#if the jacuzzi is broken its gonna drown the whole room and not just the bathroom or something
So im on holiday and we are in the fancy 5 star hotel in thailand and im not sure why they have 5 stars.
• we are with 5 people. they did not have rooms with 3 beds. so im sleeping on a stretcher.
• laundry has to be paid per piece and the list is weird. do you want to launder handkerchieves? scarves? short sleeved shirts, long sleeved shirts, or t-shirts? also laundry is weirdly expensive.
• there are both white and orange coloured lights and there is literally no order. why??
• the airco was broken and hanging from the ceiling. someone came to 'fix' it, after which it was no longer hanging from the ceiling but still made a hell of a lot of noise.
• it took a lot of trying to find the correct lightbuttons to get everything out at night.
• the card for the room you put in to get electricity? its periodically flashing light so i cant sleep. i pulled it out.
• the walls are thin enought that im not sure if that was my doorbell of the one from next door or from all the way down the hallway.
• we wanted to take the frontdoor out instead of the backdoor where we came in. the front door was not available. we took the back.
• we went to get something from the automat in the lobby. which did not work. someone opened it up, grabbed what we wanted and put the money in the automat.
• we decide to use the jacuzzi in the room. the buttons dont really seemed to work. the water seems to be draining. someone jokes "its probably getting wet in the lobby below us". i get out to get some more drinks. the water is leaking throught the raster. the whole floor is wet. the buttons still dont work. so the whirl-thingies dont want to go out, and they keep shouting water everywhere. there is also still water is the tub, so the floor is still gonna get even wetter. we get our stuff out of the way of the water.
• water is everywhere. it is in the hallway. there is now an army of woman dresses in stiff red dresses trying to mop up 30+ liter water. lucky the floor is made of stone, not wood.
• the staff told us this happens about once a year...
• we are now in a new room and trying to gather all our stuff from the drowned room to here and everything is everywhere.
• the new room already has issues.
• the door, who is meant to beep irritatingly when not properly closed, doesnt stop beeping when properly closed
• the stick to pull the drapes closed it not attached to the drapes.
• im still on a stretcher
• but!! the airco does its job properly!! its still noisy.
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