing things despite the madness that they had after joining the Hyakuya Sect.
So far, I’ve seen that some state that Mika’s previous body was the one of the sleeping angel but humbly speaking, I don’t believe that’s the case, you might wonder the reason, but for that, let me ask you one question.
“Is it possible for a soul to have two bodies?”
My answer to that is no, but why?
First of all, if that were the case, Mika would be more of a character that would follow the rules or more likely, he’d aim to achieve what the First Progenitor aims to. And so far, it’s been clear that he opposes to such monster that turned and gave him the curse of eternal life along the other vampire progenitors.
Returning to the main topic, let’s talk about how Mika ended up as Rigr’s new Michaela.
To begin with, Mika has displayed in story  the traits Crowley has, such as kindness, gentleness, sweetness and most of all, the pure form of “Love”.
NOTE: Theories don’t include ships.
As we’ve seen, Mikaela told Yu he loved him; Yu literally meant the world to Mika since he was the last member of the Hyakuya Orphanage, thus, Mika was afraid that he could lose his last family member.
Within this, he told Yu he loved him, such a small phrase made a huge impact on Yu because the mentioned one didn’t think he’d ever be loved; he detested himself and thus he wanted to be worthy and useful to others, but within this, someone taught him that such thing is not the case, that he ended up having a loving family that cared for his wellbeing despite not knowing the truths lying around the world that is far from the squad.
Now, another trait that he shares with the other two, is the fact that he is smart, he thinks fast and knows how to take control of situations certain extend, which is something reflected in the LNs. When Mahiru was about to take one of the kids with her, Mika made sure to observe Mahiru within the shadows, but eventually, Mahiru ended up taking the kid anyways.
This only implies Mika was smart enough to planificate and make tactics against those who represented danger, but now, despite being the perfect Michaela for Rigr, there was something he lacked, what could that be?
Mika wasn’t merciless which is something seraphs have displayed, and angels such as the angel Michaela too.
Therefore, what can we conclude from this?
Despite having three main subjects with said trait, them alone can’t become the new Michaela Rigr’s been desperately seeking for centuries.
Personally speaking, I believe those traits alone are the proof of being special instead of transforming them into merciless beings. Within this, I highly believe said trait will keep playing its role, despite seeing Mika becoming a demon, perhaps said trait will give him something new; we can only speculate.
As for Ferid and Crowley, it’s likely they keep displaying that willpower, strength and uniquess they’ve been showing around the story.
What do you think? Which of them do you consider have reached closeness to become Michaela?
Let me know!!
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